Voice of Experts

Vinita Bansal

Vinita Bansal

Voice of an EA

Chegg Top Performers

Top Performer


How are you and how excited are you to be here with us?

Hi. I’m fine and excited. Thank you for inviting me for this interview.

Tell us how and when you joined Chegg.

I joined Chegg in March 2020. It’s been almost four years, and I’m still working with Chegg. I applied before the pandemic started. However, after being selected, things got worse, necessitating the lockdown.

The lockdown was challenging for most of us. Do you think Chegg helped you through lockdown in any way?

Yes, without a doubt! We all know that conditions during the lockdown were not favorable. Although we have since recovered, Chegg was undoubtedly a beacon of hope for me during those trying days.

How did you get to know about Chegg?

Following my graduation from Calcutta University, a close friend informed me of Chegg and recommended that I apply. I then searched on Google and YouTube to learn more about the company. I was convinced that it was a reliable and authentic platform.

Tell us something about your educational background, your interest, and your subject matter expertise.

I always had the desire to become a teacher. My career goal was to work in an environment where I could support education. This is the reason I applied to Calcutta University for a Master’s program in Pure Mathematics. I also finished my Bachelor of Education. I presently work as a private school teacher. Besides that, I’m also working for Chegg.

You’ve been working with Chegg for 4 years now. How Chegg has impacted your personal and professional life?

Chegg offers us the freedom to work from home at our desired pace and space. Both my work with Chegg and my career as a teacher can go on. This luxury has allowed me to work with Chegg for the last four years. This flexibility also allowed me to maintain a work-life balance and engage in some hobbies.

What do you do in your free time? Or when you’re not solving questions?

I invest productive time learning new arithmetic concepts. I still have books on my shelves that I need to read. I still have books on my shelves to study. If there are no questions on the Q&A board, I turn to my books to learn about new topics.

Do you remember the first thing you bought from your Chegg savings?

Yes, indeed! With my initial earnings, I purchased a laptop. It was useful after Chegg 2.0. I used to solve queries using pen and paper. But following the 2.0 update, I now send typed responses from my laptop.

How many questions do you solve in a day?

I generally solve questions in the early morning. So, I answer at least four or five questions a day. However, during the peak time of the year, I answer at least twenty or even more. I know Chegg has severe policies about plagiarism. I usually type my sentences and put them in my own words to avoid plagiarism.

Do you have a strategy of how to solve your questions that you would like to share perhaps with our other experts?

There’s no specific strategy, but I usually attempt to find the simplest answers to problems. My solutions are, therefore, easily understood by the students as I use simple language.

Your subject is advanced mathematics. A lot of people today have a fear of mathematics. And you have done a master’s in pure mathematics. So, what would you say to them?

First and foremost, there’s no need to be afraid of mathematics. I think anyone can like any subject if they approach it with more love. If we comprehend the beauty in Mathematics, we will succeed.

How do you feel about the impact that you’re making?

I’m feeling great. You see, I’ve always wanted to be in the field of education, specifically mathematics. I am, therefore, incredibly thrilled when I answer any question using my own words and abilities and receive positive feedback from the students. I try to go the extra mile to offer excellent answers to enhance the student’s ability.

You told me one of your friends introduced you to Chegg. But would you do the same to your other friends?

Yes! Only last year, I introduced Chegg to three of my friends. All of them are working with Chegg. They’re also in the mathematics field. 

It’s time to tell us your best Chegg moment!

It was last December, in 2023. I solved more than 200 questions with a 1.5x speed. I earned more than 50k that month. This is why I say Chegg is a very genuine platform, which is centred around teaching and learning.

Please tell us something about yourself and your education.

Well! I am Md. Roushan Ali. (Smiles). I hail from the historic city of Muzaffarpur, Bihar. I completed my schooling in my hometown. I then pursued B. Tech from Vivekananda College. Due to my health issue, I could not move out of my hometown. I did write my examinations but could not score the required marks. Till my tenth, I studied in my hometown, but then moved to Patna for my intermediate, and prepared for JEE Mains from Patna. It was my dream to study at IIT, but due to health issues, I could not fulfil my dream. Initially, I had planned to get admission to IIT, but I could not prepare for GATE. I could only clear my academics.

How did your journey begin with Chegg? What propelled you to join Chegg?

There was a WhatsApp group while I was pursuing B.Tech. All Mechanical Engineering students were added to the group. The college shared the link to the test. I applied through the link, and here I am (Chuckles). The onboarding process at Chegg was very smooth. I wrote a test that consisted of 10 multiple-choice questions, and then I wrote a guidelines test, in which I qualified. I waited for 20 days and then received an email that I was selected as a Q&A expert.  My joy knew no bounds. (Smiles beamingly)

Could you share some brief information about your family, please?

My father used to work for a private company which, unfortunately, closed, and the family faced financial difficulties. Currently, my father works as a farmer. My mother is a homemaker.

I have two brothers. My older brother, who is just two years older than me, has been in Saudi Arabia for the past 10 years. He takes on the lion’s share of responsibilities and takes care of all the household expenses. He also supported me with my studies. He works as a plumbing chargeman in Riyadh and stays in Saudi Arabia. He makes it a point to come home once a year and spend quality time with the family.

I have an inherent passion for teaching, and I am not keen on moving out. Right from my schooling, I used to teach. My friend runs a coaching centre, and I always would go and teach there.  I do not face any issues on the family front. They have always given me the space and the freedom to choose whatever path I wish to pursue. My brother is a huge support system for me. Thankfully, I have never felt pressurized.

My younger brother has completed his 12th and wants to join pharmacy.

How has Chegg helped in your personal and professional life?

Chegg has helped me in two ways. It has made me financially independent, and secondly, it has played a major role in enhancing my knowledge.

How has Chegg helped in improving your overall growth?

Definitely! I owe a lot of my personal development to Chegg. It has given me much-needed financial independence, and it also gives me a lot of opportunities to prepare academically.           

Initially when I joined Chegg, I had two or three classmates who also worked with me, but they found the questions a tad too tough, and they left. Now, whenever I meet them, I talk about Chegg and tell them about the role. I spent 5 to 6 hours on Chegg QnA board, on an average. Even during weekends, I work on the Chegg Q&A. Whenever there is any free time, it is only Chegg for me.

What have you earned from Chegg, and how do you utilize it?

The highest I have earned from Chegg was ₹50,000. I support my family with the money I earn from Chegg. I spend money buying books written by foreign authors. I buy books related to my subject. The books cost two to twelve thousand INR, but I still prefer to buy them. I like enhancing my knowledge. Though I can rent books, I prefer to buy them as I want them to be a permanent treasure. These books are storehouses of knowledge.

What is the most fascinating part of working with Chegg?      

The most fascinating part of working with Chegg, according to me, is the fact that I am not restricted by time or place. I can work with his own free will, anywhere, any time.  When the question volume is high, I wake up at 4:00 am and start working. Now, the volume has increased, but at times it is low. After October, the question volume has soared. The question volume was high, during October, November, and December. I am happy working for Chegg and will continue to do so. I have taught children in school, and now I intend to join coaching of +2 kids.

How are you enjoying your journey here?

My journey with Chegg is beautiful indeed. It is because of Chegg that I am still studying my core subjects – Crude Mechanics, Heat Transfer and Thermodynamics.  I solve questions related to these major subjects. Collectively, the subjects can be called Thermal Science. I am proud to state that now I have gained expertise in these three domains, thanks to Chegg. (He smiles triumphantly). Now, I face no fear and am thankful to Chegg for making me a pro.

Could you tell us about your hobbies?

As a kid, I enjoyed playing hockey.  I love visiting historical places and playing cricket. My recent visit was to a historical place, Rajbeer, and I enjoyed it.

On average, how many questions can you solve per day?

It varies. Some days, it is five, some days, ten. If the question volume is low, then on an average, I solve around four questions and on days when the volume is high, I solve seven questions. I have solved a maximum of 190 per month. I try to solve five to seven questions per day, but it all depends on the volume of questions.

I attempt to solve maximum questions from subjects like Thermal Science – Fluid Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer etc., At times, the questions are very lengthy. I only attempt questions which I am confident to solve. I learnt the basic tools and had a good understanding of MS Word, Math type etc.,

Do you have any specific strategy that you follow? How do you help students?

I use formulas, try to explain all the critical areas that might confuse the students, and write down all the solutions. I ensure I break down the solution into steps and keep the language as simple as possible. I explain all the confusing theoretical points in the equation box.

I check all my solutions, the calculations, the words, etc., a minimum of two times before submitting, I also check for spelling errors, typos, and grammatical overlooks. I repeat the calculations to ensure the solution is error-free.

How did Chegg contribute during the lockdown period?

I was a student during the pandemic. It was during my initial days of tryst with Chegg, and I could not answer many questions. Yet, I was happy that I could earn my pocket money from Chegg. Since the year 2023, Chegg has been instrumental in my financial journey, and in all walks of my life.

Can you cite a challenging moment you’ve faced?

At times, I complete the solution, but am unnerved to find that towards the end, the solution has an error, and so I cannot submit it. This is exasperating at times, owing to the time I had spent on it. But I am very careful. If I find discrepancies, I do not submit the solution but skip it. These are moments when I lose hope, but I bounce back again.

Chegg is now expanding in international markets. How do you feel now as Chegg gives you a platform to support students from multiple countries across the globe?

We help students across the world, a few from the Middle East, a few from the US, and even from China, Korea, etc., Thus, I feel Chegg is doing a great job. It gives me immense happiness and satisfaction that I am a part of this noble cause.

Have you introduced anyone to Chegg:

Recently, during my visit to Muzaffarpur, I met engineering students and educated them about the “earn while you learn” prospects at Chegg. All it requires is a command of the subject and a dedicated mindset. The best part is Chegg pays on time. Subject knowledge is a must to get a job either as an external answerer or subject matter expert, as without having the requisite subject knowledge, none can solve Chegg questions.

If given a chance to become a full-time employee, would you like to join Chegg?

I would be very happy to join Chegg as a full-time employee. I don’t mind relocating to any of the places Chegg is in. I could not attend the EA meet, but I have attended the online meets, and the experience was very good. During the EA meet in Chegg Delhi, I got a call from Delhi to find if I was interested in joining the meeting. But owing to certain issues, I could not join.

Seeing your love for Chegg, it is time to share your best Chegg Moment!

When I solved the questions on Chegg and got an appreciation mail from the student stating “All the answers are correct. Thank you!” It was the happiest moment when a student from a foreign country appreciated me. I was elated. (Beams joyfully)

I feel Chegg has become better in every aspect – be it the solutions, the pay, and the outreach. In fact, the better the solutions, the better the pay. The rate per question which was 158 per question has increased almost two-fold to base rate 168 and the new scheme of multiplier is added, wherein the rate depends on the solution as per Chegg rating and Student Rating. If both the ratings are high, then a price-multiplier is used and based on the calculation, they are paid.

I just remember the number of solutions, but all the other details are uploaded on the Expert dashboard, and the payment is perfectly calculated without any inputs from me. The payment is credited to my account before the18th of every month, but the past few months, the cutoff date has been 16th of every month.

I would love to join an EA meet if I could get the slightest opportunity.

I have a cheerful disposition akin to my name, he says with a beaming smile and in a bold voice.

Describe Chegg in one sentence…

Chegg is a very good platform for students, as well as for external answerers.

Employees earn while they learn. It is a good platform for knowledge enhancement, and this is my shout out to all the students out there to embark on a journey with Chegg.

I look forward to working with Chegg as a full-timer.

Could you please introduce yourself and share a bit about your educational background?

I completed my graduation from Shivaji College and my master’s in finance from Delhi University. Additionally, I have cleared the UGC NET exam.

How did you first hear about Chegg, and what made you decide to join?

I learned about Chegg from a friend. With my master’s in finance, I was looking for an opportunity in the education sector that would allow me to learn and grow. Chegg seemed like a perfect fit. Initially, I faced challenges because I wasn’t used to dealing with students from other countries, but with time and experience, I overcame these difficulties.

Can you tell us more about your educational journey and personal life?

I come from a joint family. My brother is a chartered accountant, and my father runs a clothing shop. I did my schooling in Sonipat and excelled academically. After high school, I decided to pursue my graduation at Shivaji College, Delhi University, for better quality education, even though it meant travelling over 120 kilometres daily. Later, I prepared for the entrance exam and secured a place at Delhi University (North Campus) for my Master’s in M. Com.

What challenges did you face after completing your Master’s, and how did you transition to Chegg?

After completing my Master’s, the pandemic posed significant challenges. My initial job at a company ended after a 4-month contract. A friend then recommended Chegg, highlighting its flexibility, good pay rate, and the ability to work from home.

How has your experience been with Chegg in terms of learning and growth?

Initially, I focused on learning and accuracy rather than answering a high volume of questions. Over time, I gained confidence and increased my speed by focusing on familiar concepts first and gradually learning new ones.

What benefits have you found working with Chegg?

I appreciate the flexibility, convenience, and earning potential that Chegg offers. The ability to work on my schedule and earn extra income is very motivating. I started with a small volume of questions and gradually increased my income to a maximum of ₹45,000 per month.

What are your future aspirations with Chegg?

I am interested in a role as a Senior Quality Analyst at Chegg if the opportunity arises.

Can you share your strategies for effectively answering student questions?

My strategy involves starting with familiar concepts and gradually learning new ones. I focus on accuracy and providing clear explanations. I utilize resources like notes, Google searches, and consultations with colleagues to understand unfamiliar concepts. Implementing the learned knowledge by answering relevant questions and building confidence through positive student ratings is crucial.

Are there certain types of questions that frequently appear on the platform?

Yes, questions related to time value of money, capital budgeting, and financial statement analysis are quite common.

Is there anything else you would like to share about your experience with Chegg?

Reaching 10,000 answered questions is a goal I aspire to, though I have surpassed 4,000. Chegg offers the unique benefit of enjoyment without pressure, with flexibility to adjust workload as needed. Consistency is key to success on the platform. Chegg’s income potential has allowed me to save and build financial security. I recommend Chegg to others for its earning potential and learning opportunities. Interaction with a diverse group of experts, including chartered accountants and CFA professionals, enhances my knowledge and problem-solving abilities. Even negative student ratings are opportunities to learn and improve. Consistency remains crucial for success.

How do you encourage others to use Chegg?

I recommended Chegg to my cousin who was preparing for the CFA exam. While he didn’t need the extra income, I highlighted Chegg’s value for learning and growth, not just financial gain.

How do you find the diversity of perspectives on Chegg?

The platform exposes me to a wider range of knowledge and problem-solving approaches used by experts from various backgrounds, significantly different from the educational systems in India. By interacting with experienced financial professionals, I gain valuable insights and expand my knowledge base.

Do you see Chegg as more than just a source of income?

Absolutely. Chegg fosters a collaborative learning environment where experts share knowledge and improve their skills. Negative feedback is seen as a chance to learn and grow.

1. How did your journey begin with Chegg? What propelled you to join Chegg?

I started my journey as an Expert Answerer in January 2020. I belong to the city of Roorkee in Uttarakhand. In my city, we have limited job opportunities. Moreover, I don’t have a financially stable background. So, while looking for teaching opportunities, I came across Chegg through some of my friends. 

I found the company trustworthy and credible, and the company has also given me an opportunity to help students across the globe. Teaching provides gratification, and Chegg has motivated me to work in that direction. Moreover, I have always received the payment on time without fail.

2. Tell us something about your education.

I did my Bachelor of Science from DAV PG College, Roorkee. Further, I did a master’s in sciences in Mathematics from NIT Jalandhar. Ever since then, I have been working for Chegg and solving questions on the Q&A board.

3. How has Chegg helped you in your overall growth?

Chegg has played a tremendous role in my growth, especially during the COVID days in 2020. When most people in India were losing jobs, I was lucky to have been associated with Chegg. I used the money that I earned through Chegg to support my parents financially. We have been able to renovate our house using that money. Chegg has also boosted my learning through the questions that I have answered on Chegg Study. It not only acts as a refresher but also helps in concept clearing.  

4. Tell us about your strategy while solving questions.

The only strategy that I adopt while solving questions is to focus on quality. My aim is to do questions accurately and find the correct answer rather than doing more questions with compromised quality. I believe that if I can deliver quality in my solutions, I would automatically be able to scale this up and increase the number of questions that I solve.

5. What else do you enjoy doing, apart from solving on the Chegg Q&A board?

Well talking about the things that I love. I love traveling to new places. Recently, I went on a trip to Dehradun and Rishikesh with my family. The things that I loved the most about these places are the scenic view and fresh air.  I also love to teach underprivileged children. Apart from all this, I also love playing games like cricket and football.

6. How much time do you spend answering questions on the Chegg Q&A board? Do you set targets for solving a particular number of questions in a day?

While solving questions quality is my top concern. For me, quality takes precedence over quantity. I tend to solve only those questions that I am completely confident and on which I have complete knowledge. I would prefer solving fewer questions with top-notch quality than solving more questions and compromising on the quality front. I normally spend 4 to 5 hours and majorly focus on delivering a solution that will help a student.

7. Have you ever introduced anyone to Chegg?

I have introduced Chegg to my college friends. Most of them, close to 15 friends, are also part of Chegg and enjoy solving questions on the Chegg Q&A board as Expert Answerers. This has helped my friends in expanding their knowledge along with earning some side income. 

8. If given a chance to become a full-time employee, would you like to join Chegg? If yes, in which profile?

Absolutely, I would love to join Chegg as a full-time employee if given an opportunity. I would want to join as a Subject matter expert and take on more challenges. I want to experience the great culture at Chegg. 

9. Seeing your love for Chegg, it’s time to share your best Chegg Moment!

As far as I can recall, it was in 2021 that I got a comment from one of the students about my handwriting. He praised my handwriting and the quality of my solution to the extent that he asked me whether I could solve more questions for him. He wanted to get all his questions answered by me. Now these practices were against Chegg guidelines, therefore, I advised him to upload questions only through the website. Nevertheless, it was a proud moment for me that gave me a lot of confidence.

1. How did your journey begin with Chegg? What propelled you to join Chegg?

My friend Nitin is a top solver in Physics. He told me about working with Chegg as an expert. Chegg gave me the opportunity to join a dynamic team that is impacting the education infrastructure and students around the world. It feels great to contribute to making a difference in students’ lives and growing my knowledge while working for Chegg.

2. What do you find most fascinating about working with Chegg?

I did not anticipate that working with Chegg would be so rewarding. I have been recognized as a top solver and being appreciated by Chegg has been the highlight of my career. I also cracked GATE while working with Chegg, so it has been a great journey through and through.

3. Tell us something about your education.

I live in Sitapur and have completed my BTech. from Galgotias College of Engineering and Technology. I have cracked GATE and am hopeful about securing a spot in an IIT for MTech.

4. What have you bought from the earnings you got from Chegg?

I have saved most of my earnings from Chegg. I plan to fund my MTech partly from these savings and have also bought a tablet to help with my education. I have had no experience apart from working at Chegg, but working here has helped me crack many interviews, clear entrance exams, and secure a campus placement as well.

5. What else do you enjoy doing, apart from solving on the Chegg Q&A board?

I like watching movies in my free time from both Hollywood and Bollywood. I prefer to watch them in Hindi.

6. How many questions do you manage to solve in a day?

I aim to solve 4-5 questions today. I believe in delivering quality over quantity.

7. Would you like to share a specific strategy that you follow to help students while solving on the Q&A Board?

My number one tip is to prioritize clarity. If an expert can explain the whole solution in a step-by-step manner with the underlying concept in detail, they’ll be able to author a great solution. With ample of practice, experts can also scale up the number of questions they answer while delivering good quality.

8. Chegg is now expanding in international markets. How do you feel now as Chegg gives you a platform to support students from multiple countries across the globe?

It is very exciting to be a part of a platform that is constantly expanding its scope and demographic. In turn, this has also helped me improve my subject knowledge and communication skills, which is essential for growing my career.

9. Cite a challenging moment while solving questions.

The shift to the 2.0 platform was challenging for me. Moving from creating handwritten solutions to fully typed solutions took some practice. However, my previous knowledge of Latex code was instrumental in adapting to the new platform.

10. If given a chance to become a full-time employee, would you like to join Chegg? If yes, in which profile?

Absolutely! I have already applied for the full-time SME position in Mathematics via Linkedin.

1. How did your journey begin with Chegg?

When the pandemic hit in 2020 and the entire globe was in disarray, I was likewise at home by myself and jobless. I was looking for a way to make money. My cousin introduced me to Chegg during those trying times, which gave me some hope. He explained to me that Chegg is a platform where Subject Experts can answer questions pertaining to their area of expertise and get money from the comfort of their home. My cousin also works for Chegg as a subject expert in the field of Accountancy and Economics. The onboarding procedure went without a hitch. I passed the test, joined within 7 or 8 days, and began answering questions.

Despite the early difficulties, I was able to answer more questions with the appropriate level of quality after considerable work and careful planning.

2. Do you work elsewhere apart from answering on the Chegg Q&A board?

In May 2013, I received my diploma in commerce from DRB Commerce College in Surat. I’m a chartered accountant.

I used to work for TCS in Mumbai. I recently started working as a financial analyst for another organisation. This is one of the major FMCG (fast-moving consumer goods) companies.

3. What progress have you observed since you got associated with the organization?

Chegg has made a significant contribution to my development. I don’t think the knowledge that I gained in my college was comprehensive. This journey with Chegg has helped me assimilate knowledge and be conversant with a lot of concepts and topics such as capital budgeting and the valuation of equity and bond. If I came across a question that was too challenging for me to answer, I would snap a screenshot of it and answer it later, in my free time. In addition, I purchased a piece of land, and I am making EMI payments with the money I generate from Chegg.

4. What parameters do you follow to maintain the quality benchmark?

I abide by Chegg guidelines and take note of the feedback provided by the internal review team. I understand the students’ requirements and provide the best solution for them. I give stepwise answers and provide an explanation for each step. I do the necessary research and provide a comprehensive answer.

Being able to assist so many students from all parts of the world fills me with a great deal of joy. For them to be able to solve it on their own, I want to make sure the students comprehend the methodology.

I was more conversant with the older answering platform. During the peak season, the platform was upgraded. The new platform is incredible and enhances the presentation of the overall solution. I use a couple of tools – A math tool and an Explanation bar – to improve my presentation.

Initially, as I was not well-versed with the new features, I faced a slight dip in my numbers. However, it didn’t take much time for me to understand the features and speed up.

Cite a Memorable moment.

There are a lot of memorable moments. Once, my response garnered around 30 thumb-ups and that was quite special. Secondly, my delight had no boundaries when I received the email notifying me that I had been chosen for the Voice on EA-Interview.

5. Did you face any challenges on the way?

I experienced a critical accident in October 2014. In Mumbai, I fell from a moving local train. I had a terrible cervical injury that rendered me completely disabled. I was forced to use a wheelchair ever since. I can use my thumb and a few other fingers, and I manage to type on the laptop using them.  I had been hospitalized for nearly 3 years.

However, I understand that my suffering is a blessing in disguise. I learned many life lessons during this time. Although there are ups and downs in life, I never quit when I felt discouraged.

My life was going according to plan, but following this awful event, everything altered suddenly, and things have since taken a different turn. I was resilient, though, and I made the decision to cheerfully face my obstacles in life. I questioned, “What can I do the best with what I have?” and this perspective on life uplifted me.

Chegg came into my life at that moment. It provided me the assurance I needed to keep working and not give up. I noticed that my pay at Chegg is significantly more than it was in my former job. This encouraged me to keep working with Chegg.

6. How is working for Chegg different from working elsewhere?

I can use my phone to solve problems at Chegg. It allows me the freedom to work whenever I want, from wherever I am. Just access the Chegg portal and I can start answering questions. In addition, I’m not restricted to a mundane 9 to 5 schedule.

Mostly I spend my nights and early mornings with Chegg, usually from 11 pm to 2 am. I also answer questions during the daytime. The highest number of answers per day has been 54. The earning from Chegg is one of the main sources of income for me.

7. Tell us something from your personal life.

I live with my family in Jodhpur, Rajasthan. My mother is Rajeshwari Rathi, and my father is Badhrinath Rathi. My father is in the textile business. I have two sisters – both are married and settled in Pune and Surat. My parents are extremely happy that I am working for Chegg.

I love watching web series. My love for nature makes me live close to nature and I love planting and gardening.

8. Have you ever introduced anyone to Chegg?

Yes, I have introduced Chegg to my friends and relatives. We, in fact, have a What’s App group. We post our achievements in the group, and we keep encouraging one another to solve more questions on the Chegg Q&A board. I keep telling them to be consistent in their approach and that they can earn well.

Pratik MajumderToday, in our Voice of an EA segment, we present to you Pratik Majumder, an expert in Statistics, who hails from the city of Kolkata, West Bengal. He has done his B.Sc. from Calcutta University and M.Sc. from Delhi University in Statistics and has been associated with Chegg for the past two years. Let us walk you through his thoughts….

Q. How excited are you to be here with us today?
(Smiles gleefully). Well, I am more than excited to be here. In fact, I am happier than excited, all thanks to Chegg.

Q. How did your journey begin with Chegg?
Hmm! My tryst with Chegg started when I was introduced to the platform by one of my friends who was already working as an External Answerer for Chegg. I found the concept of ‘Student First’ very interesting.

Q. What propelled you to join Chegg?
Having done my B.Sc. in Statistics from Kolkata University and M.Sc. from Delhi University with a specialization in Statistics, I could easily associate with Chegg. Even when I was pursuing M.Sc., I would look up books and solve questions, and this excited me to join Chegg. I joined Chegg while I was in my final year of post-graduation, and the idea of earning while learning highly appealed to me.

The process of onboarding was very smooth. The test was simple and user-friendly, and it took me just 7 to 8 days to be a part of Chegg.

Q. What do you find most fascinating about working with Chegg?
This is my first job per se, and it gives me not only the freedom to work of my own free will but also an opportunity to explore and learn. I am preparing for Indian Statistical Services, and this is a learning platform for the students as well as helpful to me in acquiring knowledge. I joined Chegg in April 2021, and have improved my knowledge to a great extent.

Q. Tell us something about your education.
I did B.Sc. from Calcutta University and M.Sc. from Delhi University in Statistics.

Q. How many hours do you spend on Chegg QnA board in a day?
Normally, the time spent per day on answering is nearly 7 hours. During peak seasons, it extends to 9 to 12 hours. I am not an early riser but manage to divide my time judiciously between Chegging and studying. I just open my laptop and start working whenever I find some time.

Q. How many questions do you manage to solve in a day?
I solve around 15 to 20 problems on any given day but manage to solve 40 to 50 during the peak time. To date, I have answered 8000 questions.

Q. Cite a challenging moment while solving questions.
Well! There were times when my CF scores went down owing to a series of thumbs down by the students. However, I took it in my stride and worked harder. Now, my CF score ranges between 83 to 94 percent. Last week, it was 96%. (He beams)

Q. Would you like to share a specific strategy that you follow to help students while solving on the Q&A Board? What measures do you take to give to the student their money’s worth?
Solutions meet quality standards when all the necessary steps, definitions, details, and explanations are provided. I even add notes wherever required so that the students gain knowledge and learn the subject too. I recheck the answers nearly 3 times before submitting them because I do not wish to get downvoted.

Q. Please share your experience with the Chegg Question & Answer Board.
The experience is amazing. The platform too is very user-friendly and hassle-free. I feel very comfortable working and love what I do. Moreover, the volume is always there with a good flow of questions, so we are always engaged.

Q. Please share something about your family.
I have a small, loving family, comprising my parents and sister. My father is a retired central government employee and my mother works as a teacher in a state government school. My sister is pursuing M.Sc. in Biotechnology.

Q. Describe how Chegg helped you improve your personal and professional life?
Chegg has helped me improve both my personal as well as professional life. Working for Chegg, I get enough time to pursue my hobbies. I am a great music lover and also a football freak. I am also a big-time movie buff. Working with Chegg gifts me a healthy and happy work-life balance.

Apart from this, Chegg came in as a saviour during the Covid times. Many of my close friends and relatives had unfortunately lost their income source, whereas I could wade through the tough times, thanks to Chegg. On the professional front, Chegg is helping me enrich myself in my subject domain to such a great extent that I am very hopeful of cracking exams with a winning streak. The best part is I need not wake up early and get ready to go to office. (Chuckles). I can happily work from the comfort of my home.

Q. How has Chegg contributed to your earning?

With my Chegg earnings, I can fulfil my dreams apart from fending for myself and my family. Travelling has always been on my cards. I have visited Ladakh, Nepal, Bali, all the bounteous hill stations of Himachal, and the verdant valleys of Kashmir. There are many places on my bucket list (laughs contagiously). Africa is on the top of the list.

Q. What have you bought from the earnings you got from Chegg?
Well! I spend most of the money I earn from Chegg on my family. I have brought gadgets like laptops, mobiles, etc. Even my parents are proud of me and of my work and how much it helps me in my earnings (A look of pride in their eyes).

Q. What sets Chegg apart from your previous professional experience?
This is my first job, but I do it with a passion. I love solving subject-related questions – my all-time favourite topic in Statistics is Probability and that makes my job all the more fulfilling as I get an opportunity to solve problems on the Chegg Q&A board. Only when I put in 7 to 8 dedicated hours on the Chegg QnA Board, I feel that my day has gone well; and this makes me happy.

Q. Any suggestions from your end?
At times, the answering becomes time-taking as Statistics solutions need many equations, so I feel if the drawing tools are improved, it would be very helpful. The platform is awesome, and I think it should expand more.

Q. Have you ever introduced anyone to Chegg?
Yes, of course! I have told many of my classmates and friends about this wonderful platform and the promising opportunity – many of whom have joined and are working now.

Q. If given a chance to become a full-time employee, would you like to join Chegg?
Yes, without a doubt.

Q. Your thoughts on artificial intelligence.
I think there are things that only human intelligence can perform. The concepts provided by Chegg QnA board are the best as it imparts the right knowledge.

Praveen Mandora

Q. How did your journey begin with Chegg? What propelled you to join Chegg?
I have been working as a Chegg expert for five years. My expertise is in finance. I am the director of a coaching institute for BBA, B.Com, M.Com, MBA, CFA, and CA. My student introduced me to Chegg. I took the test and joined Chegg successfully. Initially, I felt that this was a more challenging environment than a traditional classroom.

I’ve noticed a larger scope to learn new skills. In addition, since the students are from outside India, there is a difference in the mode of instruction and the course material. This challenge motivated me to join Chegg. It helped me learn, explore, and test my skills.

Q. What do you find most fascinating about working with Chegg?
The idea of teaching international students is most fascinating to me. For instance, how the profitability index is calculated in foreign books is different from how we calculate it in India. Initially, it took time, but with the support from the Chegg team, I could understand the procedure. The team provided me with books for reference. Overall, Chegg allowed me to excel in my field with a lot of exposure to international books and interact with students from across the globe.

Q. Tell us something about your education.
I have done MBA, Finance and I teach finance subjects to students in Ahmedabad. Students belonging to second-year and third-year finance coming from BBA, MBA, B.Com, M.Com, CFA, Economics, Statistics, CFCF, etc attend my classes. I also teach Statistics and Mathematics to CAT students.

Q. Describe how Chegg helped you improve your personal and professional life.
My father always wanted me to become a professor in a government college, as he was a government mechanical engineer in Gujarat. Initially, he didn’t like the idea of me working on an online platform, but now he has changed his opinion. He especially witnessed how Chegg helped us during the pandemic when my institute was closed for around 2.5 years. So, now Chegg is part of my life, and it has become my priority. Personally, I have learned a lot of new concepts like financial markets, and stock market advanced concepts after joining Chegg with the help of reference books provided by Chegg.

Q. How has Chegg contributed to your earning?
My wife also teaches at my institute, and I have introduced her to Chegg. We both together earned quite handsomely per month. I work on the Chegg platform after dropping my kid at tennis and whenever I get free time in the day. So, Chegg gave me independence and financial freedom.

Q. How many questions do you manage to solve in a day?
Previously, I used to solve at least 50 questions per day. Now, after the changes in the new system, I am doing 25–30 questions as we need to give a more detailed step-by-step explanation.

Q. Cite a challenging moment while solving questions.
Initially, when I started solving problems, I received a downward thumb for a couple of questions. Later, I understood that sometimes what you answer is not what the student is expecting. For instance, in a simple question of present value, the annuity is seen differently by different students. The present value of an annuity is calculated by a simple finance person using the formula, but the same is calculated by the manager using a pivot table.

Similarly, when we go to the economics of engineering, financial mathematics, or actual science, they use different formulas and different tables. So, after experiencing this, I have learned one thing: if you are not sure, leave the question blank or don’t attempt it. So, I attempt questions if I understand them properly, or else I skip them. When you give a proper explanation with step-by-step details, there is a high chance of getting a positive rating.

Q. Seeing your love for Chegg, it’s time to share your best Chegg Moment!
During the pandemic, I realised how important Chegg is in my life. It would not have been easy without Chegg. So, then, I decided that I would give my best to Chegg. I was awarded the Finance Excellence Award during the experts’ meeting in Hyderabad. It was difficult due to family commitments to attend the meeting, but the Chegg team motivated me. I found myself super excited to meet people at Chegg in person and receive the award. When I went to the conference, it made me realise that I was part of something big. This is truly memorable!

Sulagna Bhattacharya

Q. Tell us something about your education.

I completed my schooling at Holy Child Institute, Kolkata, and my graduation from Calcutta University in Economics. After completing my Post Graduation in Economics from the University of Madras, I pursued MBA in Finance from IIM Calcutta. I got my campus placement in WIPRO, and then I got an opportunity at Hewlett-Packard. Moreover, it was my lifetime dream to pursue PhD, so I left my corporate job and joined Chegg as a freelancer and worked there while simultaneously working towards my dream.

Q. How did your journey begin with Chegg? What propelled you to join Chegg?

I joined Chegg on 7th July 2015 and it has been a wonderful experience for me. It is 2022 and I am still working as a Chegg Expert, so that speaks volumes. Academics is in my blood. My late grandparents were principals in reputed colleges and my father was also a professor at IIT Kharagpur. So, teaching has been very close to my heart, and being an expert here satiates my passion for teaching.

Q. What do you find most fascinating about working with Chegg?

The flexibility that Chegg provides when it comes to working hours is commendable and understanding work-life balance and taking care of employees are one of the best things about Chegg. Also, Chegg gives due credit to those whose quality is up to the mark. You always get what you deserve, and the company always appreciates your hard work.

Q. Describe how Chegg helped you improve your personal and professional life?

One way that Chegg has helped me personally is by giving me the flexibility to take care of my pets. I am a fierce and passionate animal lover and I have 61 rescued and adopted cats and dogs (5 dogs and 56 cats). During emergencies, I am able to take care of them and at the same time, cater to my professional life equally, which entails being an expert here. Chegg makes me feel free and independent, and it is like a second home to me, for which I am very grateful.

Q. How many questions do you manage to solve in a day and how much time do you spend answering questions on the Chegg Q&A board? Also, would you like to share a specific strategy that you follow to help students while solving on the Q&A Board?

As of now, I solve 30-35 questions per day. I start at 2:00 AM at night and continue up until the next evening. But I don’t complain because I have chosen this for myself, and I love working hard. As far as the strategy is concerned, I try to get into the student’s minds as to what would cause them to be stuck. Furthermore, I aim to be as detailed as possible.

Q. How do you ensure you provide quality solutions?

Quality is in-built into my academic training. I have a CAT score of 99.99 percentile and to achieve a score like that, one needs a severe level of speed and accuracy to get to that level. Compromising speed for accuracy, or accuracy for speed is a big ‘no’. I would call myself a perfectionist and I do understand that the work that we do has an impact on the students, so we as experts, have a responsibility to maintain quality and we aim on providing the best quality work to the students for them to get their money’s worth.

Q. Any advice you would like to give future Chegg Experts?

Do not become complacent and always keep your quality top-notch! It can never be compromised. Slow down when it is required but also buckle up when there is time. Also, never take your company for granted and stay consistent irrespective of the years you have spent in the company.

Lastly, learning never stops! Always be open to learning and modifying your mistakes no matter your age.

Q. Have you ever introduced anyone to Chegg?

Yes, I introduced many people to Chegg during the lockdown, and at that time, Chegg came as a blessing to them when there were layoffs. 2 of them are working in Operations Management.

Q. What sets Chegg apart from your previous professional experience?

The main difference is the flexibility in this organization. We also receive immense respect working here. If you have integrity towards Chegg, it will always give that back to you. Furthermore, Chegg respects its assets and I feel valued by my company.

Anil Kharpuse

Q. Tell us something about your background: your family and education.

I live in Jabalpur and my family consists of my wife and daughter. My daughter is 17 years old. As for my education, I’ve done B.Sc., M.Sc., and M.Ed. from RDVV University, Jabalpur.

Q. How did your journey begin with Chegg? What propelled you to join Chegg?

One of my students told me that there is a platform of this kind and that I should join it. So, I joined as an MNE in January 2018. Next month, it will be five years since I joined Chegg.

Q. How has your experience been so far?

It’s been amazing. I’ve taught in many schools and colleges, but the amount of satisfaction that I am getting here is incomparable. Right now, I am working with Chegg, and I also take coaching classes.

Q. How many questions do you manage to solve in a day and how much time does that take?

In a day, I solve 10-15 questions on average. In a month, I manage to solve 400-500 questions. It takes me about 8-10 hours every day.

Q. What are the types of questions you usually seek to answer?

I take up all sorts of questions, but Linear Algebra is my favourite. There are also topics like Laplace transform, convergence and divergence, functional analysis, real analysis, and complex analysis, for which I try not to leave any questions. There are many other interesting topics that I take up and solve questions based on those.

Q. Would you like to share a specific strategy that you follow to help students while solving on the Q&A Board?

There is no specific strategy per se. I make sure to check each solution before I submit it. I do this to ensure that the solution is not only accurate but also the student who submitted the question would be able to understand it. Even if a student has submitted 4-5 questions, I try to solve them all, so that the student gets all the answers that he/she is seeking. Even for questions with multiple subparts, the first 3 subparts usually take more time to solve. But, the next 3 subparts are solved more quickly since those are based on the first 3 subparts. So, I tend to solve all the subparts because they don’t require as much time as it seems.

Another important thing is to keep updating your knowledge as an expert. I’ve been teaching for several years now. And yet, I keep learning new things every day. I keep my textbooks close and regularly watch videos and lectures. Since most of the students who post questions on Chegg are from the US, I watch lectures by American professors to see how they solve questions. I learn from them to keep my solutions precise and relevant so that the students can easily understand them. The way we solve questions in India is slightly different. So, I watch these videos to keep abreast of the methods followed in the US education system.

Q. Seeing your love for Chegg, it’s time to share your best Chegg Moment!

There are so many! Last year, I was recognized as a Quality Champion. And before that, when I had only been working with Chegg for 4-5 months, my CF score was 93%. So, I got a fun challenge from Chegg: If I increased my score by 1% in 45 days, I’d get a 10% bonus. So, in those 45 days, I solved 500 questions. My CF score reached 98% and I got the bonus. It was a big achievement for me. I’ve also managed to maintain a decent CF score at 92.5%. I’ve solved 21,000 questions by now.

Q. Cite a challenging moment while solving questions.

There hasn’t been any challenge as such. With the recent launch of Chegg 2.0, there were a few teething troubles in the beginning with the editing platform, but I’ve gradually attained a good speed now. Rest, I keep learning new things every day, like how to input different kinds of symbols in the editor.

Q. What else do you enjoy doing, apart from solving on the Chegg Q&A board?

I like listening to music, mostly old Hindi songs. My favourite artists are Kishore Kumar and Mohammad Rafi.

Q. Any other concluding thoughts?

For me, working with Chegg has become an inseparable part of my life. It has totally changed my life. In the last five years, I’ve got completely transformed. I’ve grown not just financially, but my knowledge has increased tenfold. Every subject has a vast scope for knowledge, and my intent is to keep learning, which Chegg has given me. Many kinds of questions are posted daily on the board, challenging me to grow and learn. It feels really satisfying to know that I learned something new today. It feels like even 10 years later, if I am still working with Chegg, I’ll still be learning new things.

Sibin Augustine

Q. How excited are you to be here with us today?

When I started working with Chegg, I used to get emails regarding this newsletter, which featured the top performers. I used to wonder if there would ever be a time when the newsletter would feature me as the top performer. Now that the moment is here, it gives me immense joy. As a beginner, I could solve only a few questions per day because I had just graduated from college and used to be occupied with other things as well. My knowledge was also limited then. However, associating with Chegg has been a significant learning curve, which helped in expanding my knowledge. This makes me very happy.

Q. How did your journey begin with Chegg?

I did my BTech in 2018 and my plans were to pursue higher education overseas. Even though I was associated with Chegg by 2019, I couldn’t contribute much because of the other things on the plate. While I was making my future plans, COVID struck and paused everything. This is when I tried to take up more earning opportunities. Meanwhile, I made sure that learning was also consistently happening, which is when my engagement with Chegg grew.

Q. What gives Chegg an edge over the others?

Firstly, the number of questions that we receive here is higher than that on the other platforms I’ve worked on, which reinforces the reliability that Chegg offers. Secondly, there is a fine blend of earning and learning, which ensures more stability in work and life. I’ve got a grasp on so much in terms of knowledge while referring to various concepts that are required to solve questions on the board. Lastly, working with Chegg is like working at our own convenience without any burden. Moreover, I can also keep a track of my productivity.

Q. How has Chegg helped you in your overall growth?

My knowledge has expanded to a great extent. Most importantly, I have become more confident in the field I am in. A large part of it is possible because of the regular practice of solving questions on the Chegg Q/A board. I have been able to tap a lot of information that my domain has to offer. Furthermore, I have interacted with students across the globe while sharing knowledge through these questions and answers boards, which is also a huge factor in fueling my confidence.

Q. How many questions do you manage to solve in a day?

That depends on the time that I am spending on the Q&A board. I prefer working in the morning, but, generally, the flow of questions is higher at night. So, I solve around 20 questions in a day. That said, it also varies from concept to concept that each question demands. If I feel I am equipped to answer the question with proper reasoning and explanation, I go ahead and solve it.

Q. How do you ensure quality solutions for the students?

For every question I answer, I make sure to explain all the components and functions used in the solution. While doing this, I make a conscious effort to provide the explanation as simple as possible, so that the students don’t find any gaps in comprehending the answer. Moreover, along with the final output, I provide screenshots of the simulation, even if it is not demanded by the student.

Q. As Chegg is expanding in international markets, how do you feel about contributing to this platform that supports students across the globe?

One thing that I have realized is that knowledge can be shared irrespective of borders.  Occasionally, I receive questions from Chinese and German students also, and I try to provide answers in the best possible way I can. I learned German earlier while preparing to go abroad, and that knowledge is coming in handy now. I find it very interesting, to say the least. This reinforces the belief that learning never goes in vain.

Muhammed Rifas

Q. How did you come to know about Chegg? How long have you been working with Chegg?

Having received a mail from Naukri that Chegg is recruiting, I applied for it. The screening wasn’t that easy. Thankfully, I got selected. Once started working, I was amazed because it is such a wonderful platform to work on. I have been working since October 2017.

