UPPCL JE Recruitment 2024: Current News on Registration, Exam Dates, and Job Opportunities

January 22, 2025

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited (UPPCL) conducts the Junior Engineer Exam, which is known as the UPPCL JE. This is a state-level exam, and it is conducted every year to recruit candidates for the post of Junior Engineer from all over Uttar Pradesh. Candidates who qualify for this exam will be recruited in the engineering department either as a Civil Engineer or an Electrical Engineer. A selected one can be posted at any location in Uttar Pradesh.

There are two stages in the UPPCL JE 2024 Recruitment Procedure. Those are as follows:

  • Written test.
  • Document verification.

The written test in the UPPCL JE 2024 Exam is an MCQ (multiple-choice question) based exam, and it is conducted online only. All the questions in this test will be objective-type questions. The authority releases an official notification every year for this recruitment procedure. This notification will mention a detailed syllabus for Civil Engineering and Electrical engineering aspirants. The exam pattern for the Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited (UPPCL) 2024 Exam will also be mentioned in this notification. Candidates who will qualify for this online test will be allowed to take the document verification procedure. After successfully verifying the documents, the eligible candidates will be posted in the respective department mentioned by the authority.

UPPCL JE 2024: Highlights

OrganizationUttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited (UPPCL)
Post NameJunior Engineer
Exam DateTentatively in November 2024
Application ModeOnline
Exam ModeOnline computer-based test (CBT)
Recruitment ProcessOnline Test, Document Verification
Education QualificationDiploma in Civil or Electrical Engineering
Age Limit18 to 40
Official Websitehttps://www.uppcl.org/uppcl

UPPCL JE Notification 2024

The Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited (UPPCL) has not released the official recruitment notification for the Junior Engineer (JE) posts. It is expected to be released soon. Candidates should follow the official website regularly to get timely updates about this exam. Candidates can check the previous year’s notification for reference.


UPPCL JE Exam Date 2024

Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited is yet to release the exam date for JE Exam on their official website. The candidates can check the official exam dates from the table below:

Important EventsDates
UPPCL JE 2024 NotificationTo be declared soon
Registration StartsTo be declared soon
Registration EndsTo be declared soon
UPPCL JE 2024 Exam DateTo be declared soon
UPPCL JE 2024 ResultsTo be declared later
UPPCL JE 2024 Score CardTo be declared later
UPPCL JE 2024 Cut-offTo be declared later

UPPCL JE Eligibility Criteria

Aspirants who want to apply for the UPPCL JE 2024 Examination must be eligible per the criteria mentioned by Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited (UPPCL). The UPPCL will release a detailed notification mentioning all the required eligibility criteria. Aspirants who do not have the essential qualification their application will be rejected. Candidates need to check all of them and ensure they are eligible for a particular post. The details of the eligibility criteria set by the Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited (UPPCL) are given below:

Age Limit

All the aspirants who want to apply for the recruitment procedure of the UPPCL JE 2024 Exam must be between 18 to 40 years of age as of January 01, 2024. Candidates not within this age limit are not eligible to take this exam. The age limit for the Civil Engineering and Electrical Engineering of the UPPCL JE 2024 Exam is the same.

For the Candidates in the reserved categories, age relaxation will be allowed for them as per the official notification for this exam. The detailed age relaxation allowed to the candidates from different reserved categories is mentioned in the table below:

CategoryAge relaxation
SC, ST, & OBC (NCL) of Uttar Pradesh Domicile5 Years
Ex-Servicemen in Armed forces for a minimum of 5 years15 Years
Physically Handicapped15 Years
Apprenticeship training under Apprenticeship Act, 196124 Months

Educational Qualification

For Electrical Engineer (JE) Posts

  • Candidates must have completed a three-year diploma in Electrical Engineering from Pravidhik Shiksha Parishad, Uttar Pradesh, or an equivalent degree/certificate recognized by the Uttar Pradesh government.
  • Candidates who have passed the All India Diploma examination in Electrical Engineering conducted by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) are also eligible for UPPCL JE – Electrical Post.
  • It should be noted that applications for UPPCL JE will not be considered if the applicant holds a Distance Learning Diploma degree or certificate.