Q. Did you work elsewhere before you started working at Chegg?

I was working as a freelancer as an Android application developer.

Q. Tell us about your educational background. What are your plans for the future?

I am a B.Sc. in Computer Science from the University of Kerala. I completed my studies in 2016. My schooling and college education was in Alleppey. In future, I would love to opt for a full-time job.

Q. Tell us about your family.

My family consists of my parents, grandfather, sister, brother, and wife.

Q. How has your journey been working at Chegg?

It is wonderful. It has been 5 years since I joined Chegg. All this time, I haven’t looked for any other job opportunities. The earnings have been great, along with flexible working hours. It gives me the benefit of pursuing other interests during my non-working hours. The work is highly satisfactory.

Q. Has it contributed significantly to your earnings and overall growth?

Yes absolutely. I have been able to build a house and buy a car; I got married as well.

Q. What do you enjoy doing when you are not busy solving questions on the Chegg platform?

I love programming. In Chegg, I get the opportunity to do so and get paid as well.

Q. Have you participated in any coding tournaments?

Yes, I have taken part in a platform called ‘Hacker Run’. I am among the top 1% of the experts registered there, solving hundreds of solutions.

Q. What sort of questions do you mostly answer?

I mostly answer coding-based questions or MCQ questions based on coding. I don’t answer theoretical questions.

Q. Do you follow any sort of strategy while solving questions on the Chegg Q&A board?

When I get a question, I try to think from the student’s perspective, like what they want to know. Some students might not be clear on that aspect, but you must gauge what exactly will help the student. One more point that I follow is, I answer a question only when I am 100% sure. You must be sure about the solution.

My advice to the new EAs is that answer only when you are sure of it. If not, your solution will be downvoted and that would affect your CF score. For instance, I answer mostly coding-based questions. When you are answering a coding-based question, make sure to add a lot of comments so that the student understands what is happening at each step of the code. It is also important to provide a screenshot so that the student is sure that the code that you have provided would work on their system as well.

Q. How many questions do you solve in a day?

If the volume is good, I solve around 15-20 questions a day or at least 12 on average. I have managed to do around 50,000 questions since the beginning. Once I answered over 33 questions in a day. It depends on the volume of the questions, the time taken to solve each of them, etc.  Each question takes at least 15-20 minutes for me to solve. I work around 10-12 hours a day and keep a target of 15 questions each day.

Q. How do you make sure that you are giving students the best solutions?

Some students ask for a function to do some task. What I do is I write the function, plus the code to write the function and explain how the function is working. The student should be able to execute it and not copy-paste it.

Q. Chegg has been expanding on a global level. How do you feel coming in touch with students and questions from multiple countries?

The experience has been extremely satisfactory. With the increase in the number of students, our experience and exposure are also increasing. I can take my skills to a worldwide platform.

Q. Any challenges that you faced while solving questions?

Occasionally, I get one or two questions that are difficult to crack. Sometimes it takes an hour or more to solve them. In such cases, when I get the final answer correctly, it is a very satisfying moment. Sometimes I choose such challenging questions, just to get that satisfaction.

Q. Did working on the Chegg platform help you in any way during the lockdown?

It had definitely been helpful during the lockdown. The whole income of the family was very less at that time. My earnings were the main source of income for my family.

Q. Have you introduced Chegg to anyone?

Yes, I have introduced Chegg to some of my friends. They are doing good now. They are from the same CSE background.

Q. Share your memorable moment.

In July 2019, I was selected as a quality champion. It was unexpected. Chegg had put my image along with a quote on their blog. It was a great moment for me.


Q. How did your journey with Chegg begin?

While preparing for my CA Final exams, I felt the need for a break. Adding to this, it was not favorable for me to work as a full-time employee because of the lack of bandwidth. However, Chegg offers freelance positions as well, which came as a huge relief for me. That was exactly what I needed at that point- to be able to carry on with my preparations along with a job. Therefore, my journey as an Expert Answerer began with Chegg in January of 2020.

Q. You got associated with Chegg just when the pandemic was round the corner. Did being part of Chegg give you a sense of security and stability during a time that proved to be a setback to almost every corner of the world?

There is no doubt regarding the fact that Chegg was a great support to me during the pandemic. I remember preparing for my exams that year. Worldwide, nearly everything was affected by the pandemic. Since that brought everything to a standstill, my preparations took a backseat. Despite all that, I believe that working with Chegg was the right choice because it ensured me a steady job and income. It also added to my preparations since my work was somewhat related to my exam subject. Thus, it enriched my knowledge as well as helped me to practice more.

Q. How has Chegg helped you in your overall growth?

Before the pandemic, I was stuck with an urge to earn while learning. Chegg has unreservedly supported me on that front. I found financial liberty along with the process of learning, which further made my apprehensions disappear. I could devote my time equitably between studies and work.

Q. Apart from solving questions on the Q/A board, what else do you find interest in?

I enjoy watching web series and playing games when I am not working or preparing for my exams. Since I am not a socially active person, I like to spend my time mostly indoors.

Q. How many questions do you manage to solve on any given day?

Totally, it depends on the volume of questions. In the pandemic, for example, I used to solve over a hundred questions every day. In recent times, however, I usually solve about 40-50 questions per day. The maximum number of questions I have attempted in a day is somewhere around 140-150.

Q. What is a specific strategy that you follow to help a student while solving these questions?

One of the key things that I follow is that I only attempt questions that I know, to ensure uncompromised quality in the concept of the answer. This is especially during peak hours. However, in lean periods, I try to work on new questions. I understand the nature of the question and the related concept. In addition, I do as much research on the topic as possible, and I make sure that my final answer is clear and explanations are adequate so that it leaves no room for confusion.

Q. How do you feel now as Chegg gives you a platform to support students from multiple countries across the globe?

It makes me happy to know that I can help many students around the world. This is indeed a wonderful feeling to be able to share my knowledge with umpteen students and solve their queries.

Q. What would you call your best Chegg moment?

I was the top performer for some months. When my mother came to know about the same, she was delighted. Initially, she used to be a little apprehensive watching me sit for several hours and solve questions. This achievement served as an acknowledgement of my dedication.


How did your journey with Chegg begin?

I graduated in engineering with a specialization in Electricals and Electronics in the year 2011. After graduation, I did not take up any job opportunities that came along my way as I wanted to remain a homemaker and take care of kids. In the year 2018, I decided to do work online, and a friend of mine introduced me to Chegg. I applied for the job and cleared the interview. Once I started working, it turned out to be one of the life-changing decisions I made for myself. I never looked back.

Describe how Chegg helped you improve your personal and professional life.

For a housewife who has fewer opportunities to go out due to personal commitments, a platform like Chegg is a gift from heaven because I can work according to my convenience & earn unlimited. It also gives me immense satisfaction to make an impact in many students’ lives, and in the process, my knowledge and skills have also improved. After joining Chegg, I have explored topics that I was not familiar with.

I have a special liking for business law, and I search for questions related to business law. This kind of learning is only possible with Chegg. Even when it comes to my personal life, it is because of Chegg that I could spend more time with my family & take care of my kids without any compromise on the professional front. Especially during the pandemic, I felt that working with Chegg was a blessing.

Any specific strategy that you follow while answering Q&A?

I like working during the early hours of the day as there will be fewer distractions during that time. My day begins at 4 AM and I work on the Chegg platform for an hour. I answer only questions that are comfortable to me. Every question is a challenge for me. I do not like getting negative feedback from students. If I get one dislike, I become very conscious. So, I see to it that I maintain the quality to the best of my abilities throughout. I also ensure that all my answers are grammatically correct.

Any challenges that you face while working with Chegg?

While answering questions on the Q&A board, I face a few challenges. Sometimes, a student might not get the required help from the answer provided. We might be confident about our solutions, but at times the students might not like them. In such cases, the CF score goes down. We learn from the experience and try to provide solutions that are helpful for the students.

That said, in my experience, quality reviews are there to balance them out. Even if the student dislikes the solution, the quality review comes out correctly if we have answered rightly.

What is the progress that you have observed since you got associated with our organization?

Chegg as a company has evolved immensely. When I started working, there were limited questions to answer. Moreover, by 7 O’Clock, the questions queue used to be empty. Nevertheless, now we’re flooded with unlimited and diverse questions. I have personally witnessed this change over the years. It is phenomenal to see how the company has grown as a brand. We feel more connected to the company than ever before due to the constant support & interaction from the In-house teams.

Do you think there is a work-life balance while working with Chegg?

Absolutely! Homemakers like me can stay at home & fulfil the dream of working with such a reputed organization. I can easily manage my house & work. I work according to the convenience of my time. It is very helpful even for people who are studying or can’t go out to work. Chegg is a perfect example of work-life balance because if we focus on our work for even 3 hours/day, we can easily balance other things in life.

Harsh Kasera

Q. How long have you been associated with Chegg?

I have been associated with Chegg since December 2016, which is close to five and a half years. That was in my 3rd year of graduation.

Q. Describe your journey with Chegg.

My journey has been fantastic. I have learned a lot of new things and new concepts all the way while helping students with their queries. It has also helped me in my CA preparation daily as I got to solve different types of problems.

Q. Tell us about your educational background.

I did my graduation (B.com) from St.Xavier’s College, Kolkata, and pursuing my CA now. I am yet to give my finals and would probably attempt the exam in a year or so.

Q. How did you come to know about Chegg?

My sister and brother-in-law used to work on the Chegg platform. They introduced me to Chegg. I used to be fascinated seeing them solve many questions. They are from the same subject background.

Q. Did you take time to get a hang of the process initially when you joined?

When I joined, it was a whole different Chegg altogether. The user interface was different. One had to scroll down the entire question to skip, exit, or solve a question. Nowadays, a person can skip or solve a question just by a click of a button. The platform today is more user-friendly. Also, initially, there were very few top solvers. The group consisted of a few members, so we had to do everything on our own. Of course, we got help from the coordinators as well. Now, new experts who are joining the platform can see videos of senior experts and ask them queries and seek guidance.

Q. How many questions do you solve each day on average?

During the peak season, I solve around 70-100 questions. On the other days, it can be around 40-50 questions. I work for 7-9 hours on the Chegg platform every day.

Q. Do you have any specific strategy that you follow while answering questions on the Chegg platform?

I would say, even now, after spending 5-6 years at Chegg, I still solve only those questions that I’m 100% sure about. For me, practical questions are more advantageous, so I focus on the practical questions that come my way. It all depends on the person. If you are more comfortable with theory questions, you can go ahead with theory questions. You can make an excel sheet or a notepad and note down the formulas.

It gets easier while solving the questions. To make sure the solution is of high quality, I check to make sure there are no grammatical errors or missing points. If it is a practical solution, I re-check if the final answer is correct before I submit it. In case students comment that they did not understand the point, I make sure to help them understand it.

Q. How has Chegg helped you in your overall growth, both learning and earning-wise in your personal and professional life?

Learning-wise, Chegg has played an immense role. Before I could start my CA syllabus, it had helped me grab some knowledge beforehand. It continues to help me learn something new every day. Due to its flexibility, I could work at my convenience. Financially, it helped me grow in the initial stages of my career by saving enough money. It has helped me achieve certain objectives which would have taken a lot more time had I not worked at Chegg.

Q. Chegg is expanding globally. How does it feel to support students from multiple countries across the globe?

It is very exciting. You can help students sitting in different countries with their queries, with the help of a laptop and your knowledge. You can answer queries that come your way. With Chegg expanding to multiple countries, the knowledge that you can share is vast, with multitudes of people globally.

Q. What do you look forward to the most while working here?

It is exciting that we are helping students who are not even in the same country. We are helping them with their queries each day. On a personal front, suppose you have an objective to fulfil or a goal to achieve, for instance, owning a car; it becomes a source of self-motivation when you get started at work, each day.

Q. Has the Chegg platform helped you during the lockdown?

It has helped me immensely. Chegg provides the convenience of working from home. When the entire country was facing financial difficulties at some point or the other, Chegg was stable. In fact, Chegg’s business grew during that time. Students could get the help that even universities could not provide at that time.

Q. Is there anything you want to convey to the upcoming experts?

They should aim at quality and not for the top solver list or on solving the maximum number of questions. They might get lured to solving as many as possible in a day. But I would suggest that the new expert or experts who joined in the recent months, focus on questions you can attempt even when you are half asleep or you are confident about. With time, you will get to know more about the process.

You can even maintain an excel sheet or notepad for that. Eventually, you will grow, but before that, aim to solve those questions that are from the strong areas of your subject. For instance, if you are in finance, you can take up questions related to the cost of capital, capital budgeting, or anything that you are sure of. A lot of questions come as theory questions and one-liner questions. If you don’t have a grip on the topic, you might end up compromising on the quality.


How did your journey begin with Chegg?

Back in 2020, I was already working with a prestigious institution in Patna. However, as soon as the pandemic began, eventually leading to the lockdown, all the sectors were forced to come to a standstill. During this period, even the institution I was associated with, discontinued their services. At that point in time, I was on the lookout for a good alternative. One of my acquaintances suggested that Chegg was a good option during those trying times. In all honesty, I was a little skeptical of going ahead with this option because I was not aware of how such platforms worked, and I also doubted its credibility. However, upon some reassurance, I finally thought of giving it a shot.

After a month of working with Chegg, I realized how wrong I was with my perception. Chegg not only provided a stable income but also provided immense job satisfaction, not to forget the other benefits that I got even in such an uncertain period. Indubitably, I would recommend working with Chegg to everyone. Today, I am really happy about this decision, as it happens to be one of the best ones that I have ever made.

Did you face any challenges on the way?

After the pandemic brought everything to an indefinite halt, most of us were worried about what the future held. There was ambiguity regarding everything that once used to be so certain – personally and professionally. That said, it did pause what I would call a steady income for me. That’s exactly when Chegg came to my rescue. Hands down, this is the best alternative anyone in the education sector can come across.

What progress have you observed since you got associated with the organization?

Chegg has contributed significantly to my growth since I joined. Over a year ago, I don’t think the knowledge that I possessed in my field used to be this vast and comprehensive. This journey with Chegg has helped me to assimilate and be conversant with a lot of concepts and topics in the field of Mathematics. For instance, I have grasped concepts like Graph Theory and Predicate Logics as part of the QA process.

Earlier, I used to skip questions with topics that I was not much aware of. Then, instead of skipping, I thought that it was always better to research about this topic as this would improve my knowledge base. Hence, what began as a quest for a stable income has now turned into a never-ending quest for knowledge, which I also get to share with the students on the Chegg Q & A platform. Today, I feel that my growth is tangible and that I have outdone myself in these 1.5 years with Chegg. With Chegg, learning and earning go hand in hand.

Do you think Chegg facilitates the much-coveted work-life balance?

To begin with, Chegg epitomizes the phrase ‘work-life balance.’ Before joining this company, it was quite difficult to spend time with my family as I had an outstation job. I would come home once in 15 days and that was hampering family bonding. After associating with Chegg, I could achieve the much-coveted work-life balance for me. I can spend quality time with my family, be with my kid, and be a part of their growth. Personally, this association has brought in a very positive difference in my life, and I would always cherish it. I can also pursue my other interests, such as cricket. Most importantly, I love and enjoy playing chess. On some days, I play Chess for 4-5 hours on end. It is a very productive way of investing your time as it keeps your brain active.

 What approach do you follow while solving questions on the website?

When solving any question, first and foremost, I mention the formula that the respective answer requires. This is because the whole solution will then be based on this formula and the requisite method. Following this, I state all the details that the problem or the question provides. If required, I also write down a line or two regarding the theory related to the solution for better comprehensibility. At times, there are pure concept-based questions that require theoretical explanation. For example, if there is a question pertaining to permutation and combination, then I provide a detailed explanation that addresses the question effectively. Adding to this, sometimes I also mention why a certain method won’t work for a particular solution and give adequate reasons for the same. I always ensure that there remains no scope for confusion.

Students rely on Chegg for quality solutions. What do you do to ensure the same?

During my initial days at Chegg, I did a considerable amount of research while solving questions. It was a time-consuming process to understand the concept and provide a comprehensive answer to a particular question. I would read several articles and similar questions to ensure that the answer I was providing be a qualitative one. After coming up with the answer, I cross-checked its accuracy using apps such as Desmos, Geogebra, Wolfram, etc. I believe that it is imperative to think from the perspective of the student and make sure that my help is adequate for them.

What difference have you noticed before and after joining Chegg?

I happened to be a lecturer before joining Chegg. I knew that the knowledge I was imparting to a set number of students was limited within a limited community. But here at Chegg, I can let my knowledge pervade across a huge number of students, beyond the classroom. I can reach out to students from different corners of the world and share my knowledge with them too. It gives me a sense of goodwill to be able to help so many students. Moreover, having been a lecturer for so many years, I am adept at imparting knowledge verbally. However, now the process has changed for me completely. Through constant question-solving, I have now become more skilled at instructing through the written medium.

How would you define your love for the subject?

I was not always an expert in my subject, which is mathematics. I befriended the subject when I was preparing for IIT. My interest in the field grew when I realized my passion for it. This passion was kindled in me by my math professor. It is surprising, in fact, how enriching this subject is, not only in theory but also in the application, because it depends on how you are learning the concepts. Math is everywhere around you. As Swami Vivekananda says, “All knowledge is within us”, so, the key is to relate what you learn to what you do and be a keen observer. My aim remains to kindle the same passion in my students so that instead of dreading mathematics, they start enjoying the subject.


How did your journey begin with Chegg?

I used to work with a small institute in Hyderabad. A colleague, who was already working with Chegg, introduced me to Chegg. He motivated me by saying that associating with Chegg helps both in earning a steady income and in gaining knowledge. I joined seven years ago and have been answering on Chegg’s Q&A board ever since.

How is being an EA different from working as an employee elsewhere?

I used to work for a pharma company, where the work was monotonous. There weren’t any new challenges. Whereas at Chegg, every day there are new challenges. Here, the more you work, the more you earn. Chegg lets us work from the comfort of our homes and provides an opportunity to earn more than a full-time job.

How does Chegg help you in your overall growth?

Chegg helped me expand my subject knowledge as I get to solve questions asked by international students. Questions on the Chegg Q&A board are subject-oriented and solving them helped me a lot in improving my subject. Every time I answer questions on Chegg Q&A Board, I get to revise all basics of the subject.

We have the topic of Spectroscopy in Chemistry. Spectroscopy is a collection of two to three concepts. Initially, I wasn’t very familiar with the concepts, so I used to skip questions related to the topic. Later, I studied the concept in-depth to be able to answer the questions. Likewise, Chegg keeps throwing challenges at me, which helped me improve my knowledge. Chegg also helped me become financially stable. I have had exponential monetary growth. It is like I am getting a 100% hike every month. My relative’s daughter was hospitalized, and I was able to bear her medical expenses as well.

Something from your personal life.

I am from Vizag. I am the youngest in our family. My brother is a PhD in Chemistry. He also worked for Chegg. My elder sister is married. Our family trade is farming. Up to my intermediate, I was raised in a town with less exposure to the outer world. Thankfully, I went to Banaras to do my master’s from Banaras Hindu University. However, Chegg gave me global exposure.

What do you do to ensure that your solution is of good quality?

I ensure providing sufficient information such that students should be able to answer the remaining questions. I learn a lot from the feedback and try to improve my solutions.

Share a memorable moment.

One of the students shared a memorable comment. He said, “Many experts have skipped my question, but you alone gave a fantastic answer”. Whenever students give a thumbs up or a compliment, it works as a morale booster for me.

Apart from working for Chegg what else do you do?

I teach Chemistry to senior school students. If we can lay a proper foundation for our students at that level, they will enjoy the subject.

How is teaching online diff from a classroom setup?

Physically, students are not in front of me physically, in an online setup. However, we need to anticipate the confusion points and address them slowly. Incidentally, the future is mostly about virtual teaching. Hence, I need to update myself and get used to online teaching. I teach using the chalkboard as well as Digi pad.

How did Chegg help you during the pandemic?

Even during the lockdown, I used to earn from Chegg Q & A Board. Every month I used to get some amount from Chegg. I would spend at least 6 hours on the Chegg platform. Usually, I used to wake up early morning and work from 3 AM to 8 AM. Chegg also taught me time management and discipline.

Did u buy anything with your earnings at Chegg?

In fact, whatever I possess now, I bought with the earnings from Chegg.

Have you referred anyone else to work with Chegg?

Yes, I referred a few experts to Chegg, and they are actively answering questions on the Chegg Q&A board. They take pride in working for Chegg. I tell them that I experienced Chegg for the past 7 years, and I have never faced any issue with Chegg. I am totally satisfied with the payment as well as the learning curve.


Tell us something about yourself.

I was born in a small village near Andal temple in Srivilliputhur, 80 km away from the temple town of Madurai. My profession is to teach in a college as a Physics Professor. I have two children who are studying in 2nd std and UKG. I love reading spiritual books and spending time with children.

How did your journey with Chegg begin?

I started my association with Chegg in 2015. During those days, the internet was not easy and most of the information/messages were through the mail. In the first few months (during the 2G era), most of the income earned through authoring solutions was spent on data charges.

Tell us something about your education.

I had to walk 3 km to reach the nearby bus station & travel to the next town to reach college. My fascination with physics grew right from my childhood due to the influence of a Tamil science magazine called Kalaikathir available in the village public library. I did my BSc and MSc in Physics, received a gold medal. I qualified GATE (2003) with a score of 320 right after my master’s to pursue a PhD. But unfortunately, my father passed away that year and I had to take over the family responsibility as the elder son. I joined as a professor and worked on our farmland as a farmer simultaneously.

After my brother finished his studies, I got relatively free from my responsibilities and appeared for the GATE exam in 2006 & secured a rank of 288. Later, I did my PhD in ‘Luminescence of Nanoparticles’ in 2007-2011 and received a gold medal for the Best thesis award. It was one of the best moments of my life.

If Chegg gives full-time opportunity, in what role would you like to see yourself?

It would be a big decision to move away from my native place as I have lived most apart of my life here. However, I would love to work full-time at Chegg as an SME or in a teaching role, provided I receive help in relocating and settling my kids in their school.

Describe how Chegg helped you improve your personal and professional life.

Chegg has helped me in my professional life to enhance my subject skills by giving me access to international publications and problems on a global level. This helped me in doing my certifications. I feel privileged for the additional financial support. It helps me in purchasing books as I love reading them and encourage my kids also to read.

Would you like to share a specific strategy that you follow to help students while solving on the Q&A Board? What are the types of questions you usually seek to answer?

I usually spend an hour every day on the Chegg platform. While solving the problem if I encounter any difficult problem, I make a note of it & skip the question. But I try to solve it later when I have time to gain knowledge.

Describe a typical day in your life.

My day starts at 5:00 AM. By 5:30 AM, I am ready. I commit myself to solve Chegg problems for an hour (weekly 3-4 days). After work, I spend time with my family, followed by an hour on the Chegg platform before bedtime.

Have you ever introduced anyone to Chegg?

I encouraged my wife and a couple of my friends to be associated with Chegg.

Seeing your love for Chegg, it’s time to share your best Chegg Moment!

My best Chegg moment would be when I received the Best Performer award 2017-2018 in advanced Physics and Chegg Quality Champion award in the last Expert meet.

Describe how Chegg helped you improve your subject skill.

There is a lot of learning experience involved while solving Chegg’s problems, as they come from around the globe. We get to know different books published on a particular subject. I personally brought many books with the money earned through Chegg.

Q. Describe your experience with Chegg.

Undoubtedly, my experience with Chegg has been great. Thankfully, I have scored a CF score >93 throughout my association. There are a good number of problems to solve. Another good point about Chegg is that there is no threat of getting penalized if we skip hard problems. Many other organizations have this system of penalization. In Chegg, we can skip any number of questions if we do not know and answer only the ones, we are confident about.

Voice of an EA – Ankit Shukla

Q. What propelled you to join Chegg?

I heard about Chegg through naukri.com in Aug 2019. I did some research on the company’s work culture, and Chegg had really grabbed my attention. Without further delay, I had taken the screening test and had successfully cleared it. It has been more than two years of my journey as an Expert Answerer on the Chegg Question & Answer board. I cannot express in words my gusto for becoming a part of Chegg. I was also preparing for the GATE examination then.

Q. Yes GATE exam is quite a tough one. Is your GATE preparation now helping you in answering questions on the Chegg Q&A Board?

The GATE exam is quite comprehensive and covers all our core subjects. All my knowledge that I acquired during the GATE preparation I am using that on the Chegg Q&A Board. I got a GATE rank of 1159 in 2019 and a GATE rank of 1207 in 2021. I had secured a seat in IIT Srinagar.

In IIT, we have prescribed standard textbooks. While answering questions on the Chegg Q&A board, I keep referring to my study notes to provide better solutions for students. I provide the necessary explanation to the students.

Q. Tell us something about your education.

I am from Kanpur and I have completed my tenth standard from RK VISION HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOL and twelfth standard from NLK Vidya mandir, Kanpur. I appeared for JEE mains and have completed Chemical Engineering from NIT Srinagar in 2017. In June 2021, I also completed MTech from IIT (ISM) Dhanbad. Even while I was doing my M.Tech, I have been answering questions on the Chegg Q&A Board.

Q Describe your Experience with Chegg.

Overall, my journey with Chegg has been amazing. I cannot express in words my enthusiasm for being associated with Chegg.  I am my own boss. I challenge myself with doable targets and I try to achieve them. If I have more time in the day, I make sure I answer the maximum number of questions. I have learned new subject-related topics.

Chegg is a global company catering to students across the globe. Being part of Chegg, I have the privilege to share my knowledge with international students. It is quite satisfying.

Q. Describe how Chegg helped you improve your subject skill.

As a Chemical engineering student, I haven’t covered the Rankine cycle in Thermodynamics. Thermodynamics is a topic related to mechanical engineering. Chemical Engineering only covers the basic laws of thermodynamics and solution thermodynamics. Answering at Chegg has been a blessing in disguise, as I now get to study Rankine Cycle, diesel engines, turbines, and compressors. Chegg is helping me improve my knowledge.

Q. Would you like to share a specific strategy that you follow to help students while solving on the Q&A Board? What are the types of questions you usually seek to answer?

Students do not know the topic. They pay to learn the subject right from the basics. Bearing the students in mind, I explain the variables in the formula, standard units, and unit conversion.

I have been into teaching all my life. Even when I was in the eighth standard, I used to offer free tutoring to poor students who couldn’t afford to pay for tuition.  I have a genuine passion for teaching, and I break down tough concepts for the students understanding. I also want to complete my PhD and settle as a professor.

I seek to answer questions related to mass transfer, thermodynamics, heat transfer, fluid mechanics, and material science.

Q. Describe how Chegg helped you improve your personal and professional life.

Chegg has been a boon to me both on the personal as well as professional fronts. I use the salary I get from Chegg to pay for my education. I am also saving some amount.  After I was hit by Covid, my health deteriorated a bit. However, I have recovered, and I am doing well now.

Q. What else do you enjoy doing, apart from solving on the Chegg Q&A board?

I am fond of volleyball, basketball, and Cricket and ensure dedicating some time to games. As I am also recovering from post covid ailments, I do not stretch myself beyond my ability. I bought iPhone 11 from my earnings and I am so pleased. being a foodie, I love to taste foods of various cultures, traditions, and places. I also like to travel, and I did visit places like Darjeeling and Sikkim. I learned to be independent.

Q. Describe a day in your life.

I work for Chegg from 12 AM to 6 AM. I go for a walk in the nearby park after answering. I give myself a sound sleep and then have my lunch at 2 and then spend the evenings in the playfield. I am also a sportsman. Post-dinner, I again start answering questions on the Chegg question and answer board.

Q. Have you ever introduced anyone to Chegg?

I have introduced Chegg to many people. Out of them, eight to ten friends joined Chegg and are actively answering on the Chegg Question and Answer board.

I used to tell them that they can earn up to 50k a month if they sincerely solve questions. Chegg demands good subject skills and teaching skills, and experts need to be constant learners.

Q. Seeing your love for Chegg, it’s time to share your best Chegg Moment!

Pandemic has claimed so many lives. Many have lost their jobs. However, I have been earning even during the pandemic. The volume was much higher during the pandemic. As a Chegg expert, I am so privileged as Chegg has helped people like us to earn money in the pandemic. This is truly the best moment.

Students also give me comments like “this is an extraordinary answer” and also give thumbs up for the answer, which is definitely memorable.

Q. Please share something about your family.

I am from Kanpur. We are two brothers. My brother is married and has children. We live with our parents.

Q. If Chegg gives full-time opportunity, in what role would you like to see yourself?

Yes. I want to see myself as a full-time SME.

Shagun Sinha 

How did your journey begin with Chegg?

There was an advertisement for a part time job opening at Chegg in our college placement cell. I recognized the name of Chegg because one of my friends who is studying in the US, rents books through the website and it helped her. So, I had recognized the name and applied. I got selected and started about three months later. During those three months, I did some background research to understand the platform, read reviews about it, and asked people about how the system works. I received very positive reviews and I decided to continue.

Q. What do you find most fascinating about working with Chegg?

It would definitely be the flexibility component. Since we have classes in the morning, it allows me to work according to my schedule. During the week or in the weekends, I can work whenever I find time. Other than that, the fact that the platform is international, there are a lot of questions coming in from different parts of the world. This helps me get a glimpse of how education works outside the country. I solve questions from students who are in the US or somewhere in the middle east.

Q. Has Chegg helped you improve your personal and professional life in any way?

I think it has helped me a lot in both ways. In my personal life, it has helped me learn time management, setting up my priorities because now it is like a responsibility that I must go online and work. It is like a personal commitment that I made to myself that I must solve at least these many questions in a day no matter how my daily schedule is like. Even if I am a little tired or feeling a little lazy, I do make it a point to go online and work.

Responsibility, time management, prioritizing are some of the key skills that I have learnt in my personal life which would also obviously benefit me in my professional life. But again, the kind of questions that come on the platform helps me understand the core aspect, the applied aspect, and even some interesting rare sub-fields; fields like forensic psychology and analytical psychology, the exposure of which is quite limited in India. Those questions help me get a better grasp on the professional front as well.

Q. What else do you enjoy doing apart from solving questions on the platform?

Before the pandemic, I enjoyed going out and trying new cuisines with my friends. But during the pandemic, I have really taken up reading which I am relishing a lot.

Q. How many questions do you manage to solve in a day? Do you set targets?

Currently, I am solving around 20-25 questions a day and once I meet the target, I log out. I set monthly targets as well. Usually by the 1st or 31st of every month, I make a strategy for the following month. Bearing in mind my exams or assignments, I set up my daily and monthly targets. I adhere to that very strictly.

Q. Is there a specific strategy that you follow while solving questions?

Initially, I would look for questions during the daytime. I wake up around 3 am or maybe 4 am and I solve questions till about 9 am. After that I attend my classes. So, in that 4-5 hours I am able to get good number of questions and able to meet my target. Sometimes, I spend around 2 hours in the evening too. On an average, I spend around 6 hours a day.

Q. How do you ensure quality of the solutions?

For clerical quality, I use software. I send typed solutions, so sometimes there might be typos and spelling errors or grammatical errors. The software detects and corrects it for me. Other than that, when I am framing solutions, I make sure to put it point wise. But rather than just putting bullet points, I use short paragraphs of 3-4 lines each.

If somebody who does not have the background knowledge is reading the answer, they would still be able to understand what I am talking about. The third thing that I do is that I use a lot of examples. As I do not know from which part of the world the question is coming from, I try to use examples which are neutral and relatable in different cultural contexts. These three would be my strategies for quality. I do check the word count too, as students sometimes mention the word count, so I make sure I meet the requirements.

Q. How has been your overall experience in the Q&A board? Any technical glitches that you would like to let us know about?

The experience has been smooth and glitch free. I did not have issues while using the platform on the laptop and phone. In the middle, I think there was some software upgradation and shift in the platform, that’s when I experienced some glitches like everybody else. But other than that, it has been a smooth

Sudheer banner

How do you feel about working with Chegg?

I feel very much excited because when I joined Chegg, I didn’t think I would get this far. It has been great associating with Chegg for this long because Chegg has taught me many things like balancing work and studies. Also, I have learnt many things through Chegg, apart from my original field. I have been in operations management for 2.5 years. Apart from operations management, we get accounting questions too, so it helped me read and learn some accounting concepts as well.

How did your Chegg journey begin?

I didn’t plan any of these things. I was looking for a means to earn some pocket money. So, when I got an invitation from my friend, I thought ‘why not! Let’s give it a try’. This is how my Chegg journey started.

How has it helped you financially?

I have earned more than enough through Chegg till now. Recently, we bought a house and mostly it was with the money I earned through Chegg. We are currently residing in our own house, thanks to Chegg.

What do you find most fascinating about working in Chegg, something that you look forward to?

Well.. everything about Chegg is extremely good because we don’t usually get this opportunity of learning and earning at the same time. I don’t think we get this anywhere else. At Chegg there is huge potential to learn and earn. You are sharing your knowledge as well as gaining more knowledge.

Please share your educational background.

When I applied for Chegg, I was a B.Com graduate and I was doing my CA IPCC at the time. So, I had some knowledge about financial transactions. Although I was a bit hesitant and unsure if I could get through this, it was my confidence and my friend’s encouragement that pushed me through. I am in CA final year right now. So, by next year, I would complete my CA. I am also doing MBA through a correspondence course and I am in my 2nd year MBA. I am also preparing for CA inter. Currently, I am into two professional courses and one normal course.

Apart from academic improvement and financial help, is there any other way Chegg helped you in your personal and professional life?

As working with Chegg is a constant learning process, I never had to join any coaching classes for my CA final year. The questions put up by the students on the Chegg dashboard enabled me to learn more on the internet.

How many questions do you manage to solve in a day?

When there is a semester break or the traction is low, I solve about 20 questions on daily basis. Sometimes it goes till 30-35 too. During peak season, I solve 40-50 questions during the morning hours itself. Sometimes it goes upwards 60-70 too.

How many hours do you spend per day on the Chegg Q&A board?

The best part is working at Chegg anytime of the day and from anywhere or from any device. I usually work on the laptop, as mobile phone can be a bit cumbersome while using excel. You can also work in the morning at 2 or 3 am. On an average, I spend around 10-12 hours per day on Chegg when there is less flow. During the peak times of the year, I work for around 6-8 hours a day. I work 4 hours in the morning and 2 hours during the afternoon. I spend the remaining time on my studies.

Do you set targets for solving a particular number of questions per day or is it random?

It is not exactly on target because once you start placing targets on the basis of the number of questions solved, the quality might deteriorate. Therefore, I solve the questions I get. I just try to give my best.

For the sake of newcomers who join as EAs, would you like to share a specific strategy that you follow to help the students on the Chegg Q&A board.

I read a lot of textbooks that help me a lot in knowing the subject better and answering the queries because most of these questions come from US and other countries. We are thus mostly exposed to international knowledge. I suggest everyone to read relevant books or relevant content on the internet so that we can answer more questions and also increase the quality. We might not have the knowledge to answer all questions posted by students. It is just a continuous learning process.

Sometimes you might get downvoted even if you write the right answer and putting so much effort. Never take in the pressure and feel low.

What measures do you take to give students their money’s worth?

I cannot exactly say these are my best measures or these are my success points that I follow. But I just do one thing. If a student posts a question, I genuinely think he needs assistance and, he needs to understand the concept. I try to think from the student’s perspective. He has paid so he will expect excellent quality of work. So, I try to elaborate more than what he has asked so that he doesn’t have any doubt, or he doesn’t have to ask what is that and what is this. So that is my sole point while solving questions.

What are the types of questions that you usually seek to answer?

In the very beginning when I started out, my knowledge was very low so I started out with general questions regarding direct concepts or case study based questions. But eventually I thought why not learn a few more concepts so that I can solve more questions on mathematical calculations as well. I tried to learn from my brother too, on a daily basis., because he is more into mathematics and he solves more numerical based problems. Now I mostly solve all types of questions, especially on sums based on excel and numerical.

Have you introduced Chegg to anyone?

I have introduced Chegg to my brother, father, mother and a couple of my friends. My brother is also from the same subject as I am, i.e., operations management. He started as a beginner and now shows great potential. I have leant a lot from him. My mother joined recently. She has an MBA and so she is well-versed with the concept. My father used to work with Chegg but he passed away recently. It was all his guidance and planning that helped us buy a house with the money we earned through Chegg.

What sets Chegg apart?

When I was going through my article ship, it was based on only a few aspects like bank auditing, filing returns or going through tax papers. When I compare my article ship to Chegg, although they are two different domains, Chegg is like an ocean of knowledge.

What else do you enjoy doing apart from solving on Chegg Q&A board?

I love composing music. But I have not been able to compose music for some time due to my studies. I also play the keyboard and guitar. One other hobby that I used to have till a few years ago was using graphic designing tools like photoshop and creating objects. I had learnt it from YouTube. Time is a huge factor. I don’t find enough time with all the preparations for my CA final, MBA and CA inter as well as Chegg work.

With Chegg now expanding into the international markets, how do you feel about supporting students across the globe?

It feels great. Our exposure increases and we get to know about various cultures, educational systems, and students. We also come across different queries.

If given the opportunity, would you like to join Chegg as a full-term employee? If yes, which department.

Absolutely. That is an opportunity I would never leave. I would love to review the solutions submitted by the experts. I would be in the content ops department.

Tell us about your best Chegg moment/s.

My best Chegg moment was when my brother and I bought the house. We have been working so hard for this moment. We bought the house, and we got it registered on the same day. This has made our mother very emotional as she never expected us to buy our own house, so soon. My parents were very proud. Another best Chegg moment is that some students now directly ask for me to solve their questions. I feel very blessed to receive such positive feedback.

Voice of an EA - Krishan Kardam

Voice of an EA – Krishan Kardam

In this edition of the Voice of an EA, we interviewed Mr. Krishna Kardam, who hails from Haryana. The following is a transcript of the interview.

How excited are you to be here with us today?

I can’t express in words my enthusiasm for being associated with Chegg. I joined Chegg in September 2018. It has been three years since then. In fact, it is my dream come true. I had applied for the online tutoring opening but couldn’t make it initially. However, I got selected as EA later. My joy knew no bounds. In less than ten days, the entire process was complete, and I became a part of Chegg.

How did your journey with Chegg begin? What propelled you to join Chegg?

One of my friends was working as an EA in Chegg. It was he who told me about Chegg and asked me to apply. As I said, I got the opportunity, and here I am.

What do you find the most fascinating about working with Chegg? 

The flexible work hours. That is my favorite thing about Chegg. The earnings with Chegg are good. Initially, I used to earn only my pocket money – it was in thousands. But now, I can make around a lakh per month. It is highly rewarding and gives me immense satisfaction. Apart from this, the culture, the support provided, and the timely payment are exceptional at Chegg. Also, the freedom to work at my preferred time gives me wings. I don’t feel bound and hence, try to achieve more.

Tell us something about your education.

I completed my primary education from my hometown, Hodal, in Haryana. Then, I completed my Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from Government Polytechnic College, Uttawar. After that, I did my B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering from Satya College of Engineering and Technology, Palwal. Finally, I completed my M.Tech from Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal. My discipline in M.Tech was Maintenance and Engineering Management.

Please share something interesting about your family.

My father is a farmer, and my mother is a homemaker. I have a brother who is still studying. Like every other family, my family is loving, caring, and very supportive. My father has always wanted me to have a good education and is my pillar of strength. I am here because of him.

Has Chegg helped you improve your personal and professional life?

It is a boon to me, both on the personal and professional fronts. The flexibility and the fact that I work from home give me ample time to prepare for government services exams. The money I earn is decent enough. I feel happy, content, and enriched.

How has Chegg helped you in your overall growth?

Earning as well as Learning – what else would I seek? Chegg has helped me widen my horizon; it has enhanced my knowledge and enlarged my perspective towards life. Chegg has been quite helpful in my overall growth.

How has Chegg contributed to your earnings?

Initially, I joined Chegg only to earn some pocket money while pursuing M.Tech. My initial pay was around 4k. But after M.Tech, this has become my regular source of income. I have been earning close to a lakh, and this has supported me financially.

Would you like to share about anything special that you bought from the earnings from Chegg?

I bought land from the earnings I got from Chegg. It made my parents both happy and proud. Their happiness matters the most to me. Though the land is a material asset, the happiness I see in their eyes is priceless and gives me immense satisfaction.

What sets Chegg apart from your previous professional experience? 

Well, Chegg is my first tryst with professional experience. It has opened the doors to financial stability, growth, and intellectual enhancement.

What else do you enjoy doing, apart from solving on the Chegg Q&A board?

I enjoy the knowledge acquisition it provides. I enjoy doing research work and then hitting the correct solutions. It makes me feel empowered.

How many questions do you manage to solve in a day?

On a good day, when the question volume is high, I can answer around 35 questions.

How much time do you spend answering questions on the Chegg Q&A board? Do you set targets for solving a particular number of questions in a day? 

On average, I try to work for more than 8 hours. I work from 11 PM to 9 AM. Then I take a break and work from 10 AM to 12 PM. I have lunch and take a break and work again from 5 PM to 7 PM.

Could you share a specific strategy that you follow to help students while solving on the Q&A Board? What are the types of questions you usually seek to answer?

I take up the topics I am very confident of solving, like thermodynamics, oil, and machine hydraulics, because I feel passionate about these. These topics require symbols and diagrams, which I love to draw.

What measures do you take to give the students their money’s worth? How do you ensure you provide quality solutions? 

Once I answer, I recheck the solution and only then submit it. This helps me submit correct and high-quality solutions, and the students are satisfied. The positive feedback I receive from students encourages and gives me the added impetus.

Share your experience with the Chegg Question & Answer Board.

It is a very user-friendly board. Initially, I tried writing, but my handwriting is poor [chuckles]. Now, I type, so it is definitely better. But otherwise, I find it fun to work on the Chegg Q&A Board.

Chegg is now expanding in the international markets. How do you feel now, as Chegg gives you a platform to support students from multiple countries across the globe?

I deem it a privilege to work for an organization that has set its mark the world over. I always feel proud of working for Chegg.

Has working on the Chegg Q&A board helped you during the lockdown?

Yes, of course! When I see my friends working in the private sector going through a rough patch owing to Covid, I feel lucky that I am with Chegg because it provides a good income and timely payments. I feel blessed.

Cite a challenging moment while solving questions.

As I said, when I used to upload handwritten solutions, my handwriting wasn’t very legible. Moreover, I had succumbed to a few watermark violations and got reprimanded for the same. But now, thankfully, I am more equipped to answer and do a better job.

Have you ever introduced anyone to Chegg? 

I did tell a couple of my friends about Chegg and would continue doing so.

How do you introduce others to Chegg?

I have introduced Chegg to many of my juniors. I cite my own example, and they are immediately interested and attracted.

If given a chance to become a full-time employee, would you like to join Chegg? If yes, in which profile?

Yes, why not? Even if I get a government opportunity, I will still wish to continue with Chegg.

Seeing your love for Chegg, it’s time to share your best Chegg Moment!

Haha! My best Chegg Moment was when I paid an Income Tax of 90k. I did not feel sad about paying such a huge amount as tax; rather, I felt proud that I could earn 12 to 25 lakhs per annum. I consider this as my proud moment.



Q. Tell us something about yourself and your education.

I completed my Bachelor’s degree, B.Ed, and Master’s degree in Math from CCS University, Meerut, where I secured first division throughout the years. After that, I have been an Assistant Professor at several engineering and management institutes for more than a decade. I have always been a bright student and Mathematics is my strong suit.

Q. How did your journey with Chegg begin and what is the most fascinating thing about being associated with Chegg?

My friends introduced me to Chegg and encouraged me to apply for the EA position. At that moment, it was surprising for me to believe that an online platform like Chegg exists. Since that day, it has been 5 years, and I never looked back.

One of the most fascinating things about Chegg is that it caters to students around the globe, so learning opportunities for us widen. There are so many students out there who are taking our help, and that is a wonderful feeling.

Q. How has Chegg helped you in your personal and professional growth?

It is hard to put my experience in words, but I can proudly call myself a ‘Chegg addict.’ I think of myself as a dedicated person who wakes up at 3:30 in the morning and starts working.

Personally, Chegg has made me a very confident and hardworking guy. Furthermore, with Chegg’s grace and virtue, I have been able to buy a home. Therefore, I will forever be indebted to Chegg.

Professionally, it is a great feeling to help a student solve a problem through your solutions and cater to a global audience at the comfort of your home.  When a student gives us praiseworthy comments, it is indeed the best feeling ever. And, of course, I save those comments! (smiles)

Q. What are you outside Chegg? What are your hobbies?

I love to play cricket and spend time with my family.

Q. Share your experience with the Chegg Q&A board. How many questions do you manage to solve in a day?

I have faced many challenges in the beginning, but the support from my mentors eased up the difficulties. Moreover, when we provide solutions to students on short notice and they appreciate us by saying that we are lifesavers, it makes our day! I would not be able to put my sentiments in words.

The other time, a student gave me 5 thumbs up for solving a solution and that was amazing! (grins) Nothing is more than the students’ satisfaction to us.

About how many questions I solve, it completely depends on the volume of questions we get. In the beginning, I started by doing 10-15 questions in a day. During the peak months, particularly in April, May, June, July 2020, I did more than 1000 questions.

Q. Would you like to share a specific strategy that you follow to help students while solving on the Q&A Board?

Planning your day effectively is one of the key things to succeed.  Planning also helps in keeping a check. Waking up early in the morning is one more hack. I personally plan to solve 6-7 questions per hour. We must update our knowledge to meet the growing needs of the students. So, I read my subject every single day and try to build myself for the future to enhance my knowledge. In the end, it is all about meeting the students’ demands.

Q. How do you ensure quality in your solutions?

Chegg puts students first, so quality is of paramount importance to us.  We have a lot of responsibility on our shoulders as students are relying on us. For this, we have to continuously work on ourselves and our knowledge. Furthermore, I try to post the solution in a step-by-step manner so that students of different caliber can grasp something valuable from them. We also ensure plagiarism-free solutions and good resolution images in portrait mode to provide a clear and legible solution.

Q. How has working on the Chegg Q&A board helped you during the lockdown?

Chegg not only given me financial freedom but also gave me a  sense of psychological comfort. It is important to keep yourself busy during the lockdown, or it can take a toll on you. We are privileged to have work even during a pandemic. It is important to work in an organization where the work culture keeps you mentally sane. In these times, I am grateful to be associated with Chegg.

Q. Have you ever introduced anyone to Chegg?

I have introduced 5 people to Chegg, and they all are working as Expert Answerers.

Q. Would you consider Chegg as a full-time option? If yes, in which profile?

Of course! I would love to! I have 5 years of experience, and if I get an opportunity to work full-time with the company, that would be an honor.

Choosing a profile (chuckles) is a challenging task. But I think I would circle between being an SME or a content reviewer. I would love to share 5 years of my experience with the new joiners as well.

Q. Share your most challenging moment at Chegg. Also, seeing your love for Chegg, it is time to share your best Chegg Moment too!

One of the challenging moments was at the beginning of my journey where I could see my peers solving 30-40 questions in a day, and I use to wonder if I could ever reach that level. But with continuous hard work and dedication, I believe, everything is possible.

Another challenging moment would be hosting a webinar that took place in December 2020. It was an online platform, so as a result, we had to solve the students’ queries instantly. It was difficult because we had to be spontaneous in solving their queries, which was comparatively tougher than solving them on the website, where we could take our own time. I would still count it as a memorable experience and thoroughly enjoyed it equally.

There are several happy moments for me at Chegg. I was elated when I appeared on the Topper’s list for the first time and when I received my first payment. Getting thumbs up from students after spending hours on a solution is also one of the best things that happened to me.

Q. What advice would you give to future EAs?

EAs have to keep enhancing their knowledge. Moreover, while solving a question, they have to be clear and logical.

I would advise them to solve questions in such a way that any student can understand and learn from them. As we do not have any prescribed textbooks, EAs must build their knowledge by reading extensively on the subject. They should be consistent, and most importantly, they should never give up. Having patience is the key. So, future EAs, do not be harsh on yourself and put unrealistic expectations. There will be a time when you will be able to do more than you ever imagined. It is a process and you will get there! (smiles


Q. How has your journey been with Chegg so far?

Ans: The journey so far has been fabulous. Chegg is a dream job for me where I have been able to share my knowledge and get paid well. In fact, I was looking for such opportunities after my graduation. Moreover, where I live, the concept of Chegg is relatively new. It is amazing because it deals majorly with the education system of the US, which has given me an opportunity to learn new concepts.

Q. What is the most fascinating thing about working at Chegg?

Ans: The best and most fascinating thing about working with Chegg is not having to go out to work. Moreover, I believe that online teaching is the future and Chegg has provided a perfect platform for that. It is so amazing to think that students get solutions to their problems with just a click of a button and that too in a transparent manner. Also, I have very supportive coordinators who guide me at every step, which is an added advantage.

Q. How did your journey begin with Chegg? What propelled you to join Chegg?

Ans: After I finished my graduation, I wanted to pursue my Master’s in the States. However, due to financial constraints, I could not go ahead with that plan. One day I saw a Chegg video, made by Chegg experts, on YouTube. After watching the video, I made up my mind to work for Chegg. Now, I have been associated with Chegg for 3 years and this is my first job after my graduation.  The best part of the journey is that I can deliver what Chegg demands.

Q. Tell us something about your education.

Ans. I belong to Vadodara, Gujarat and I have completed my Bachelor’s in Nursing Sciences from Gujarat University. I was always focused and good at academics since my school days. As a result, I secured as place in the ranking list of state toppers. The subject for which I work currently, Anatomy and Physiology, has been very close to my heart. I was always keen to learn new things about the human body and that pushed me to learn more about the subject.

Q. Describe how Chegg helped you improve your personal and professional life?

Ans: Chegg has given me everything that I have always aspired for. Since Chegg was my first job, my first pay came from Chegg and it was a handsome amount. I must say that my parents were happy that I was able to earn that much. Most importantly, the job satisfaction after working with Chegg is immense and from the day I joined Chegg, I have never looked back.

Q. How many questions do you manage to solve in a day?

Ans. This depends on the volume of questions. If it’s the exam season, then I manage to solve 35 to 40 questions a day. But during summer/winter break, it comes down to 10 to 12 questions a day.

Q. Would you like to share a specific strategy that you follow to help students while solving on the Q&A Board?

Ans: The best strategy, I believe, is to answer a question only if you know the answer in its entirety. This is because students require solutions that are crisp and easy to understand.  Also, I never set a target for myself. I mostly answer the questions that I am sure about and prefer answering long questions compared to short or objective ones. Subsequently, I have observed when I answer long questions, I am able to explain the concept better and I get more upvotes by the students. Further, I believe the key to answering questions is to explain the concept in a simple and easy-to-understand language.

Q. If you’re a given a choice between quality and quantity what would you choose and why?

Ans: I would, any day, choose quality over quantity and that’s exactly what a student’s need is. During my association with Chegg, I have understood that students would downvote answers that are low on quality. Moreover, students are paying for the service, therefore, one should abide by all the guidelines while giving answers to the questions. In the end, I want to ensure that the students get perfect answers to their questions.

Q. How much time do you spend answering questions on the Chegg Q&A board? Do you set targets for solving a particular number of questions in a day?

Ans: I never set a target for myself as I believe that will create mental pressure on me. Rather, my target is the time that I spend on the Chegg Q&A board. At times, I end up spending close to 12 hrs. In fact, my day starts with Chegg and ends with Chegg. (smiles)

Q. How has this entire experience with Chegg helped you during the COVID crisis, especially when the economy has taken a downturn everywhere?

Ans: It was a boon to be associated with Chegg during this time. Chegg made it easy for me to survive the lockdown as it kept me involved with different types of tasks. Moreover, I believe that the question volume increased during the lockdown period, as the schools and colleges were shut in the States. As a result, more students connected with Chegg during that time.

Also, these days when people are working with pay cuts or are getting laid off, Chegg has always provided constant financial support and kept me engaged.

Q. What is the most satisfying part of working with Chegg?

Ans: I belong to Vadodara and the medium of instruction in schools and colleges is the local language, and as a result, students mostly do not have a stronghold on the English language.  I have always dreamt of being associated with an institution that would allow me to deliver my knowledge in English. The most satisfying part of working with Chegg is when the students thank me and appreciate my answer. Even when I see a single upvote, it is very satisfying.

Moreover, I have received immense motivation from the coordinators at every point of time, especially during the times of pandemic and this is something that keeps me going.

Q. Chegg is now expanding to international markets. How do you feel now as Chegg gives you a platform to support students from multiple countries across the globe?

Ans:  I feel quite proud about the expansion. In the past few years, I have gotten well versed with the pattern of questions that have been coming from the US. Now, it will be a privilege for me to answer questions from other countries as well. In fact, I am very curious to know about the education and examination system of different countries. This knowledge and exposure will surely give me an edge over the others.

Q. If given a chance to become a full-time employee, would you like to join Chegg? If yes, in which profile?

Ans: Of course, I would love to be considered for such an opportunity. In fact, I am waiting for the day when I will be able to join Chegg as a full-time employee. Currently, I am not sure which role I would fit in, however, I would me more than happy to work and do justice to whichever role I am chosen for.

Q. Cite a challenging moment while solving questions.

Ans: The only challenging part is when a posted answer is correct, but the students are unable to understand the answer. Another similar situation arises when the question posted by a student is incorrect, and a correct answer is expected for that question. Consequently, making the students understand in such a situation becomes a bit challenging.

Overcoming those challenging situations: I reply to the comments in case a student downvotes an answer. I ensure that I convince him/her and give the correct response to the problem. In fact, I have changed many downvotes to upvotes just by explaining the answer to the student in the comments section. Also, I have maintained consistency in CF score, which has never gone below 90, since I joined Chegg.  At last, I just want to say that if one is passionate about academics and would like to contribute to the student community, then Chegg is the perfect place to be.  Chegg would give you a perfect balance between knowing your subject and mentoring students.

 “I don’t worry about the hours that I put in, I only try to deliver the best”.

Yamini khatri

1. Tell us something about your education?

I am very passionate about my subject with a strong inclination for research. As a result, I have been a college topper in my graduation and post-graduation in Plant Biology from Delhi University. Henceforth, my association with Chegg began from May 2019. Currently, I aim to go for research work and pursue either MPhil or PhD.

2. Please share something interesting about your family.

I have inherited the skill, ability, and creativity from my family. All are artists in my family, and they run an academy, which is ‘Melange Art Academy’. Since creativity runs in the family, therefore, my Biology diagrams are interesting, crisp, and educative in making students understand important concepts. Till date, I have drawn about 300-400 diagrams for Chegg.

3. How Chegg helped you in your overall growth?

I have imbibed knowledge by reading books. Thankfully, Chegg has provided a platform to become confident in my subject. Earlier, I took 20 minutes to an hour to solve a question. However, now I just take 7-10 minutes to solve a particular question with utmost dedication.

Also, Chegg follows a strict policy for plagiarized solutions and ensures all experts write original solutions. This policy has sharpened my writing skills to produce original content, which is a contributing factor to my overall growth and development.

4.How much time do you spend answering questions on the Chegg Q&A board? Do you set targets for solving a particular number of questions in a day?

Target depends upon the questions’ volume.

5. Would you like to share a specific strategy that you follow to help students while solving on the Q&A Board?

How much time one spends on the Chegg Q&A board totally depends on the volume of questions received. Generally, I spend about 3-4 hours, however, during peak time, I solve 7-8 questions in an hour and aim to solve 50-55 questions in one day. The target is high in the month of March, April, October, November, and December and accordingly it is set as per the volume of questions received. For instance, I set a target of minimum number of questions that I should solve in a day.

Understanding is the key instead of mugging up.

My suggestion to every expert is to read as much as one can, which will help in building a sound knowledge base. The thought process and the way one applies the knowledge will simplify the answer and help the student in understanding the concept in a better manner, thereby increasing the CF score of the expert. One should solve only those questions for which he or she is cent percent sure and confident.

6. If given a chance to become a full-time employee, would you like to join Chegg? If yes, in which profile?

I would love to join full-time as I am more research oriented and love sharing my knowledge with my peers and students. If I am hired in a supervisory position, I would be elated. I can supervise interns in answering questions.

7. What else do you enjoy doing, apart from solving on the Chegg Q&A board?

We all learn something everyday. I love reading, I read course books basically textbooks in an orderly fashion also review and research articles related to biology. My favorite book is ‘Biochemistry’ by Lehninger and ‘Genetics’ by Russell. Both are beautiful books written in a concise manner.  Gardening and telegraphy are my favorite hobbies. I have around 200 plants in my home. Chegg is our savior in such trying times

During the lockdown, the volume of questions was always high, and I worked around 15-16 hours. As a result, while people were having doubts about their job security, Chegg gave me handful of work and ensured stability. Chegg took great efforts in putting our minds at ease in such times.

8. How working on Chegg Q&A board helped you during lockdown?

Passion and hard work can help you achieve anything in life.

9. Cite a challenging moment while solving questions?

The most challenging moment while solving questions was the time when I got a question, which was 2-3 page long and in the form of numerical. It followed a MCQ format and none of the options matched with mine. I had to skip it because all options were incorrect. Such a scenario takes a lot of time and I am unable to achieve my target for the day.

10. Seeing your love for Chegg, it’s time to share your best Chegg Moment!

There are many Chegg moments. The day I solved around 100 questions is my best moment. Retrospection of that moment gives me motivation to achieve more.

Whenever I comment on a post, I get so many messages on Facebook where people appreciate the way I have answered or given suggestion for a particular thing. I built my Facebook page only for academic purpose. Here, I get an opportunity to learn and share my knowledge or ideas. I like suggesting experts an appropriate way to answer a particular question, which would enhance and build their knowledge base. They usually ask me to suggest a list of books for Biology.

Sumit Dangi

Please tell us something about yourself and your education.

I hail from the historic city of Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh. I completed my school years at my hometown and moved to Delhi to pursue my B. Tech from NIIT.  I have been a topper throughout my life. I have earned many scholarships too. (chuckles).

My first job was an Assistant Engineer Executive for Voltas Ltd., Pune and then I got the job of an ALP-Assistant Loco Pilot in the Railways, post that worked as Junior Engineer in Indian Railways. Meanwhile, I joined as an Expert Answerer in Chegg and I earned so well here that I left the Railways job as well.

If Chegg had not happened, I would have been struck as a Junior Engineer, if not for an ALP for sure.

Q. Some brief about your family, please…

My father is a farmer. He has worked very hard for my education. I have a loving mother, an elder brother, my sister-in-law, and a cute little princess – my niece, (his eyes get moist). Now, it is my turn to reciprocate.

Q. How excited are you about this interview?

I am very excited for the interview and feel so grateful to Chegg, that I wish to reciprocate.  Motivating people by talking about my experience with Chegg is what I want to do.

Q. How did your journey begin with Chegg? What propelled you to join Chegg?

It was after my engineering exam, I stumbled upon this wonderful platform – the Chegg site through YouTube. After completing the registration, I went through the screening procedure and in a week’s time, I got the solving rights. In October, I solved only one question, wherein I got a thumbs down (smiles sheepishly) by the student, yet to my surprise, Chegg released the payment for that one question, despite me getting a thumbs down. This made me gain confidence. I realized it is a genuine organization.

The next month, luckily for me, was a rush season – October and November, where many questions were solved and I was suitably rewarded with a fat paycheck. Since then, there is no looking back. Now, I work on around 500 solutions per month and never took Chegg as a part-time job. I am 100% dedicated to Chegg that I take only 5 hours of sleep during the peak time and my system is always on. Even my coordinator Deepanshu, admonishes me to be careful and take care of my health. Love his concern! (with gratitude).

To me, it is only EAT, SLEEP, CHEGG, REPEAT!

People criticized me for letting go of such good opportunities, but now, seeing my hard work being rewarded, and the returns I get, people are happy with my decision, and applaud me. Chegg rewards every drop of sweat – so I sweat. (laughs) I joined Chegg in 2019.

Chegg is a blessing during COVID times. Most of my college mates have lost their jobs, whereas my graph has been growing upwards in Chegg.  The opportunity to earn @ Chegg is so huge, that really acts as an impetus. When I joined Chegg, I did it only to be financially independent, and did not take it as a long-term commitment. Now, one year down the lane, I know Chegg is my destination – It is Ultimate.

Q. Describe how Chegg helped you improve your personal and professional life?

Enormously! My parents are very happy with me. Initially, they did feel bad that I was leaving good opportunities, but I have a lot of support from my parents. I am 25 now, and I am quite happy with my life so far. My family is happy that I am earning good – all thanks to Chegg. Chegg is giving everything to me. Chegg is my financial strength.

In fact, I have also been able to sponsor for his brother’s wholesale business. My brother, to me, is like a second father. I have pledged to fulfil all their dreams. Chegg has given meaning to my life. Thanks to Chegg (Beaming)

Q. How has Chegg contributed to your earning? What have you bought from the earnings you got from Chegg?

In November last year, I gifted my parents a car with the earnings I made from Chegg – an XUV 300 top model and felt very happy. I have used my earnings to completely renovate my house. I am indebted to my family. My father has always been a pillar of support to me – he faced many struggles in life – many setbacks. Now, I want to take care of them.

Q. How are you enjoying your journey here?

It has been a great journey. I am here to earn, but there has also been an exponential growth in my knowledge and that is the biggest gain from Chegg. The simple but academic environment of Chegg with absolutely no pressure, the freedom of work, the timely payments, the work culture, and the constant support make Chegg a great platform for people like me.

Q. What do you find most fascinating about working with Chegg?

Everything about Chegg.  Every day is a learning opportunity and I look forward to every single day. There is a huge difference between the US curriculum and the Indian curriculum. I learnt a lot after joining Chegg – many new concepts like MATLAB. Financial benefits plus learning new concepts each day is really a blessing. My advice is do not consider Chegg as a part-time opportunity. It is only when you spend time with the Chegg Q&A board that you understand the trend of the Q&A flow. Give your 100% and get 100%.

Q. What sets Chegg apart from your previous professional experience?

I worked for Voltas. I had to work under pressure, timeframes, and in a closed setup. My time was not mine. I could not take leaves as and when I wanted. But with Chegg, I am the master. I am free to choose my time.  When the volume is less, I work less and am free to socialize. Chegg is different. Destiny has brought me to Chegg, and my destiny is Chegg.

Q. How many questions do you manage to solve in a day?

My aim is to be on the toppers list. I work around 25 to 30 questions in a day, 40 to 50 during peak hours, solving around 30 to 35 questions on an average. I start at night and work till 7 am in the morning, and then sleep for 5 to 6 hours , have lunch, rest a bit, and from evening 8 pm, restart. Chegg is an opportunity, and I tend to devote a lot of time on the Chegg Q&A Board. My CF score has always been good – above 80, and that boosts my confidence.

Q. What else do you enjoy doing, apart from solving on the Chegg Q&A board?

Enhancing my knowledge and spending time with my family is my favorite past time. I owe it all to Chegg. Chegg allows me to work from my hometown spending quality time with my family and at the same time, earn. I have best of both the worlds, thanks to Chegg!

Q. Would you like to share a specific strategy that you follow to help students while solving on the Q&A Board?

I attempt a question if I am very sure. We have two hours to solve a question, I clarify my doubt, refer a book, or use search engines, and then if I am sure, I solve the question. I ensure the student understands the concept. My choice is always quality.

Q. What are the types of questions you usually seek to answer?

I like to attempt questions on the topics – fluid mechanics, machine design, strength of materials, thermodynamics etc., I have good command on these subjects, and so focus more on questions related to these topics. I learnt Robotics after joining Chegg.

Q. Have you ever introduced anyone to Chegg?

Chegg is a boon, a blessing! I have recommended Chegg to many relatives and friends. As soon as I talk about Chegg, and validate with my experience, people start believing me. There is no competition and no dearth of questions. The best benefit of working with Chegg is you do not need to go outside. Just chill and work.

Q. How has working on Chegg Q&A board helped you during the lockdown?

During Covid, there was a downtrend everywhere, but in Chegg, even in such unprecedented times, the inflow of questions was on the rise. And now, the inflow is huge. The question volume increased almost 200 times. At Chegg, there is unlimited opportunity. How much you can earn is completely upon you.

Q. If given a chance to become a full-time employee, would you like to join Chegg? If yes, in which profile?

As of now, I want to focus only as an EA. Well! Coming to your question of working as a full-time employee, I work 15 hours which is more like a full-time job for me. In case I do not work 15 hours, I feel I have wasted few resourceful hours of the day.

Q. Seeing your love for Chegg, it is time to share your best Chegg Moment!

Gifting a car to my parents and seeing them smile with pride has been my best Chegg Moment. I can say, this has been the best achievement by far. Now, whatever good tidings are there in my life –I owe to Chegg.

Q. How are you an influencer?

Chegg has given me the opportunity to participate in Webinars, wherein I could talk to other EAs about my experience, my strategies, and my love for Chegg. So, I have attended 2 webinars so far, and nearly 400 EAs attended those.

Q. One liner on Chegg…

Chegg is everything to me! I am always there for Chegg!


Chandan Kumar, an Expert Answerer (EA) in Mechanical Engineering, has been associated with Chegg for more than three and a half years now. Chandan joined Chegg when he was in his second year of Engineering. Since then, he has answered more than 2,500 questions with an overall CF score of more than 85%. He is one of the most consistent performers on the Chegg Q&A Board. Quality answering is his niche.

Q. Tell us something about your personal and professional life.

I’m from Bokaro, Jharkhand. Importantly, I have pursued my B.Tech. from Orissa Engineering College, Bhubaneswar. Also I am now preparing for UPSC ESE Examination. In addition, I can be termed a ‘Full-Time Chegger’ as I find myself answering on the Chegg Question and Answer Boarding all the time. Moreover, I started working for Chegg when I was in college, and it’s already been five years. Chegg’s smooth way of operations made my voyage a fantastic one. 

Q. How did you come to know about Chegg?

Some of my friends introduced me to Chegg. It was during the earlier days of Chegg in India. Everyone was curious to know about Chegg and I decided to give some time to know Chegg better. I found Chegg to be the best place to work and decided to join. 

Q. How is your overall experience with Chegg?

Working for Chegg has always given me immense pleasure. Chegg is a genuine and reliable online company. At Chegg, I can work with less pressure and at my own pace. I feel proud to say that answering on the Chegg Q&A board has become my hobby, and I’m happy that I’m able to utilize my time in a more efficient way. It is also a learning platform and the best part is that you even get paid for that. Every question tossed at you is challenging. I love challenges and that’s what makes me happy while answering on the Chegg Q&A Board. Each & every question that you answer on this platform, boosts your confidence. 

Q. How much time do you spend answering on the Chegg Q&A board?

My coaching and self-study keep me busy throughout the day. But I try my best to spare four to five hours daily to answer questions on the Chegg Q&A board. It has become a part of my daily life. I miss a lot on the day I don’t answer. The more you answer, the more you earn – that’s what motivates me to keep answering. I never set any targets for the number of questions to be answered in a day. I just keep answering as long as I can. 

Q. What is your approach towards submitting the best possible quality answers? How do you make sure you provide Quality answers on the Chegg Q&A board?

The first thing that comes to my mind before I start answering any question is to check my capability of answering the question. If the question is beyond my scope of knowledge, I refrain from answering. If the question is familiar to me, I provide the answer to the question in a way that the student can follow easily. I define new technical terms and explain the concept. I break a lengthy solution into logical steps and explain each step for the benefit of the student. If the student poses comments requesting for clarification, I revert to them and clarify. I provide relevant figures/diagrams along with the necessary data for every solution. 

Q. How has Chegg helped you in your life/career?

Chegg has helped me to take many tough decisions of my life with ease and has helped me in the pursuit of my targets and dreams. It has helped me increase my level of knowledge and changed my approach towards studies. In addition to this, Chegg has helped me grow and be financially independent. It has given me the confidence to face any challenges that come on the way. In other words, Chegg drove all my fears away. 

Q. Can you mention any memorable/special moment of your journey with Chegg?

Memorable moments carve a smile on my face. One night, after answering 39 questions, I felt tired and sleepy. So, that was one of my highest counts and I was proud of my achievement. After that, when I was about to sleep, I received a call from my coordinator and he asked me if I had answered questions that night. Proudly I replied, YES (as it was the first time that I had solved such a high number of questions). After that, my coordinator motivated me in his style saying, “Experts usually answer 50 questions a day.” Therefore, I was motivated to answer more questions that night and ended up answering the remaining questions. ????   

Q. Do you enjoy working with Chegg?

A Big Yes! I enjoy a lot working for Chegg. Firstly, when you have such awesome coordinators who make sure that we experts keep going and keep earning high. Secondly, they make Chegg a better and more fun place to work. Thirdly, my coordinators have always stood for any problems or issues I had and resolved them timely. Most Importantly, without their motivation, this long journey of mine with Chegg wouldn’t have been possible. Similarly, a lot of thanks to my coordinators. For me, Chegg is like a guide, a friend and a motivator.   

Q. How likely would you recommend your friend/relative to join Chegg as an Expert Answerer (EA).

I will highly recommend Chegg to anyone I know. Also, I have done it many times in the past. Importantly, Chegg is trustworthy in comparison to others as it always stood by its commitment. Above all, the coordinators have taken care of us for whatever problems we faced and made sure that those issues are resolved. 

Q. How was your experience at the Experts’ Meet conducted in Delhi?

If I had to say in one word, life with Chegg is just “Phenomenal”. For instance, Interacting with the coordinators face-to-face, especially when you are in contact with them for such a long time only via telephonic conversations, was just wonderful. The event was quite interesting and fun-filled. Above all, It kept us excited & engaged throughout the day. Also, I wish they organize more such meets. In other words, thanks a lot, to all of you at Chegg for being such a wonderful team. You all are amazing!!

Q. How did you come to know about Chegg?

One of my friend introduced me to Chegg in college. After that, I was curious and searched the internet to know more. I and understood that Chegg is the right place for subject enthusiasts like me and went through the whole contract.

Q. Tell us something about your education and professional life?

I am from Gorakhpur. It’s a town in Uttar Pradesh. I did my initial schooling from St. Joseph’s Inter College. After that, I went to pursue my undergrad studies in Mechanical Engineering from JSS Academy of Technical Education, Noida. After my education, I have joined Infosys, Mysore to undergo training in the software field and then eventually moved to Pune to start my professional career with the company.

Q. How is being an EA different from working as an employee elsewhere?

The best part about Chegg is that work is available 24*7. I can work from anywhere – home or cafe. All I need is a laptop and internet. In a regular office job, one must travel to one’s workplace daily and clock in 9-10 hours and work there and that too in a fixed schedule. In this world of changing trends, Chegg provides a cool opportunity to work when and how one wants to.

Q. How much time do you spend answering the Questions on the Chegg Q&A Board?

How many solutions do you do? I am mostly glued to my laptop as I am a software engineer. I always have Chegg website opened on another tab and whenever I find the time I answer a question. On an average, I answer about 350 questions a month.

Q. How do you make sure you provide a quality answer?

Firstly, I do a thorough verification to check the accuracy before posting the answer. Secondly, If it is a program-based question, I write the code, provide necessary comments, and execute the code to check the correctness. Thirdly, I also provide an algorithm for the benefit of the student. Above all, the comments from the students as well as the admin team help me rectify the errors and improve quality.

Q. How did Chegg help you progress in life?

Chegg is my first employer and I have been working for the past six years. However, I have been into the Software industry for the past four years. In addition, I can say that I have spent a lot of time answering the questions and have been duly paid for it. In other words, The monetary benefits, as well as the knowledge enhancement, is a great positive that one gets from Chegg. Therefore, it is a great platform to interact with international students, help them, and even learn from them. Also, The money earned from Chegg is helping me finance my higher education. I am also planning to do my Masters in the US.

Q. Cite a memorable moment on Chegg.

Chegg team visited Pune for an expert meet in the month of August. It was a fun-filled day, getting insights from fellow experts and encouraging words from the directors and coordinators. During the meet, I was titled as a “Superstar Expert ” and was asked to share my experience. It indeed is a memorable moment when you are chosen to speak amongst the other experts.

Q. Are you happy being an expert answerer?

Happiness is what I reap as I daily work on the Chegg Q&A Board. Money, recognition from the manager, custom satisfaction, and a proper work-life balance are enough to make a person happy. I found all of them at Chegg.

Q. Tell us something about yourself and how were you introduced to Chegg?

I am an IT Professional with a degree in Computer Science. I began his journey with Chegg on January 2017. Since then, I have solved 900+ questions while maintaining an excellent CF score of 91%. A brilliant combination of both quality and quantity.

Q. Describe your journey so far with Chegg.

My journey with Chegg has been fruitful in terms of self-development while helping students beyond the boundaries. I was very happy after meeting my coordinators in Pune. After that, I had a wonderful day, filled with fun and enjoyment. I am grateful to Chegg. In other words, I look forward to being a part of Chegg forever!

Q. Any specific methodology that you follow?

 I follow different approaches to solve various kinds of questions. I prefer answering questions, in which I have the utmost confidence. Mostly, I solve programming questions and make it a point to write a comment on every important line. This helps the students to get more clarification while viewing the solution. I also review the solution with multiple inputs.

When it comes to complex problems, I ensure that I simplify the difficult problem for a better understanding of the student. Therefore, I explain it step-by-step, so that students can gain clarity and understand the solutions in a simple manner. While solving an objective question, my focus is to provide more explanation of the correct answer. Also, I always provide suggestions to the students related to relevant topics for better understandability.

I am proficient in Data Structure, Java, C++/C/Python/JavaScript/HTML and Basic Networking languages. Also, I endeavor to upgrade my knowledge and skillset with time.

Q. Pune Experts’ Meet and You:

I was ecstatic that Chegg had conducted a meet in Pune for the first time in three years. Also wish to meet again in the future. My commitment to provide quality answers is genuine. Also, I promise to provide high-quality solutions to even the most complex problems.

Q. How did you get introduced to Chegg?

I started my career with Chegg in November 2016. I completed my B. Tech in computer science Engineering from IIT and there I came to know about Chegg through my friend. I have been consistently performing and have solved more than 8000 questions. I also maintain an average CF score of 90%.

Q. Are you into any full-time job apart from Chegg?

Yes, I am a software engineer and I am working for an E-commerce company as a software developer in Bangalore.

Q. Describe your experience with Chegg.

The journey has been fantastic. During my initials days on the Chegg Q&A Board, my answering count was low.  However, I picked up very soon and started answering more and more questions, simultaneously, mastering my skills. Not only answering questions on the Chegg Question and Answer board but interacting with Chegg experts in our WhatsApp group and answering their queries is just amazing. The questions I receive on the Chegg Q&A Board questions are application-oriented and are very interesting. I usually spend six hours a day on the Chegg Q&A Board and during the weekends, I contribute more. The comments I receive from the students are quite motivating. I am happy that I am helping a student on the other side of the globe.Overall, it’s a wonderful experience and I look forward to contributing more and more.

Q. How did Chegg help you in your overall growth.

 Chegg made me financially stable and I have seen a tremendous growth in my subject knowledge as questions on Q&A Board always push me to learn more and study new concepts. Initially, I used to answer questions from C, C++ and Java only, but with constant hard work on Chegg and learning, I have mastered new languages such as Python, R programming, Data structures, MATLAB, and Assembly Language. From solving one question a day to 50 questions daily, I have achieved a series of milestones in my Chegg Career.

 The Chegg Q&A board is an Ocean of Knowledge. The questions posted by students come from vast topics and programming languages. The best thing about Chegg is that it has an abundance of opportunities for every subject enthusiast, ranging from students to professionals, housewives to freelancers. Solving big questions has helped me grow in my professional career. It has helped me master my skills.

Q. Share a memorable moment.

(With a smile) It was when I was announced as the top performer for the month of November last year. I received applauds and appreciation from fellow experts in my WhatsApp group. With my Chegg earnings, I travelled to many places with my friends and those trips were quite memorable.

Q. Share a challenging moment.

Once I skipped a question after realizing that it would take more than two hours to solve it. However, my never-give-up attitude pushed me to take it as a challenge and solve it. I solved it within two hours.Whenever I skip a question, I ensure that I note down the topic and update myself during my free time, so that I make myself capable of cracking such questions. I also solved Text Book Solution assignments, but I like to work more on the Chegg Q&A Board.

Q. Express in your words how special is this EA Meet for you?

It was a pleasure to meet my coordinators after two years. I had a great time interacting with my fellow experts and my motivators.

Q. What steps do you take to maintain quality in the answers?

My motive is to help the student grow in their career and so I provide them with the guidance with the best of my abilities. I double check my answer for accuracy before submitting it. Sometimes we make a calculation mistake which might be a minor one but can really affect the student’s learning.I make sure I follow the Chegg guidelines and provide necessary diagrams, comments and everything that makes the answer student-friendly.

Q. Have you ever referred others to Chegg?

Yes, I did refer many of my friends to join the Chegg Family.

Q. If you get better opportunities in life, will you give up on Chegg?

I will always continue working for Chegg as it boosts my confidence as I help students. I also like to help students who are craving for subject help and I consider Chegg to be the right platform to reach out to them.

1. When did your journey with Chegg start ? Narrate a few highlights.

My journey with Chegg began in January 2018 for the subject Accounting on our Q&A Board. Eventually, I registered myself and started working for Textbook solutions. Over the past eight months, I have solved more than 850 questions on Q&A board and have also contributed more than 350 answers in TBS.A Chartered Accountant by profession, I am not the regular 9 to 5 CA. I feel blessed that my passion for my subject helps me serve Chegg with full-time services and dedication to the Q&A Board. I am also a practicing Chartered accountancy as a freelancer in partnership with few of my close friends. My thirst for knowledge is insatiable. I am also pursuing a diploma in International Financial Reporting.  I dedicate my excellence in the subject to Chegg.

2. How was your experience at the meet in PUNE ?

My experience at the meet was two-fold. I had a lot of fun meeting my fellow Cheggers and Coordinators, at the same time I had informative and insightful conversations with people. The question and answer sessions were also of immense help to me, as I learned some Do’s and Don’ts I was not aware of, before the meet.

3. If given a chance to become a full-time employee, would you like to join in? If Yes, in which profile ?

It would be a matter of pride and honor for me to join as a full-time employee, probably as an operational manager or as a reviewer after gaining adequate experience.

4. How Chegg has helped you in your life ?

Working with Chegg has been an enriching and life-changing experience for me. It has helped me to enjoy my subjects and teach others at the same time! Moreover, the monetary benefit is commensurate to the efforts, which is difficult to find in any other organization. It helps me thoroughly enjoy what I do and doesn’t make work seems like work but play!

5. What is your best Chegg memory?

My best Chegg moment was when my first answer got a comment “Thank you so much!” from the student. I believe students do not comment unless they really feel the gratitude. That comment made me happy and super-motivated.

6. What is your primary motive while answering a question?

I try to answer in a way that helps me in learning and grasping new concepts and proves useful to the student as well. I make sure that the answer is correct and well-explained so that the knowledge of the student is enhanced. Further, answering questions involves extensive study which makes me grow as a professional and as an added benefit, helps me financially.

7. How do you make sure that you provide quality answers ?

To ensure that I provide quality answers, I always prefer to give well-explained answers with step-by-step solutions. I make sure not to miss any formula and/or definition required for a better understanding of the answer by the student Further, I only answer questions for which I am certain that my knowledge is at par and correct.

8. What are the questions you seek to answer ?

I choose questions from my area of expertise. My primary motive is to give an “expert” answer in every sense of the word, i.e. specialized knowledge. Thus, I am very careful about not choosing questions for which I might provide a sub-standard answer.


I came to know about Chegg from one of my well-wishers and I am very happy to be part of Chegg. I have been one of the top solvers of Computer Science and have contributed more than 2200 answers till now with 81% CF score.


On the Chegg Q&A Board, I get to solve a wide variety of questions related to logic, design which are related to C, CPP, Data structures, Java, and Python. I also get to solve command-based questions on Linux and Shell Scripting.While answering the questions posed by the students on the Chegg Q&A board, I provide well-explained step-by-step answers. For a computer program, I give well-documented answers with the commented code so that students may not only understand the code but also understand the approach.I have made some friends on the experts’ WhatsApp group. We help each other while solving tough questions. The bonding with fellow experts has blossomed so strong that all of us have planned to go on a trip this year.


Chegg provides a rare platform to interact with international students, who are desperate to learn the subject. The questions I receive on the Chegg Q&A Board are impressive. They are quality questions and are application-oriented.Chegg delivers payment on time. At Chegg, work is directly proportional to earning. The more I work, the more I earn and that is what I like about Chegg.


I am a cheerful person and love to spread happiness. Importantly, I am optimistic and a visionary. My passion to help students over the two years in Chegg has multiplied. In addition, I have a plethora of ways to earn money, but the satisfaction I gain by teaching the subject tops everything. I attended the Expert Meet last year too. I am highly impressed with the knowledge sharing and the pleasure of meeting more of the team members. Moreover, I always provide quality answers because I remember that our students are the leaders of our next generation!I recently got married and went on a honeymoon to Singapore with the earnings I made through Chegg.


Chegg has helped me financially and academically. Chegg has a different diversity of questions which helped me to build my logic and coding ability and gave me enough confidence to appear for competitive exams and job interviews.


Every time I face a difficult problem, I consider it a good opportunity. The issue is not with answering the question but explaining it in a way that the student understands. I think like a student.


I am already working on platforms related to data sciences, Machine Learning, and AI, However, loves being a Chegger on the Chegg Q&A Board. In other words, I can’t sum up in one sentence how impactful Chegg has been in my life. ????ow di

Q. How did you come to know about Chegg?

I was introduced to Chegg by my best friend Abhiram. I am greatly indebted to him. He motivated me to apply for a job at Chegg and explained that my nature of work would be to teach international students online and help them solve subject-related problems. I cleared the test and I started my journey as an expert answerer on the Chegg Question and Answer Board.

Q. Shed some light on your experience with the Chegg Q&A board?

I receive a wide variety of questions – theory-based questions, problem-based questions, MCQs, fill in the blanks etc. Importantly, I wouldn’t let go any question unanswered unless it is beyond the scope of my subject knowledge. In addition, I ensure that my answer is helpful for the students’ learning. Above all, Concerning the Chegg Q&A Dashboard, Chegg offers a very user-friendly environment to answer the question. In conclusion, the expert management team is just a call away and are very generous in clearing all my doubts.


Simple – “EAT-CHEGG-REPEAT” Working from home has the benefit of savoring home-made food. I enjoy all the lovely dishes prepared at home and then continue with my answering on the Chegg Q&A Board. My friends do covet my lifestyle and I truly feel blessed.


Chegg is a haven for Subject Enthusiasts like me and this is the right place where I should be.  The best part is that Chegg gives an opportunity to freshers and does not ask for work experience. Decent subject knowledge and good writing skills are much needed to qualify the subject test in Chegg. This is my first job and I am so thankful to Chegg for this fantastic opportunity. At Chegg, I can cater to international students and this is something I take pride in.


Answering questions on the Chegg Q&A board are not like writing an exam or a scholarly paper but is done with a purpose of teaching. Be it a tough or a silly question, I deal with the same diligence. A question might be a pebble for a tutor, but a mountain for a student. For every question, I give all the necessary information.I answer a question for the benefit of the student than just for my monetary benefit. The best way to answer the question for a student is to think like a student. Understand the student confusion points and add notes to address them.


My personal life was never better before I joined Chegg. I used to depend on others for financial support almost for everything. After reaching many milestones in education, it is mere stupidity to depend on others to buy things, hang out with friends, go on vacations and celebrate birthday parties. Thanks to Chegg. my social and personal life has got a lot better.My post-graduation project equipment cost me around 1 lakh rupees, without Chegg I could not ever have initiated my project. I also gifted myself an expensive smartphone – ‘One Plus 6’.


Countless, I had helped many of my unemployed graduate friends by referring them to Chegg. I introduce Chegg only to those who are masters in their subject and not to those who are just casual about Chegg.


Never! it was more about helping students than earnings. Above all, I always go the extra mile for the benefit of the students.


Well, I would be glad to work with Chegg fulltime, but I am willing to do PhD in my core area of expertise. Above all, I would personally recommend my friends to join Chegg –  full-time. In conclusion, I wish I could grab this opportunity.


Q. How did your journey begin with Chegg?

 I started my journey with Chegg on 6th November 2017 and AM currently working in Finance subject. I answered a lot of questions so far on the Chegg Question and Answer Board.Importantly, I got to know about Chegg from Naukri. For instance, I found one of the emails I have received regarding hiring as a freelance expert. In other words, I thought it would be great to impart my knowledge to the students in the US.  However, I was a bit apprehensive as I wasn’t aware of how to go about it. Therefore, with the help of the coordinators, I got useful insights and that’s how I improved on the process of answering.

Q. Could you share something about your education and achievements.

 I completed my Bachelor of Engineering in (Electronics and Communication). After that, completed MBA (Operations research and Strategic management), M.Phil. (Management). In addition, I am currently pursuing PhD (Management). Moreover I am also a PMP n ITIL certified with over 16 years of corporate experience in quality assurance and control, project and program management. Importantly, I worked for Siemens and Fidelity investments in various capacities. Above all I have written Various research papers in project portfolio management and stakeholder management and published in research journals. Also, I review various conference level research papers. In conclusion I am currently working with various non-profit organizations in the advisory role, PMI member. I also do freelancing as time permits.

Q. How was your experience at the EA meet in Bangalore?

 It was a pleasure meeting Chegg management team, fellow experts and especially my expert coordinator- Mohina. The entire event was executed very meticulously by the entire team with a well-drafted agenda. We had supper in the morning along with biscuits. This was a very sweet gesture as people come from far off places to meet their fellow Cheggers.