For Civil Engineer (JE) Posts

  • The candidate must have completed a three-year diploma in Civil Engineering from the UPPSP (Uttar Pradesh Pravidhik Shiksha Parishad) or any other equivalent degree/certificate recognized by the Uttar Pradesh government.
  • The students who have passed the All India Diploma exam in the Civil branch conducted by AICTE (All India Council for Technical Education) are also eligible to apply.
  • The applications for UPPCL JE will not be considered if the applicant holds a Distance Learning Diploma degree or certificate.

Other Essential Requirements for UPPCL JE Exam

Apart from the educational qualifications and age criteria, some of the essential qualifications for the UPPCL JE exam for both the Civil and Electrical branches are as follows:

  • The candidate must have a good knowledge of Hindi (Devnagri Script).
  • Suppose the candidate has not passed High School in Hindi. In that case, he/she needs to compulsorily clear the exam which is conducted by the Registrar, Department Examination Government of Uttar Pradesh within 3 years of joining.

Nationality/ Citizenship

A candidate must be an Indian Citizen to take part in this exam. Candidates who are not Indian Citizens will not be allowed to participate in this exam.

UPPCL JE 2024 Application Form

Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited (UPPCL) will release the online application form for the Junior Engineer Exam later this year. The online application form will be available only on the official website of the UPPCL. There are no other provisions to submit this application form.

Application fees

Candidates have to pay the application fee at the time of submitting the online application form. Without paying the application fees, no application form will be accepted. Application fees for every candidate are not the same. They have to pay it as per the mentioned application fee on the official notification.

The category-wise application fee for the UPPCL JE 2024 recruitment exam is mentioned in the table below.

CategoryApplication Fee(INR)
General/ EWS/ OBC/ DFF/ Ex-ServicemenRs. 1000
SC/ ST (Domicile of UP)Rs. 700
PWDRs. 100
Candidates from other statesRs. 1000

Candidates can pay the UPPCL JE 2024 application fees online with the help of a Debit Card, a Credit Card, SBI Net Banking, E-Challan, etc.

Application Steps

Candidates need to fill out the UPPCL JE 2024 application form properly. A small mistake while filling up the application form will lead to rejection. Here are the step-by-step details regarding the filling up of the application form for this recruitment process mentioned below.

  • First, the candidates need to accept the terms and conditions by clicking the “I agree” button and pressing the “Start” button.
  • After that, the candidates need to sign-up by entering their name, mother’s name, DOB, mobile number, and email ID.
  • Then, after completion, candidates will receive a user ID & password on their registered email ID & mobile number.
  • Then, the candidates need to go to the official website of the UPPCL again.
  • Here, they can go to the application tab and log in with their credentials which  are sent to their registered email id or mobile number.
  • Now the candidates can start filling out the form by selecting their category, personal details, and qualification details.
  • The next step all the candidates need to do is to upload a scanned copy of their photo and signature.
  • Once the candidates fill out the entire form, they must cross-check it to avoid errors.
  • After submitting the application form, the candidates must pay the application fees online. They can pay the application fee via Debit card, Credit card, or Internet Banking through SBI MOPS and SBI Challan.

Documents required for filling out the application form:

Before candidates start filling up applications online mode, they should have the following details/documents with them:

  • Valid email ID & Mobile Number.
  • A Scanned copy of the recent passport-size color photo (not older than 3 months). Candidates should ensure that they use the same photo throughout the recruitment process.
  • Scanned signature.


  • The application process for the UPPCL JE Exam is entirely online. Therefore, no offline submission of the application form is necessary.
  • Candidates should have a valid personal e-mail ID & Mobile No. And must ensure that it is active during the entire recruitment process. All the essential communications, such as Application sequence number, User ID, and Password, will be sent on the same registered e-mail ID & mobile No.
  • Candidates should fill out the application form with utmost care. All the details should be correct and valid. As once you submit the form, you cannot edit it.
  • The application fee is non-refundable and non-transferable.
  • Candidates must fill their category correctly as they won’t be able to change it once submitted.

UPPCL JE Admit Card 2024

Admit card is an essential document for any exam. No one will be allowed to enter the examination hall and take the exam without the admit card. Candidates must verify all the details while submitting the online application form. Any mistake in the application form will lead to errors in the admit card. Any error in the admit card will not be changed and it may cause trouble.

The UPPCL will release the admit card around one week before the JE Exam of 2024 on the official website. Candidates can download their admit cards from the official website of UPPCL. All the JE exam details will be on their admit card. The date for UPPCL JE 2024 recruitment exam will be announced later. It will be a computer-based test (CBT) and will be conducted online.

How to Download UPPCL JE Admit Card 2024?

The UPPCL JE 2024 admit card will be available around a week or two before the online CBT test. Candidates will be able to download their admit cards by following the steps mentioned below.

  1. First, candidates need to visit the official website of the UPPCL.
  2. After that, the home page will open n the computer screen.
  3. Here, candidates need to click on the ‘notification tab’ from the home screen.
  4. Now, the candidates have to find the “Download Admit Card” option here.
  5. After that, the candidates can log into their exam portal with their provisional id and password.
  6. Now, the candidates need to fill up the mandatory details and submit them.
  7. Here, candidates will be able to see their admit card for the UPPCL JE 2024 Exam.
  8. Finally, the candidates can download and print the admit card for this online CBT exam.
  9. At last, candidates need to check the details carefully and make sure all the details mentioned on it are true.

Documents to carry along with the admit card

All the candidates must carry some important documents with them in the examination hall. Here are all the essential documents mentioned below.

  • UPPCL JE 2024 Admit Card
  • A photo ID issued by the Government (Aadhar Card/PAN card/ Driving License/ Passport)
  • Caste Certificate (if asked)
  • One recent passport-size photograph
  • Address proof (if asked)
  • Face Mask
  • Gloves
  • A small bottle of hand sanitizer

Admit Card Details

All the candidates need to cross-check their information while submitting their online application form. This is a must as this information will be mentioned on the admit card. Therefore, to avoid any errors, check the details on the UPPCL JE 2024 Admit Card. Those are mentioned as follows:

  • Name of the Candidate
  • Parents Name
  • Name of the Exam
  • Post applied for
  • Photograph of the Candidate
  • Gender
  • Date & Time of Examination
  • Roll Number
  • Category (UR/ BC/ SC & Other)
  • Exam Center & its Postal Address
  • Duration of the Exam
  • Date of Birth
  • Essential Instructions for the UPPCL JE exam

UPPCL JE Exam Centres

Candidates are required to choose multiple exam centres of their convenience at the time of filling out the UPPCL JE application form. The exam centre allotted for a particular candidate will not be changed under any circumstances. The UPPCL JE exam will be conducted in 8 cities in Uttar Pradesh. Those exam centres are mentioned in the table below.

BareillyNoida/ Greater Noida
Work from Home, on your Own Schedule

UPPCL JE Recruitment Exam Pattern

Candidates must familiarize themselves with the exam pattern of JE conducted by UPPCL every year. Candidates can prepare better if they know the exam pattern well. As a result, they will be able to crack the exam on their first attempt. UPPCL decides the exam pattern for the post of electrical engineer and civil engineer as well.

UPPCL JE 2024 Exam Pattern

All the aspirants planning to take this UPPCL JE 2024 Exam must be well-versed in the exam pattern. It will help them to score better marks in the online CBT exam; the chances of cracking this recruitment exam will also be increased. All the details regarding the exam pattern for this recruitment exam are mentioned in the table below:

Mode of ExaminationOne mark will be awarded for each correct answer. 0.25 mark will be deducted for each incorrect answer.
Exam DurationComputer-Based Test (Online)
Number of Questions200 Questions
Total Marks200 Marks
Type of questionsMultiple Choice Question (MCQ)
Marking Scheme1 mark will be awarded for each correct answer. 0.25 mark will be deducted for each incorrect answer.

A large number of questions will come from the engineering part and the rest of the questions will come from the other three sections mentioned in the official notification. Here are the section-wise number division mentioned in the table below.

Section 1Civil or Electrical Engineering (Diploma level)150150
Section 2General Knowledge & Awareness2020
Section 3General Reasoning2020
Section 4General Hindi1010
Total Marks 200200

All the details regarding the number of question, and marking scheme is given below:

Mode of ExaminationComputer Based Test (Online)
Exam Duration3 Hours
Number of Questions200 Questions
Total Marks200 Marks
Type of questionsMultiple Choice Question (MCQ)
Marking Scheme●  +1 Mark for each correct answer
●  0.25 mark deduction for each incorrect answer  

The majority of the questions will be from the engineering section. Thus, the candidate must prepare engineering-related topics well to score well.