Q. What is the best thing you like about Chegg?

Quality of knowledge gained in a very simple and flexible approach. I love the fact that one can work at ones’ own pace with utmost ease. There are no restrictions on timings .Also, the role of an expert answerer at Chegg enables us to impart our knowledge and at the same time, acquire more knowledge from the kind of questions asked. At Chegg, Knowledge Sharing, Learning, and Earning go hand in hand!

Q. In what way did Chegg make your life better?

Chegg has helped me enhance my knowledge and hone my writing skills as I pen down answers for the benefit of the students. It is a great combination of concept sharing and learning. We have reciprocal benefits at Chegg. We gain knowledge by sharing knowledge. This kind of perk is rarely available anywhere else.

Q. Have you referred any of your friends/family to join Chegg?

Yes, I did discuss among my circle and referred to some of them. They were super excited to hear the concept of learning while they can earn at Chegg. Initially, they were apprehensive. The work-from-home idea with immense learning experiences was difficult to digest for them. Eventually, I showed them the payslips I received, and they then they started believing the fact. Laughs.

Q. What was so fascinating about Chegg?

First, the amount of new knowledge you learn is tremendous! Also, brushing up your skills to earn more is never a task. Second, you can earn in your free time. We are not time-bound, and we can work whenever we want to. Third, the students comment saying, ‘Thank you’ and give thumbs up. It is like re-enforcing the fact that “Hey! You know what, you
did a great job!”. I cannot describe in words, the feeling as a teacher.

Q. How do you spend your free time?

I write blogs of my interest, love reading research related papers and volunteering activities with non-profits.

Q. Cite a Challenging Moment.

The most challenging part is to give unique answers every time no matter the question was once answered and to make sure to adhere to Chegg guidelines. For me, it is like writing an exam!Initially, it was quite difficult to understand the expectations, but with the guidance of coordinators, I was in-line with the mission to help students in their studies with the best quality answers!

1. Tell us something about your personal and professional life.

I am an Electrical Engineer. I completed my graduation in 2014. Apart from being an avid answerer on the Chegg Q & A Board. After that I run my own online business. In addition, I am an expert in Advance Math.

2. How did you get to know about Chegg?

I was introduced to Chegg by a friend of mine. From the time I began answering on the Chegg Q&A Board, I have been enjoying and cherishing my association with Chegg.

3. Tell us briefly about your overall experience of working with Chegg.

It’s been a great experience. Initially, I was able to answer only a  few questions. After that, I could answer a good number of questions and at the same time, adhere to the quality standards set forth by Chegg for experts. Importantly, I am having a wonderful time here as the quest for learning never ends. In other words, I learn and I earn too, and this is what excites me the most.

4. How much time do you spend answering questions on the Chegg Q&A board? Do you set targets for solving a particular number of questions in a day?

I maintain a good balance between my business and Chegging. Firstly, I spend almost 3 hours in the morning and the evening on Chegg Q & A Board.  Secondly, As far as target is concerned, I set a target of answering 50+ questions during the peak season.

5. How has Chegg helped you in life/Career?

Chegg has always helped me, and it continues to help me every single day. In other words, it has given me wings to be financially independent and academically strong. After that, I quit my previous job as an Assistant QA Manager and started pursuing my dream of starting my own business venture at a young age. Importantly, Chegg has given me the confidence to believe in my dream and move on in life. Moreover, I attribute the fulfilment of my dream to Chegg. In conclusion I take pride in sharing the fact that I own a business, and it is doing well.

6. Cite a memorable moment from your journey with Chegg.

I have had the opportunity to answer so many questions, even questions posed in languages other than English. However, I sought the help of Google translator to answer such questions. This made me feel proud of myself. In addition, I also love to see the valuable comments and feedbacks that students across the globe provide on my answers. In conclusion, their words of appreciation make me smile and push me to do better every time.

7. How do you make sure that you provide quality answers? Would you like to suggest something to your fellow Cheggers?

Firstly, I make sure that I follow a step-by-step approach to answer questions. Secondly, I totally understand and abide by the fact that I am not answering the questions for myself but am answering for my students. Thirdly, I try and look at the answer from a student’s perspective. In conclusion, If I identify a student confusion point or a concept, I try and explain it liberally. Therefore, I bear in mind that “We put Student first”.

8. Do you enjoy working with Chegg?

Yes, I love working with Chegg.  My feelings are ineffable. Therefore, all I can say is that my day begins with Chegg and ends with Chegg.

9. How often would you recommend your friends/ relatives to join Chegg as an Expert Answerer (EA)?

I often recommend Chegg to my friends who are good at their subject and are able to deliver good results. Importantly, I don’t like to recommend Chegg to people who just dream of deep pockets. Because, I believe in sincerity and hard work and absolutely no shortcuts.

10. How was your experience at the Experts Meet conducted in Delhi? What is your biggest takeaway from the Experts Meet?

My overall experience was great. Firstly, the ambience was impressive. We were welcomed and greeted warmly by our coordinators. Secondly, I got to know and learn a lot about how Chegg’s model works and how we are really contributing to Chegg. Thirdly, I interacted with many other Chegg experts and learnt how others juggle between their professional lives and personal lives.

Most Importantly, I feel privileged to have got an opportunity to work with Chegg. In other words, It’s a platform where we can make the best use of our learning potential and simultaneously help students with their subjects.

Q. How Did You Come To Know About Chegg?

I was introduced to Chegg by my best friend Abhiram. I am greatly indebted to him. He motivated me to apply for a job at Chegg and explained that my nature of work would be to teach international students online and help them solve subject-related problems. I cleared the test and I started my journey as an expert answerer on the Chegg Question and Answer Board.

Q. Shed Some Light On Your Experience With The Chegg Q&A Board?

I receive a wide variety of questions – theory-based questions, problem-based questions, MCQs, fill in the blanks etc. Moreover, I wouldn’t let go any question unanswered unless it is beyond the scope of my subject knowledge. In addition, I ensure that my answer is helpful for the students’ learning. Importantly, Concerning the Chegg Q&A Dashboard, Chegg offers a very user-friendly environment to answer the question. Moreover, the expert management team is just a call away and are very generous in clearing all my doubts.

Q. What Is You Daily Routine?

Simple – “EAT-CHEGG-REPEAT” Working from home has the benefit of savouring home-made food. I enjoy all the lovely dishes prepared at home and then continue with my answering on the Chegg Q&A Board. My friends do covet my lifestyle and I truly feel blessed.

Q. What Do You Like About Chegg?

Chegg is a haven for Subject Enthusiasts like me and this is the right place where I should be.  The best part is that Chegg gives an opportunity to freshers and does not ask for work experience. In other words, decent subject knowledge and good writing skills are much needed to qualify the subject test in Chegg. However, this is my first job and I am so thankful to Chegg for this fantastic opportunity. At Chegg, I can cater to international students and this is something I take pride in.

Q. What Goes Through Your Mind When You Write Answers For The Students?

Answering questions on the Chegg Q&A board are not like writing an exam or a scholarly paper but is done with a purpose of teaching. Therefore, be it a tough or a silly question, I deal with the same diligence. A question might be a pebble for a tutor, but a mountain for a student. Therefore, for every question, I give all the necessary information. In addition, I answer a question for the benefit of the student than just for my monetary benefit. In other words, he best way to answer the question for a student is to think like a student. Understand the student confusion points and add notes to address them.

Q. Tell Me Something About Your Personal Life?

My personal life was never better before I joined Chegg. I used to depend on others for financial support almost for everything. After reaching many milestones in education, it is mere stupidity to depend on others to buy things, hang out with friends, go on vacations and celebrate birthday parties. Thanks to Chegg. my social and personal life has got a lot better. My post-graduation project equipment cost me around 1 lakh rupees, without Chegg I could not ever have initiated my project. I also gifted myself an expensive smartphone – ‘One Plus 6’.

Q. Have You Ever Introduced Anyone To Chegg?

Countless, I had helped many of my unemployed graduate friends by referring them to Chegg. I introduce Chegg only to those who are masters in their subject and not to those who are just casual about Chegg.

Q. Have You Ever Felt Bored Of Answering?

Never! it was more about helping students than earnings. I always go the extra mile for the benefit of the students.

Q. If You Are Given An Opportunity To Work Fulltime With Us, Would You Avail?

I would be glad to work with Chegg fulltime, however I am willing to do PhD in my core area of expertise. Above all I would personally recommend my friends to join Chegg –  full-time. I wish I could grab this opportunity.

At Chegg, I can work peacefully … without any peer pressure or boss pressure…There is no haunting of targets and deadlines. I am my own boss and I can customize my targets as I wish.

Q. How were you introduced to Chegg?

One day I read an online post related to Chegg, which aroused my curiosity. After that, I also enquired my friends. On receiving a positive response from them, I registered for the position of advanced Mathematics expert and successfully cleared the test. Initially, I answered only 100 questions and apprehensively waited for the paycheck. Therefore, when I received my first payment, I was thrilled. After that, I changed gears and started spending all my spare time in answering questions on the Chegg Question and Answer board. Now, I say to myself from the bottom of my heart that joining Chegg is one of the best decisions of my life.

Q. What were you doing before joining Chegg, or even now, apart from answering on the Chegg Q&A Board?

I got my master’s degree in mathematics from Chennai Mathematical Institute, Chennai. At present, I am pursuing a PhD in Mathematics. Before joining Chegg, I was just doing my PhD. I used to answer questions on other online platforms as well.

Q. How is working at Chegg different from working elsewhere?

Working at Chegg is very much different from working elsewhere. For instance, I can work at peace without any peer pressure or boss pressure. In addition there is no haunting of targets and deadlines. Importantly, I am my own boss and I can customize my targets as I wish. In addition along with my work, I can continue my studies as well. In other words, Answering on the Chegg Question & Answer Board complements my study as well.

Q. In what ways did Chegg help you in your overall growth?

All my life, I believed that we learn more by teaching others. In other words, teaching has reciprocal benefits. I am so thankful to Chegg for providing a platform to teach students globally.  In addition, the payment I receive for my work at Chegg is quite decent. With my limited exposure to online teaching platforms, I can say that Chegg is the best. With my earnings at Chegg, I bought expensive gifts for my mother. I also pay for my education.  

Q. Any memorable moment or experience?

I have lots of memorable moments with Chegg. One of them happened just two months ago. I answered a question on the Chegg Q&A Board, but the student didn’t gain much out of it because his basics were not strong. So, we had a long discussion where I explained each and every step in the comment section. I remember pretty well that due to different time zones our discussion lasted for two days.

After the full discussion, the comment I received from him was “Thank you, I was trying to solve this question for months, but I failed. Nobody could explain the problem as you did”. I am sure this is the experience of most of the experts working at Chegg. Through Chegg, I am being able to share my knowledge worldwide. The beautiful comments of students obtained on my answer give me immense pleasure and motivation to work on Chegg.

Q. How was your overall experience with the Chegg Q&A board?

It’s been a wonderful journey with Chegg. In other words, it is like an incentive for me to work at Chegg. I don’t have any hesitation in accepting that I have learned a lot just by answering questions at Chegg. Thanks to the entire Chegg team for making it the best company to work for. Therefore, I urge everyone whoever is reading this to try Chegg at least once in your life I promise you won’t leave it. I referred many of my friends to Chegg and most of them are working actively on the Chegg Q&A board. None of the regretted.  

Q. Did you enjoy the expert meet?

The experience of Chegg expert meeting was amazing. Through this meet, I was able to interact with all my fellow experts and with all the coordinators as well. In addition, I got the opportunity to listen to all the beautiful experiences of my fellow experts and I cleared all my doubts.

Above all the arrangements were perfect, and especially the food was great. I had great fun and I feel proud to be a part of it. In conclusion thanks to the entire Chegg team for arranging such a wonderful meet. Overall my experience at Chegg has been wonderful.

Pankaj started working as an Expert Answerer for Accounting with Chegg in November 2017 and he is one of the top performers in Accounting. Importantly, he has proved his intelligence and spread his vast expertise to students by sharing his subject knowledge over the last 11 months by solving more than 3,000 questions. In addition, he is a chartered accountant by profession. His area of competence is internal auditing, accounting, finance and taxation. Majority of his industrial experience has been in Internal Audit.

1. How was your experience at the meet in Delhi?

It was a wonderful experience. This was my first Chegg Expert Meet and I was surprised by the core activities that were planned for the entire event. I enjoyed a lot. It was a wonderful experience, meeting my expert colleagues and cooperative coordinators. The venue of the meet was located centrally, and the arrangements were super awesome. The insights and facts that were shared by Vijay T.S. (Managing Director – India Operations) were motivating. It was good to know how Chegg started its journey, growth plans etc. I can say that Chegg maintains an elevated level of standard in its expert meets.

2. If given a chance to become a full-time employee, would you like to join in? if yes, in which profile?

It will be a great honor for me if Chegg provides an opportunity to become a full-time employee. I would like to become part of such a big organization whose goal is to make education level high by helping students to succeed in their academic career.

3. What is your best Chegg memory?

The best moments are several. Every time an answer gets upvoted, it is an exhilarating feeling. In other words, the upvotes and positive comments from students provide immense satisfaction and instant gratification for the time and effort put in on Chegg. In addition, the best Chegg memory is the new car that I bought from money earned from Chegg in the last eight months. Of course, every payday is a great moment!

4. What is your primary motive while answering a question?

Frankly speaking, in the initial days of joining Chegg, my primary motive while answering a question was additional revenue for supplementing my income. However, with time, I realized that by helping students, it has also enhanced my subject knowledge. My motive changed and I decided to upgrade my subject knowledge and deep dive more into the subject difficulty so that I can skip less and answer more. This also helped me extend my subject knowledge to more group of students keeping in mind “to put student first” and provide best quality answers.

5. How do you make sure that you provide quality answers?

To ensure that quality answers are provided to students, I do the following things: Firstly, I only attempt the question if I am 100% sure about the answer. Secondly, I always recheck my answer before submitting. Thirdly, I ensure I follow Chegg’s honor code while answering a question. Above all, I always make sure to provide step-by-step solutions with a detailed explanation for more clarity to students. In conclusion,  I always reply to students, if they still have some doubts/queries on answer submitted.

6. What are the questions you seek to answer?

I seek to expand my horizon of the variety of questions that I answer within the subject as it makes the whole experience interesting and challenging. Moreover, I prefer to answer questions from costing, cash flow statement, capital budgeting, relevant costing, transfer pricing, journal entries, ledgers, financial statements etc.

7. How do you see yourself improve after joining Chegg?

I am a chartered accountant by profession. In addition, I have more than seven years of corporate experience. Before joining Chegg, my subject knowledge was not as good as it is now. Above all Chegg has helped me enhance my subject knowledge.

8. Cite a challenging moment.

In October 2017, I came to know about Chegg from my friend and thought of giving it a try. It seemed to be very tough and difficult for me to solve the question with quality as most of the topics needed a heads-up for the subject knowledge. I thought it was not valued for money if I continue to work for Chegg. Somehow, I managed to solve ten questions in the first month. It was a very demotivating situation for me. But when I started receiving motivational messages on my answers to certain questions, I realized the earning potentials. It was a U-TURN for me and I thought ‘Let’s give it one more try. With time, the answering time got reduced and so far, I have submitted more than 3,000 answers and it is a proud moment for me.

9. Tell us something about your personal life?

I am a Chartered Accountant by profession. I qualified my CA in November 2010. After qualifying CA, I worked under several companies such as Omaxe limited. Similarly, Samsung India electronics private limited. I live in Delhi. However, my hometown is in Narnaul (Haryana). In addition, my wife is also a Chartered Accountant. Now, we both are associated with Chegg as Expert Answerers for Accounting.

10. Working from home is a good opportunity, but you need to know how to manage yourself. how do you keep yourself disciplined?

For a working professional, it is very difficult in managing time to work as a freelance. In other words, to make myself disciplined, I set my daily targets for solving a specific number of questions every following month, based on the availability of questions. After that, I plan to work hourly based on the set targets. My preferred working time on the Chegg Q&A board is from 10 PM – 11:30 PM, 04.30 to 07:30 in the morning and 1-2 hours while travelling from home to office.

11. What are your future with Chegg?

I am expecting a long-term association with Chegg. Apart from Q&A, I would also like to explore textbook solutions during the low question volume days. I am also working on different strategies to increase my answering counts and provide excellent quality answers on Chegg Q&A. Thus, I can extend my subject knowledge to a large group of audience.

Q. How did your journey begin with Chegg?

My friend recommended me to join the Chegg Question & Answer Board. I had my own suspicions about online jobs. After all, isn’t it difficult to trust something that you’ve never even seen or heard about? But after I started working for Chegg, I totally loved it. Giving it a try was one of my best decisions.

Q. Tell us something about your education?

I have completed my B.Sc. (Hons) in Statistics from B.H.U. and then I pursued MBA from IMI, New Delhi. Chegg has laid a platform that allows me to impart my knowledge to students, who are desperate to learn the subject.

Q. What was so fascinating about working for Chegg?

“I am my own boss”. I can work on at my convenient timings. There is no pressure or any unrealistic targets to achieve. I balance my personal life and professional life. Moreover, expert co-ordinators are very supportive and motivate us to run the marathon of answering questions on the Chegg Q&A Board.

Q. Share your experience with the Chegg Question & Answer Board?

Chegg provides a real-time platform to test your quality and speed simultaneously. If someone can maintain accuracy while answering at a higher pace, the sky is the limit. My average rate of answering is 25 to 30 questions per day. However, the count increases during the peak season. On the Chegg Q&A Board, I receive and answer questions related to various topics of probability and Statistics. I can answer most of the questions with a low skip rate. Unless I lack resources to answer a certain question, I don’t skip. The experience so far is awesome. I received very good feedback from the student for the answer. It feels great when we receive comments such as “You are the life saviour” and “Your answers helped me to ace the exam”.

Q. How has Chegg contributed to your earning?

Chegg is the only source of my income. Earnings from Chegg helped me to gift my mom a diamond necklace which would otherwise have seemed like a fortune to me.

Q. How Chegg helped you in your overall growth?

Chegg has provided me with an opportunity to brush up the old concepts and to learn new concepts daily. Thus, answering questions on Chegg boosts my confidence. Chegg provides me a platform to apply whatever I have learned in my college. Moreover, the more I work, the more I earn and that is what I like about Chegg. I have a great passion for teaching. Answering questions to help students who are stuck gives me immense satisfaction.

Q. What else do you enjoy doing apart from answering on the Chegg Q&A board?

I really enjoy travelling and exploring new places. Chegg provides me with the independence to do the things I like whenever I want. Working from home is an excellent opportunity as it leaves ample time to spend on other priorities that hone my skill. It helped me to manage and utilize mostly unproductive hours of mine in the most appropriate manner.

Q. Cite any memorable moment, while working with Chegg?

Yes, there was a day when I did 200 questions in a single day during peak season and when the top solver’s list got posted on the group, I received calls from around 15 of the experts and I spent around 3-4 hours giving them tips to attempt questions more efficiently.

Q. Have you ever introduced anyone to Chegg?

Yes, I have introduced two of my friends to Chegg and they are grateful to me for doing so. This was a life-changing opportunity for them too.

Q. How were you introduced to Chegg?

I am Keerthi. I joined Chegg in 2012 and have been working as an Expert Answerer for the past four years. Moreover I am good at electrical and Math subjects. After completion of My B. Tech in Electrical Engineering, a friend of my brother introduced me to Chegg. First, I was quite tense when I visited the Chegg office in Vizag, as I was a novice to online jobs. The Chegg staff made things comfortable for me and explained my roles politely and clearly. I gave the test and fortunately I was qualified. My journey began with Chegg with the given assignments.

Q. What else are you doing apart from working for Chegg?

While working for Chegg, I also pursued MBA from Andhra University and graduated with flying colors. After attaining my MBA, four of us designed and developed a mobile application startup. We have been working to market the app. Currently, Chegg is the only source of income for me.

Q. Since you have been working for four long years, tell me how is working at Chegg different from working elsewhere?

Timings at Chegg are flexible. Flexible timings are not common elsewhere. We can work any time of the day. Unlimited work is available round the clock. As you sow, so you reap. The more you work, the more you will earn. This is the best part of Chegg. I am able to utilize my time to explore and focus on other activities of interest, which is impossible with other jobs.

Q. How are you able to balance your professional life and personal life?

During the day, I work for two hours on Chegg site answering around 10 questions. Likewise in a month, I would answer 300 questions.  Also, I dedicate my entire weekends to work for Chegg. I receive a sizeable amount of payment for the work done. Moreover, I can focus on other personal works. I have enough time to spend with my friends and go out with them.

Q. Have you ever receive poor rating?

once my work was poorly rated. But then I immediately contacted the staff and they directed me to the evaluator. The evaluator clearly explained me where I’m going wrong, in a polite manner and I was back on track.

Q. How did Chegg help you improve your subject?

Firstly, I am grateful to Chegg for giving me exposure to International textbooks of very high standards. Secondly, I got my basics right in my college but answering at Chegg helped me build my knowledge. In addition the textbooks go in-depth and are very application-oriented. Above all I also improved my communication skills and my writing skills. I also learned how to manage my time and submit the assignments on time.

I always had a thirst for improving my knowledge and Chegg quenched my thirst. Knowledge is what matters.Q. Cite a Memorable time?Everyone likes the first salary (smiles). As a B.Tech graduate, I pursued many jobs. Girls have lesser opportunities in the core field. Sometimes, we were asked to pay large amounts of money to get a job.  My jobless condition caused me to be depressed. But then Chegg revived my hopes. At Chegg, I heard, “if you prove your talent, you will be hired”. I was pretty much impressed by that. Finally, I was through and got the job.Moreover, I bought new clothes for my family with the first salary and that was very memorable. After that I bought a laptop. In addition I also bought a plasma TV for my parents. Above all I supported myself during MBA.

My Father is a retired head-constable and my mother is a house-wife. In addition my brother is an architect. Our family underwent a financial crisis after my father’s retirement, but then Chegg came along side and saved us.

Q. Cite a Challenging time?

The level of education at Chegg is of international standard and the questions we receive pertain to different levels. A couple of years ago, I received an advanced textbook – level 5. I thought of returning the book. But then, the manager encouraged me to take it as a challenge and prove my worth. That was very motivating. I took it home and managed to solve. That was the time I earned the highest. My mother also gave me enough support and encouragement, as I tried to crack the tough questions.

Q. Did you ever get bored of answering?

People like me who have a thirst for knowledge and a heart for teaching will never get bored of answering at Chegg.

Q. Suppose Chegg offered a fulltime job, would you avail?

I initially applied for the job of a full-time in-house expert, but at that time positions were not available. I will definitely avail. Exploring new avenues is my hobby. Thinking out of the box, expanding the knowledge, analyzing and breaking the conventional approach is my kind of attitude. Chegg is for that.

Q. Did you recommend anyone to join Chegg?

Yeah I recommended Chegg to five experts. Every time I recommend Chegg to someone, I tell that Chegg is a treasure for the talented. Chegg values knowledge rather than superficial professionalism. They also ask me many questions related to payment. I told them my experience and they get convinced. 

Q. How did your journey with Chegg begin?

I came across Chegg on an online job portal, at the time when I was looking for a career change. At first, the Expert Answerer position seemed too good to be true! It was an opportunity to share my knowledge with students across the globe and work without a fixed location. I forwarded my resume, took the test, and fortunately, I cleared it.  Since then, I have never looked back. 

Q.  Do you work elsewhere or is Chegg the only source of your income?

I used to work in a corporate company, but I quit that job last January and now I work full-time as an Expert Answerer on the Chegg Question and Answer Board. Chegg has been experiencing tremendous growth and there is a huge demand for experts. In fact, I have recommended several of my family members and friends to join the Chegg experts’ community, some of who are now active contributors. As for me, I wish to continue Chegging till the time I can! 

Q. Describe your experience with Chegg.

I have been working as an Expert Answerer for the past one year and the experience has been wonderful. Similarly, I honestly love and enjoy my work. Above all I get to learn something new and broaden my subject knowledge every day.  Travelling is my passion and thanks to Chegg, I work from any part of the world, with my laptop and an internet connection. My motto in life is to Eat – Chegg – Travel – repeat. Though I travel a lot, I make sure that I am the topper of the day among the solvers in the Chegg WhatsApp group. 

Q. How do you make sure that you provide quality answers?

Chegg gives a lot of freedom. However, with great freedom, comes great responsibility. With the awareness that thousands of students rely on my answers, I constantly strive to be consistent and meet all the quality guidelines. I contribute to Chegg every day, weekday or weekend, to the best of my ability. When I come across questions that I’m even slightly doubtful of, I pass them on to other experts. After that I proofread my answers thoroughly and use grammar tools to make sure they are free from any errors.  In other words “I PUT STUDENTS FIRST” 

Q. How was your experience at the meet in Bangalore?

 The Expert Meet was a fantastic initiative taken by the Chegg Engagement Team. We got the opportunity to finally see the faces of the engagement heads we’ve been interacting with, every day and meet other experts working with Chegg, sharing their experiences, and their aspirations. Stories of Chegg experts inspired and moved me. Above all it reinforced my pride of being associated with Chegg. The event also narrated the company’s past performance, current growth and its future trajectory. This information was, of course, immensely helpful, as it helped me visualize a long-term and stable affiliation with Chegg. The warmth with which all of us were received was particularly memorable to me . Above all we were constantly lauded and praised by the by Chegg team for our performance. I felt very appreciated and motivated to perform better. Although the Expert Meet was a professional gathering, the team ensured that we all had a good share of laughter and fun. Not to mention, the food was great, and we had a hearty meal! A big thank you to everyone who made this possible. I hope see you all again next year .”

Q. How did your journey begin with Chegg?

I started my journey with Chegg on 6th February 2018 and am currently answering questions related to Operations Management on the Chegg Question and Answer Board.

I got to know about Chegg from an online job portal. The role of the Expert Answerer is truly enticing. In other words Chegg is the right place for a subject enthusiast like me.

Q. Could you share something about your education and achievements.

I have done Mechanical Engineering from Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology. After that I have also completed MBA (Operations Management) from Alliance University, Bangalore. Apart from working as an Expert Answerer for Chegg. In addition I am working as a Business Analyst for Big Basket.

Q. How was your experience at the EA meet in Bangalore?

It was amazing meeting Chegg coordinators and fellow experts. The event was informative. Above all It felt like a family with great minds working towards the common goal of helping students excel in their academic endeavors. I look forward to attending many such meets.

Q.What is the best thing you like about Chegg?

I can maintain a good work-life balance as a Chegger. I love Chegg for this. Firstly, It is a great platform to earn from home. Secondly, Flexible timings, friendly coordinators, and amazing minds working together – what more can I ask for? The more I work, the more I earn – there are no limits. In conclusion working as an Expert Answerer for Chegg is a dream come true for a lot of people, including me. Laughs!

Q. In what way has Chegg make your life better?

Most importantly Chegg has helped me in gaining knowledge in my core subject and earn sizable amount to meet my expenses. I am looking forward to a life-long association with Chegg. Above all my family is very happy that I am a part of Chegg.

Q. Share a memorable moment.

The biggest satisfaction I get is when I receive thumbs-up and positive comments for my answer from the students. In other words it is really an accomplishment when I see that my knowledge is helping desperate students to excel in their academic endeavors. Moreover the knowledge I gain as I teach the subject is incredible.

Q. Have you referred any of your friends/family to join Chegg?

Yes, I did. A lot of them have joined and others will soon be on board. After that I am currently motivating and explaining the nature of work at Chegg. No wonder they may even earn more than I do, as they seem to be very passionate about Chegg.

Q. How do you spend your free time?

Firstly, I always brush-up my skills to provide the best quality answers. Secondly, I usually revise topics related to those questions that I skipped. Therefore, free time is fully utilized for Chegging later!

 Q. If given a chance to become a full-time employee with Chegg, would you avail?

I would love to become a Chegg employee and join in as a Business Analyst, which is my current role at Big Basket. It would be a pleasure to work with the Chegg family!  

Q. Tell us something about yourself and your tryst with Chegg.

An IT professional, I began my journey with Chegg in October 2016. Therefore I was working in a small-scale firm based in Pune when I got a mail from Naukri Portal to join Chegg. I found the company to be genuine by exploring about Chegg, online. After that enrolled myself immediately. I got motivated to receive my first salary after solving eight questions in the first month.

Q. What else are you involved in apart from Chegg?

It was my misfortune that the company I was working for, shut down, and I was left solely with the option of working with Chegg. From then on, my journey with Chegg began and has been unstoppable since then.

Q. Explain your initial experience with the Chegg Q&A Board?

Initially, I was proficient in C programming languages. However when I started exploring Chegg Q&A board, there are several types of questions available on different programming languages.  After that to solve more questions, I started learning new languages. Therefore now, I am solving questions based on C, C++, Java, Python, Linux, Shell Scripting, Data Structures, and Computer Networking.

Q. How would you rate your experience with Chegg Q&A board?

If I were to describe my experience with Chegg Q&A in one word, it would be “Splendid”.  Chegg has proved to be a turning point in my career growth, as I achieve newer milestones each day.

Q. How has Chegg helped you?

Firstly, Chegg has made me financially independent. Secondly, prior to joining Chegg, I had some debts, but thankfully, Chegg came through as a boon in my life – a source of money and knowledge. Thirdly, I have been able to clear my Education Loan with the help of Chegg earnings. After that, I have also bought a new phone and am able to pay EMIs for my two-wheeler loan. Above all my earnings from Chegg have enabled me to fulfil the needs of my family too.

Q. Cite the role of Chegg in your life?

Chegg has played a significant role in steering my career in the right direction. I have always wanted to become a good programmer but lacked adequate practice. After joining Chegg, my coding skills have exponentially expanded.

Q. Share a few lines about your achievements

I have solved more than 4,325 questions throughout my journey with Chegg and have achieved not only quantity but also maintained an excellent answer quality with a CF score of 87%.

Q. Narrate one memorable moment working on Chegg Q&A… 

Q. What specific measures do you take to teach programming skills to your students?

While answering student’s questions on Q&A board, my motive is to provide step-by-step solutions with well-documented and commented codes, so that when a student refers to his solution, he/she can not only get the detailed answer but also understand the approach towards solving that question.

Q. What are your favorite topics?

My favorite topics include logical questions, design problems based on languages like C, C++, Data Structures, Java and Python. I also enjoy solving command-based questions on Linux and Shell Scripting.

At Chegg, Expert Answerers (EAs) have always been an important part of the system. We encourage them to put forward their experiences and feedback.

Vipul Priyank joined Chegg in late September 2016 and has answered more than 3000 questions ever since. He has carved a niche amongst the top performers in Operations Management and has  maintain this position consistently. He has proved himself to be an excellent contributor and  wishes to do the same in the future as well. Vipul not only answers a sizable number of questions but also maintains the highest standard of quality in his answers. We invited Vipul to Delhi Expert Meet, 2018 and recognized the dedication and hard work that he puts on the Chegg Q&A board. We are proud to have him on our EA team.

From an interview with him, he recounted his experience at the Meet and his journey with Chegg. It was great to be associated with an EA like Vipul, who has always given his best and is keen to do more. 

Q. How excited are you to be here with us today?

I was very happy to hear that I am an invitee for the Delhi Meet and was super excited. I love answering on the Chegg Q&A Board, I was charged up to meet my coordinators and fellow Cheggers at the meet.

Q. That’s great! Tell us something about your experience with Chegg so far.

I have been happily associated with Chegg for almost two years now and my time here has been full of ups and downs. There have been days when I would sit with my laptop at a stretch for hours, researching and answering on the Chegg Q&A Board. High question volume days are my favorite as I get to earn and learn the most on those days.

Q. Interesting! Tell us how Chegg helped you in your life.

Chegg has become an integral part of my life. It has taught me the value of time and knowledge. For instance, before joining Chegg, the quote, “knowledge increases by sharing, but not by saving”, was just a random combination of words. However this saying has added value which I consider very important and try to live by it. Above all answering on the Chegg Q&A Board has enabled me to utilize whatever little knowledge and experience I have in helping students.

Q. What are the few things you keep in mind while answering questions?

My aim is to provide quality answers to students. For any question, Firstly, analyze if the question falls in my area of expertise. If it doesn’t, I usually tend to skip such questions as I don’t want to submit incorrect or incomplete answers. Secondly, If a question is against Chegg guidelines, I simply skip it with a valid reason. Thirdly, Once I am determined that I am going to answer a question, I take my time to research the answer, and if required then provide a helpful solution to the student. I ensure that the answer covers all the necessary information. In conclusion, I double-check the content and correct grammatical errors before submitting any answer.

Q. How many questions do you manage to solve in a day?

The number of questions to answer in a day is obviously not fixed, therefore it depends on the flow of questions and the time available to me during the day. After that, I manage to answer anywhere between seven to ten questions in a day. Similarly, during high volume days, the number is much higher.

Q. What are the types of questions you usually seek to answer?

I seek to answer questions that are based on and can be answered through my skillset, knowledge, experience, above all which enquire about my views or opinions as an expert.

Q. Tell us something about your education.

I obtained my B. Com Degree from Patna University. After that, I pursued MBA, majoring in Marketing from the Institute of Management Studies and Research, Mumbai University.

Q. What is the one fact about working at Chegg that fascinates you.

Firstly, the most fascinating part about working with Chegg has always been the fact that I am my own boss, Secondly. I can work whenever I wish to. In addition to that another advantage is that it also pays well. Above all I am easily able to earn more than any 9 to 5 job can offer at my level.

Q. If you are given a chance, would you like to become a full-time employee at Chegg?

Definitely. I would happily love to grab such an opportunity! Association with a brand like Chegg would be a matter of pride. However, I have been a part of the corporate world for a while now and apart from money, the one thing I really look for in a company is decent work culture. Because of my regular interaction with my coordinators and from the Delhi Meet that the Chegg Team has a chirpy work environment, something I always look forward to.

Q. Seeing your love for Chegg, it’s time you tell me about your best Chegg Moment!

I have experienced a lot of great moments with Chegg, For instance the one was when I hit my highest number of questions in the month of April and received the payment for those answers.

It becomes must to mention that it was a very special paycheck for me as that month my mother was ill, and I was able to make use of the extra income. In addition, I am glad that in the form of Chegg has provided means of income that makes me financially independent without any targets and conditions.

1. Tell us something about your personal and professional life.

I completed my engineering in the year 2014 in Electrical and Electronics. Since then, I have been working full time for a Software firm. For the past two years, I have been associated with Chegg as a part-time Q&A expert.

2. How did you get to know about Chegg?

I never imagined that my visit to Bangalore would lay the foundation for my journey with Chegg. I visited Bangalore in 2016 to see my friends, and it was then that, one of my friends introduced me to Chegg. He knew that Math was my strength and that Chegg would be an apt platform for me to monetize my skills.

3. How is your overall experience of working with Chegg?

It has been an exciting journey. I love to answer myriad of calculus questions; at the same time, I make some extra bucks. It is also a good feeling when I am appreciated by the students for my answers. One thing that I really love about Chegg is the timely payment. Chegg really values our contribution and makes us feel special.

4. How much time do you spend answering questions on the Chegg Q&A board? Do you set targets for answering a particular number of questions in a day?

I plan to work on the Chegg Q&A Board for 2-3 hours and answer around 7-10 questions. My overall target per month is 300 questions. So far, I have answered around 4,350 questions.

5. How has Chegg helped you in life/Career?

Chegg has made me financially independent and helped me in many ways. Because of Chegg I bought an I-pad, I-phone, a camera. The earnings from Chegg helps me buy things on my bucket list. In addition I put the income that I earn from Chegg to good use.

Above all I fulfilled my dreams like buying expensive gadgets and travelling. Recently, I booked a flat and I am planning to pay the EMIs by chegging.

6. Could you share a memorable moment from your journey with Chegg?

I recall and feel ecstatic about the time when a student called me as his life savior. He was delighted with the solutions that I provided. Above all I am always happy to help.

7. How do you make sure that you provide quality answers? Would you like to suggest something to your fellow expert answerers?

I believe that one should never be in a hurry while answering the questions and make sure to double-check the answers.
Answer the question only if you know the complete solution to the questions posed by the student. Else, skip the question and let other experts take up. We shouldn’t deviate from our objective of providing quality answers.

8. Do you enjoy working with Chegg?

Yes, I am completely satisfied. Post working for 9 tiresome hours at office, I fee active and all excited to work on Chegg Q&A board. In other words It’s my routine and I enjoy it thoroughly or a lot.

9. How likely would you recommend your friend/ relative to join Chegg as an Expert Answerer (EA)?

I recommend everyone to join Chegg. Because It’s the best platform to utilize our subject skills, learn something new every day, and thus fulfilling our dreams.

10. How was your experience at the Expert Meet Conducted in Delhi? What is your biggest takeaway from the Expert Meet?

Expert Meet is one of those things that I really love about Chegg. Firstly Chegg cares for its experts and treats them as their full-time employees. Secondly, Recognition, warmth, acceptance and motivation is what you get to witness at the Expert Meets. In conclusion It shows Chegg’s reverence to its experts. Therefore I love the concept.

In addition there’s so much to learn from fellow experts. Therefore when I see experts solving 15-15000 of questions a year, it boosts my motivation level. Importantly I would love to break the record set and reach the benchmark laid by other experts. Therefore I am gearing up for that in the coming semester.

Q. How did you come to know about Chegg?

I came to know about Chegg through Chirag Bansal, my batchmate in the University. He explained to me the modus operandi of the Chegg Question and Answer Board. The deal maker for me was, when he added that questions on the Chegg Question and Answer board cater to more applied forms of learning than being limited to theoretical form, like classroom lectures.

He shared with me his bank statement to undergird the authenticity of Chegg. However he made me promise that if I ever took up Chegg seriously, then I would owe him a treat. As far as my memory serves, we really splurged right after my first payday.

Q. How much time do you dedicate to Chegg?

I dedicate around 4 to 8 hours to Chegg every day. It depends largely on my sleep-cycle. The pace of the questions and the ensuing adrenaline rush make it difficult to leave the Chegg Q&A board until I decide to throw in the towel.

Q. Describe your overall experience with Chegg.

My overall experience with Chegg has been phenomenal. It truly helped me continue within my field of Biotechnology without compromising on my earnings, considering the fact that the sector/industry isn’t quite as developed in India as compared to other countries.

Q. What is the best thing you like about Chegg?

The best thing that I like about Chegg is the healthy competition between all experts from the same field. The lack of negativity and knowing that any expert excelling at their craft is tantamount to students achieving success on their chosen career path, is truly an inexplicable feeling to possess.

Q. Cite a memorable moment.

A memorable moment was when one of my answers on Chegg had around 7 to 8 thumbs-up with just 1 thumbs-down for unknown reasons. What makes it even memorable is that one of the students commented, “Who the hell gives a downvote to such an amazing answer!”

Q. Share a challenging moment.

A challenging moment was when the most rudimentary fundamentals pertaining to Biotechnology were tested. Even after multiple attempts at solving the problem, I was unable to arrive upon a solution that matched the given options. In the end, I went with the answer that I was arriving upon after incessant computations and reiterations, mentioning a disclaimer that for some reason I was not being able to find the matching answer within the given options. To my surprise, the student commented that there was some mistake in the way the question was framed and thus his professor was surprised how he managed to get the right answer! That was the moment when I my faith and confidence in my subject knowledge was challenged but later vindicated.

Q. Tell us something about your family.

I am the only child of a typical middle-class Indian Marwadi family. My father is self-employed/independent consultant and my mother works for an MNC. My parents, relatives, and cousins studied diverse subjects; from Fashion Designing to Commerce to Nanotechnology. My interactions with them over the course of my life has largely shaped the person I am today, by instilling within me a passionate love for education and knowledge in all its forms.

Q. What have you bought from the earnings you got from Chegg?

Man, what a question! I clearly recall giving my first-ever salary to my mother. After that, I was able to take my family out to dinner at a posh restaurant. I bought a smartphone, a bicycle, a backpack, hiking shoes, sunglasses, and plethora of other things. In a nutshell, it was financial independence at its best. The cherry on the top was to fund my own trip to visit my girlfriend who stays in a different city.

Q. How do you spend your spare time?

In my spare time I watch television shows and movies religiously, go for intermittent bouts of cycling, listen to music, and most of all gorge on delicacies whenever and wherever my path might happen to cross theirs.

Q. What measures do you take to give to the student their money’s worth?

The measures I take to give students their money’s worth include (but not limited to):
1) Ensuring that there are no typographical errors/mistakes especially in Multiple-Choice Questions.
2) Ensuring that the answer does not encourage rote system of learning, but rather offers an opportunity to the student to learn the concept through the detailed elucidation. I aim to offer solutions in such a way that their professor might not have had the liberty to provide them.

Q. How has Chegg helped you in your overall growth?

Chegg has helped me in my overall growth by making me realize, almost epiphanically, that my true calling lies in the field of education. To this effect, I am planning to become a Professor in a reputed educational institute, so that I can keep dispersing knowledge.

Q. How do you introduce others to Chegg?

I introduce others to Chegg the same way my friend, Chirag, introduced me to it. Firstly, by explaining to them the modus operandi of Chegg and alleviating their skepticism regarding its viability. Secondly, and most importantly, by making them treat me once they start to make a livelihood via Chegg. Therefore, situation becomes win -win for all.

Q. How did your journey begin with Chegg?

From a casual relationship to a serious commitment! That’s how I describe my journey with Chegg. It all began when one of my friends randomly shared the registration link of Chegg on our WhatsApp group, with a single info that it is an online teaching portal.

It was upon the insistence of my mother that I wrote a follow-up mail to understand if I was eligible to work on the Chegg Q&A platform. Once the test, screening of my documents and other formalities were through, I was extremely glad to make it to Chegg.

My mother highly motivated me to brush my knowledge and take this activity seriously as it could help me regain my lost identity. With a definite push from her end, I gave it my best shot. After joining our Chegg Business & Ops’ official WhatsApp group, I could gauge the appropriate time to log in, the flow of questions during the day and got acquainted with the do’s and don’ts on the Chegg Q&A board with the help of the moderators. Gradually, the speed of my work increased as well as the quality. It’s always encouraging whenever moderators feature your name as one of the Toppers of the day. This is how my journey began and progressed at Chegg.

Q. What was so fascinating about working for Chegg?

Imagine someone rising at the wee hours of the day to start with the Office-like work, without any need to get ready and all-decked up for the workplace. Well, that is the charm of Chegg. Flexibility to work from home and not worrying about our physical appearance or impression is something that is welcoming to me. I save the time otherwise spent on commuting and dedicate the same more wisely on the Chegg platform.

It is this flexibility that fascinates me the most about working for Chegg.

Q. How many questions do you manage to answer in a day?

Answering questions at an opportune time is like a habit to me ever since I have started working for Chegg. I try to tap most of the questions in the early morning hours because utilizing that time of the day is most rewarding for me. In the peak season, I have been able to answer as many as 38 while the average remains at about 15-16 questions per day.

Q. Tell us something about your education.

My alma-mater is St. Ann’s High school, a convent school in Jamnagar, in the vibrant state of Gujarat. I have spent 14 years in this institution, right from my Kindergarten to my Higher Secondary in the field of commerce.