Candidates can check the subject-wise number of questions from the table below:

Subject-Wise Number Of Questions

SubjectsTotal Questions
Diploma level Engineering150
General Knowledge20
General Hindi10

UPPCL JE 2024 Exam  Syllabus

All the aspirants who are eyeing the UPPCL JE 2024 Exam must be aware of the entire syllabus of this exam. They must be prepared strictly according to the syllabus. Official notification will be published on the official website of the UPPCL. In this official notification, the entire syllabus will be mentioned. The question paper for the UPPCL JE 2024 Exam will consist of questions from three different sections. Candidates applying for the Electrical posts have the Electrical Engineering syllabus for them. Whereas, candidates applying for the Civil posts have the Civil Engineering syllabus for them. Other questions will be from Reasoning, General Knowledge/ Awareness, General Hindi, etc.

Therefore, the candidate must check the entire UPPCL JE 2024 Exam syllabus and prepare accordingly. The candidates can check the detailed syllabus about this exam mentioned below.

UPPCL JE Electrical Engineering Syllabus

Candidates who are going to take the UPPCL Junior Engineer 2024 Exam for the Electrical posts, must prepare the entire Electrical Engineering syllabus carefully. Because most of the questions in the online CBT exam will be from the Electrical Engineering section. The detailed syllabus for Electrical Engineering is mentioned in the table below.

Basic Electrical EngineeringElectrical and Electronic Engineering Materials  Electrical Instruments and Measurements
Electrical Machine-I and IIPower plant EngineeringInstallation Maintenance & Repair of Electrical Machines
Electronics-IIndustrial Electronics and ControlBasic Electronics
Transmission and Distribution of Electrical PowersSwitchgear and ProtectionControl System & Process Application
Electrical design, Drawing & EstimatingUtilization of Electrical EnergyPrinciples of Digital Electronics

UPPCL JE Civil Engineering Syllabus

The aspirants who are eyeing to be recruited in the post of Civil Engineer will take the Civil Engineering paper for the UPPCL Junior Engineer 2024 Exam. These candidates must prepare the entire Civil Engineering syllabus carefully. In this particular paper, most of the questions in the online CBT exam will be from the Civil Engineering section. The detailed syllabus for Civil Engineering is mentioned in the table below.

Building MaterialsThe method of Steel StructuresHydraulic Machines & Hydro Power
A Design of Concrete & Masonry StructuresSolid MechanicsPipe Flow
HydrologyEnvironmental EngineeringSurveying
Water Resource EngineeringSolid Waste ManagementTransportation Engineering
Construction Practices, Planning & ManagementOpen Channel FlowFluid Mechanics

UPPCL JE General Knowledge Syllabus

General awareness is another part of this online CBT exam. In this section, the candidate’s general knowledge of the present and recent past are analyzed. Candidates need to be familiar with the information on topics such as Economics, History, and Indian Politics to get a chance to be promoted to the next stage. All the topics in this section are mentioned in the table below.

Geography of IndiaHistory of IndiaInternational News and Organizations
Indian Polity and EconomyNational NewsAwards & Honors
Everyday ScienceGeneral ScienceScience & Technology
Environmental SciencePhysicsEconomic Affairs
ChemistryBiologyDefense & Security
Books & AuthorsGames & Events 

UPPCL JE Reasoning Ability Syllabus

General Reasoning is the third section in the online CBT test for the UPPCL JE 2024 recruitment exam. In this section, a candidate’s logical and thinking abilities are checked. Here are the details regarding the topics included in the Reasoning part of the UPPCL JE 2024 syllabus.

AnalogyCoding and decodingVerbal and figure classification
Non-verbal seriesArithmetic reasoningArithmetical number series
Similarities and differencesSpatial visualization and OrientationRelationship concepts Analysis, judgment
Problem-solvingVisual memory 

UPPCL JE General Hindi Syllabus

Candidates have to prove their efficiency in the Hindi language in the UPPCL JE 2024 exam too. The fourth and final section in this online CBT exam is General Hindi. All the topics included in this syllabus are mentioned in the table below.

Spot the ErrorFill in the BlanksOne-word substitution
Synonyms, Homonyms, and AntonymsSpellings/DetectingSentences Improvement
Misspelled wordsIdioms & PhrasesActive/ Passive Voice
Shuffling of Sentence partsCloze and Comprehension PassageConversion into Direct/Indirect narration

UPPCL JE 2024 Result and Cutoffs

Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited (UPPCL) is yet to announce recruitment to the Electrical Engineer and Civil Engineer posts. The UPPCL will declare the result after the commencement of the exam in the form of a merit list. The list will contain the roll no. of all the qualifying candidates. All the candidates must appear for document verification after qualifying for the online CBT test.

UPPCL JE 2024 Results

The result for the UPPCL JE 2024 Exam will be available on the official website once it is declared by the authority. Candidates can follow the steps mentioned below to download their results:

  • First, candidates need to visit the official website of the UPPCL.
  • Here, candidates need to find the ‘Vacancy/Result’ section on the home page of the official website.
  • Now, the candidates must click the ‘UPPCL JE 2024 Result’ Link.
  • After that, the individual login page of the candidates will open on the screen.
  • Enter your user ID and password and click on the “Login” option.
  • Candidates will be able to see the individual result here.
  • Finally, the candidates can download their results and save them for their future reference.

UPPCL JE 2024 Cutoffs

The UPPCL prepares a list of cut-off marks after the written examination. This list is used to select candidates for the final round of recruitment, i.e., document verification. However, it will be released on UPPCL’s official website once the exam is conducted. All candidates who score above or equal to the marks on the merit list will be considered for document verification.

The expected cut-off for the UPPCL JE 2024 Exam is mentioned in the table below. All the candidates can check the expected cut-off for this year mentioned in the table below.

CategoryExpected cut-off for Civil PostsExpected cut-off for Electrical Posts
General130 – 135150 – 155
EWS125 – 130145 – 149
OBC (NCL)120 – 125142 – 145
SC110 – 120135 – 140
ST104 – 110120 – 125
EXSM95 – 100110 – 120

UPPCL JE Vacancy 2024

Post NameVacanciesDetails
Junior Engineer (Technician)677For candidates with a diploma in Electrical Engineering
Junior Engineer (Diploma)258For candidates with a diploma in Civil Engineering
Total Vacancies935

The official notification with detailed information is to be released in February or March 2024. For more updates, you can visit the official UPPCL website at uppcl.org.


The salary structure of the Junior Engineer posts through the UPPCL JE 2024 Exam will depend on the position and the location where the selected candidates will be posted. The entry-level salary of a Junior Engineer in the UPPCL is Rs. 44900 per month. Although the monthly salary of the Junior Engineer has several parts, such as Basic Pay, Dearness Allowance (DA), House Rent Allowance (HRA), etc.

However, candidates can get an idea about the monthly salary structure from the table mentioned below.

Pay scaleLevel 7
Basic PayRs. 44900
Gross salaryRs. 56000
Deductions (tax on basic pay)Rs. 6000 (approx.)
In-hand salary of Junior Engineer (approx.)Rs. 50000

Check Out Other Exams :

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KCCPL Exam Dates, Fees, Eligibility & Notification

PSPCL Exam Dates, Fees, Eligibility & Notification

NPCIL Exam Dates, Fees, Eligibility & Notification

UPPCL JE 2024 Preparation Tips

Here are two examples for each of the suggested preparation materials, time management strategies, and mock test practices for the UPPCL JE exam:

Suggested Study Materials

  1. Textbooks:
    • Engineering Mathematics by B.S. Grewal: This textbook covers essential mathematical concepts required for engineering and is widely used by students preparing for engineering exams.
    • Electrical Engineering: Principles and Applications by Allan R. Hambley: A comprehensive guide that covers fundamental electrical engineering principles, useful for UPPCL JE candidates.
  2. Online Courses:
    • Khan Academy: Offers free courses on various engineering topics, including electrical and civil engineering fundamentals. It’s a great resource for visual learning and practice.
    • Coursera: Provides courses like “Introduction to Electrical Engineering” by institutions like the University of Colorado Boulder, which can enhance understanding of key concepts.