Thereafter, I pursued my bachelor’s in commerce from SIES College in Mumbai, followed by my two-year full-time Management degree, with specialization in Finance. I completed my Master’s degree in Commerce, from Mumbai University, with Business Management as my area of specialization.

Q.  What else do you enjoy doing, apart from answering on the Chegg Q&A board?

While Chegg Q&A takes a considerable amount of time during the weekdays, I have arranged my timetable in a way that gives me enough scope to socialize with people and utilize my leisure hours productively. I love quizzing, watching documentaries, listening to retro songs, reciting poetry, competing in various events organized in our Community, etc. Last but not least, I also enjoy the ‘Humour’ element in life. That keeps me going.

Q. How Chegg has contributed to your earning?

When I first began working for Chegg, I was a bit sceptical about the earning factor. In the initial days, a decent four-digit figure was all that I targeted for. I often regretted my decision of putting my paper in the Corporate House, I worked in previously. However, I realized that within a span of six months, I gradually got back to the state wherein my Chegg earning managed to surpass the former figures I used to earn in the corporate firm every month. Earning from Chegg contributed to my level of satisfaction career-wise.

My family loves to travel a lot. In these 1.5 years of association with Chegg, I have been able to sponsor a complete trip to Andaman and Nicobar Islands for my in-laws on their wedding anniversary and a trip to Kutch with my husband and kid.  With my Chegg earnings, I also bought a joint property with my husband last year. I further ensured a steady investment plan for my son’s future education. Chegg earnings have given me the power to keep throwing surprises occasionally for my near and dear ones. The grand festive season of Bengal, Durga Puja, is around the corner and these earnings will be highly effective in bringing smiles and adding sparkles to the festivity. So yes, in the end, Chegg has made me financially independent. I found a way to divide my earnings between investments, essentials and leisure in a balanced way.

Q. Have you ever introduced anyone to Chegg?

I am not only passionate about working for Chegg but I also love to let my friends know how rewarding this platform is to all of us. It is especially beneficial for the ones who are seeking opportunities to work from home, mostly the home-makers. Many of my friends are highly educated but we belong to a community wherein transfers are frequent on cards. Due to this, women make a lot of compromises to choose between career and personal life.

I started with introducing my friend, who is a Doctor to the Chegg platform. She opted for Human Anatomy and Biology. Similarly, another friend, who is a Clinical Instructor opted for Nursing branch of Chegg. I introduced 2-3 friends to Management and Business Operations subjects as well. While few have been active contributors on this platform, some chose to take it slow. But I am glad that I was able to successfully initiate them to the enthralling world of Chegg.

Q. How Chegg helped you in your overall growth?

I had a very promising career in the field of banking, working in the audit team, after getting campus placement from my B-school. Compensation was equally encouraging. However, there was a point in life, when I took a break from my career to concentrate more upon my personal responsibilities. It was at that point, Chegg happened to me.

When I first began working with Chegg, I pulled out my Management and Commerce study material, and superficially went through it to refresh my concepts. I wanted to compose comprehensive answers so that it would not leave any area of doubt on the student’s part. Growth with Chegg happened at every point, starting from re-learning the concepts to applying the same to reach out to the students in an effective manner. I observed a strict discipline with my working hours for benefiting the most out of it. I set my targets, daily, weekly as well as monthly and tried to achieve the same. These targets were challenging but achievable. Chegg has helped me with my overall growth.

Q. Share your experience with the Chegg Question & Answer Board?

The Chegg Q&A board is user-friendly and very convenient to use with the latest upgrades on the board. Now there is no need to visit the homepage of my account repeatedly to keep track of my performance as I can view the statistics easily.

I am thankful to the Chegg Q&A platform, as I have experienced great knowledge enhancement. I have mentally placed myself in the U.S for connecting with the students and their questions more effectively. The U.S politics, legal system, business and Government never appealed me in this way before. I gained knowledge about the Commerce and Trade laws of the country. Also, the amendments in the Civil Rights act and its importance in the field of Human Resource in management, their healthcare sector. Importantly, the feasible marketing strategies that differ from that of India, etc.

Whenever a student complements my solutions in the feedback, it makes my day. It reassures me that I am doing my best to help the students succeed academically. I may not get a scope to interact with them personally, but it is through my work and effort that I feel their existence.

Rutuja started her journey with Chegg as an Expert Answerer in Accountancy in May 2018 and has been actively answering on the Chegg Q&A Board. Over the past few months, she has maintained a CF score of 83%. She was so motivated to help students that she answered 16 questions in her first month.

Q. If given a chance to become a full-time employee, would you like to join Chegg? If yes, in which profile?

I will be flattered to receive a full-time job opportunity from Chegg soon after completing my studies. Currently, I am enjoying working on the Chegg Q&A Board as a freelancer because I have the freedom of choice and time, which is critical for me at this stage in my career. I am also preparing for my Chartered Accountancy exams.

Q. How was your experience at the Meet in Pune?

My experience at the Pune Meet was fantastic. It was a lot of fun as I got to know and interact with some amazing people who are experts in their respective fields. It was also a unique opportunity to communicate with the Chegg Engagement Team directly. They gave me insights into Chegg’s functioning, its vision for the experts, and the opportunities that might be available for everyone in the near future. I loved that the Meet also had a dedicated session for understanding the experiences of experts, the issues that we face, and a possible resolution of these issues in the future.

Q. How is your experience in Chegg?

My experience with Chegg has been phenomenal so far. Chegg gives me the unique opportunity to earn money and enhance my knowledge from the comfort of my home while helping students globally. Helping the students learn is, as always, a great experience, and so is working with the Chegg team.

Q. How has Chegg helped you in your life?

Chegg has helped me keep in touch with the academic knowledge that I obtained as part of my education. I enjoy the challenge of answering the questions on the Chegg Q&A board. It helps me prepare for my exams too. Earning a bit of spare income while doing what I love is an added benefit.

Q. What is your best Chegg memory?

The best moment for me is when someone rates my answer positively. All positive ratings, be it from the students or the Chegg quality team, keep me motivated to provide detailed, high-quality answers.

Q. What is your primary motive while answering questions?

My main motive while answering a question is to help students who are eager to expand their subject knowledge. At the same time, I enhance my knowledge, revise the difficult topics that I already know, and understand new concepts.

Q. How do you make sure that you provide quality answers?

I understand that the quality of an answer is of the utmost importance as it determines the quality of education that the student receives. To that end, I make sure that all the answers are neatly typed out with formulae and references wherever required. I also seek clarity on conceptual doubts by reading additional material from external sources. However, I refrain from answering questions that require a lot of external reading and research because it may compromise the quality, considering that there is a time limit to answer each question.

Q. What are the kind of questions that you seek to answer?

Usually, I seek to answer questions that I have the subject knowledge of. Another factor that I consider is whether the answer can be given within the time limit of 120 minutes without compromising its quality. In short, I try to answer questions that can be answered effectively and efficiently within the available time limit.


Q. Please introduce yourself in brief and tell us what propelled you to join Chegg.

I am Math Enthusiast from Kolkata, West Bengal. I completed my master’s degree in Economics and a certification from Indian Statistical Institute in Statistical Methods and Application. When searching online for some mathematics practice problems, Chegg captured my interest and I felt this is a fantastic opportunity where we can earn by solving problems. As a result, I successfully cleared the screening process and joined Chegg. You might wonder how come an Economics Graduate could serve as a Mathematics expert. My special love for Mathematics made me a expert in the subject.

Q. Apart from Math and Economics, what else do you enjoy doing?

Apart from solving Math questions on the Chegg Q&A board, I also serve as the Vice-Principal at a CBSE school in Kolkata. Playing musical instruments, especially the Tabla, is my favorite past-time. At the EA Expert Meet Kolkata, it was a moment of pride for me to perform before my Chegg team!

Q. What has been your happiest moment working with Chegg?

Initially, I had some apprehensions about fraudulent online websites. When I went through the reviews about Chegg, I got to know that Chegg is a renowned EdTech brand. With this positive vibe, I decided to continue with Chegg. The happiest moment was when I received my first pay check; and that’s how I understood that Chegg is a genuine platform and it rewards fairly for our efforts.

Q. Share with us some challenges you face while working of the Chegg Q&A Board.

The hardest thing for me working with Chegg is time management. I find it challenging to balance my family chores, my responsibilities as a School Vice-Principal, simultaneously solving on the Chegg Q&A Board. It is my love for mathematics that keeps me motivated to solve questions and help students.

Q. Describe your experience with the Chegg Q&A Board.

Initially, it was challenging to me because of the lack of experience in teaching students online. There is a difference between solving questions online and teaching students in a classroom. In a classroom setup, we have direct interaction with the students, and we can gauge whether the student has understood. While teaching online, we need to anticipate the confusion points of the students and address them. However, it did not take very long for me to get adapted to this new teaching environment.

Q. How was your experience at Chegg Expert Meet Kolkata?

The experience that I had in the Expert Meet Kolkata was exhilarating. It was special and an honor to be a part of the Expert meet. Chegg really cares about our contribution and hard work. I met my coordinators, from whom I have been receiving calls and messages. I had the opportunity to share and learn from the experiences of other experts. The best thing about the meet was the Q&A session, where everyone got a fair chance to ask queries, which were brilliantly addressed by the Chegg Team. I look forward to attending the expert meet next year.


An IT professional, who began his journey with Chegg in 2017; he is a source of great inspiration. Importantly, He has solved more than 4205 questions throughout his Chegg Journey. Above all He has achieved not just in terms of quantity, but also in quality, with an excellent CF score of 80%

Q. Tell us something about your personal and professional life.

I am from Ambala, and I am a B.Tech from National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra. My father is a businessman and my mother, a homemaker. We are two brothers and a sister. I like reading books, playing cricket, listening to music, and watching movies. To relax and unwind, I look out for serene places to meditate. I love spending time with family and friends or visit new places. Goa is one of the best places that I have visited so far.

I am currently working for an organization in Gurgaon as a Web Developer, and I’m doing very well.

Q. How did you get to know about Chegg?

I heard about Chegg from one of my colleagues while doing an internship at a start-up company in Delhi during my college summer break. I was interning as a Subject Matter Expert in the company. Following my colleague’s advice, I took the test and was selected in the first attempt. Initially, I worked on textbook solutions and then on the Chegg Question and Answer Board. I follow the Chegg guidelines and have got adjusted to the standards. I am glad I can help students learn the subject.

Q. How is your overall experience of working with Chegg?

My experience with Chegg has been great. I have been answering on the Chegg Q&A Board for about a year now. It makes me feel wonderful knowing that I can help shape the future of several students. It is immensely satisfying to receive positive comments from students.

In the beginning, I focused more on learning rather than hitting numbers so that I can help students in a better manner. Whenever I found a question from a new topic, I used to take a screenshot of the question and tried to answer during my free time. Thus, it has helped me enhance my knowledge. Thereafter, I gradually increased answering a sizable number of questions, without compromising on quality. My main aim while answering is to maintain good quality. If I don’t know how to answer a certain question, I would rather skip it.

The best thing I love about Chegg is it facilitates the learning of both students as well as tutors. Moreover, the more you learn, the more you earn.

Q. How much time do you spend in a day answering on the Chegg Q&A Board? Do you set daily targets?

I set monthly and daily targets. I spend most of the time answering on the Chegg Q&A Board. On average, I spend 5 to 6 hours in a day answering questions.

If I answer some extra questions, I consider it a bonus. If I answer less, then I try to compensate on some other day. I gradually increase the target and try to challenge myself. Setting targets is important and that’s what drives me.

Q. How has Chegg helped you in life/career?

Chegg has helped me in both my personal and professional life. It has made me financially independent. It has also helped me in my professional life. I apply the knowledge I learnt while answering on the Chegg Q&A board in my current job.

Q. Cite any memorable/special moment of your journey with Chegg.

There are a lot of special moments that I experienced while working on the Chegg Q&A board. Once a student posted a question, and the answer I provided was brief and accurate. To my surprise, the student gave a thumbs down. He left a comment that the answer is very bad, and he was not satisfied with it. In response, I asked him what was missing in the answer. He shared his requirements. I reworked on the answer and provided a better answer. The student was quite impressed with the answer. After a few days, he left another comment under the same question asking if there is some way that I could solve his new question, and that made me feel good as I could help a student when he needed me the most.

Q. How do you make sure that you provide quality answers?

The main aim of Chegg and all the experts is to maintain the quality of solutions. I am no different. My primary focus is to maintain quality. For that, I follow the guidelines given by Chegg. Some of the key points for providing a good solution are,

  • Provide a necessary explanation in the solution

  • If it is a programming question, then provide comments before each line of code, which briefly tells what the particular line of code is doing. This is always helpful for the students to understand the code.

  • Provide the screenshot of the code as well as the output of your program.

  • The solution should be clear and easily understandable by any person other than the solver. It should not contain anything, which is not a part of the solution.

Q. Do you enjoy working with Chegg?

Yes, I do enjoy working with Chegg. In my free time, I prefer answering questions on the Chegg Q&A Board instead of watching a movie. Answering questions on Chegg has become an integral part of my daily routine without which my day does not seem to be complete.

Whenever I get tired, I self-motivate myself telling – just one more question and then I will sleep. But the same thing happens after I answer that question. Some days, I fall asleep while looking for new questions.

Q. How likely would you recommend your friend/ relative to join Chegg as an Expert Answerer (EA)?

I would really love to recommend Chegg to anyone I know. In fact, I have already recommended Chegg to a bunch of my friends who has started working on the Chegg Q&A Board. All of them are really satisfied working with Chegg. In future, if anyone asks me about a freelancing platform, my first answer would always be Chegg as it is the best out there. Chegg really values our efforts.

Q. How was your experience at the Experts Meet Conducted in Delhi?

My experience at the Experts Meet conducted in Delhi was very good. I met many fellow experts and we shared our experiences with each other.  We discussed situations where we went wrong while answering a question. I also met my coordinators. It helped me get to know them personally. All of them were great and very helpful. They are also very hardworking and did an excellent job of organizing the meet. We played games and had a fruitful interactive session.


Ram Avatar Singh started answering on the Chegg Question and Answer Board in October 2015. With almost three years with Chegg, he has solved 1400+ questions in Operations Management with an excellent quality score of 80%. He has been a mentor in our official What’s App group and has motivated many experts to solve beyond their capabilities.

Q. Describe your experience in Chegg.

My experience has been wonderful. I go to sleep with a sense of satisfaction as I worked for a good cause, which is for the benefit of students. Here, I share my knowledge acquired in Engineering College and Management school to the students on the Chegg Questions & Answer Board. The corporate sector gives less scope to apply my knowledge to this extent. Thanks to Chegg! There has also been a great deal of learning in this process of knowledge sharing. It’s good to know some very talented people in the ecosystem of Chegg in India. I feel so glad that people in this community are like-minded. They share similar energy and desire to do something more meaningful than a mundane nine to five job.

Q. How has Chegg helped you in your life?

Chegg knocked my door at the nick of time when I had just ventured into an enterprise, taking a break from a fourteen-year career in the corporate sector. It was during a tough period when I had invested my savings in the new venture, and income was scarce. At Chegg, I got a much-needed financial relief. Chegg has helped me sail through the rough and tumble of transition from corporate to an enterprise.

Q. What challenges have you faced in answering on the Chegg Q&A Board?

The tough part is that the questions on the Chegg Question & Answer Board take a great deal of hard work, updated knowledge, and application of concepts.  However, this hard work has been a blessing in disguise. In addition, It taught me to be patient and perseverant. Above all, it elicits confidence and liberation to take on any sort of challenges in life. In other words, it has been a training ground for developing those traits.

Q. What do you do in your pastime?

Despite the rigor, I often take breaks to refresh and rejuvenate. At Chegg, I am my own boss and I work from home. I give myself time and freedom to spend with my kid and engage in various sports – cycling, marathon, swimming, badminton, tennis, and basketball. A routine fulltime job wouldn’t give me that freedom. The break from corporate career gave me the time and motivation to just follow my heart. Working on the Chegg Question and Answer Board can be compared to digging a well and then enjoying the water. This changed my perspective on life. Life is no longer to be taken for granted and moments must be cherished, rather than waiting for events and milestones. Chegg to me was like a life jacket for financial survival when I did jump in this ocean of enterprising and self-discovery. 

Q. Share a memorable moment.

Whenever a student writes an exceptional complement for my answer, it just makes my day. However, the best moment is I remember somebody posted a comment – this is the best answer, thank you. That was like shouting from the rooftop in all sincerity.

Q. What motivates you while answering a question?

I know the importance of students’ life – it is a time they absorb the most, and so how important it is for me to give the best answer for the student!

Q. How do you make sure that you provide quality answers?

The most formidable key to quality work is to maintain a sound mind, healthy body, and then perform with sincerity. Work is worship. Concerning answering on the Chegg Question and Answer board, I answer only those questions which I am confident to answer. I update my knowledge all the time – delving on new concepts, methods, and algorithms in the field of operations management so that I may cater to more students. For some of the applied questions, I also bring practical inputs from my corporate experience. Thirdly, I respond to the comments of the students and resolve their queries.

Q. What are the questions that you seek to answer?

I answer questions which are clear, complete, and pertain to the subject of my expertise. I also select questions that offer something new to learn. Some questions require specific tools and software, which require a license. If I don’t have them, I skip such questions.

Q. Have you ever introduced anyone to Chegg?

Yes, I have been introducing Chegg to many subject experts – Chegg is a haven for subject experts, and this is where they should be.


Kamal Handoo started his career with Chegg in January 2012. His performance was exceptional, and he solved 8000+ problems with an average quality score 4.5.

Compassionate and talented, he is targeting to answer myriads of questions and help students succeed academically.

Q. How has your journey with Chegg been till now?

“Simply Awesome” ????. Yes, it is simply awesome to work for Chegg. In my almost two-decade extensive career I have worked with a lot of educational groups. However, I have never felt so much at ease while working. In addition, Chegg pays a highly competitive remuneration, as per industry standards. Above all, working with Chegg is almost having a dream career.

Q. Share something from your personal life.

On a personal front, I am having a well-satisfied life. I Live in a joint family. Also, with the family of my elder brother in our own house. In addition going well in almost all aspects of life. Though, there are some challenges (Apart from being married) which are to be taken care of. But then that is life.

Q. How did the Expert Meets benefitted you?

Of course. Who would not? Meeting with people who are in the same industry, working for the same company, and sharing thoughts with them. It proved to be beneficial. Presentation about the global scale of the company was the best part. The meet was organized well. Therefore we had a lot of nice memories.

I felt proud to be working for such a big company and contributing to its growth.

Q. What do you bear in mind while answering questions on the Chegg TBS Group?

While authoring textbook solutions, the main points are the same as per the Chegg Authoring Guidelines. The issue is not the text as formatting of text and page setup is already saved as a template. Therefore, explaining the solution remains prime focus. In other words, trying to be precise, yet explanatory is the focus. In addition keeping an eye on the concerned book material is an important part while writing all the concepts, and formulae. Also, the next important part is to create a proper structure for the solution.

Q. How much time do you spend on Chegg daily?

Frankly speaking, it is highly variable. It all depends on the amount of work pending and the due date of submission. My planning to complete the assignment is what can be the perfect definition of “Lazy Planning”. So, it ranges from almost no work on some days to continue working for hours on some days. It would be 2-3 hours per day. (But with very high deviations).

Q. Have you referred anyone to Chegg?

Yes, I did introduce a few people initially to Chegg. However, only few got selected. Because not everyone can pass through the selection procedure of Chegg.

Q. How has your experience in Chegg been?

The experience with Chegg until now has been amazing. Working as an Expert Answerer on the Chegg Question and Answer Board is a pleasure and honor. In addition, It has given me a great opportunity to polish my knowledge and to interact with students studying in foreign universities. Most importantly, Apart from the monetary gain, the amount of exposure to international education that I get is a big plus in my professional and teaching career.

Q. What else do you do apart from answering on the Chegg Q&A Board?

In addition, I am working as a Product Manager full-time and take out time every day for Chegg. Trying to balance both Chegg answering and my full-time work daily has made me professionally stronger as well. Therefore, Chegg has made me get familiar with how the education system works internationally and has thus broadened my thinking. Also, in the last one and a half year, I have sharpened my subject knowledge and have almost mastered the subject. Moreover, with the income that I earn at Chegg, I am able to pay EMIs of my house loan.

Q. Tell us something about your education?

I have done Master’s in business administration (Marketing). I answer all the questions related to my subject. Importantly, I generally answer those questions that I am very confident in answering.

Q. What is fascinating about working for Chegg?

I get to deal with international students every day and over time, I have understood how the international education system works and what they expect a student to learn. Moreover, this has given me a lot of exposure. Above all I earn a good amount of money which has really helped me progress in life in many ways and my self-confidence has increased in the last one and a half year.

Also, Constantly working on a single subject for the last eighteen months, has broadened my subject knowledge, endowing me with a very strong command over the subject. Therefore, this has a direct and positive bearing on my professional life as well. In conclusion, the amount of respect I get from everywhere just because I work as an Expert Answerer for Chegg is something worth working for.

Q. Cite a memorable moment?

I received a comment from a student appreciating me for the answer I posted. The feeling of satisfaction when your work is appreciated by someone miles away defies expression. Also, not in particular, but teaching international students daily, boosts a lot of confidence in me and in my teaching career.

Q. What is your prime motive while answering questions?

The only motive is to provide quality answers so that the time and effort that I spend in answering bear fruit and help students globally. It has been almost 1.5 years and I am now well-versed with the quality guidelines provided by Chegg, I just follow the same and try to break a tough concept into bite-size steps and give the necessary information in the answers that can be helpful for the student.

Q. How many questions do you manage to solve in a day?

During peak season, my target is 12-15 questions a day. I am genuinely fortunate to get such an amazing learning and earning opportunity for life. Thank you, Chegg!

Q. Have you introduced anyone to Chegg?

I introduced a few of my friends to Chegg and some of them are actively answering questions on the Chegg Question & Answer Board.

Q. If Chegg gives you a full-time opportunity, would you avail?

Yes. It is a privilege to be amid these masterminds. If I were given a full-time opportunity, I would never let that go. ????

As an Expert Answerer, I spend most of my time on TBS and Q&A. With Chegg, I find working very convenient as I have the freedom to work from any corner and any time. Chegg site is open 24/7 and I can work at any time of the day… Chegg makes me a master of all subjects related to my stream. Here, I get to answer questions from every subject related to my stream… With Chegg Q&A, timings are not fixed. I can work anytime of the day. I can also take care of other priorities at home like taking care of my parents, meeting my friends, and going out for a movie.

Q. How did you come to know about Chegg?

Post-graduation, I was searching for job like any other fresher. I am good at my subject and one friend introduced me to Chegg. I also checked the website and contacted the Chegg office in Vizag.

Q. Are you working anywhere else apart from being an Expert Answerer?

I work as a guest faculty in a private college.

Q. How is working for Chegg better than working elsewhere?

As an Expert Answerer, I spend most of my time on TBS and Q&A. Were it a college, I would have been time-bound, but with Chegg, I find working very convenient as I have the freedom to work from any corner and any time. Chegg site is open 24/7 and I can work at any time of the day. I work 6 to 8 hours a day, for Chegg.

Q. What time do you spend the most answering on Chegg Site?

I spend my entire morning answering on Q&A board, and go to the college and teach in the afternoon.

Q. How is teaching in a college environment different from teaching in Chegg?

At college, I limit myself to teach only one subject per semester/ year and I can be a master of only one subject, whereas Chegg makes me a master of all subjects related to my stream. Here, I get to answer questions from every subject related to my stream. It is challenging but a lot of fun.

Q. What kind of difficulties do you face while answering?

Sometimes, I receive regular questions and I can do it with my eyes shut. Some are research type of questions, which require spadework. As an expert, I should be able to answer every question in spite of the difficulty level. I put all my efforts to give a helpful answer to the student within the stipulated time.

Q. How did answering help you in your subject?

In my college days, I only had theoretical knowledge of the subject but the application knowledge was minimal. In Chegg, all questions are application-oriented. This exposure was lacking even when I was in College. Thanks to Chegg for the expansive exposure.

Q. After completing post-graduation in Computer Science, people usually look for software-related job.  What made you choose an academic related Job?

After my PG, I too was on the look-out for a software job. Unfortunately, I lacked work experience. Even though I was a fresher, Chegg gave me the opportunity.  Chegg gives opportunity for freshers. Chegg is a wonderful platform, such that I never had a thought of looking for jobs elsewhere.

Q. How did you improve financially? How did Chegg make your life better?

Firstly, I cleared all my debts with my earnings at Chegg. Secondly, I live with my elderly parents and support them. Thirdly, I also bought a Bike – Honda (Smiles). Here, the more I work, the more I am paid. Therefore, Work More, Earn More. It is a win-win situation. This is what I like about Chegg.

Q. How do you balance personal life and professional life?

With Chegg Q&A, timings are not fixed. I can work anytime of the day. Above all I can also take care of other priorities at home like taking care of my parents, meeting my friends, and going out for a movie. In addition, I also work for an NGO, which is involved in social service to humanity.

Q. Did you receive poor rating for your work? How did you respond?

Once I worked on a difficult level textbook for which I didn’t receive a very good rating and the work was sent back. I understood that I had some scope for improvement. In addition, I received some constructive feedback in the QC report. After that I took responsibility for quality of the solutions, reworked and re-submitted. This time, I got a good rating.

Q. Did you ever recommend Chegg to anyone?

Yes, I did recommend Chegg to Engineering graduates, who showed interest in improving their subject knowledge.

Q. Cite one memorable moment?

Today is really memorable. Chegg inviting me for the ‘Voice of an EA interview’ is the BIGGEST MEMORABLE MOMENT for me. In other words, I feel very proud now. Also last year, November 2015, was my most successful month. Despite the cold winter, I could answer around 270 questions. That was the time when I earned my highest.

Q. Did you ever feel bored of answering?

Well, basically, I am passionate about teaching. For instance, even from my college days, I used to give private tuitions to my juniors and school children. Therefore, Chegg has provided me with a platform to teach international students. In addition, It is the 21st century style of teaching, and thus is very interesting. Above all, teaching is a noble profession, so I never procrastinate and only aim for producing quality work and being more reliable.

Q. If Chegg gives you opportunity for a fulltime job, will you avail?

Yes. Definitely!!!

Q. How were you introduced to Chegg?

I started my journey with Chegg on 12th April 2016 and am currently working on two subjects – Accounting and Finance.

Q. What would you consider to be your achievement in Chegg?

I have solved more than 4,100 questions so far and have maintained an overall CF score of 89%.

Q. Explain your initial experience with the Chegg Q&A Board?

I am a student of CA final. After failing to clear the exam a few times, I was thinking of taking up a job. One day a friend of mine told me about this earning opportunity through Chegg. I was sceptical about it, but immediately took up the subject test for accounting and finance and cleared them. I solved around 90 questions in my first month on Chegg (December 2016).My doubts about this job vanished into thin air when I received the first payment promptly. Then onwards, I gradually picked up momentum and started improving my contribution on Chegg Q&A.

Q. How does Chegg help in your progress?

Chegg has helped me regain my confidence. In addition, I clearly understood the importance of education. Also, how imparted in the most developed economies of the world (USA). Importantly, their curriculum is highly practice-oriented. Above all solving questions which help these students is a matter of pride for Indian experts. In Other words, Chegg has made me financially independent.It helps us is knowing the latest developments in our subjects. Each thumbs-up motivates me, each thumbs-down cautions me.

Q. Could you tell us a memorable and challenging moment in your tenure?

It was initially a challenge to deliver what the student expected from us, most of them do not expect a plain vanilla answer, they expect a well-explained answer. Therefore, this has helped me become more cautious as I began to attempt questions.In other words, my CF score increased each passing month as I turned more meticulous and responsible for answering questions.

Q. How was the Expert Meet experience?

Expert meet is a good place to resolve our queries. Also, it allows to meet fellow experts to get inspired by the top achievers. In other words, to motivate ourselves to do more. In addition, it definitely added flair to my experience. I look forward to many more meets in future.

Q. Would you recommend others to join as Expert Answerer? If yes, why?

I would recommend others to join Chegg (and a few have joined too).  Importantly, this company is professionally managed and gives experts the space to improve their skills and contribute to the growth of the organization besides contributing to their own growth.

Q. How were you introduced to Chegg?

I am Keerthi. Importantly, I joined Chegg in 2012 and have been working as an Expert Answerer for the past four years. Also, I am good at electrical and Math subjects. After completion of My B. Tech in Electrical Engineering, a friend of my brother introduced me to Chegg. First, I was quite tense when I visited the Chegg office in Vizag, as I was a novice to online jobs. The Chegg staff made things comfortable for me and explained my roles politely and clearly. I gave the test and fortunately I was qualified. I was given assignments and there began my journey with Chegg.

Q. What else are you doing apart from working for Chegg?

While working for Chegg, I also pursued MBA from Andhra University and graduated with flying colors. After attaining my MBA, four of us designed and developed a mobile application startup. We have been working to market the app. Currently, Chegg is the only source of income for me.

Q. Since you have been working for four long years, tell me how is working at Chegg different from working elsewhere?

Timings at Chegg are flexible. Flexible timings are not common elsewhere. We can work any time of the day. Unlimited work is available round the clock. As you sow, so you reap. The more you work, the more you will earn. This is the best part of Chegg. I am able to utilize my time to explore and focus on other activities of interest, which is impossible with other jobs.

Q. How are you able to balance your professional life and personal life?

During the day, I work for two hours on Chegg site answering around 10 questions. Likewise in a month, I would answer 300 questions.  Also, I dedicate my entire weekends to work for Chegg. I receive a sizeable amount of payment for the work done. Moreover, I can focus on other personal works. I have enough time to spend with my friends and go out with them.

Q. Have you ever receive poor rating?

My work was poorly rated once. But then I immediately contacted the staff and they directed me to the evaluator. The evaluator clearly explained me where I’m going wrong, in a polite manner and I was back on track.

Q. How did Chegg help you improve your subject?

Firstly, I am grateful to Chegg for giving me exposure to International textbooks of very high standards. Secondly, I got my basics right in my college but answering at Chegg helped me build my knowledge, as the textbooks go in-depth and are very application-oriented. Thirdly, I also improved my communication skills and my writing skills. In addition, I also learned how to manage my time and submit the assignments on time.Moreover, I always had a thirst for improving my knowledge and Chegg quenched my thirst. In other words, knowledge is what matters.

Q. Cite a Memorable time?

Everyone likes the first salary (smiles). As a B.Tech graduate, I pursued many jobs. Girls have lesser opportunities in the core field. Sometimes, we were asked to pay large amounts of money to get a job.  My jobless condition caused me to be depressed. But then Chegg revived my hopes. At Chegg, I heard, “if you prove your talent, you will be hired”. I was pretty much impressed by that. Finally, I was through and got the job.Moreover, I bought new clothes for my family with the first salary and that was very memorable. Firslty, I bought a laptop. Secondly, I also bought a plasma TV for my parents. Moreover, I supported myself during MBA.My Father is a retired head-constable. In addition my mother is a house-wife. Also, my brother is an architect. Our family underwent a financial crisis after my father’s retirement, but then Chegg came along side and saved us.

Q. Cite a Challenging time?

The level of education at Chegg is of international standard and the questions we receive pertain to different levels. A couple of years ago, I received an advanced textbook – level 5. I thought of returning the book. But then, the manager encouraged me to take it as a challenge and prove my worth. That was very motivating. I took it home and managed to solve. That was the time I earned the highest. My mother also gave me enough support and encouragement, as I tried to crack the tough questions.

Q. Did you ever get bored of answering?

People like me who have a thirst for knowledge and a heart for teaching will never get bored of answering at Chegg.

Q. Suppose Chegg offered a fulltime job, would you avail?

I initially applied for the job of a full-time in-house expert, but at that time positions were not available. I will definitely avail. Exploring new avenues is my hobby. Thinking out of the box, expanding the knowledge, analyzing and breaking the conventional approach is my kind of attitude. Chegg is for that.

Q. Did you recommend anyone to join Chegg?

Yeah I recommended Chegg to five experts. Every time I recommend Chegg to someone, I tell that Chegg is a treasure for the talented. In other words, Chegg values knowledge rather than superficial professionalism. In addition they also ask me many questions related to payment. They get convinced knowing my experience. 

I really like working for Chegg because I get exposed to questions from foreign textbooks, which gives an extra edge to my knowledge.

Q. Tell us about yourself and what do you for fun?

I am from Nighasan village, Lakhimpur District, Uttar Pradesh. I completed my MSc in Mathematics from Banaras Hindu University. I’m currently working as an Expert Answerer on the Chegg Question and Answer Board. Alongside, I am preparing for the Management Aptitude Test (MAT). I’m a very competitive and hardworking person with ‘never say no attitude’. For fun and recreation, I play chess. I love my subject, Mathematics. Not everyone can excel in the subject. Math can relate to our lives. It teaches us to always be careful with the signs.

Q. What got you into Chegg?

As I need to self-fund, I was looking for something which not only could contribute to my earning but also could add to my learning. Chegg was exactly what I was looking for. I am thankful to my college roommate who recommended me Chegg. I really like working on Chegg because I get to answer questions from foreign textbooks which gives an extra edge to my knowledge.

Q. Tell us about your challenging moment.

The hardest moment for me was to go against the grain and do what I wanted. Since I am a post-graduate from Banaras Hindu University, everyone had expectations from me to get a full-time job and start earning right after my studies. Everyone would give me their opinion. The toughest part was when things were not going in my way, I started questioning myself whether I was doing the right thing. I strongly believed that I did the right thing to work as a freelancer for Chegg so that I can financially support my family and alongside can work towards my bigger goal that is to become a District Magistrate.

Q. On the flip side, what’s been your life’s biggest success so far?

The biggest success came for me when the board results were announced. I topped my village and I still remember the proud faces of my parents. Furthermore, getting selected at BHU for post-graduation is the moment that I really cherish and feel proud of.

Q. What were your initial struggles when you started working for Chegg?

Prior to Chegg, I didn’t have any experience in teaching and freelancing. Working on the Chegg Q&A Board as an expert answerer requires a decent standard in the subject and in writing. Quite often, I came across questions which I never heard during my college days. I was really struggling with these types of questions because one needs to go an extra mile to figure out the actual concept behind the question and to help the students understand better. Language skill was also a barrier for me in the initial days because Chegg requires of us not just providing an answer or a calculation but also provide necessary step by step explanation of the methodology. However, I took very less time to cope.  

Q. Could you share a memorable moment from your journey with Chegg?

One day, I received a comment from a student that my answer was wrong. I checked carefully again and provided the same answer but this time with different values to prove my calculations.  The next day, I got another comment from the same student saying that my answer was correct and that his class teacher was wrong. My answer was better than his teacher’s answer.

Q. How was your experience at Chegg Expert Meet Delhi?

I totally love the experience that I had in the Expert Meet Delhi. I was super excited to meet my coordinators from whom I have been receiving emails, phone calls, and messages for updates and guidance. In addition, I felt really special and honored to be a part of the Expert Meet because Chegg really cares about my contribution and hard work. Above all, I got the opportunity to meet my fellow experts and learned a lot from their experiences. The expert meet really motivated me. Above all I can’t wait for it to happen again. I love the concept!

Q. How do you get to know about Chegg?

A friend of mine Ankit Jain referred me to Chegg, and I’m really thankful to him for introducing me to such a great platform.

Q. Tell us something about your personal and professional life.

I am from Rewari (currently staying in Indirapuram). In addition, I have done my B.Tech in Computer Science and currently working as a Business Development Executive at Techugo Pvt. Ltd.

Q. How is your overall experience of working with Chegg?

My overall experience with Chegg has been really awesome. There has not been a single moment where I felt down or disheartened. Moreover, the best thing about Chegg is that it has not only helped me “Earn” but also “Learn”. In addition, it has provided me with a platform where I can develop my skills by learning new concepts.  In addition it allows me to impart my knowledge to other students.

Q. How much time do you spend answering on the Chegg Q&A board? Do you set targets of solving particular no. of questions in a day?

I spend a good amount of time on Chegg as it makes me feel very satisfied. In my opinion, one should not calculate the time spent on the Chegg Q&A board in terms of minutes or hours. Rather they focus on delivering quality answers. Therefore, In the initial days, I was dubious whether I would be able to solve on par with the Chegg Experts. However with the kind of motivation I have received from the coordinators and the other experts, I could achieve those targets. I am thankful to them for believing in me and showing their faith in my capabilities.

I always try to keep a database of mine wherein most of my knowledge resides. Because it helps me in solving a question with speed and accuracy. Most importantly, I never compromise on Quality answers and that made me one of the privileged experts who were invited to Chegg Expert Meet – Delhi.

Q. How has Chegg helped you in life/Career?

There has been a profound change in my overall outlook after joining Chegg. Chegg has not only helped me in earning but it has provided me with a platform where I can learn. In my opinion, the knowledge gained by diligent searching and exploring is the best knowledge. Chegg also helped me hone my professional skills apart from financial growth. The different groups created over in WhatsApp has helped me a lot in interacting with fellow experts.

Q. Can you mention any memorable / Special moment of your journey with Chegg?

The best moment of my overall journey with Chegg is the time when I bought my Dad a gift from my earning. Importantly, I was a final year college student, without any source of income and it was through Chegg that I was able to do so. At that point in time, my dad was really very proud of me which is still the best moment I still cherish about. A big thanks to Chegg for making it possible.

Q. How do you make sure that you provide quality answers?

I refer to some books, utilizing online and offline resources to learn and carve the best answers for the students. Moreover, I skip the question if I am unsure about the answer. In other words, providing incomplete or wrong information to the students will affect the student and also the company’s credibility.

Q. Do you enjoy working with Chegg?

Absolutely! I take pride in working on the Chegg Q&A Board platform. Importantly, Chegg has become an integral part of my life now and there is hardly any day when I will sleep without answering on Chegg ????

Q. How likely would you recommend your friend/ relative to join Chegg as an Expert Answerer (EA)?

I have been recommending Chegg to a lot of my friends and they are active answerers.

Q. How was your experience at the Experts Meet Conducted in Delhi?

The expert meet was awesome. I am glad that I got a chance to meet my Coordinators, or I would say “Friends” with whom I have been in touch over calls or WhatsApp. In addition, Expert meet also provided me with a chance to meet fellow experts to listen to them and share my experiences. The food was really yummy ????Cheers & Keep Chegging ????

Ever since I joined Chegg, I have the satisfaction of a full time job. Chegg stood like a backbone for me. We borrowed money for my father’s treatment and then I could repay the loan with the money I earned at Chegg… Chegg gives me sufficient time to take care of my father and the truck… After joining Chegg, I bought a laptop, we constructed a new house, I bought a washing machine for my Mother, and an air conditioner for my new house… At Chegg, I solve tough level questions so it gives me great confidence in the subject and I am sure I will secure a good job in groups…Working for Chegg is always fun.

Q. How did you come to Chegg?

My plan was to be an entrepreneur and start my own business and I wasn’t interested in joining a private company. My father owns a second hand truck and he is also the truck driver. The truck was the only source of bread-winning for the family. Unfortunately, my father was down with Paralysis and the family was in deep financial struggle. There was no money and no proper house. The responsibility fell on my shoulders to take the reins and lead the family. Though I completed my graduation in B.Tech, I worked as a truck driver to continue my father’s business. It was in those tough times, my friend introduced me to Chegg.

Q. Where else do you work?

I don’t work elsewhere.  Moreover I am preparing for group competitive exams (for Grade I or II govt. sector gazette jobs). In addition I prepared for GATE but later I discontinued as I wasn’t certain about securing a job. To qualify in GATE I have to work at least 14 hours a day in order to achieve a good score. Having other priorities and responsibilities in the plate, I could not dedicate so much time for GATE. Ever since I joined Chegg, I have the satisfaction of a full time job, yet attending my priorities and responsibilities.

Q. How much time do you spend a day on authoring? What is your daily routine?

For Chegg Q&A, I work for 6 to 8 hours. I use the rest of the day for preparing for groups exams. From early hours in the morning up to 9AM, I spend on Q&A. On an average, I answer 12 questions a day. Then I go to the truck shed. My truck is not a new one. It breaks down often and I had to spend sizeable amount to fix to ensure that the business doesn’t halt. Then I go for my group classes. Later I again spend some time on Q&A. Last month I solved 160 questions.

Q. Could you tell us a memorable and a challenging moment in your tenure?

It was the time when Vizag was hit by a big cyclone called Hudhud. The city was in ruins and there was limited power. But I managed to solve a thousand questions in a month and I earned a huge amount. This was very memorable. The next month, I solved 700 questions. Another moment was when Chegg announced an offer; I could earn a sizeable amount.

Q. How does Chegg help you in your progress?

In the beginning, I wasn’t so good at using computer. I sincerely worked hard without giving up. Very soon, I started to earn 30 to 40K every month. Chegg stood like a backbone for me. We borrowed money for my father’s treatment and then I could repay the loan with the money I earned at Chegg. I am happy that my father is recovered and healthy now. Chegg gives me sufficient time to take care of my father and the truck.

Q. How did Chegg help you grow personally and professionally?

Initially, I did not have a laptop. I use to borrow from my friend. After joining Chegg, I bought a laptop, we constructed a new house, I bought a washing machine for my Mother, and an air conditioner for my new house.At Chegg, I solve tough level questions so it gives me great confidence in the subject and I am sure I will secure a good job in groups.

Q. Do you recommend others to join as an EA? If yes, why?

Yes, I already recommended many of my friends.

Q. What about procrastinating your work?

No, I never procrastinate. However my household chores distracts me.

Q. If you get a job in Groups would you still continue working for Chegg?

Yes, I will definitely continue with Chegg because working for Chegg is always fun.

Q. Would you opt for an opportunity to take up a day job of a full time expert in Chegg?

I would, but my priority is to take care of my father and the truck first.

Q. How did your journey with Chegg begin?

 16th of March 2017 marks a special day in my life. It was on that day that I cleared the test and qualified for the role of an Expert Answerer on the Chegg Question and Answer board.  I am thankful to all my well-wishers who showed me the path to Chegg.

Q. Describe your experience with Chegg?

 I am currently working on two subjects: Advanced Math & Calculus. After that I solved more than 1000 questions so far, with an overall CF score of 87%. In addition I devote maximum time and attention to the Chegg Q&A board to keep my scoreboard ticking. Firstly, I never compromise with quality and provide the necessary information to the student.  Secondly, If the students aren’t clear about the concept, they develop Math-phobia.  Thirdly, when I answer a Math question on the Chegg Q&A Board, I ensure that the student understands the concept. After that I break the solution into logical steps and explain every step. Students usually get confused with direct steps. Therefore I provide necessary intermediate steps with utmost care, bearing in mind that our answers affect the career of the student.

Q. What is the best thing you like about Chegg?

 Chegg lives and breathes the idea of helping students. A student doesn’t have to look for anything else apart from Chegg. It is a Single Point of Contact for the student to get all the necessary subject-help. Chegg is a unique platform that wrought technology and education in a way that caters to the students globally. This is what I like about Chegg.