Importance of Time Management

  1. Create a Study Schedule:
    • Use a planner to set aside specific hours each day for studying different subjects. For example, allocate Monday evenings for Electrical Engineering and Wednesday afternoons for Civil Engineering.
    • Establish a weekly routine where you focus on revision for one hour before bed each night.
  2. Avoid Procrastination:
    • Set a timer for 25 minutes of focused study followed by a 5-minute break (the Pomodoro Technique) to help maintain concentration and reduce distractions.
    • Create a checklist of daily goals and tick them off as you complete them to stay motivated and accountable.

Practice Through Mock Tests

  1. Familiarize with the Exam Format:
    • Use resources like Testbook or Gradeup, which provide mock tests specifically designed for UPPCL JE, helping you get accustomed to the question patterns.
    • Access previous years’ question papers available online to understand the structure and types of questions typically asked in the exam.
  2. Identify Weak Areas:
    • After taking a mock test, analyze your performance to find out which topics need more attention, such as revising more on electrical circuit concepts if you struggled with that section.
    • Use online platforms like Unacademy, which often provide feedback on your performance and areas for improvement based on mock test results.

These resources and strategies can significantly enhance your preparation for the UPPCL JE exam.

UPPCL JE 2024 Career Opportunities

Career Advancement Opportunities

  1. Assistant Engineer (AE):
  • Common promotion for Junior Engineers after a few years.
  • Involves more complex engineering tasks and supervisory roles.

2. Executive Engineer:

    • Manages multiple projects and teams.
    • Ensures efficient execution of engineering tasks.

    3. Superintendent Engineer:

      • Higher managerial position responsible for large-scale projects.
      • Ensures compliance with industry standards and regulations.

      4. Chief Engineer:

        • One of the top engineering roles.
        • Focuses on strategic planning and overall supervision of engineering activities.

        5. Project Management:

          • Overseeing engineering projects from initiation to completion.
          • Involves resource allocation, budgeting, and team coordination.

          6. Quality Assurance:

            • Ensuring projects meet quality standards.
            • Involves testing and evaluation of engineering processes.

            7. Technical Consultancy:

              • Providing expert advice on engineering projects.
              • Can involve working with external clients or internal teams.

              Frequently Asked Question (FAQ’s)

              What is the age requirement for the aspirants to be eligible for the UPPCL JE 2024 Exam?

              To apply for the UPPCL JE 2024 Exam, a candidate must be 18 or older as of 01 January 2024. However, the age of the candidates must not exceed 40. Therefore, candidates between the ages of 18 and 40 are eligible to apply for this exam.

              What is the division of the marks for each section as per the official notification?

              The total mark for the UPPCL JE 2024 online CBT exam is 200. The engineering question paper (Electrical or Civil) will have 150 diploma engineering-level questions with 150 marks. The General Awareness or General Knowledge section will have 20 questions carrying 20 marks. The General Reasoning part will have 20 questions consisting of 20 marks. Last, the Hindi proficiency part will carry a total of 10 questions carrying a total of 10 marks.

              What is the application date for UPPCL JE 2024 recruitment procedure?

              The application date for the UPPCL JE 2024 recruitment procedure has not been released by the UPPCL yet. It is expected to be released in the second half of 2024 with an official notification.

              What is the examination fee for the UPPCL JE 2024 exam?

              The examination fees for the UPPCL JE 2024 exam are not the same for all candidates. The category-wise application fees will be mentioned in the official notification. The application fees for the General/ OBC/ EWS candidates are Rs. 1,000. The application fees for the SC/ST and UP Domicile candidates are Rs. 700. Candidates who are from other states need to pay Rs. 1000 as application fees.

              How does UPPCL calculate the Cut-off marks for the JE exam?

              The UPPCL determines the cut-off marks mainly using these three factors mentioned below.
              1.) The number of candidates appearing for the exam.
              2.) Total number of vacancies.
              3.) The difficulty level of the exam.

              Are candidates from states other than UP eligible to take the UPPCL JE 2024 recruitment exam?

              Yes, candidates who are outside of the UP state are eligible to take the UPPCL JE 2024 Exam. However, all the candidates have to go through the ‘Hindi Proficiency Test’ in the online CBT exam.