Q. How did Chegg help you in your overall growth? 

 Apart from the monetary benefit, Chegg gives me an opportunity to improve my subject as well. I started learning new concepts and started increasing the answering count. I have also gained a lot of confidence in my subject just by answering on the Chegg Q&A Board. Initially, I was a bit skeptical about my ability to answer on par with the other Chegg experts, but, after talking to other experts, I was encouraged – I said to myself – “Never give up”.

Q. Cite a memorable moment.

 With the earnings I made at Chegg, I bought expensive gold ornaments for myself. They are dear to me because I bought them with the sweat of my brow. Chegg has made me financially independent. I have a lot of memories with Chegg but the best one I remember is the day when I bought gold earrings for myself.

Q. What else do you enjoy doing apart from answering on the Chegg Q&A board?

I work as a faculty in an engineering college. Therefore, students love the way I teach the subject.  Importantly, I want to help such students by providing the best possible answers so that they get the real concept behind it and clear their exams and come out in flying colors. In other words, teaching is a wonderful task and I love my job.

Q. What do you think about the Experts’ meet?

It felt good to meet the expert management team and my fellow expert fraternity – this was the first time I met them, hence was very excited. I was encouraged listening to the voice of the expert answerers and was motivated by their dedication towards answering on the Chegg Q&A Board.   It was a proud moment to receive a merit certificate. The reception was incredible, and I would love to attend these meets in future as well. I am greatly indebted to Chegg. I am thankful to Chegg and proud to be a part of it.

Q. Tell us something about your personal and professional life.

I am a civil engineer. In addition I have graduated from IIT Kanpur, and now preparing for UPSC-Civil Services Examination. I am passionate about studying and travelling. Importantly I aspire to become an IAS officer.

Q. How did you get to know about Chegg?

A friend suggested me to join this platform three years ago.  Therefore I thank him every now and then, for bringing me to this platform where I can spread my knowledge and continue to learn new things.

Q. How is your overall experience of working with Chegg?

My experience with Chegg has been awesome. The coordinators have been very helpful. Firstly, working as an Expert Answerer on the Chegg Questions and Answer Board in Physics/Advanced Physics helped me in preparing for my UPSC-CSE Mains exam (Physics – optional subject). Secondly, solving questions on a regular basis has helped me to strengthen my concepts as well as expand my knowledge base.  Thirdly, practicing a wide variety of questions has broadened by spectrum by motivating me to learn a wide range of topics. Above all I have always liked working as a freelancer.

Q. How much time do you spend on answering on Chegg Q&A? Do you set targets for solving a particular number of questions in a day?

It depends on the question volume. For instance, during semesters, I give around 4 to 5 hours to answering on the Chegg Q&A board. Moreover, I target 30 questions a day. For Instance I solve a few questions while waiting in a queue or while travelling in metro and not waste time.

Q. How has Chegg helped you in your life and career?

Being a UPSC-CSE aspirant, I wanted a source of earning without diverting myself from studies. Therefore, Working with Chegg gives me the flexibility and I can do other important things as well. In addition I enjoy travelling a lot. So For instance, when question volume is not high, I plan some trips. Importantly, I want to visit every beautiful place on Earth before I die and so far Chegg has helped me a lot in accomplishing my dream.

Q. Can you mention any memorable/special moment of your journey with Chegg?

There was a memorable moment last year when I solved 85 questions in a day with good ratings, which is my personal record. In addition a year before that, I did 72 questions in a day.  Therefore these were special moments for me. Importantly, I am hoping to break this record as well!

Q. How do you make sure that you provide quality answers?

Quality makes a big difference. Therefore, I double-check the answers, check for the units and dimensions in the solution provided. Moreover, I also solve the question with a different formula on a rough sheet to ensure that I get the same (correct) answer.

Q. Do you enjoy working with Chegg?

Yes, I do. I enjoy very much. Maybe that’s why I am sharing my experiences with you. In conclusion working here gives me a lot of challenges, and competition with other fellow experts makes the work more enjoyable.

Q. How likely would you recommend your friend / relative to join Chegg as an Expert Answerer (EA)?

I have already recommended many of my friends and relatives. Moreover whenever I see an erudite man, I will recommend him to join Chegg.

Q. How was your experience at the Expert Meet Conducted in Delhi?

Importantly, it was very well organized. In addition I met a few experts and coordinators. Also, had warm conversations with them. Above all it was an awesome experience overall.

Q. Any word for Chegg?

Chegg is doing a great job of spreading knowledge. Thank you Chegg!

Mostly 80% of online jobs are bound to be fraudulent when it comes to payment – but Chegg is an incredible exception to that statistic… working for Chegg fills me with an unwavering assurance and confidence to face life… I have had an exponential monetary growth after joining Chegg. It is like I am getting a 100% hike every month… At Chegg, I was awestruck by the timely payment… After joining Chegg, life became lighter as my financial status has become brighter… After joining Chegg, I also got selected for two top MNCs – one at Vizag and the other at Bangalore. The credit goes to Chegg… Chegg gave a fun-filled family time during the festival season. Our family had a double blast… For Diwali (the festival of lights), Chegg offered payment well in advance so our family could enjoy the festival season to the fullest… I am very thankful to Chegg because it helped me grow both financially and career-wise.

Q. How did you come to know about Chegg?

I heard from a Chegg Employee, who was once my colleague.

Q. Where else do you work?

I am a Java developer and I am working for a software company in Vizag. I also worked as a freelancer online for US-based clients, especially on Java based projects. They post jobs in JIRA and I complete the task and submit. Depending on the gravity of the task and the time spent, I get paid.  However, I have discontinued working for them from the last 7 months, because their payment was not good. Mostly 80% of online jobs are bound to be fraudulent when it comes to payment – but Chegg is an incredible exception to that statistic. As we know there is no job security these days, and additionally, there is tremendous pressure at work, working for Chegg fills me with an unwavering assurance and confidence to face life. Answering questions is such an interesting job. It feels great to have a big MNC like Chegg in Vizag. 

Q. How much time do you spend on answering?

Generally, my day begins at 3 A.M. and I answer questions till 8 A.M. As the inflow was low from the last two months, I was working only till 6 A.M. After that, I go out for a morning walk. In the evening, I sit again to answer questions from 9 PM to 12 midnight. So, on an average, I spend six hours a day.

Q. How many questions do you answer on an average?

I answer nearly 15 questions in 6 hours. Sometimes, I do as many questions I can until the queue is empty.

Q. How did Chegg help you in your overall growth?

Firstly, I have had an exponential monetary growth after joining Chegg. It is like I am getting a 100% hike every month.I have a big family at home. My parents also live with me and I have to support seven members of the family. So, I was in search of an ideal part-time job where I could earn more and finally I landed in Chegg. My pockets are empty by 10th of every month, as I have to pay EMI of housing loan, apart from my family maintenance. At Chegg, I was awestruck by the timely payment. Chegg pays before 15th of every month and helps me sustain and that is so satisfying.

Clearing the housing loan is a breeze now, thanks to Chegg. After joining Chegg, life became lighter as my financial status has become brighter. I also bought new appliances for my home.After joining Chegg, I also got selected for two top MNCs  – one at Vizag and the other at Bangalore. The credit goes to Chegg. Chegg questions are subject-oriented, and solving them actually helped me a lot in improving my subject. Every time I answer questions on Chegg Q&A Board, I get to revise all basics of the subject. I get re-acquainted with the terminology, and so I did a fantastic job in the interviews.

Q. How are you balancing your family and work? 

I spend quality time with my family. My wife takes care of a major part of the household chores and I have ample time to answer questions on Chegg website. Moreover, I decided to work as a permanent employee for only 10 years. After which I will entirely focus on Chegg and earn from home.

Q. Is there any memorable time?

Every time I receive a recursion problem, I have a ball of a time. It is like playing a game. It requires skill to answer a recursion problem. I feel very happy when I answer it within an hour. In other words, it is truly memorable. In the beginning, I met an EA who had answered 1800 questions and I wondered whether I could ever solve these many questions. Recently, when I clicked the ‘answered tab’, I found that my answering count had reached 1835 and I felt very happy that I could make it.

Answering theoretical Algorithm type questions is also exciting for me. Reading student comments and feedback is also very encouraging. During one offer, I earned a sizeable amount in a month and that was the best time at Chegg. Fortunately, that was during the festival season – Sankranthi (Pongal), and all the family members had gathered at our home for celebration.

Chegg gave a fun-filled family time during the festival season. Our family had a double blast.I am the youngest in our family and everyone expects me to be the financer during festivals and, because of Chegg, I have never disappointed them. For Diwali (the festival of lights), Chegg offered payment well in advance so our family could enjoy the festival season to the fullest. Thanks a lot to Chegg – it made our festive season memorable.

Q. Did you recommend any of your friends to join Chegg? What do you tell them about Chegg when you recommend?

I did recommend Chegg to a lot of my friends. They asked me whether the payments at Chegg are genuine or not. I showed them my bank statement to prove that Chegg payments are timely and genuine.

Q. How did you respond to bad rating?

I rarely get bad ratings. Whenever I receive, I trace my mistakes and immediately try to correct them.

Q. Have you ever get bored of answering?

I get bored when the question inflow is low and I do not get sufficient questions to answer.

Q. If you were given opportunity to work full time, would you join?

It is a joy to teach students, so I would definitely grab the opportunity. I am very thankful to Chegg because it helped me grow both financially and career-wise.

Q. How were you introduced to Chegg?

I came to know about Chegg through Naukri.com. Importantly I was impressed reading the job profile of an Expert Answerer (EA). After that I browsed and found out that Chegg provides subject help for students globally. On 22nd July 2015, I cleared the test and started my journey with Chegg. Therefore now, I am working on four subjects: Algebra, Calculus, Pre-Algebra, Pre-Calculus.

Q. What were you doing before joining Chegg?

I have done M.Sc. in mathematics from SK University campus college in Andhra Pradesh. I am a Gold medalist in my post-graduation. Before marriage, I worked as a lecturer in SSBB college in Guntakal, that is, my hometown, then I worked as a part-time lecturer in VET college for 2 years in Bangalore.

Later, I was compelled to take a break as God blessed me with a baby boy.It was difficult for me to manage family, a kid with my job so I took a long break from my work. However, the mathematician in me drove me to look for work-from-home opportunities. I started working for various companies as a content developer for about six years, but I was not much satisfied with the services. Then, I got to know about Chegg and it was a life-changer.

Q. How is working for Chegg different from working elsewhere?

As a lecturer, I don’t find much difference between teaching in a classroom and teaching online. In both the set-ups, the method varies, but the content remains the same. Whether the classroom or the Chegg answer board, I address the students and help them. However, to be active on Chegg and answer every question, I need to be thorough with all the concepts. It is challenging to work as an Expert Answerer, but it makes me feel proud once the task is done.

The flexible timings at Chegg are perfect for nursing mothers like me. I can now balance my home and my work very well. I can work with less pressure and that too, at my convenience and pace. At the same time, I can take care of my kid and family too. Per day, I spend six hours or more on Chegg and Chegg has become a part of my life now.

Q. How was your experience on the Chegg Q&A board?

It has been an amazing journey with Chegg. I have solved more than 6,500 questions so far, with CF score of 86%. I never compromise on quality, because I know that the career of the students is at stake. When I write answers on the board, I ensure accuracy. Students post questions which are unique and difficult. After answering such questions and receiving a thumbs-up, I celebrate the moment. The comments of the students are motivating, and they drive me all the time to give more. I am active on Chegg WhatsApp groups and help other experts by answering their queries as well.

Q. In what way did Chegg make your life better?

Chegg has helped me grow professionally and financially. It helped me to learn and earn while sitting at home. In addition students post application-oriented questions. Moreover it is the best thing about Chegg. Therefore I had to be thorough with all the new concepts to answer such questions. Addressing global students has boosted my confidence levels. Financially, I became more stable after joining Chegg. I purchased two bikes for my husband with my Chegg earnings. He loves bikes and goes for long rides. The latest one is “Avenger”.

Q. Have you enjoyed being part of the Expert Meet?

I enjoyed the expert meet. It was a memorable day for me, meeting my coordinators and the managers. It was an awesome experience. I was surprised to know that my answers helped 2.5 million students. I learned more about Chegg and its current growth and its future trajectory which boosts my confidence. Sharing my experience with fellow-expert made me feel proud of myself and listening to others experience motivated me lot.

Q. How did you come to Chegg?

My coming to Chegg was a sheer coincidence. I am a B. Tech graduate in Civil Engineering in 2017. I took up Civil Engineering by choice. One day, as I was attending a counselling session in Andhra University. I happened to meet a friend who was then working as a Subject Matter Expert in Chegg. In a casual conversation, he mentioned about the role of an MNE in Chegg. This interested me, but I did not take it too seriously. A few days later, I came across an advertisement on Facebook, that said Chegg was hiring MNEs. I wasted no time and immediately applied for the role. I was then preparing for GATE.

As there are no interviews for MNEs, I was asked to submit a few assignments, which were okayed, and within no time – say less than five days, I was answering solutions for the Chegg Q&A Board, and that too from the comfort of my home (Smiles). The process was as smooth as silk – no delays, no confusion. This chance meeting occurred in Feb 2018, and that changed my fate.

“Call it destiny, call it serendipity (Smiles, as he reflects) but I thank my lucky stars for coming across this opportunity of working as an MNE @ Chegg.”

Q. Tell us something about yourself.

I hail from Visakhapatnam. My basic education has been in Vizag, For instance I completed my graduation from Vijayawada. Both my parents are employed. My father is a banker, and my mom is a teacher. Importantly I am the only child and have been raised with discipline – not like the only kids who are pampered. In addition to that I play shuttle, and most of the time, engage myself in building up my skills. I am a day person and love spending lone time.

Q. Do you work anywhere else or as a freelancer for any other company?

No. I don’t work anywhere else. I enjoy working for Chegg and would embrace an opportunity to work full-time here.

Q. How is being an Expert Answerer different from working as an employee elsewhere?

I haven’t worked anywhere else, so I wouldn’t be able to comment on that. I can certainly share what it feels like to be an Expert Answerer. The name itself propels an expertise w.r.t. subject. Either we are experts, or we need to be experts. I wouldn’t say I was a thorough expert, but the exposure I got out of answering the Chegg Q&A board, sharpened my subject-knowledge, to such an extent, that now, I feel I am not overstating if I were to call myself an ‘Expert Answerer.” (chuckles).

Compared to my peers, I can vouch that I have an extra edge when it comes to theoretical knowledge. Thus, working as an EA has enriched my knowledge. Thanks to Chegg, I have cleared my GATE and have got an admission in UK, which otherwise, I do not think, would be possible. (A gleam of pride can be seen in his mischievous eyes). I feel the job of an Expert Answerer at Chegg is really something. Not much of workload, I can work at my own sweet pace, plus the added advantage of overloading of knowledge. Above all the treasure of knowledge I gained in a measly span of six months is much more than the exposure I got in my four years of engineering.

Q. How many hours do you spend a day on answering Chegg Q&A Board? How many solutions do you do?

I spend not more than three to four hours a day on Chegg Q&A Board. I crack around 70 to 80 questions a month, on an average.

Q. How do you balance your personal life and professional life as an Expert Answerer?

“The early bird catches the worm.” I start working from 6 AM and work up to around 10 AM, throughout the week. This is the time when I feel the questions are a little easy and not many people work. I answer five to six questions in this duration. Also, the mind is fresh and there is calm around. After that, from 10 AM I hone my skills to better answer Chegg Q&A board.

I prefer working on the Chegg Q&A board, rather than authoring of solutions. In addition I feel writing solutions requires us to follow guideline w.r.t style, formatting etc., and is a little more time-consuming, for the same pay. However I know, youngsters my age follow the late nights and party cult, I am an early-to-bed and early-to -rise person. All my friends are at Vijayawada, making me a loner here in Vizag. I do not have a lot many friends here, and this saves my time. Thankfully, I don’t have peer pressure.

Q. Did you get any poor-quality rating or send backs for your solutions anytime in your past? What did you do and what was your experience?

Ha Ha! Yes, I did get poor-quality ratings. After all, failures are stepping stones to success, aren’t they? In fact, my month starts with a score of zero, could be that the student is unhappy with the explanation or the solution (Grins sheepishly, turning away his face). I then put in my efforts to start improving. During my initial days, I did have bottlenecks. It was difficult for me to answer, as I had no sources and no textbooks. Moreover questions in the Chegg Q&A board pop-up from across the globe.

I felt very proud in the month of May 2018 wherein I did not get a single thumbs-down. After that in June, I again started with a score of zero but ended up with a good score. In addition for the month of July, I raised my bar. Prior to June, I was worried about the scores and the rating, but now I feel confident. In other words I could see a lot of improvement in myself from February to May 2018.

Now, I am placed comfortably with a majority of thumbs-up, and that is why I continue to be an MNE. Chegg focuses on American standard questions, whereas my academics are of Indian standards, this acted as a hiccup and I did get my share of ‘Thumbs-down’.  I was not dissuaded. I downloaded almost all the textbooks, gathered information from the websites, and did thorough research and a lot of homework. Now, I am equipped to answer the questions confidently. At times, we get questions from countries like Turkey, Euro-port etc., which I find difficult to answer.

Q. Share at least one memorable and one challenging moment in your tenure?

(Laughs) Authoring a solution can never be memorable, but yes, the date February 25th, 2018 shall always be etched in my memory, as I joined Chegg on this day – it is a life-turning day for me. Apart from this, yes, an incident that made me both disappointed and happy.

Memorable Moment: I once answered a question that had a fraction as the solutions. In the first instance, probably, the student, did not understand it and gave me a thumbs-down. This disappointed me. The student must have again looked up and inserted the fraction as a picture in the website which converted the fraction to decimal format and rendered my solution right. The student immediately changed the Thumbs-down to a Thumbs-Up, gave a good rating, and thanked me. This restored my smile and I felt happy, that my efforts had paid off. It is a feel-good factor, always to get good ratings, and that boosts me up.

Challenging Moment: Well! A challenging situation! (Ponders) Oh yes! How can I forget this? There was this question from RCC – Reinforced & Cement Concrete Structures. I had 120 minutes to complete the question. It was of a high difficulty level. I racked my brain. It was a race against time. I was left with the last ten minutes to submit the solution. Time was ticking by. I used all my knowledge, gathered enough momentum and submitted my answer at the 119th minute. I can’t express my feelings of elation at that moment. After that I felt I had conquered the world. (beams).

Q. You appear dedicated. Are you satisfied with the pay?

Yes! (sobers up) I am highly motivated, passionate and dedicated. In fact, Chegg is my only avocation. Though I work only for around four hours a day, the rest of the day, I immerse myself learning topics related to Chegg Study. The pay I earn from Chegg is enough to self-sustain myself. I do not depend on my parents for pocket money. I am content. The payment is prompt and genuine. I am proud to be self-reliant and thank Chegg for making me so.

Q. How does Chegg help in your progress?

Amazingly! My shoreline of knowledge has been increasing, since the day I joined as an Expert Answerer. I could clear my GATE, thanks to the knowledge I amassed working on solutions for Chegg. I have also been attempting a few competitive examinations.

Q. Are you happy being an Expert Answerer? How has the role made your life easy?

Happy would be an understatement. The wealth of knowledge I have hoarded, being an Expert Answerer cannot be quantified. I can earn without moving out of my house. I now feel very complete, in lieu of the knowledge amassed, and a lot more confident.

Q. Would you recommend others to join as Expert Answerer? If yes, why?

Definitely! I have been doing this. It is only that people need to taste the joy and pride of being an MNE at Chegg. However my friends are reluctant, because they either have other pursuits, consider it a tedious job. In other words they are dubious and skeptical about their own skills. In conclusion I will keep on motivating people to join as an MNE.

Q. Would you prefer to be a full-time expert or continue as a part-time expert in Chegg?

(Sounds excited). That would be my dream come true. In fact, I did get a call and attended the interview for Content Support Executive at Chegg. However I would want to work as a Subject Matter Expert. After that I was waiting for an opportunity for a vacancy to exist. Therefore I made sure I have accumulated enough knowledge to be an asset to the Civil Engineering Domain as an expert. In other words, Chegg, to me, is better than any government job.

Firstly, My father is a banker, and we have been transferred 15 times – we settle, we unpack, adapt and then again, we pack, move to another city, settle, unpack and then again pack – this has been exasperating (frowns) and the saga continues. This is one reason I have never tried to walk on my father’s footsteps. Secondly, Getting a job in a banking sector is not easy, because of the tough competition out there. I would want to have a sure footing in one area. Importantly  I love Vizag and would want to settle down here. What better option than Chegg for this?

Q. If you are asked to come to our office and train other Expert Answerers, would you opt for it?

Certainly! I would love to share the knowledge I have amassed.

Q. Is this your first EA Meet. How is the experience?

Marvellous! I am having a wonderful time here. Would look forward to many more meets in the future. I enjoyed the lunch too.

Q. One thought about our Expert Management Team.

Awesome! They are very supportive. Chegg itself is supportive. The journey with the team has been very smooth, fruitful and mutually beneficial.

Q. Any problems you faced with the Q&A board?

Not many to mention. I did face a few technical glitches, maybe about five times in my entire tenure.

Any suggestions from your end…
Hmm, yes, a few…

  • Firstly, a few of the questions posted are very difficult for a person with a B. Tech background to solve, whereas for a person with an MTech background, they might seem easy. I feel, it would be of immense help if Chegg would provide references in the form of Textbooks or websites. This would make the lives of MNEs like me much easier, as in we can search for related cues, considerably reducing the time taken to work on a solution.

  • Secondly, There should be a tab on the number of questions posted by a student. Some students post five questions at a time, and each question takes an hour to answer. If the number of questions is limited to three questions, that would be nice, as else it affects the ratings. I feel bad when I get poor ratings. It hurts me.

  • Importantly, if students could specify the reason for a low score or a thumbs-down, that would help a lot in self-improvement for the overall betterment of the solution, as we can come to know the drawbacks and try to rectify them.

Sharon Valli joined Chegg as an Expert Answerer at its inception in India. Her journey with Chegg started in 2011 when she was recruited during a campus drive at Dr. Bullaya College in her final year. However, at the same time, she got placed in Wipro as well, which she had to forgo because of some familial constraints.

Q. Please describe your experience with Chegg during the initial phase.

During the early stages, I was quite overwhelmed by the magnanimity of the operations at Chegg. It was a rough patch that I had to conquer; I was unable to work on the system and the initial 10-15 days were quite demanding. But I never gave up trying, with the help provided by Prasanna Kumari Mithra, Chegg ex-employee, I was able to get through that rough patch.

Q. How did you spend the first month in Chegg?

I received an assignment consisting of 100 questions, as my first and foremost assignment in Chegg. All the lecturers/professors liked me as I was a meritorious student during my college days . Therefore people discouraged me to pursue work at Chegg. Importantly those who are not aware of the glorious Chegg platform. Thankfully, I ignored them and requested my HOD to give me 10 days off so that I can start my first Chegg assignment. Initially, I took my brother’s help, who works as an SME in the Accounts department, but soon I was able to understand the system, and started working on my own.

Q. What was your reaction when you received your first pay cheque from Chegg?

The moment I received my first pay cheque from Chegg, which was a sizeable amount, my happiness reached the sky. I communicated the same to my faculty members and friends, for which I received immense appreciation. My confidence further increased when I received the next payment, after solving 300 questions, and this time it is three times my first pay cheque.

Q. What is the most fascinating part of your journey with Chegg?

The knowledge I have gained over the last 7 years cannot be weighed in any terms, and I know I cannot get this knowledge anywhere else in the world. In order to thrive at Chegg, one needs to possess up-to-date knowledge on every single development in the chosen subject. Chegg has helped me in ways one can’t imagine – Cannot imagine a life without Chegg.

Q. What is the maximum number of questions that you’ve solved in a month?

I solved 1,200 questions in a month once. Therefore I got compensated by 88,000 rupees.

Q. Tell us about your educational qualifications.

Currently, I am pursuing PhD. I have a Masters degree in Physics, and I also have a Bachelors of Education degree.

Q. Cite some of your happy moments at Chegg.

Every month I receive a message stating that the salary has been credited to your account. I cherish those texts of happiness immensely. I work hard throughout the month. Getting compensated provides validation and acceptance.

Q. How do you feel about the coordinators at Chegg?

I am very thankful to my coordinator, Prasanna Kumari Mithra. He has inspired and motivated me, both professionally and personally. In addition he helped me reach where I am today. Life without their inspiration would be very tough. I would also like to extend my gratitude to both Jitendra sir and Umesh sir who have been my guiding light throughout my journey at Chegg.

Q. Tell us a little about your personal and professional life.

I work as a professor in Ambedkar Institute of Management Studies. I have four siblings: two elder brothers, an elder sister, and a younger brother. My elder brothers also work for Chegg as SMEs in the Accounts department. Each month my brothers and I compete, and the person who answers the maximum number of question wins. Not to boast, but I always win. In my free time, I go to Church and offer my prayers to God, and I also organize events in my Church.

Q. Do you have any friends at Chegg?

Yes, I do. In the previous EA meet, I met Bharathi, who is also a Chegg Q&A Expert in the Physics department, and we became friends soon. Even though we haven’t known each other for a long time, we are quite close to each other; she inspires me and motivates me to keep on working for Chegg. Lately, she has been recommending me to work on the Chegg Q&A Board.

Q. What suggestion would you give to new joiners?

Dedication is the key to success. Accept this as a challenge and I guarantee, Chegg will take you to the next level. Accept the fact that it’s a pleasure to help students who are eagerly waiting for your valuable answers. I am very happy and content to be a part of the Chegg team.

Q. How were you introduced to Chegg?

Well I am Venkat. I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering. My friend who has been working as an Expert Answerer for Chegg introduced me. In addition he told me that the role of an Expert Answerer has reciprocal benefits – as the one imparting knowledge also gains surplus knowledge in return.

Above all Chegg satiates my thirst for knowledge as I get to teach international students. In conclusion I strongly believe that – to be successful in life, it is important to become a savvy in the subject.

Q. Where else do you work apart from Chegg?

My area of interest is teaching, so I work at a teaching institute as a part-time lecturer and I teach subjects related to Mechanical Engineering to my students. Simultaneously, I am pursuing my Masters. I have a goal to secure a job in the government sector and so I am preparing for competitive exams.Being an expert answerer on the Chegg Question and Answer (Q&A) Board is a pleasant job, where we can work peacefully and at our own pace. As we sow, so we reap – the more we answer, the more we earn. 

Securing a job in one’s core area is a rare opportunity in the current scenario. I saw a few of my friends who settled in unrelated jobs – like in software and BPO industries after graduating in mechanical engineering. I feel blessed to find such a good job at Chegg that allows me to use my subject knowledge and also work from home.

Q. Explain your experience with Chegg.

Working on the Chegg Q&A Board, helped me gain a good grip in core subjects like Strength of Materials and Engineering Mechanics. The good part of answering questions on the Chegg Q&A Board is the inflow of various types of questions related to different topics of the subject. Answering such questions has helped me develop a comprehensive knowledge on the subject. Now, I am so well-versed with Mechanical Engineering concepts that I do not have to refer to the textbooks to answer questions on the Chegg Q&A Board. In other words,  my subject knowledge is saturated. Therefore, I do not need to prepare for competitive exams again.

Chegg provides a rare platform to interact with international students, hungry to learn the subject. It is a haven of likeminded individuals grappling with the concepts to improve the subject knowledge of students. The questions are very interesting, application-oriented, and unique. Above all our knowledge expands exponentially just by helping students answer questions that stump them the most.

Q. How is the teaching experience augmented your role as Expert Answerer?

In order to become a good teacher, it is important to understand the grasping ability of the student. At the institute, I address 40 students at the same time. Not every student is on the same plane, so I need to be sensitive to the students with low grasping levels and address their confusion points. Unlike quick learners, slow learners require more support from the teacher.

I apply the same teaching principles on the Chegg Q&A Board. I try to break a complex problem into bite size parts and explain every step in order to help the student easily understand. Students always respond with thumbs up and post encouraging comments.

Q. Share something about your family and friends.

I live in Vizag. I have a cozy corner at home to work on the Chegg Q&A Board. My father runs his own grocery and my mother is a home maker. My parents are glad that I am able to offer a helping hand and share the family burden.I was able to pay my brother’s college fee and put away some money to save for my own future. Financially, our family is much more stable after I started working for Chegg. I even stopped depending on my parents for financial support to pay my educational fee, exam fee, and for other needs.

My parents and grandparents are quite curious to know about the nature of online jobs which is all Greek & Latin to their generation. My grandmother is quite puzzled when she sees me earn just by sitting in front of the computer. I go crazy sometimes to explain them the intricacies of the online world. I also want to buy a land and build a house for my parents.

Q. What is your daily routine?

I begin my day at 5AM with a cup of tea and I start working on the Chegg Q&A Board. As said, I go to the college around 10 AM. In the evening, I again return to the Chegg Q&A Board and answer as many questions as I can. For recreation, I hang out with my friends; we go to the cinema and play cricket in the weekends.

Q. Cite a memorable moment.

It was in last September, My family faced a financial crisis and my father was obligated to take a huge amount of loans. My parents were quite apprehensive about clearing the loan with the meager resources that we had. I took the helm of clearing the loan. In a couple of months, I solved a large number of questions on the Chegg Q&A Board and with the amount I earned, I cleared the loan. It was quite memorable and my parents were very happy.

Q. Who was your inspiration?

My senior who stood district-first in the board exam inspired me. In addition my physics teacher in my high school was my inspiration to become a subject-teacher.

Q. Have you ever felt bored of answering?

My love for the subject and my love to teach, the knowledge I gain here, and the financial benefit serve as a motivation. Therefore it overshadow my boredom. I have a plethora of ways to earn money, however, the satisfaction I gain by teaching the subject tops everything.

Q. Have you introduced anyone to Chegg?

I, along with my friends, introduced at least 70 subject experts to Chegg and most of them are active expert answerers on the Chegg Q&A Board.

Q. Suppose Chegg gives you a fulltime opportunity, would you avail?

Yes of course! I would thankfully accept it, if Chegg gives me a full-time opportunity. 

Q. How did you get introduced to Chegg?

I was introduced to Chegg by a family friend and have started my journey on 22nd May 2017. After that I am currently working on the Finance domain. I have answered several questions so far on the Chegg Question & Answer board. In addition I have provided quality solutions in TBS as well.

Q. Explain your initial experience with the Chegg Q&A Board?

Initially, I used to get a lot of thumbs up, especially with the theory questions. This boosted my confidence. In addition it made me realize that students are liking my explanation and language. I do not like to give lengthy verbose answers, which bore the students. I give necessary information that covers the concept the student seeks.

Q. How did Chegg help in your progress?

Chegg made me discover my hidden potential. In other words I’ve answered in this platform which I initially thought was not possible. It has improved my critical thinking ability. Some concepts which I didn’t bother to clear during my college years, I’ve studied them now, because of the questions I get, for instance, the concept of triangular arbitrage. Also, there are questions that I’ve answered, which are partially related or unrelated to my subject.

Q. How was the Expert Meet experience?

The Expert meet was a lovely time. It was fun knowing experts from various fields and hearing their experiences. I learned a lot. Also, receiving lauds from seniorI can recall some questions from the concept of engineering economics. It was a economics question and not finance. However, I googled the concept and with a little bit of study, was able to answer the subsequent questions.

Q. Cite something from your personal life.

Apart from being a finance teacher, I also like to sing. It is my passion. I participate in cultural programs occasionally. Apart from answering on the Chegg Q&A Board, I spare some time to practice singing and socialize with family & friends.

Q. Would you recommend others to join as Expert Answerer? If yes, why?

I’ve recommended a lot of my friends and family members to join Chegg. I also introduced my sister-in-law who is currently working as a biology expert.

Q. In short, what is Chegg for you?

A life changing work opportunity, letting me balance my personal and professional life by providing the work-from-home option.

Q. How did you begin your journey with Chegg? 

I was looking for a job which would provide flexible working hours and an opportunity to do work from home. Then one of my friends told me about Chegg. I cleared the test, registered and started working on the Chegg Question and Answer board as an expert of mathematics. I spend ample time answering maximum questions on the Chegg Q&A board.

Q. What was so fascinating about working with Chegg?

Receiving questions from students across the world fascinates me as it gives me a global insight on the subject. Along with the increasing knowledge, it makes me financially stable. It makes me an independent and confident woman.

Q. Share your experience with the Chegg Q&A board?

The journey has been fantastic. I answer a wide variety of questions on the Chegg Q&A board – all related to my subject. I am an M.Phil. in mathematics and have also done my Bachelor’s and Master’s in mathematics from Delhi University. Answering easy and difficult questions and helping students gives me a deep sense of satisfaction.Once I received a tricky question and the concept was quite complex. I noted down the question and studied the concept so that I would be ready to answer such questions in the future. While working on the Chegg Q&A Board and helping students learn the subject, I am also learning new concepts each day. I do feel proud when the students appreciate my work and give thumbs up for that.

Q. How is your daily routine.

I wake up early around 5:00 in the morning and answering on the Chegg Q&A board till 7:00 AM. Then I do my daily chores like to prepare my daughter for school, cook for the family etc. When my daughter goes for school and my husband for his office, I begin to work on the Chegg Q&A board. I hit the gym in the evening and take tuitions. I answer on the Chegg Q&A board till midnight.

Q. What else do you enjoy apart from answering on the Chegg Q&A board?

I’m a gym freak, also enjoy watching Bollywood movies. I am fond of Punjabi songs. I enjoy life to the fullest and rejuvenate myself well enough to hit the Chegg Q&A board.

 Q. Cite a memorable moment

With the earnings from Chegg, I bought my own car, a Pearl white Honda City V on 5th July 2017. My car always reminds me to give my best to Chegg. Chegg makes me think BIG.

Q. Cite a challenging moment

The real challenge for me is always to attempt a hard question and to get an appreciation for it. For instance, Once a student posted a tough question and the challenge was not just about solving it but explaining it to the student. However, in mathematics, though we have a direct formula, the concept and derivation of the formula are complex and critical for understanding. Therefore I explained the derivation and provided a quality answer to that question. The student replied with thumbs-up and that was the nicest part.

Q. Please share something about your personal life?

I am married and have a daughter, who is 3 years old. In addition I live in Delhi and my husband is working as a manager at Sonalika, Noida. He is very supportive. We have a good family time during our weekends. I keep myself busy on the Chegg Q&A board during the week.

Q. If Chegg gives you a full-time opportunity, would you avail? 

I am very excited and happy with Chegg. Definitely! It is a pleasure working for Chegg.

Mohammad Hammad Khan has joined Chegg as an EA (Expert Answerer) in Mechanical Engineering subject in April’18. Being a new joiner, he is very much excited & passionate about solving questions on Chegg Q&A. His objective is to be a consistent solver on Chegg Q&A, providing best possible quality answers to the students. After attending the Experts Meet in Pune on 18th Aug’18, he got valuable insights on the importance of quality answering on the Chegg Q&A and now, he is more focused on submitting quality answers.

Q. Tell us something about your personal and professional life.

I hail from Agra but born & brought up in Pune. I completed my senior secondary from Kendriya Vidayalaya and higher secondary from National Institute of Open Schooling, both associated with the CBSE board. My family consists of my father, mother and a younger brother. My father is a government employee, serving in the Ministry of Railways in Pune and my mother is a homemaker. In addition my younger brother has recently completed his graduation from Fergusson College. He got placed in Amazon as a Business Analyst. I completed my B.Tech. in Mechanical & Industrialization Engineering in 2015 from Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engineering, Pune.

After that I worked for two years. I started my journey with a company located in Mumbai, named ‘Hawa Valves’ as a Procurement Engineer. Similarly, I moved on to General Motors and worked in Purchase and supply-chain Engineering. After that I left the corporate sector as I was not enjoying the atmosphere and I could not emphasize on skills & knowledge that I learned in my Engineering.

Currently, I am preparing for government exams. In addition I love to remain fit and therefore I exercise regularly. Similarly I play cyber games and am fond of playing counter strike. After that I opened my own server online which was a massive hit  in Pune. It became Pune’s #1 server online named as ‘Exploited Fraggers’. Above all I was all alone to handle with a few special friends having access to manage it.

Q. How did you get to know about Chegg?

I got to know about Chegg from one of my friends, Abhinav Fulmali, who is currently pursuing his PhD from NIT Rourkela. I was not at all aware of such a platform where I could earn by just solving questions posed by students and get paid for it.To check its authenticity, I enquired several times just to confirm the payout which is mandatory for anyone. Well! I started as a Q&A expert and now I am into Mechanical Engineering, which is the best part is because what I have studied it in my engineering, I answer questions related to the same topics.So far so good, it’s been an amazing journey with Chegg and I hope this journey keeps going and I keep helping the students.

Q. How is your overall experience of working with Chegg? 

In India, people are not very aware of freelancing. I joined Chegg four months back and trust me, it is the Best. Firstly, I feel so relaxed and stress-free. Secondly, for me, Chegg is one of the best and leading freelancing website which cares a lot about its experts. Thirdly payouts are timely – Chegg is a professional firm where you don’t have to think about the payouts. Importantly Chegg treats us as employees. Therefore I would like to thank my coordinators who always keep us updated, guide us and intimate us about the question flow well in advance. Above all being a Chegg expert is one of the most beautiful experiences of my life. Chegg is easier to join. The process is very easy, and one can smoothly walk through.“Keep Chegging; Keep Rocking”

Q. How much time do you spend answering on Chegg Q&A?

Do you set targets for solving No. of questions in a day? Firstly, there is no time limit for me as such. This is the best part of Chegg as there is no time limitation. As I am preparing for competitive exams, I too have my own schedule which I follow for self-study.I usually give 3-4 hours a day to Chegg. During weekends, I work for 5-6 hours specifically during late nights to grab more no. of questions.I do set my daily and monthly targets. I try to solve 6-8 questions per day.

Q. What is your approach towards submitting the best possible quality answers on Chegg Q&A?

I always try to give my 100% when I provide solutions to the students. Importantly I never want students to struggle because I have gone through the phase where we, as students used to struggle to solve solutions and ended up getting less marks. Therefore being an expert, I try to provide good solutions with no errors. Above all I feel it’s my responsibility to submit correct and complete answers, write steps properly, and draw clear diagrams with neat handwriting in case I am uploading solution in a picture format.

Q. How has Chegg helped you in life/career?

For me, Chegg is the only source of earning. I came to know about Chegg from one of my friends. Chegg has given me everything as of now according to my plan. I wanted to take my own financial stand, and this is the only platform through which all my requirements are fulfilled.

Q. Can you mention any memorable/ special moment of your journey with Chegg? 

There are many special moments with Chegg. This is the closest to my heart. For instance, this incident occurred when I was solving a question related to Thermodynamics. There were almost 12 parts of that questions and according to Chegg Q&A guidelines, we are supposed to solve the first 4 parts of the question or the ones specifically asked by the students. At the bottom of the question, it was mentioned “please solve It will be of great help, I need solutions and I am unable to understand”. I felt very bad as the student was struggling with the question and was not able to arrive at a solution.

Well, it took me approx. 1.50 hours to solve the entire question. I solved the entire question and cross-checked thrice as I did not want the student to be disappointed. In other words I then uploaded the entire solution and felt very happy. The very next day, I received the feedback – “Thank you Chegg. You guys are amazing. I encountered this question in my exam paper and I solved it completely. Thanks to your faculty who solved it so accurately”. Importantly I felt proud that I had done something good for this student.

Q. Do you enjoy working with Chegg? 

Yes, there is no doubt in it. Firstly I never knew this is such a big platform and I feel proud to be a part of such a big organization. Secondly, I can work according to my own schedule. Thirdly, I can keep roaming & visiting new places and work. Importantly everything is handy, and questions can be answered using a smartphone as well .Above all everyone at Chegg is so motivating, that they come to our rescue when we find ourselves struggling. I always wanted to work as per my schedule and Chegg has gifted me this liberty.

Q. How likely would you recommend your friends/ relatives to join Chegg as an Expert Answerer (EA)?

I have recommended every single friend of mine who is struggling to find a job or those who do not have attractive packages. I will highly recommend Chegg to my friends/relatives to be a part of such a great platform, where we work as a team to help students.

Q. How was your experience at the Experts Meet Conducted in Pune? 

I would like to say a Big Thank you to the Chegg team who shortlisted me for the Meet. Importantly it was Pune’s first Experts Meet. Therefore I was amazed to be a part of it. Importantly it’s been just four months since I joined Chegg and I was invited by my coordinator.  I was very excited to meet my coordinators. Importantly regular calls, updates were the plus point from the team, as they wanted to know my availability. It was an honor to meet the Director – Expert Management Team, Imran Khan, who gave us valuable information about Chegg. Above all I was glad to receive goodies from Chegg which made me feel so special. The fun game was the funniest part. In conclusion I would want to be a part of this meet again and enjoy the tasty food once again.


Q. How did you get to know about Chegg?

I joined Chegg in 2016, while I was pursuing M.tech in Andhra University. After that I came across one of my friends who was sharing his experience at Chegg. Importantly he was bragging about the kind of money he was earning with my other friends at college. In other words I got curious and went straight to him to know further information and I was amazed to know about Chegg.

Q. How has your experience been with Chegg so far?

My specialization was ECE during my graduation. Therefore, I preferred Electrical Engineering as my subject. I joined as an EE expert initially. No doubt, the first few days were the toughest of all as I was struggling to find the right questions which were according to my expertise.  Even after finding the right questions, it was difficult to solve them within the stipulated time. Yet, I somehow managed, and I was able to earn a small amount in the first month. After that, I was capable of handling questions related to Mathematics as well. I chose algebra as my primary subject with the help of my coordinators, which turned my life upside down.

Q. What has been your biggest achievement so far?

I am financially stable now, and I was able to support my family while I was studying, and that I believe to be my greatest achievement so far. On the lighter side of things, I am very excited and proud to own a bike, which I bought from the money I earned working for Chegg. Therefore I would’ve bought the bike on this platform, only if I was given the permission.

Q. Do you talk about Chegg to your friends or family?

Yes, of course, I do. My friends approached me after seeing how financially independent I am and how I am able to manage that. I always guide my friends with the entire process – from onboarding to the help required while answering – I extend my help for all. My friends can’t thank me enough for introducing Chegg into their life.

Q. How do you feel being in the EA meet?

This being my first time, I was super excited to meet my fellow experts and the management of Chegg. I just can’t express this feeling in words. I would always be thankful to Chegg for inviting me in this meet. Never in my wildest dreams, I thought I’ll be attending such events, witnessing such grandeur while sitting among such wonderful people.

Q. What are your thoughts on the EA meet?

Firstly, I would like to thank the Chegg team for coordinating this amazing event, it not only boosts our confidence and encourages us to answer as many questions as we can, but it also gives us a platform to meet our colleagues and share our experiences. I would love to be a part of this event, every time it is organized in Vizag. Secondly, I would continue working for Chegg with the same level of dedication, and hopefully by the next EA meet, I’ll be a proud owner of a four-wheeler, thanks to Chegg.

Q. How did your journey begin with Chegg?

I came to know about this opportunity through my roommate and colleague, who has been working as an Expert Answerer for a while. My roommate’s luxurious lifestyle always baffled me. Our compensation was same and yet he could afford a branded watch, air conditioning, and numerous other things. When I finally asked him about the source behind this luxury, he told me about Chegg.

From that point, I never looked back, I joined Chegg as an Expert Answerer in 2016, and there hasn’t been a single moment when I regret this decision. I look forward to the challenges every day, and I am always excited to dig deep into my subject. Since then, I have been working in the Computer Science department as an Expert; I have been very diligent with all the tasks given to me, and I have been constantly providing quality answers to Chegg.

Q. Describe the early stages of your life with Chegg.

Initially, I was very doubtful and suspicious of Cheg. I even wondered if I’ll get paid for the work I’ll do. However, when I realized the magnanimity on which Chegg operates all my apprehensions and doubts were resolved. When I submitted my initial batch of twelve solutions, I was remunerated for it in the stipulated time. S that cleared whatever doubts left in my mind.

Q. How did you find out about this opportunity, and who helped you during the early stages?

Operating as an expert in Chegg requires profound knowledge in all aspects of one’s core subject. We not only have to be adept with everything that we learned during school, but also with everything we learn in college. Furthermore, you must be up-to-date with all the developments in the subject area. Therefore, I struggled during the initial days. I couldn’t understand how to formulate the solution, let alone navigate through the system. But thankfully, with the support provided from Akshay Sharma, my coordinator, and my colleagues, I was successful in understanding the system and standards that I have to maintain to work at Chegg.

Q. Tell us a little about your educational background.

I completed my schooling from Ravindra Bharathi Public School in Anantapur, and I completed my graduation in CSE from MITS Anantapur.

 Q. Tell us about your family.

I am from Anantapur, and my family is based in Anantapur as well. I have a sister who is pursuing M.Pharma in Kurnool.

Q. Besides working for Chegg, what else do you do?

There are several things that I enjoy doing, which include web browsing and looking for certifications related to my concern stream. I am a travel enthusiast, and I enjoy travelling alone. Apart from these, I love cooking; I enjoy cooking Mughlai Chicken Biryani the most. All my friends come over at my place to party sometimes, and I happily cook for them.

 Q. Share something from your personal life.

As you perhaps know already, the final year of graduation is stressful for any student. There are so many uncertainties in life at that point: you aren’t sure of what career path you’ll choose or if you’ll get a job at all. I was going through a similar anxiety, so for me, the happiest moment was when I received a call letter from the company I am working for. I will forever remember the date ‘28th August 2018’, as this was the day I completed my agreement with the company I joined after my college.

Chegg helped me in ways I can’t comprehend or put in words. Answering questions for Chegg helped me finish my college project early, and it gave me the financial freedom that I always wanted.

Q. Have you referred anyone to Chegg?

Indeed, I would love to refer Chegg to my peers. In fact, I introduced my sister to join Chegg, she started working as a Subject Matter Expert in the Chemistry department. She also gained the financial freedom like me, and now she takes care of her daily expenses and makeup on her own. From the money I earned while working for Chegg, I bought her a mobile phone as a Rakhi gift, which she was ecstatic to receive. Besides her, I have referred a number of my friends to Chegg, and they are also working as Experts in various departments.

Q. What are your long-term goals?

Coming from a business family background, I obviously have that business-state-of-mind. One day, I would love to set up my own business and settle in my hometown.

Q. Cite a terrific and disastrous moment.

The first day of my job was really traumatic; I had to move out of my hometown, I had to leave the comfort of living with my family. Relocating to a new place took a toll on my mental well-being. However, those days also taught me how to live alone, and how to take care of my own responsibilities. So as traumatic as they were, they were also terrific for me. For now, I am very happy being a part of the Chegg family, and I would recommend every B.Tech graduate to join Chegg to gain knowledge and financial freedom.

Q. How did you come to Chegg?

It is a long story. Back in 2012, I was about to lose my job due to shutting down of the college I was working for, as a lecturer. Those were tough times as almost every educational organization faced a downtrend in student admissions into Life Science courses. I was in search of a job and trying almost every popular online job portal. One day, to my surprise, I received a call from a company called Cramster. The selection process was long with around three tests, an induction and a quiz. I could complete all levels with a good score. After a month of my joining, the company became Chegg. My life was in deep trouble, when Chegg saved me. What I am now today is just because of Chegg. 

Q. Where else do you work?

 I don’t work anywhere else – I work full time as a Chegg Expert and I don’t find any need to take up other jobs.

Q. How is being an MNE different from working as an employee elsewhere?

Other employment only offers financial independence, but here at Chegg, we learn while we earn. For example, take Biology; it is a very vast subject with many interdisciplinary topics. I get a great opportunity to learn and work on different topics of various disciplines.

Q. How much time do you spend a day on authoring?

8 to 10 hours. I spend my full time on Chegg’s assignments. I used to work for around 6 hours earlier but now a days, I spend more than 10 hours.

Q. How do you balance your personal and professional life as an MNE?

Being a woman, handling many household duties while doing a job simultaneously is a nightmare. But Chegg has given me the chance to enjoy the job without leaving my home. I spend my time working during the day, at my own comfort at home; and once I am done with my work, I enjoy my personal time, no time schedule attached. So, enjoying both worlds without breaking our own comfort at home is a breeze. I respect my work and deadlines. If at all I come across any sudden need to attend at home which happens very rarely, my territory manager, who is very friendly and co-operative, doesn’t mind adjusting the deadlines.

Q. Did you get any poor quality rating or send backs for your solutions anytime in you past? What do you do and what is your experience?

Yes, I do get send backs when I work on difficult chapters that are hard nuts to crack.Whenever I face such situations, I try to improve immediately, I update myself where I am lacking and submit the solutions within the stipulated deadline.

Q. Could you tell us a memorable and a challenging moment in your tenure?

Recently, I finished 1500 solutions of Medical Terminology just in a month. That was my most memorable moment. The most challenging moment was once when I received an assignment on one of the most difficult chapters with mathematical problems, which were so difficult that even most experienced teachers could not solve. I had to refer a lot of books, do a lot of research but could finish all of them. The point of celebration was that I received one of best ratings for those solutions in Quality Check.

Q. How does Chegg help in your progress?

My lifestyle and income graph is progressing very steadily. I am now living with all comforts. Before Chegg, I used to have a hard life style which is completely changed now, after becoming and growing as an MNE.I equally enjoy my personal life. My personal and social relations are perfectly balanced with my job as an MNE.

Q. Are you happy being an MNE? How has the role made your life easy?

I am very happy being an MNE. The point that makes me feel happy is that the role is equal to that of a subject expert, elsewhere. I enjoy saying that I am a subject expert to people who ever I meet.One of the great moments that made me feel proud was once when I was given a book that had been left incomplete in the middle by the experts due to its difficulty level. I finished it and received the best rating I ever had.

Q. What about procrastinating your work?

I never think of putting work aside, as I am much addicted to this due to the comfort this job offers.My husband helps me too in meeting tight deadlines. Besides my addiction to work, I often get motivated by the thought that my work is being served to students all around the world. It sounds cool, doesn’t it?

Q. Would you opt for an opportunity to take up the job of a full-time expert in Chegg?

No. I had offers to join as a full-time subject expert in Chegg, but I can’t take it as full time employees are stressed-out for time and work under various pressures.
Above all, everything is at my ease and comfort, including my own schedules, holidays, and family time, which are not at all possible being a full-time employee.

Q. Do you recommend others to join as MNE? If yes, why?

Of course, yes! Here at Chegg, we have a lot of opportunity, especially to learn a lot while earning. I already recommended many people who are currently enjoying being MNEs at Chegg. Furthermore, those who love the subject love this job and vice-versa. It is a great opportunity for self-satisfaction.

Q. How did your journey with Chegg begin?

Chegg has gained repute more through word of mouth rather than through advertisements. I heard about Chegg from my husband’s friend. I found Chegg to be very interesting and so I encouraged my husband also to start working with me on Chegg. We, as a couple fulfilled most of their dreams with the money we earned from Chegg. It took us a while, but now, we understand the needs of the students and provide all the necessary information that would benefit them.

We are grateful to our coordinators who are always within reach and provide timely guidance. In addition, We are also thankful to Chegg for the timely payment. Above all we are in fact, addicted to Chegg!. Importantly, I have completed my post-graduation at NITW in 2007. I have 5 years of teaching experience. In other words, I love sharing knowledge my knowledge, and that is, probably, one of the reasons I joined Chegg.

Q. How many questions do you manage to solve in a day?

Initially, it was not very intense, as I began very slow. But with time, the count of questions I solved gradually increased. It depends upon the volume of questions. Generally, I manage to solve 30 questions a day.

Q. Share your experience with the Chegg Question & Answer Board?

Chegg is a global platform and I get to answer a wide variety of questions related to Calculus. Therefore, I receive questions from every facet of calculus. In addition, I am also being benefited as I expand my knowledge by answering all these questions. I joined Chegg on 15th December 2015 and am currently working on two subjects: Calculus and Math. I solved more than 4000 questions so far and have maintained an overall CF score of 76% with 95% SME feedback score.

Q. As a teacher, what goes in your mind while answering a question for a student?

At the end of the day, my agenda is to help students. I do a thorough research before explaining the answers in a language that is understandable to a student. I receive very interesting questions related to calculus that test my ability as a teacher to explain to the students. When I am unsure of the answer, I do not attempt the question. I focus more on quality rather than quantity. I am proud to say that I have received a satisfactory score on my quality

Q. Cite a memorable moment.

Chegg always gives me a lot of memorable moments. Fulfilling my dreams with the money earned from Chegg is always memorable. But I must say that the time spent with the experts at the EA meets are the most memorable moments.  “The meet was awesome. It was a good opportunity to get our doubts clarified.  It was a day a fun. Heartful Thanks to Chegg for inviting me to the EA meet. I feel so proud to be among the gathering . It is a good chance to meet all experts at one place and the Chegg team.”

Q. Please share something from your personal life.

I have kids and I should not deprive them of parental care. As Chegg allows me to work from home, I have ample time to spend quality time with my kids. I love spending time with my family.

Q. Have you introduced anyone to Chegg?

As mentioned earlier, I introduced my husband and shared with a lot of friends about Chegg.

Q. If Chegg gives you a full-time opportunity, would you avail?

Yes. When I came to know about Chegg office in Vizag and Delhi in the Expert meet for the first time, I felt a happy vibe being amid these masterminds. I said to myself that if I were given a full-time opportunity, I would never let that go.

Q. How did you come to Chegg?

I came from a family of farmers. Being middle class, my parents couldn’t pay for my higher education. So, I started to offer home tuitions with which I could manage to complete my masters. With a master’s degree in physics, I joined a local college as a teaching faculty. A friend who is an employee at Chegg recommended me to join as EA. Only after joining Chegg, my family and I started to feel financially comfortable. I joined Chegg twice. I left Chegg around five years ago to pursue further studies abroad. After I submitted my thesis six months ago, I re-joined. Chegg is my back up whenever I need financial support.

Q. Where else do you work?

Currently, I am a research student in Spain.

Q. How is being an EA different from working as an employee elsewhere?

Being an EA, we are responsible for helping the students when they get stuck during their homework. We have to deeply involve ourselves to successfully guide the student to understand the answer. All it needs our attention and it doesn’t matter where we are working from. Be it our home, airport, railway station, or a vacation, if we are comfortable to open our laptop and do some answering, we are good to go. Work wise, being an EA is the same as being a full-time subject expert. But comfort wise, being an EA is advantageous. I work from my home and take as many breaks as I want.Always aspired to be a full-time EA for Chegg as I enjoy paying my full attention to helping the students with my expertise. Being an EA before and after my Ph.D. I never tried to work for Chegg simultaneously while doing the research as it affects the quality of my solutions that ultimately impacts the students.

Q. How much time do you spend a day as an EA?

It depends on the volume of questions I receive in a day. I am committed to spending a minimum of 6 hours a day, but if the volume demands more, I would love to spend more time. The time difference between India and Spain is another advantage. Questions start pouring in at around 10:30 PM and I can comfortably work for few hours post my dinner.

Q. How do you balance your personal and professional life as an EA?

If people work from home, they are prone to get disturbed often. But in my case, I am a research student at a university, and I work from my dorm. No one or nothing would disturb me. I keep myself isolated while working and I am pretty much comfortable with my schedules. I don’t want to answer the questions in a hurry. If something demands my attention in the middle of my work, I would rather complete the active answer first and only then I take a break.Every student should be guided in a proper way. If I talk to someone else simultaneously while answering, it not only affects the student but also the organization and finally my reputation, both with students and with Chegg. I seriously consider the ignorance of the student and try to guide him/her with a careful explanation. So, this kind of work obviously needs my full attention. I always love that as an expert, but a student needs a down-to-earth guidance. I need to be isolated, focused, and should be thinking about the student who receives my answer.

Q. Did you get any poor quality rating or send backs for your solutions anytime in your past? What did you do and what is your experience?

I never received any send backs, but I knew that students can rate our answers, thumbs-up, thumbs-down, or comment. When they comment, I reply, and they again comment back; there would be a conversation going on. So, for me, it is all about how much care I take to make the student understand my answer.Even if I am the best teacher, I cannot satisfy of all my students. Students thinking capacities vary from each other. Some students are so logical that they can understand my answer immediately but for some students, who are in need of fundamentals, everything must be explained very clearly and carefully. We need to give answers according to the level of students; give a post-grad level answer to a post-grad student and high school level answer to a high school student.Sometimes two hours per answer might not be enough, especially when I start explaining everything from the bottom, covering all the fundamentals. But it may not be necessary for a graduate level student. If our explanation are too long, student will get bored, the students get bored. Sometimes we write so sharp and crisp that even a university graduate many not understand too.If I present a plenty of information, a student will not complain, as s/he gets what s/he needs. Whenever I try to give answers in a short cut manner, then definitely the student is going to comment and I need to make sure that I reply to the comment.

Q. Could you tell us a memorable and challenging moment in your tenure?

Every moment I receive a question that is a perfect match to my specialization, for example, optics in physics, is a moment of celebration. Moments like these are rare. Such moments make me feel like Sachin Tendulkar playing the easiest shot, the cover shot. They are all memorable.The challenging moment I ever face is when some student comments that the answer is completely wrong, though it is absolutely correct. In such moments, without having a disappointment, I try to reply and continue the conversation over comments trying to explain how the answer is correct and what approach has been followed. Moments like these always end up with a reply of concern, asking me how to correct the rating that has been given already.

Q. How does Chegg help in your progress?

For me, the progress is always about learning new things. Chegg helped me to interact with students of my subject area. It is always interesting. Through the comments, the student asks for a different way of approach to the same question or problem which requires more of thinking. That takes me back to the basics, makes me learn new things and then come back to give what the student wanted. This is certainly something that I always want to do. Chegg fulfilled my desire.Sometimes questions posted by students are completely new. The homework they have may not be from their regular textbooks. Professors create new questions and give them as assignments to the students. Formulae to solve such questions might be familiar, but students could get the logic behind such questions only when they seriously brainstorm. When Professors throw challenges to the students, students eventually come to us for help. I enjoy answering such questions.

Q. Are you happy being an EA? How has the role made your life easy?

Yes, I am happy being an EA. I was unemployed after submitting my Ph.D. thesis. Getting an employment in a foreign country for a fresher isn’t easy. Chegg gave me an opportunity by making my both ends meet. I am very happy for two reasons – one, for being financially alright; second, for being employed in my own country despite my location abroad.

Q. Do you recommend others to join as an EA at Chegg? If yes, why?

Yes. I have already recommended few of my friends and they are working with Chegg currently. I recommend my old students to join this job as they can get paid for their knowledge and also work from the comfort of their home. Those who enjoy their subject of expertise are definitely going to enjoy the job, without a second thought.For those who enjoy working in their academic expertise, how cool it is to get paid for helping the students at the comfort of working from home or when and where they are free and comfortable to work. Who can deny such an offer?

Q. Have you ever feel like procrastinating?

I normally do not procrastinate. But sometimes when I am sick, I’ll have to pull the plug and rest. As I am a kind of addict to my subject of expertise, procrastination is not a part of my chemistry.

Q. Would you opt for an opportunity to take up a full-time job as an expert in Chegg?

As I am currently in search of a full-time job, I will opt for the opportunity. But, I will definitely lose the comfort of working from home.

Q. How did you come to know about Chegg?

Chegg came into my life after I joined Andhra University to pursue my Masters. Chegg is quite popular among academicians and the academic hubs. The brand has gone viral over the last few years. It gained publicity mostly through word of mouth rather than through advertisements. I was curious to know about Chegg, hence dug deeper. I found Chegg very interesting and so I jumped on the band wagon as an Expert Answerer on the Chegg Question and Answer board.

Q. How much time do you dedicate for Chegg?

My college work keeps me occupied throughout the day as I must work on my project and on other priorities. Despite that, I devote maximum time and attention to the Chegg Q&A board. I spend about sixteen hours a day answering on the Chegg Q&A board. On holidays, I keep the scoreboard ticking further.

Q. Describe your overall experience with Chegg.

The journey has been fantastic. I answer a wide variety of questions on the Chegg Q&A board – all related to my subject. I hold a Bachelor’s in Electrical Engineering and my specialization is Remote Sensing & Neo-Informatics. Answering them gives me a deep sense of satisfaction at the end of the day. I don’t mind forgoing my sleep in the night to answer questions on the Chegg Q&A board. Sometimes, I receive complicated questions related to Electrical circuits, Power systems, Transformers, and Power electronics. Unless the question is too complex and time-consuming, I would answer otherwise.

Q. What is the best thing you like about Chegg?

Students pursuing Electrical Engineering have less job opportunities in the market. I always had this fear of finding a decent job for my settlement in life, but Chegg drove my fears away. It gave me immense confidence as I can use my expertise to the fullest as an expert answerer at Chegg. It is not quite right to depend on parents for our monetary needs. By now, we should learn to lead an independent life. Chegg is a perfect platform for us to apply our skill and at the same time earn a decent living. I get stipend from my University and also earn by answering on the Chegg Q&A board.

Q. Cite a memorable moment.

Once, I skipped a question because I felt it was a hard nut. However, I noted down the question to give it a try later. In the evening, I started to work on the question and put on my thinking cap. After a long-haul struggle, I cracked it. It was quite memorable. Even though I couldn’t post the answer, it boosted my confidence levels and reduced my skipping rate ever since.

Q. Share a challenging moment.

I stay in a hostel with a bunch of aspirants in Vizag. All of us are equally hardworking and good in our own disciplines. We all work on the Chegg Q&A board. Once I received a question related to circuits, which required knowledge on multiple disciplines. I discussed the question with my roommates. The question was very interesting and so we left no stone unturned and finally managed to answer it within the stipulated time. The student also felt happy and left an encouraging comment. We also compete while answering questions on the Chegg Q&A board. Usually, I crack the most number of questions without compromising on quality.

Q. Tell me something about your family?

My father is a private accountant and my mother is an assistant professor in an Engineering College. We hail from Srikakulam. I have a sister, who is pursuing Engineering in Computers. I introduced my mother to Chegg and she is an active expert answerer as well. I bought a Bike – Karizma 250 CC with my earnings at Chegg. Vizag is gifted with a long coastal strip. Racing down the beach road on my Karizma gives me immense delight. My bike always reminds me to give my best to Chegg. I pay for my sister’s college fee with my stipend and I support myself with whatever I earn from Chegg. I bought gold ornaments for my mother and clothes for my sister. My parents are quite happy that I work for a Multinational Company.

Q. How do you spend your past time?

I hang out with my friends. As I said, Vizag is my favorite place and the weather is also very pleasant. Vizag is an attractive destination with lovely restaurants. I enjoy life to the fullest and rejuvenate myself well enough to hit the Chegg Q&A board.I play a lot of indoor and outdoor games. I prefer playing games to watching them. I am a college level Chess player and have represented my college a few times. I also play volley ball.

Q. What measures do you take to give to the student their money’s worth?

I assess the caliber of the student, based on the questions posted. If the question is too basic, I explain right from the basics. If the question is too advanced, I assume that the student has a fundamental knowledge on the subject. I give necessary explanation of the concept for every step and to explain the methodology. I try to address all the confusion points.

Q. Will you give up working for Chegg if you get a good opportunity elsewhere?

I would never give up working for Chegg. Chegg is guarding me from goofing up my time and using it for a worthwhile cause. Whenever I get time, I sit back and answer on the Chegg Q&A Board.

Q. How has Chegg helped you in your overall growth?

Solving simple questions won’t help me in sharpening my skill. No pain no gain – solving tougher questions fosters my learning curve. Unless it a time-consuming game, I will not forgo any question that comes on my way. I have seen tremendous improvement in my subject knowledge, especially in subjects like Analog.Andhra University is one of the best universities ever known. It provides all resources for my learning. It also gives me less pressure. For my project, I went to the National Institute of Rural Development, Hyderabad. The project was about preparing a development plan for a remote village – Janapara near Sambalpur. Answering Questions on the Chegg Q&A board also help me gather some helpful information for my project.

Q. How do you introduce others to Chegg?

I introduced many to the Chegg family. I say that Chegg offers unique benefits – We can earn subject knowledge along with money. If one wants to dive into the subject, one shouldn’t limit himself to the prescribed textbooks. Chegg expands our horizons but letting us answer a wide variety of questions. Moreover, at Chegg, you get to answer questions from multiple disciplines at the same time and thus, gain access to a comprehensive knowledge.

Q. Suppose Chegg gives you opportunity to work in-house, would you avail?

I am very excited and happy with Chegg. Chegg has been there with me through the thick and thins, supporting me every step of the way. My mother is a teacher herself and I know how noble a profession is teaching. If ever given an opportunity, I would definitely like to work with Chegg full-time. …

Q. How did you come to know about Chegg?

My friend introduced me to Chegg. I am working as an Expert Answerer on the Chegg Question & Answer Board and answer questions related to economics. In addition, I hold an Engineering Degree from Viswanadha Institute of Technology and Management. Moreover, I regularly follow the voice of an EA series and I am glad that I am invited for the interview now. Soon After college, some of my mates had secured jobs in Chegg – both as In-House Experts and as Expert Answerers. After that, I went to Delhi to take up coaching for Civil Services Examination from a reputed institute. After finishing it, I relocated to Vizag and I was searching for a job. Importantly, my friend, who knows my expertise in economics and my potential in answering questions related to economics, introduced me to Chegg. He said, Chegg is a haven for subject experts like me. Apart from working on the Chegg Q&A Board, I also teach students who approach me for subject help.

Q. Shed some light on your experience with the Chegg Q&A Board?

I receive a wide variety of questions – theory based questions, problem based questions, multiple choice questions etc. Whatever it is, I ensure that my answer is helpful for the students’ learning. Moreover, all questions are answerable, just that some can be solved quickly and some take more time. In other words, Chegg is a platform where I receive questions from all over the world and answering them offers me a steep learning curve and sharpens my axe.

I have gained an exposure to diverse topics of economics just by answering questions. During my civils preparation, I was only exposed to Indian economy, but while helping Students on the Chegg Q&A Board, I had the opportunity to research on economies of various countries – Europe, Africa, America, Mexico etc. Doing a comparative study on all the world economies, thus helped me explore newer depths. Thus, working for Chegg provides reciprocal benefits. You teach yourself, while teaching students around the world.For instance I also got to learn about world politics while learning about the world economies. Because world politics and economies are always interlinked. In addition, receiving such questions on the Chegg Q&A Board always makes my day. Therefore, recently, I received four such questions on diamond merchants in Argentina and Liberia; I relished answering them.

Q. What’s you daily routine?

I stay in a rented apartment along with my friends who are also working for Chegg. Around 6AM, I kick start my day with a cup of coffee. After a quick shower, I start answering on the Chegg Q&A Board. As there is never a dearth of questions and the in-flow is high throughout the day, I keep answering as many as I can. Simultaneously, I prepare for my Civil Services Examination. Weekends are a valuable time for me to relax. Mountain climbing and sea rides with my friends in the weekends make me feel livelier.

Q. What do you like about Chegg?

The flexible working hours, diverse questions, and the motivation from the In-House Team really gets my juices flowing for answering on the Chegg Q&A Board. My parents are glad that I am working for Chegg. I bought a smart phone for my parents with my earnings at Chegg and they are quite happy with it.

Q. Answering Questions on the Chegg Q&A Board is not like writing an exam or a scholarly paper, but with the purpose of teaching. What goes through your mind when you write answers for the students?

Great question! I always bear in my mind that I am writing answers to benefit the students. It shouldn’t be like writing an exam or a scholarly paper. One should develop the skill of breaking a tough concept into bitable sizes to make it helpful for the student. Every question is based on a key concept and every key concept has some important points to remember. I make a mention of them in the answer. This helps students to answer the question. I also try to use simple language to reduce the complexity and make it easier for the student. This is the strategy I follow to develop answers for the benefit of students. I refer a lot of textbooks related to the topic, develop my own answers and ensure plagiarism-free content.

Q. Cite one challenging incident.

I was once posed with a question that asked to compare the economies related to food chains like – KFC, McDonalds, Mexican grill subs and draw some conclusions. I was just impressed by the way I answered it and received amazing feedback for the answer. It stated – “It was very helpful. Thank you” and it made my day. I complimented myself – ‘That’s cool…’Every time I introduce Chegg to someone, I share about this question and the wonderful experience I had in answering it. Students post the questions that would help them get a good grade in the test. They entirely depend on me and look forward to a correct answer. So, I answer every question with utmost care.It was only once during my tenure, I committed a calculation error which resulted in a wrong answer. The student wasn’t happy with my answer and questioned me back. I checked the error and corrected it. It was a hard pill to swallow but I learned a lesson that day and I am careful ever after.

Q. Tell me something about your personal life.

I want to crack civil services examination soon and want to serve people by being a government servant. My aim is to eliminate poverty, make education affordable, improve safety for women, and eradicate hunger. I am a philanthropist. Moreover, I used to lead a student organization that indulged in extending a helping hand to the orphans, the blind, and the hunger-stricken.

Q. Have you ever introduced anyone to Chegg?

I introduced my friend to Chegg and he is earning ten times more than what I am earning. He always motivates me to increase my answering rate. He acquired such a lot of subject knowledge just by answering questions on the Chegg Q&A Board that now, he doesn’t refer to textbooks to answer most of the questions. I also introduced one more friend just today and he cleared the test and is all set to answer questions on the Chegg Q&A Board.

Q. Have you ever felt bored of answering?

Never! As I already said, apart from monetary gain, I gain subject knowledge.

Q. If you are given an opportunity to work fulltime with us, would you avail?

Definitely! it is a pleasure working for Chegg.

Q. How has your journey with Chegg been till now…?

 Well. It has been amazing because I was an employee of Chegg and worked there as an SME. I moved out to pursue my education – a Post-Graduation from JNTU, Hyderabad. I couldn’t leave Chegg so, I started working as a freelancer.

Q. How much time do you spend on Chegg daily?

 I take out a minimum of 3-4 hours daily and dedicate myself to work on the Chegg Q&A Board. I try to crack as many questions as I can in those few hours. Chegg is a great platform and has become the most important part of my life. I cannot live without Chegging.Chegg is life because it helps me to follow the best mantra to be successful – Learn – Solve – Earn – Repeat…

Q. How are you being benefitted by the Expert Meets?

Expert Meets makes us realize that we are a part of Chegg. “We are One Team”. Expert Meets allow us to connect with Chegg more. I am thankful to Chegg management team for organizing these Expert Meets. It is nice to meet our coordinators in-person. This event is a great platform to make our bonding with Chegg even stronger. I feel motivated listening to the experiences of the fellow expert answerers. It is encouraging to see that some Big Timers are also working for Chegg. This Expert meet was truly a memorable one.

Q. Share some challenging moments.

The journey with Chegg was amazing but I also faced few challenges. I wasn’t aware of the coding software MATLAB and EES before. Answering on Chegg Q&A Board requires knowledge on the coding software. It was a nightmare for me to learn this software.  My never-give-up attitude helped me learn the software and I answer hundreds of questions using the software.

Q. Share something from your personal life.

I am a Post-graduate student and the only son of my parents. In addition, my father is a retired government employee and my mother is a homemaker. Importantly, I can say from the bottom of my heart that I am financially stable after joining Chegg.  I invested some money in Mutual funds and even pay for my life insurance.With the earning at Chegg, I bought my Post-Graduation project equipment. Chegg helped me to pay my semester fee, hostel fee, project funding, and many more. I love travelling, so I self-funded to visit different places in South India, along with my friends.

Q. What do you bear in mind while answering questions on the Chegg Q&A Board?

One thing I always keep on high priority – Keep students satisfied with all my answers. Moreover, the Company also grows when its customers are satisfied.  Therefore, benefits reciprocate to the company and the employees when the customers get satisfied. Above all, I solve questions with utmost care to ensure that students are satisfied with all my answers.

Q. Have you introduced anyone to Chegg?

I have already introduced Chegg to more than twenty friends. Also, I will continue to do so. However, I will only refer to those who are good at academics. In conclusion, I will introduce Chegg as a great place to learn and earn.

Q. How were you introduced to Chegg?

One fine day, after completing my graduation in Chemical Engineering from Gayatri Vidya Parishad, I got a call from my aunt. She told me about Chegg and motivated me to apply for a job at Chegg. She explained that my nature of work would be to teach international students online and help them solve subject-related problems. To my surprise, I qualified in the test and started working on the Chegg Question and Answer Board as an Expert Answerer.

Q. What was going on in your mind – when you joined Chegg?

Initially, I was a bit apprehensive of this opportunity, mainly because it was FREELANCE and because it was an ONLINE JOB. Even my uncle had his own suspicions about online jobs. After all, isn’t it difficult to trust something that you’ve never even seen or heard about? But after I started working for Chegg, I totally loved it. Later, I went to my uncle and explained him about my role at Chegg. Today, he is proud of me.Initially, it was very challenging for me to solve problems daily on the Chegg Q&A board.  But after two months, I was amazed at the results. I couldn’t believe that I had solved these many problems. It was totally an amazing experience for me.

Q. How do you see yourself improve after joining Chegg?

I started believing in myself and that really is a significant improvement in me. I am proud of myself because I can teach and share my knowledge with international students.  Before joining Chegg, Since I could not find a job, I had started feeling that I was good for nothing. People used to judge me saying – she is intelligent but she is not wise enough.  But when I started working for Chegg, I became a totally different person. My outlook towards life changed – for good. I am thankful to Chegg for restoring my faith and self-confidence. Now, people say that she is wise and she knows what she is doing. They kind of respect me for that.

Q. As a teaching enthusiast, what steps do you take to ensure that the students get the best answer?

While reading the question, I try to analysis the level of knowledge the student has on the subject. If the question is too simple and basic, I understand that the student needs help from the basics. Then I would start explaining the answer from the basics. If the question is of a high level, my answer would be of a high level. I ensure that the answer is accurate, complete, and clear.Moreover I try to answer according to the question asked and meet the expectations of the student. After that I deliver all necessary points for the question asked. I address the key points first and then give some extra information, if needed. These parameters make the answer beneficial to the student. Many students have given fabulous comments thanking me for the helpful answers.

Q. Cite a challenging moment.

Recently, I encountered a question related to Polymer Chemistry. It was deep and I felt it was like a mountain for me, but then, I started reading about polymers and later I tried to attempt that problem. Finally, I did solve the problem and I got good comments from the student. He said, “This is the right way to solve the problem – You explained it very well, thank you.” I said WOW! It boosted my confidence levels.Thermodynamics is the heart of Chemical Engineering and is a challenging subject. The problems are quite tough. When I refer different books, I see each author explaining a topic is his/her own way. There are a lot of theories in thermodynamics and they are quite confusing to the students. I solved many problems in thermodynamics, and helped a lot of students when they got stuck.

Q. Tell us something about your personal life?

I completed my schooling from Saint Francis De Sales School and all my education was from Vizag. Importantly I do read a lot of books and I love cooking. Also, I have nice friends and I hang out with them during the weekends. They support me in whatever I do.I’m also planning trips to visit many countries – starting from Eastern Europe. I plan to begin with a low budget tours and then visit all the beautiful places around the world.Wherever I go, I will not leave Chegg. My love for Chemistry is so high that I don’t want to leave it.  I am thankful that Chegg has been a great platform for me to grow. It couldn’t get any better.

Q. Share a memorable moment.

It was in November 2016, I wanted to have a blast for Christmas and I wanted to gift my parents and cousins. So, I really answered a lot of questions and earned a sizeable amount. I spent all of it on buying expensive gifts. It was my dream to buy expensive gifts for my family members. This made my dad and mom proud and happy. It has been a wonderful journey so far and I am glad that I could reach this far at Chegg.

Q. Have you introduced anyone to Chegg?

I did introduce two of my friends. One of them is quite well-off, but wants to lead an independent life. To grow up in life, one should learn to be independent, right? So, she was in search for a right job and I introduced her to Chegg. Initially, she thought that Chegg was some online freelancing job and wasn’t expecting much.Then I shared all my experiences in Chegg with her and even revealed my pay check. I told her that Chegg is helping me to live my dream life and that I am planning to buy a car this year. She joined Chegg the next week. 

Q. Working from home is a good opportunity, but you need know how to manage yourself. How do you keep yourself disciplined?

Discipline is something which we must inculcate, lest we go off tangent. My dad is an ex-serviceman. He was a soldier in the Indian army.  Therefore he raised us with that discipline. In addition He wants everything to be perfect. From the time we wake up to the time we sleep, he wants everything to be in good order.  After joining Chegg, he found that I immersed myself in answering and was skipping my meals. He asked me to get my priorities in order and told me to take care of myself. Smiles!

Q. Suppose Chegg gives you a fulltime opportunity, would you avail?

Definitely! Why would I leave that opportunity? I would love to join.

Q. How did your journey with Chegg begin?

Well, my relatives introduced me to Chegg. After that I took the test and qualified myself for the role of an expert answerer. I am thankful to my relative who showed me the path to Chegg. In addition I was highly excited on being selected. However I did an extensive research about Chegg. I went through the portal, and I found it very interesting. I understood that Chegg is a US based company, and that they hire subject experts in India to answer questions on the Chegg Question & Answer Board to help students globally.

Without further delay, I started solving questions. Deep inside, I was a bit apprehensive because when I went through the whole contract, I understood that Chegg demands high quality from the experts and, I didn’t know how I would be rated. I visited the Chegg office in Vizag to clear my doubts. The expert management team was so nice to me and they clarified all my doubts. After the first month, I was paid for my work I was ecstatic. I finally realized that Chegg is real. I understood that if I answer questions according to the guidelines, I will be paid for it. Hurray!

Q. What was so fascinating about working for Chegg?

 I love working as an Expert Answerer on the Chegg Question & Answer Board and I am not looking for anything other than Chegg, because it is so convenient. In addition I can work at any time with less pressure. Above all I am not bound by the regular eight-hour job and there is none to boss over me.

Q. How many questions do you manage to solve in a day?

Initially, it was not very intense as I began very slow. But with time, the count of questions I solved gradually increased. On an average, I solve about 350 questions a month. My highest count was 380 questions in a month, for which I earned a sizable amount.

Q. Tell us something about your education?

Well I am from Visakhapatnam. I studied in Timpany School. After that I did my bachelor’s degree in Mass Media, Literature and Psychology from St. Joseph’s college for Women and I graduated in 2013. The next two years, I did my Master’s in Psychology from AU. I also appeared for the National Eligibility Test (NET). All the while, I was also volunteering at Sankalp – an organization for special children. I love getting involved into social activities and that’s also one of the reasons why I chose Psychology.

Q. What else do you enjoy doing apart from answering on the Chegg Q&A board?

In my free time, I bake cakes – to the extent that I came up with a business-project called – A Baking Room. On a small scale, I took orders and sold my cakes. I haven’t started advertising the project – I want to take it slow. However, I also bake a lot of cakes for my family and friends.I started it off well, but then I got back to Chegg because at that time the question volume was high, and I wanted to fully concentrate on answering. But whatever, I want to eventually set up a baking room.

Q. What inspired you to start baking cakes?

I started baking when I was very young. When I was eleven years old, I saw a brownie recipe in the Deccan Chronicle. I vividly remember that I told my mother that I want to bake. I took her help and it turned out very well. From then on, I continued to bake over the years. From good, I became better, and from better, I became decent and now I call myself a professional baker.

Q. Share your experience with the Chegg Question & Answer Board?

Chegg is a global platform and I get to answer a wide variety of questions related to Psychology. I receive questions from every facet of psychology – criminal psychology, child psychology, clinical psychology, counseling, and even sociology. I am also being benefited as I expand my knowledge answering all these questions.

At the end of the day, my agenda is to help students. When I am unsure of the answer, I do not attempt the question. I focus more on quality rather than quantity. In other words, I am proud to say that I have received a satisfactory score on my quality. In addition I receive very interesting questions related to Psychology that test my ability as a teacher to explain to the students. Therefore I do thorough research before explaining the answers in a language that is understandable to a student.

Q. As a Psychologist, we guess you can read the mind of a student – what do you think is the best method of teaching?

Psychology is nothing but understanding human behavior. The method I follow today is what I learned from my school teachers. My teachers read my mind very well. I was an average student in school, but I am what I am today because of my teachers. Some concepts etched in my mind so well and I remember them at my fingertips. Their manner of teaching was class apart.They used simple language to reduce complexities. They used real-life situations to apply the concepts and that helped me to remember it better. Similarly, that’s what I implement while I teach to Chegg students.

Q. Cite a memorable moment.

There was a question related to Freud’s Psychosexual Stages of Development. It was a basic question, but it took some guts to explain it to the student. Therefore I explained each stage and used a lot of real time examples. In other words I was so satisfied after answering. I also received very good review from the student and that was quite memorable.

Q. Cite a challenging moment.

Once I received a question related to Criminal Psychology. Criminal psychology has law involved in it and it also focuses a lot on Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Obsessions are the thoughts, and compulsions are the actions that the criminals keep repeating. There was a criminal case study where a criminal repeatedly commits the same crime. The question was to identify where the criminal hid the knife with which he used to kill a person. I did a lot of research, applied my knowledge, and finally answered the question. It involved a lot of thought process. It was challenging, but I managed to crack it.

Q. Please share something from your personal life.

I live with my parents and I am a Punjabi. I have an older brother who works for the Merchant Navy. My mother is a homemaker and my father, a business man. I work from home eight hours a day. Earlier, I used to work during the mornings. But now, I prefer working in the nights. This is my only job and I am loving it! In the evenings, I work out or catch up with a friend. I spend most of my money on luxury trips to explore various parts of India with my friends. I visited places like Mahabalipuram, Puducherry, etc.

Q. With your knowledge in Psychology, have you ever helped anyone come out of depression?

Yes, I helped some of my friends. Depressed people need a listening ear. I lent my ars to my friends in need. I make it known to them that I am just a phone call away. After I listen to them, they look very happy.

Q. Did Chegg answering help you become a better Psychologist?

Majority of the Psychology questions are rooted in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). When I read a question, I refer to the theoretical concepts and explain with a help of a real-time example. Thus, Chegg has helped me with all key concepts of psychology, and thus expand my knowledge.

Q. Have you introduced anyone to Chegg?

I introduced a friend to Chegg and she answers questions related to computer science on the Chegg Q&A Board.

Q. If Chegg gives you full-time opportunity, would you avail?

Yes, definitely. When I visited Chegg office in Vizag for the first time, I felt a happy vibe being amid these masterminds. I said to myself that if I were given a full-time opportunity, I would never let that go.  


I came to know about Chegg from one of my well-wishers and I am very happy to be part of Chegg. I have been one of the top solvers of Computer Science and have contributed more than 2200 answers till now with 81% CF score.


On the Chegg Q&A Board, I get to solve a wide variety of questions related to logic, design which are related to C, CPP, Data structures, Java, and Python. I also get to solve command-based questions on Linux and Shell Scripting.While answering the questions posed by the students on the Chegg Q&A board, I provide well-explained step-by-step answers. For a computer program, I give well-documented answers with the commented code so that students may not only understand the code but also understand the approach.

I have made some friends on the experts’ WhatsApp group. We help each other while solving tough questions. The bonding with fellow experts has blossomed so strong that all of us have planned to go on a trip this year.


Chegg provides a rare platform to interact with international students, who are desperate to learn the subject. The questions I receive on the Chegg Q&A Board are impressive. They are quality questions and are application-oriented.

Chegg delivers payment on time. At Chegg, work is directly proportional to earning. The more I work, the more I earn and that is what I like about Chegg.


I am a cheerful person and love to spread happiness. I am optimistic and a visionary. My passion to help students over the two years in Chegg has multiplied. I have a plethora of ways to earn money, however the satisfaction I gain by teaching the subject tops everything . Importantly I attended the Expert Meet last year too. I am highly impressed with the knowledge sharing and the pleasure of meeting more of the team members. Therefore I always provide quality answers because I remember that our students are the leaders of our next generation!

Moreover I recently got married and went on a honeymoon to Singapore with the earnings I made through Chegg.


Importantly, Chegg has helped me financially and academically. Above all Chegg has a different diversity of questions which helped me to build my logic and coding ability and gave me enough confidence to appear for competitive exams and job interviews.


Every time I face a difficult problem, I consider it a good opportunity. The issue is not with answering the question but explaining it in a way that the student understands. I think like a student.


I am already working on platforms related to data sciences, Machine Learning, and AI, but loves being a Chegger on the Chegg Q&A Board. I can’t sum up in one sentence how impactful Chegg has been in my life.

Q. How were you introduced to Chegg?

I got to know about Chegg through an online job portal. The job profile of an Expert Answerer (EA) posted by Chegg on it was captivating. I also browsed through the Chegg website and found out that Chegg assists students when they get stuck in solving subject questions.

Q. What were you doing before joining Chegg?

I have a Ph.D in Bio-physics from the National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences, based in Bangalore. After that I taught M.Pharmacy students at the National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research. In addition, also wrote scientific writings and articles for US-based pharmaceutical companies. Now, I am working as an Expert Answerer in Biology for Chegg. 

Q. How is working for Chegg different from working elsewhere?

The work of an Expert Answerer relates to teaching and this is what I delight in. As we grow in our career, we specialize on a specific subject-related area. Answering on Chegg Q&A board not only enhances my intellect, but also refreshes my basics. That is something very unique and interesting about Chegg. Moreover, I can work from home at my convenience which is, indeed, a rare opportunity.

After completing these academic milestones along with my work experience, I can’t imagine sitting idle at home. Chegg provides an intellectually challenging platform for people like me who can only work from home.

Q. Cite a challenging incident.

There was a question about DNA replication and the enzymes involved – it was like food for my brain! I explained it to the student with a proper diagram and the student responded with a thumbs-up! It was a good feeling that I could help the student. Likewise, I receive all kinds of questions – high school level to graduate level – that require a lot of on-the-spot thinking, problem-solving, and subject knowledge foundations.

Skipped questions are generally the toughest questions and they are left unsolved. Though they require more time to solve, I love solving them. Easy ones can be answered by anyone – I strive to help students on the problems that are most challenging to them. I work on the Chegg Question and Answer (Q&A) board in the morning after my five-year-old child has left for school. I also work in the night once everyone has slept and the house is silent, as this is when I can pull my thoughts and concentrate on answering questions.

Q. How does Chegg satiate the teacher in you?

My mother is a chemistry lecturer and I acquired my interest in teaching from her. My husband is an ophthalmologist and my father is an audit officer. All my family members are highly-educated. Accordingly, it’s something that’s always been highly prioritized in my life.

Interacting with students on the Chegg Q&A board satiates the teacher in me. Students, whether Indian or International, have a hunger for knowledge. Even while answering on the Chegg Q&A Board, I ensure that the student is satisfied. Moreover, teaching has reciprocal benefits. Teaching and learning always go hand-in-hand. We learn when we teach. Thus, we grow in our subject knowledge and teaching ability. Teaching is a noble profession, what you gain here is something very special.

Q. How did Chegg make your life easy?

Financially, when you are dependent, it is not good always. Chegg made me financially independent. At Chegg, you need to be disciplined. Also, show enthusiasm towards work. The more you work, the more you earn.

Q. If Chegg offers fulltime, would you avail?

Definitely! In fact, I have already put in a word to the HR team. They said that they would inform me when there are openings. Working for Chegg is a pleasure.

Q. How were you introduced to Chegg?

 I came to know about Chegg through my hostel mate, who is working as an Expert Answerer (EA) for Chegg. I used to observe him answer various kind of questions on the Chegg Question and Answer board. Therefore I got motivated. After that I joined as an Expert Answerer.

Q. What else do you do apart from working for Chegg? 

 I am pursuing my Master of Technology in Nano-Technology from Andhra University. Earlier, I worked for Reliance Industry in Mumbai. However, I discontinued my job to pursue further studies. I reside at the campus hostel, where many students work on the Chegg Q&A Board like me. We also prepare for other competitive exams, so we together work towards honing our subject knowledge.Being in my final year, I have only three classes a week. I am left with ample time to work on the Chegg Q&A Board. I am also working on my final year project.

Q. Narrate your experience working for Chegg.

The questions touch base almost every topic in electronics and the questions also stem from various categories like MATLAB, analytical, simulation, Nano-Technology, modules, design, programming, etc. Chegg renews my knowledge and I do not have to invest in tutorial centers to prepare for competitive exams. Chegg is helping me save a lot of time and money.

Q. Tell us something about your family.

I hail from Bheemavaram, and my parents are farmers. In addition, my brother works as an engineer. Also, he is settled in Singapore. They are glad that I am working for Chegg. Firstly, I do not depend on anyone to pay my university fee. Secondly, I pay my college fee with my earnings at Chegg. In addition, I also bought a laptop for myself, amenities for home, and every festival I gift clothes to my parents.

Q. How is working for Chegg different from working elsewhere?

Working at Chegg as an Expert Answerer is a pressure free job. Chegg gives ample time to analyze and answer the question. I can work at my own pace and there is none to boss over me.   It is also very flexible. Even when I go to my village, I take my laptop and my notes along with me and start working from home. Expert Answerer requires the heart of a teacher. My motto is to deliver accurate answers to the students, and explain the methodology to reach to the final answer, rather than just providing the answer. I anticipate the confusion points of the students and add notes to address them. End of the day, it gives me immense satisfaction.

I got addicted to Chegg because Chegg requires dedication. Many times, I burned the midnight oil to answer questions on the Chegg Q&A Board. However, I used to get stuck in answering. Therefore I used to discuss and clarify with my friends as I stay in Hostel. We also play Volley Ball, Cricket, and Track for recreation.

Q. Cite one memorable moment

I once received a question related to Operation Amplifier concept. Usually, such questions provide either positive or negative feedback to solve. But this one had both the feedbacks. I referred three textbooks and finally answered it. I encountered such a question in my life for the first time . Our Indian Engineering Service coaching as well did not covered this concept. I owe a lot to Chegg.

My subject is Nano-Technology, which is an emerging technology in India. It is very advanced in many other countries. The questions I receive on the Chegg Q&A Board links up electronics and Nano-Technology as well. Such questions are fantastic.

Q. What is your goal in life?

I found my niche in teaching and I find immense satisfaction in teaching. I also taught in an engineering college and I want to build my career as a subject teacher. Communication is the key in teaching. The teacher should simplify a tough question and make it easy for the student. The teacher needs to help the student apply the basics to answer a tough question.

Q. Have you every introduced anyone to Chegg?

I have introduced few of my friends to Chegg, they are active EAs – one from power systems, the other from instrumentation, and another from remote sensing. They got motivated to join Chegg, just by observing me answering on the Chegg Q&A Board.

Q. If Chegg offers fulltime opportunity would you avail?

Definitely, I would avail! This is a fabulous job and it is the right platform to apply my subject knowledge.

Q. How were you introduced to Chegg? 

I am M L Naidu. My brother introduced me to this fascinating role of an Expert Answerer (EA) at Chegg. My brother has been working as an EA on the Chegg Question & Answer Board for the past five years and I am working on the same role for the past two years. I have a master’s degree in chemistry from Banaras University. When my brother was doing his Ph.D., his university scholarship was discontinued for some reason. It was too hard for him to complete his research without financial support. I couldn’t do anything more than being a mute spectator. During those crucial times, he was introduced to Chegg by one of his acquaintances. With the flexible nature of work as an EA, my brother could balance his research work and EA work very well and could finally complete his research. I was quite impressed with my brother’s successful journey after he joined Chegg. When my brother introduced me to Chegg, I happily signed up. 

Q. Where else did you work?

I worked as a chemistry teacher in a private school for some years. I used to work very hard but was meagerly paid. After that, I joined as an Expert Answerer for Chegg. At Chegg, work is directly proportional to earning. The more I work, the more I earn and that is what I like about Chegg. Currently, Chegg is my only source of income.

Q. How did Chegg help you in your holistic growth?

Chegg is a great place to hone my subject knowledge, just by helping students answer questions that stump them the most. I worked as a teacher at school. Therefore, my knowledge was limited to the textbooks prescribed in the syllabus. However, on the Chegg Q&A Board, I help students on a wide variety of topics related to chemistry and so I gain a lot of confidence on the subject. In addition, I especially try to answer the skipped questions on the Chegg Q&A Board. Before joining Chegg, I wasn’t very good in Physical Chemistry. Similarly, on the Chegg Q&A Board, students used to post a lot of questions related to Physical Chemistry. As I started helping students, I saw myself become an expert in physical chemistry. Also, now I don’t even refer to any book to solve questions related to Physical Chemistry. My parents live in a remote village near Tuni. They are daily wage laborers. They are happy that we are working for Chegg. Most importantly, my family is financially more stable, after we joined Chegg.

Q. How did Chegg satiate the teacher in you?

A teacher always works for the benefit of the student. Teaching is something I truly delight in. Therefore, I always look for opportunities to teach the subject. Also, back in my village, I used to help students in clarifying their doubts. I don’t mind going an extra mile just to ensure that the student is satisfied. Importantly, Chegg has laid a platform for me where I can cater to international students who are desperate to learn the subject. Similarly, students vary in their grasping levels. As a teacher, I am sensitive to the students with low grasping ability. I try to break a concept and simplify it for the student. Moreover, I explain the methodology of how to solve the problem so that students can solve similar problems on their own. I always received good feedback from the students. Once a student commented to my answer saying – “You are the Best Teacher”, and then my happiness knew no bounds. Moreover the fact that my teaching has benefited international student was encouraging. In fact, the kind of questioning from an international student is different from that of a local student. Questions are new, more applicational, exciting, and challenging. I am glad that I can help students across the globe through Chegg platform.

Q. What is your daily routine?

I stay with my brother in a rented apartment in Vizag. We encourage one another and answer questions on the Chegg Q&A Board. I am a nocturnal guy and I like working in the nights.  After an intimate nap in the morning, I again start answering questions on the Chegg Q&A Board. I spend almost 13 hours a day on the Chegg Q&A Board. There is never a dearth of questions on the Chegg Q&A Board.

Q. Cite a memorable time.

It was during an offer season I earned the highest amount of my career. It was then my niece was hospitalized and was in critical condition. I paid the hospital bill with the money I earned at Chegg and I could save the child’s life. It was very memorable and satisfying for me. I remember taking my laptop to the hospital and working on the Chegg Q&A board, sitting next to my niece. This flexibility is what I like in Chegg and this is not possible anywhere else. I also take breaks to spend some jovial times with my family and friends.

Q. Cite a challenging moment.

Mass Spectroscopy questions are generally logical and challenging. Once I received a question which required a Chemical structure for the given data. Usually. it takes a lot of time to determine the structure. Such type of questions are the most skipped ones. But I managed to solve it in time.

Q. Did you ever get bored of Chegg?

Never. The more you work, the more you earn and this is what motivates me.

Q. Suppose Chegg gives you a fulltime opportunity, would you avail?

Chegg is a prestigious company and it is my privilege to work for Chegg. Therefore, I would be more than happy to take any exciting role.

Q. How were you introduced to Chegg?

I am Jyothi Pradhan. In addition, I work for Chegg as an Expert Answerer (EA) in Biology. I owe it to my friend who introduced me to Chegg. Actually, he was called for an interview, but unfortunately couldn’t make it to the final round. Nevertheless, he was so impressed by Chegg. Therefore he encouraged me to join Chegg. However I was told that there were no vacancies in Biology when enquired for a fulltime opportunity. Fortunately, I was informed about the role of Expert Answerer. It was a work from home opportunity. Therefore, I applied for the job. After that I scored good marks in the screening test and got selected. This is my first job and I love it.

Q. What else are you doing?

I am pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Education (B.Ed.) at Andhra University as I want to become a teacher in the government sector.

Q. What do you like about Chegg?

As a fresher, the subject is still fresh in my mind and I am happy to apply it at Chegg. Working from home is also a great opportunity. I have enough time to concentrate on my studies and other household chores. My friends feel jealous, when they see me answering peacefully and earning from home. I can work with less pressure and at my own pace. Also, I am decently paid.

Q. How did Chegg help you in your overall growth?

On the Chegg Question and Answer (Q&A) board, I get bombarded with challenging questions from various concepts related to my subject. Answering on the Chegg Q&A board helps me to improve my subject knowledge. I gain a lot of confidence in my subject as I keep studying in-depth in order to answer those questions. To answer on the Q&A board, one should be spontaneous, have strong subject-knowledge foundation, and eager to help the students. Once a student  posted medical related question. It was on heart pumping. I knew that it would take a lot of time to explain to the student in detail. I did a quick research on the topic and gave it a best shot. To my surprise, the student gave me thumbs up and I felt so happy! On the Q&A board, students ask a variety of questions related to all areas of my subject and this is how we learn. I owe a great deal to Chegg, in this regard. The territory team maintains a good rapport and the lines of communication are always open. They quickly respond to all our queries.  

Q. How is Chegg helping you in your pursuit of becoming a teacher?

Chegg provides me a dynamic platform to apply my teaching skills which I learnt in my B.Ed. A good teacher reads the mind of the students and develops student-friendly answers. Not every student has equal grasping abilities. A good teacher should be able to break a tough concept into bitable size steps and make it simple for the students. A certain concept may be a cake walk for a teacher, but it might be rocket science for a student – and so the teacher should give an answer such that students of all levels can easily understand the subject.  The language should be simple but not scholarly. Teaching is the same whether online or classroom. When we are teaching online, the student is not physically present – so the teacher should anticipate the doubts of the students and put notes to address them in the answer.

Q. How do you balance your studies and working for Chegg?

For me, 1 AM to 5:30 AM is an ideal time to concentrate on answering questions on the Chegg Q&A board. There is a high inflow of questions during that time. I go to college in the morning and come home by 1PM. At night, I sleep early and wake up by 1AM to work on the answer board. I also spend two hours in a coaching center every evening to prepare for exams.

Q. Tell me about your family?

I have two elder brothers. They both are working in different cities. My Father works for the Railways and lives in Rayagada. I live in Vizag with my mother – a homemaker, who is a source of constant support. She makes the home conducive for me to work and encourages me to work. She is the one who wakes me up so that I start my work afresh. My parents are proud that I am working for Chegg. I proudly say to my friends that I am an employee of a Multinational company, Chegg.

Q. Have you introduced anyone to Chegg?

Yes, I have introduced my brother to Chegg. He works for a Pharmacy company. He is equally good at the subject and has started working as an Expert Answerer.

Q. Have you ever felt bored of answering?

I really enjoy answering on the Chegg Q&A board. Anyone who wants to improve his/her subject would never get bored of answering.

Q. Have you ever received appreciation for your answering?

Yes, I received appreciation from the students. Students give thumbs up when they like the answer and leave comments like – “Answer is very good”, “This is very helpful”, “Thank you very much”. I feel so good when I get such comments.

Q. Suppose Chegg gives you a fulltime opportunity, would you avail?

Yes I would be grateful, if Chegg gives me a fulltime opportunity. However, I had other priorities to complete. Therefore it will take a year to work fulltime.

Q. How were you introduced to Chegg?

 I am pursuing my Masters from Andhra University. I stay in a hostel where I see my seniors actively answering questions on the Chegg website. They divide the answers step-by-step and explain each step to make it presentable to the student. It raised my curiosity. Once, I also helped my senior to solve a question. I asked him if he could help me to join the Chegg family. He directed me to the Chegg office in Vizag. I cleared the recruitment formality and thus began my journey.

Q. Where else do you work?

I worked for Hindustan lever for a while, then I joined NIT Allahabad to pursue further studies for a year and then I joined AU. Currently, I am working for Chegg as an Expert Answerer.

Q. How is working for Chegg different from working elsewhere? What do you like about Chegg?

Chegg is a unique platform where I can apply my subject knowledge. At Chegg, there is less work pressure. We can work at our own pace and time. This kind of freedom is not common elsewhere. Chegg Q&A Board is open 24/7. I can work at leisure. Moreover, the questions are very logical and interesting to solve.

Solving questions at Chegg is fun and satisfying. Moreover, I am decently paid for my labor. Answering such questions expands my knowledge and prepares me to face other competitive exams too. Chegg is the right place for those who seek to improve knowledge in their subject.

Q. What is your daily schedule?

I wake up at 5AM and go out for jogging. Then I settle down to answer questions on Chegg Site. I go to college at 9AM to assist my professor in his research. After coming from college, I again work on Chegg Q&A board.

Q. How do you respond when you receive poor quality rating?

First of all, I am glad that my answers are evaluated. The evaluators also provide helpful comments and suggestions. I make necessary modifications to the answers and upload the answers as soon as possible.

Q. How do you balance your personal and professional work?

Q. How did Chegg make your life better?

A lot! Chegg made me financially independent. Firstly, I bought gifts for my parents. Secondly, I bought a smartphone for my father with my earning at Chegg. Thirdly, I bought saris for my sister. In addition I started to buy branded stuff. All my clothes and gadgets are branded. Moreover I have enough time and money to spend with friends. We hang out at KFC.

Q. Cite a memorable moment.

During Dasara vacation, my friend and I found some free time and we thought of having a competition on answering Chegg questions. By the end of the first day, I solved 15 questions and he could solve only 10. He couldn’t withstand the defeat and so it raised a competitive spirit in us. Daily we used to exchange our progress on Whatsapp. By the end of the month, he solved 127 questions and I solved more than 150. The best part is, I got 5 rating for all my answers. We also earned the highest during that season.

Q. Cite a Challenging moment

Once I received a very challenging question related to designing a circuit for a vending machine. It was a ten page answer. It consumed a lot of my time and energy but then I successfully solved it. Student was extremely happy with the answer and gave me the best rating. Even my friends appreciated me for answering such a challenging question.

Q. How did Chegg help you in your overall growth?

I can boldly say that I have seen a hyperbolic growth in my life after joining Chegg. Firstly, I grew financially. Secondly, I improved my subject. Thirdly, I improved my writing and presentation skills. Above all I improved my time management. I am greatly indebted to Chegg.

Q. Did you ever recommend Chegg to anyone?

I recommend Chegg to anyone who is interested in academics. I did introduce Chegg to many of my friends and juniors. Some of them are earning more than me.

Q. Did you ever get bored of answering?

No, I do not get bored of answering. In fact, it rids me of my boredom. (laughs)

Q. Suppose Chegg offered a full-time job, would you avail?

Chegg is a great platform to address global students and to interact with them and teach them. I take pride and honor to work for Chegg. I will avail the opportunity for sure because I love solving subject related questions and teaching students. 

Q. How were you introduced to Chegg?

I, Vasudeva Rao, have a B.E. in Civil Engineering from SRKR Engineering College. My roommates, who were active Expert Answerers on the Chegg Question and Answer board, introduced me to Chegg. We are a few friends, sharing a rented apartment in Vizag and preparing for the mains exam of the Indian Administrative Services (IAS).  All of us work for Chegg simultaneously. 

Q. What is the best thing you like about Chegg?

 Being an IAS pursuer, I am quite competent in my subject and I help a lot of students when they approach me for subject help. The nature of EA work is similar as I get to help the students online.I am a nocturnal person and love to actively work during the nights. As the question rush begins on the Chegg Q&A board, I answer as many questions until dawn. My answering rate gradually improved over a period of time and now I have the highest rate of answering amongst my friends. The more I work, the more I earn and this is the best part of working for Chegg. Answering questions related to the subject knowledge I possess definitely helps me upgrade my subject knowledge. As we receive questions from various topics related to civil engineering, we gain a deep insight on all the topics. This practice is a blessing in disguise, as we get to revise all the topics.

Q. How do you balance your personal life and professional life?

I spend the prime time of the day in my study room and prepare for the IAS exam. Once done with my preparation, I switch over to Chegg. After that I answer the question on my notebook neatly, take a photo of the answer image and upload. In case of an emergency, I pause and attend to that.  Later I get back to answering. Importantly, such freedom is rare. In other words, Working for Chegg makes my life comfortable. Also, I can easily balance my personal and professional life. On an average, I take half an hour to solve a civil engineering question. Some questions take a longer time. There is never a dearth of questions on the site. The good thing is we can work at our leisure with less pressure and at our own pace.

Q. How has Chegg helped you in your overall progress?

I belong to a middle class family and hail from a remote village in Srikakulum District, where people are deprived of even the basic amenities like power supply and internet. That is the reason I relocated to Vizag and rented a shared apartment for Rupees 2000 per month. IAS preparation is a gargantuan task. Committing oneself to a full-time job and simultaneously preparing for IAS is practically not possible. Financially, my family cannot support me in my pursuit. My father is a farmer and earns meager pay. Therefore, my parents have raised me until this point and it is not fair on my part to depend on them any further.

In addition, my uncle and my friend also supported me financially for some time. I felt it is high-time that I should start earning and stop depending on others. I also have a sister who is still going to college and I have an obligation to save money to settle her down in life. These financial fears always clouded my mind and I struggled to concentrate on my career path.

That was the time when Chegg came to my rescue. Chegg provides an ideal role for subject experts like me. I am now earning well and supporting my parents too. Chegg was like a savior for our family. This is the only source of income for me and I am extremely happy that I joined Chegg. We never had a television at home. Now, with my earnings at Chegg, I recently purchased an LED Television set and gifted to my parents. They are extremely happy and are proud of me.

Q. Cite a memorable moment.

We are four roommates and all of us work for Chegg. We have a common study room with a router installed. Every day at 1 AM when the city is silent and sleeping, we wake up and take up our positions at the four corners of the room with our laptops – all geared up to work on the Chegg Q&A board. We appreciate each other with a high-five on getting the answer right. Our deep discussions and those grappling moments with the questions are always memorable.  Working together with like-minded buddies is always fun and memorable. Working in unison, keep us awake and our spirits alive, thus helping us from falling asleep.

To reduce the skip rate, we leave no stone unturned. On the Chegg Q&A board, we receive questions related to different topics of the same subject. Suppose I received a question from an unfamiliar topic, I seek instant help from my friends to get an idea and then quickly solve it. Likewise, I help my friends too.On the 10th of every month, we receive our pay checks and so all of us party at our favorite restaurants. We do not work on that day but just go out and enjoy ourselves. We watch a movie and come home late.

Q. Do you receive feedback on your work?

Students share their feedback by posting comments for the answers. Sometimes students will ask for clarification, in these cases, I will help clarify the concepts for them. Chegg’s In-House team also critiques my work and provides timely and corrective feedback on my work. We have a senior EA working from the same apartment we live in, and he also guides us.

Q. If Chegg offers a full-time opportunity would you avail?

Yes, definitely. Chegg is a knowledge hub and I would be proud to be a full-time employee. Moreover, I am a night owl, and that makes me flexible to work in any shift.

Q. How are you introduced to Chegg?

 I am Deepak and I am a graduate in Mechanical Engineering. I heard of Chegg from my sister, who is an active Expert Answerer (EA) on the Chegg Question and Answer (Q&A) board. Just like any fresher out of college, I was seeking for a job in my core sector. My sister knows very well about my subject knowledge and she felt that Chegg is the right opportunity for me. Having been working as an EA for very long, my sister knows the value of working for Chegg. She influenced me to opt for Chegg. I am greatly indebted to her for introducing me to this phenomenal role of an Expert Answerer. I gain a lot of satisfaction from the work.

Q. What else do you do apart from Chegg?

Apart from working for Chegg, I prepare for competitive exams like the Staff Selection Commission and the Railway Recruitment Board exams. My goal is to secure a job in the government sector. Some of my contemporaries opted for software related jobs, but it isn’t my area of interest. I will not give up until I secure a public-sector job.Usually, competitive exams are held during the last week of a month. Whenever I have to appear for an exam, I try to answer more number of questions on the Chegg Q&A board in the first week itself, so that I do not fall behind my set target for the month. I dedicate myself to exam preparation during the last week.

Q. Describe your work experience with Chegg?

It took a while for me to understand the difference between writing an answer in a test and writing an answer for a student on the Chegg Q&A board. Here, I need to break the answer into logical steps and then explain each step to the student. I got adapted to this style of answering very soon. I can read the mind of a student being a fresher. In addition can anticipate the kind of questions that arise in a student’s mind. I try to elaborate as much as possible. I avoid shortcuts in answering as they confuse the student. My goal is to explain the methodology to help the student answer other related questions on his own.

Q. Cite a memorable moment.

It was in October last year, I answered the highest number of questions, and earned the highest amount. The more I work, the more I am paid. Importantly, this is the best part of working for Chegg.

Q. Have you ever introduced anyone to Chegg?

I have introduced many of my friends/classmates to Chegg. They, in turn, have introduced their friends to Chegg. I can proudly say that all of them are actively working as Expert Answerers for Chegg.

Q. Narrate your daily routine.

My day begins at 4AM. I sip coffee and start answering questions on the Chegg Q&A board. I continue to answer questions till mid-day. On an average, I take an hour to answer a question on the Chegg Q&A board. I take breaks for recreation and regularly work-out for rejuvenation. In the evening, I hang-out with friends to break the monotony and add freshness to life. From 7PM, I again answer some questions before calling it a day. Every Sunday and Wednesday, we play cricket. Parallelly, I prepare for competitive exams.

Q. Cite something about your family?

 My father worked for Shipyard and has now retired. I get to spend time with my parents and help them. I have two elder sisters. The eldest one lives with her husband in Orissa and the second one lives in Mumbai. I give my salary to my mother and she runs the home. I only bought a cellphone with my earnings. Therefore, I hold it precious as I bought it with my hard-earned money. In addition, I also celebrate my friends’ birthdays. Initially, my parents were curious to know about my source of income. They weren’t aware about the online jobs. Therefore, when I explained them about the nature of job at Chegg, they felt happy that I am working for such a big company and are proud to see me as a breadwinner. We used to live in a colony which wasn’t very conducive to work from home. After my father’s retirement, we moved to a peaceful environment so that I can concentrate more on the Chegg Q&A Board.

Q. How did Chegg help you improve?

 As I help students and answer questions that baffle them the most, I see in me a tremendous growth in my confidence on the subject. I gained knowledge in subjects like Engineering Thermodynamics, Engineering Mechanics, and Fluid Mechanics. In addition, I would not let go unanswered any question related to these subjects. Above all I learned to develop shortcuts to solve the questions, which is eventually helping me in my competitive exams. Importantly, Answering on the Chegg Q&A board also helped me improve my writing skill, typing skill, comprehension ability, and analytical thinking.

Q. Cite a challenging moment.

It was during a season, I was bombarded with a bunch of tough questions. They were quite time-taking. In addition, I could answer a less number of questions during that period. However, the responses I received from the students were amazing. The comments were very pleasing and encouraging. Above all they thanked me for helping them crack such tough questions.

Q. Why do you think that working for Chegg is truly satisfying?

Chegg helps me apply the subject knowledge that I gained in my college. Being an Expert Answerer at Chegg is a noble profession and it gives me immense satisfaction at the end of the day. Thanks to Chegg!!!

Venkatesh joined Chegg on 25th September 2017 and currently working as Chegg Expert Answerer in Advanced Math. Being one of the top solvers of Advanced Math’s with exceptional quality answering, he proved to be an asset for the company. He attended the Expert Meet. He is so devoted to his work, and it is thrilling to listen to Venkatesh as he narrates his experience with the Chegg Question and Answer Board.

Q. How were you introduced to Chegg?

I came to know about Chegg from my Colleague Mr N Viswanath who is also an Expert Answerer in Mathematics on the Chegg Question and Answer board. He directed me to the territory coordinators, who later guided me in joining Chegg as an Expert Answerer. Initially, I answered only 10 questions in the first month. But when I received payment, I was so motivated and gained more confidence in the Chegg Question and Answer board.

Q. Where else do you work?

I have completed my PG in Mathematics from Sreevidyanikethan, Tirupati. At present, I am a Lecturer, teaching Mathematics in B.I.T-IT engineering college at Hindupur A.P.

Q. How is being an EA different from working as an employee elsewhere?

With Chegg, I can reach out not just to my students in college, but to international students. Full-time employees have time constraints and deadlines to meet. But as an EA, I can have my own schedule. I am my own boss. As a fulltime employee, self upgrading is very minimal as I hardly find time to acquire a new skill, but Chegg supports me to chase my dream. It was my dream to achieve a Doctorate and Chegg helped me a lot to achieve better marks in NET and APRCET exams for Ph.D.

Q. How much time you spend on the Chegg Q&A board?

My Day starts with Chegg. I wake up at 3 am and start working on the Chegg Q&A board till 8 AM. After that, I get ready to go to college and spend all day teaching.  However, I make some time during the day to answer a few questions on the Chegg Q&A Board during the day. After college, I go home and spend most of my time answering on the Chegg Q&A board. As of now, I have answered more than 596 questions so far and maintains an overall CF score of 84%. I answer nearly 15 questions in 6 hours. Sometimes, I do as many questions as I can until the queue is empty.

Q. How did Chegg help you grow in your personal life?

The payment at Chegg is very good and timely. I have a big family at home. My parents also live with me and I have to support six family members. Therefore, I was in search of an ideal online job where I could earn more in less time and eventually, I landed in Chegg. After that within four months, I helped my family in building our house and now I am paying all my EMIs by my Chegg earnings. My family is happy and now I am even able to save some of my earnings. I am a happy man after joining Chegg.

Q. Is there any memorable moment?

I remember when I received a comment from a student that “Your answer is much better than my professor’s answer” Those moments are the most memorable and rewarding. Above all reading such comments is truly blissful because I can cater to students around the world and they appreciate my work. off course, payment day is always memorable.

Q. Do you recommend others to join as an EA? If yes, why?

I always refer people to join as an EA. Recently, I referred to five friends and I keep encouraging them. Importantly, I say that working for Chegg is like “Earning while Learning”. In addition, It will help you improve your knowledge and you will get an assured income. Moreover,  it is a unique opportunity where you enjoy answering questions of your favourite subject.” All my friends are working on Chegg now and they are very happy with their earning through the Chegg Question and Answer board.

Q. Have you enjoyed the Expert Meet?

I really enjoyed the Expert Meet. The sessions are worth attending, where I cleared all my doubts. I met my coordinators and I appreciated them for their motivation. In addition, I also received a certificate for my association with Chegg. I can say that I am lucky to have this opportunity. In other words, I really appreciate the Chegg team for putting so much effort and for their constant guidance and support. Thank you Chegg. You guys are awesome.

Q. How were you introduced to Chegg?

I am Sudha Rani Ganti. I was introduced to Chegg by one of the Expert Answerers in May 2014. He is a neighbor of my parents. When I told that I was searching for teaching jobs, he introduced me to this fascinating role of an Expert Answerer (EA) at Chegg. I soon applied for the job and got selected. Initially, I worked on Textbook Solutions and later I started to answer questions on the Chegg Question & Answer (Q&A) Board. Answering live questions on the Chegg Q&A board calls for guts, because they are challenging.

Q. Where else have you worked before signing up with Chegg?

I hold a Ph.D. degree in organic chemistry. After that, I taught chemistry for FIITJEE and IIT- JEE aspirants at many coaching centers. I gained a wealth of knowledge from basic level to higher level Chemistry while working on my Ph.D. There is nothing worse than wasting away such a wealth of knowledge. Chegg has laid a platform that allows me to impart my knowledge to students, who are desperate to learn the subject. I get to answer questions related to my expertise like the questions on NMR spectroscopy, IR Spectroscopy, CNMR, and I am extremely thankful to Chegg.

Q. How is teaching in a classroom set up different from online teaching?

I don’t find much difference. Even while answering on the Chegg Q&A Board, I assume that the student is sitting in front of me. I follow the same teaching procedure – I simplify a tough concept and make it easy for the student to clearly understand.

Working in a coaching center is very tiresome. One should teach for 10 to 12 hours a day. I am over 50 now, and I want to keep myself away from physical strain. With Chegg, I can work from home with less strain and get decently paid.

Q. Describe your experience with Chegg.

On the Chegg Q&A Board, I receive questions related to various topics of chemistry. I answer questions related to both physical chemistry and organic chemistry. I can answer most of the questions with a low skip rate. Unless I lack resources to answer a certain question, I don’t skip.

Students across the globe follow unique styles of representing chemical structures/patterns. If I go by my traditional style, students may get confused. Initially, it took time for me to understand the difference. However, I quickly got adapted to their styles.

Q. Tell me something about your family.

My husband is an Assistant General Manager for a nationalized bank. I have two adult daughters. The elder one is an engineer. Also, she is married and settled in Abu Dhabi. In addition she has two daughters. The second daughter is an IIT graduate, and is now living and working in Delhi. We are from Vizag. I did my Masters in Chemistry and Ph.D. from the Andhra University, Vizag. My husband’s job is a transferrable job. Therefore I had to travel with him to Hyderabad and Mumbai. Presently, we are settled in Vizag. Working for Chegg is so flexible because I can answer questions from anywhere. All I need is a laptop with an internet. 

Q. How did you balance your private and professional life?

Yes, working from home is an excellent opportunity for people like me, who have other obligations. If I have some priority task to attend, I pause answering for a while. As soon as I finish my work, I resume. Thus, I balance my personal life and professional life. Moreover, I can work at my own pace and set my own goals. As there is no one to boss over me, it is a peaceful job (smiles). The more I work, the more I earn. I find a lot of time to spend with family members and relatives.

Q. What is your daily routine?

begin my day at 4AM. As the question volume is always high, I answer questions almost throughout the day. I take short breaks to rejuvenate. In the afternoon, I cook for myself and have my lunch. After a short siesta, I resume answering on the Chegg Q&A board.  In the evenings, I go out for a walk and meet some friends and then go to bed early.

I have a good collection of chemistry books at home and I use them for reference during answering on the Chegg Q&A Board. I also have a lot of soft copies of textbooks for my assistance.

Q. Cite one memorable incident.

Spectroscopy questions are quite challenging. Every time I receive a question related to spectroscopy, it is a feast for my brain. Once I solved a tough question, and gave a lot of detail to explain the methodology to the student. I received a very good feedback from the student for the answer. I was excited and shared my happiness with my husband.

Q. How did Chegg satiate the teacher in you?

As I said, I have a great passion for teaching and I have been doing it for very long. Answering questions to help the students who are stuck is very satisfactory. Moreover, Chegg gives me opportunity to teach international students and I owe a lot to Chegg. The questions are in depth, applicational, and interesting. Questions help the students apply the subject knowledge in a real-time scenario, and that’s what I like about the questions. Overall, I am very grateful to be part of the Chegg family!     

Q. How are you introduced to Chegg?

I am Mahesh. My friend, who is a Chegg employee, introduced me to this fascinating role of an Expert Answerer at Chegg. He told me that Chegg is an awesome platform for subject experts to teach subject to the international students.

I signed up through ‘Refer a Friend’ link available on the Chegg MN India Newsletter. Fortunately, I cleared the interview and donned the role of Expert Answerer. I have been working for more than a year.

Q. Where else do you work apart from Chegg?

I work as an assistant professor in an Engineering College near Vizag.  In addition, I hold a Master’s Degree in Biochemistry. After that, I am also pursuing a Ph.D. in Biotechnology.

Q. Explain your experience with Chegg.

It has been an amazing journey, so far. I receive a wide variety of questions ranging from medium level to high level on the Chegg Question and Answer Board. Exposure to questions of international standards is a rare opportunity. These questions are application-oriented and interesting. Solving such questions has helped me gain tremendous knowledge and grip on the subject and I’m truly thankful to Chegg. The questions are thought provoking and feed for the brain. In the process of answering, I have also learned various new concepts related to my subject. Once I received a case study on determination of protein molecular weight by affinity chromatography using SDS page technique. I did a good analysis with the given data and finally managed to answer it. This is like working in a real time laboratory setup and it is quite impressive. I am totally satisfied with my professional life at Chegg. I also improved my computer skill, typing skill, and writing skills while answering on the Chegg Q&A board.

Q. Cite a memorable moment.

In one month, I solved a sizable number of complex questions. Simultaneous, I gather a lot of relevant information for my Ph.D. thesis from answering these questions on the Chegg Q&A board. I can gladly say that the Chegg Q&A Board has helped me in my Ph.D. research. In fact, I am doing research in the area of fermentation (Production of Enzymes – Converting B- blood group to O- blood group). This is truly memorable for me and a blessing in disguise.

Q. What is your daily routine?

I wake up at 5AM and I start working on the Chegg Question and Answer Board. As said, I go to teach at the college around 10 AM. In the evening, I again return to answering on the Chegg Q&A Board and answer as many as I can.Even in the college, whenever I don’t have a class and get some free time, I go to the library and start answering on the Chegg Q&A board.  Chegg is helping me to make the best use of my free time. It is like earning on the move.

Q. Share something about your family.

I’m married and I have a 10 year old son. My wife runs a tuition center at home and teaches for a couple of hours in the evening. She holds a master’s degree in literature. We made our house conducive for tuitions and also to work for the Chegg Q&A board. I assign some homework for my son and monitor him while I work on the Chegg Q&A board. Twice a week, we go out for shopping to buy household stuff.

We also plan a date night and then go to the theater to watch a movie. In addition we dine at a restaurant. We also go to play on the beach, usually on the weekend. We meet our household expenses, with the earning I get from my college. Importantly, I have opened a recurring deposit for my son and I am saving all my earnings from Chegg for my son’s future.

Q. How do you balance teaching in college and answering on the Chegg Q&A board?

I love teaching the subject whether orally in a classroom or online on the Chegg Q&A board. Having one-on-one live interaction in a classroom setup helps me to understand the mind of a student. Addressing students in a classroom made me a better teacher. Even when I answer questions on the Chegg Q&A board, I answer questions bearing students in mind.

Above all I address all the student confusion points and make it easy for the student to follow. Likewise, if I had answered any interesting question on the Chegg Q&A board, I share the question with my students and ask them to give it a try. Therefore, Chegg questions are also helping my students to sharpen their subject skill. Above all answering questions on the Chegg Q&A board satisfy the teacher in me. Like any teacher, I try to provide a simplified answer such that even a below average student could easily understand the point.

Q. Cite a challenging moment.

Once a student posted a research article on DNA finger printing and asked me to interpret its data and answer the given questions. The article wasn’t very easy and so I took a while to understand the content. No sooner I finished reading the article, I started answering the questions. I noticed that the time was running out and so I was quite tensed. Finally, I could submit the answer within the time limit but in the last minute. Student was extremely satisfied with my answer and gave me thumbs up. It was quite an exciting experience.

Q. Have you ever received a poor rating?

In the initial days, I hastily gave a direct answer to a question without giving necessary explanation and I received a poor rating. Later, I regretted and never repeated.

Q. Have you introduced anyone to Chegg?

I recommended two experts to join as Expert Answerers – one from Physics and one from Biology. Now, they are earning more than what I do. They have observed me working on the Chegg Q&A board and were impressed with the role of EA and they signed up.

Q. Have you ever felt bored of answering?

The questions are very interesting and so I usually do not get bored of answering.

Q. Suppose Chegg gives you a fulltime opportunity, would you avail?

It is a definite YES! I would be grateful, if Chegg gives me a fulltime opportunity.

Q. How were you introduced to Chegg?

I am Vijay Kumar. I have a degree in Electrical Engineering. One of my friends told me that working as an Expert Answerer (EA) for Chegg is a good opportunity to learn while you earn. I felt it to be an interesting opportunity and so I signed up with Chegg.

After my graduation, like any other fresher just out of college, I aspired for a placement in a core sector. Getting a core job right away was not easy and so I was simultaneously preparing for Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) and Engineering Services. Most of my friends settled in software related jobs. However I had no interest in such jobs. I found Chegg to be an ideal place for subject enthusiasts like me. At present, I am working on the Chegg Question and Answer (Q&A) board as an EA. I like the role of an Expert Answerer as it not only provides me a platform to explore the depths of my subject but also helps me impart the same to the students across the globe. I am happy to be a part of Chegg.

Q. What is your daily routine?

My day begins with a cup of coffee and the Chegg Q&A board. I answer as many questions as I can until noon. Then I resume to my preparation for GATE. Working for the Chegg Q&A board not only augments my knowledge, but helps keep monotony at bay. I studied in a missionary school that instilled in me a love for sports along with studies. So, in the evenings, I go out to play sports like cricket, shuttle, and basketball with my friends.

Q. How is your experience with Chegg so far?

I receive a wide variety of questions on the Q&A board, which range from that of a high school level to a post-graduate level – but definitely not beyond my sphere of knowledge. I have a good collection of textbooks related to my subject. Therefore I use them as a quick reference while answering questions on the Q&A board. On an average, I take forty five minutes to one hour to solve a question. Skipping questions is my last option.  The Chegg Q&A answer board interface is also very simple and easy to work on. I live with my parents and sister in a humble abode. Though I have a small corner to keep my books, I do not have a room of my own to study and work. We all sleep together and share almost everything. I work from my drawing room, which is frequented by many other people doing other activities – be it watching TV, having guests, or tea-time. All the same, I find myself so engrossed in answering, that these petty disturbances do not interrupt my flow of work, and I continue to answer with dedication (Smiles).

Q. Cite one challenging moment.

There was an instance when I received a question which appeared to be easy in the first glance. It was related to electromagnetic field. I clicked to solve the question without any hesitation. In the middle, I realized that I had got seriously stuck. It was not as easy as I thought. Then I quickly brushed through my basics related to the subjects. Finally, I managed to solve it within the stipulated time.

Q. How did Chegg help you in your overall growth?

The experience of being an EA at Chegg is very unique. Being bombarded with different questions covering all the topics of the subject at once is a rare opportunity. Answering the questions in this fashion helped me to have a comprehensive knowledge on my subject. Right from my college days, I used to have a good knowledge on subjects like electrical machines, control systems, power electronics, and networks, but I was not very keen on electronics. After joining Chegg, I have gained a lot of confidence on all my subjects. I do not have to review again for my GATE exam. Because these concepts got registered in my mind so much. 

Moreover, before joining Chegg, I used to be a free bird and idled away most of the precious time by being at home, doing nothing. Now, I am glad that Chegg is helping me utilize my time for a genuine cause. I also limit my time on hangouts for working on the Chegg Q&A board. I learned to discipline myself. When the inflow of questions is high, I try to grab as many questions as I can.Moreover, working from home is a blessed opportunity for me. I need sufficient time to pursue my goals. I did not resort to software jobs despite many welcoming opportunities, just because they are very demanding. Software jobs demand continual up-gradation of knowledge and thus, I would not get any free time to concentrate on other priorities. Working for Chegg from home allows me to plan out well and lead a balanced life.

Q. Cite something interesting from your personal life.

I used to be among the top five rankers in schools and colleges. In addition I won four consecutive general proficiency awards in school. Above all I am also good in athletics. Whenever I find some free time, I go out and play.  We have a large playground in our church compound within our vicinity and we make the best use of it. Every Sunday morning I go to church. I am interested in playing guitar. Therefore, I want to attend some classes. I can now afford the fee for my guitar classes with my earnings at Chegg. My father retired recently and my mother is a homemaker. My father used to work as an attender in the school. I have a sister who completed her B.Tech and also a GATE aspirant. She is planning to go to another city for GATE coaching.  Very soon she will also be working for the Chegg Q&A board. Earning is essential for me and I cannot depend on my parents all the time. At present, Chegg is my only source of income and I do not have to depend on my parents for money. I am financially more stable. With the money I earned at Chegg, I bought good clothes and shoes. Up until last month, I did not reveal to my parents that I work for Chegg. They always wondered from where I used to get my financial support (Smiles). Whenever they are in need of money, I used to extend my help. Now that they know, they are happy.

Q. Do you receive any feedback for your answering?

I receive feedback from the students and also from the Chegg In-House team on my answers. Sometimes I get appreciative comments from the students. It is nice that someone on the other side of the planet is learning from me. Our answering should ultimately benefit the student. Average level students, who really struggle to understand the subject, approach Chegg for help and hence, the answers should be written for their understanding. The Chegg In-House team gave me constructive feedback that helped me learn to develop student-friendly answers.

Q. Cite a memorable moment.

Memorable moment is when I get a series of questions which I know and I continuously solve without skipping even one.

Q. Do you ever get bored of answering?

I get bored only when I receive questions which are beyond my scope of knowledge, which is a rarity.

Q. Have you introduced anyone to Chegg?

I had introduced my sister to the Chegg Q&A board. I looked forward to introduce all my friends to Chegg but I hardly found one who sticks to the core subject. Most of them are drifting to non-core fields. In fact, it requires guts to excel in the core field. I am still looking out for the right candidates who are capable of answering subject related questions on the Chegg Q&A board. 

Q. How were you introduced to Chegg?

I’m Mohan Dev and I was introduced to Chegg by my friend, who has been working as an Expert Answerer. Therefore  I was impressed when my friend said that Chegg is a haven for Subject Enthusiasts like me. After that I realized what he said was absolutely true. Above all I am very happy that I am an Expert Answerer for Chegg.

Q. What else do you do apart from being an EA?

I did my Ph.D in botany. In addition I worked as a Bio Infomatic Analyzer for Polaris, based in Noida. After that, I moved to Vizag and opened a prenatal-molecular diagnostics Lab. In addition I also worked as a guest faculty at a University.

Q. How do you balance your personal and professional life?

The Chegg Q&A board is very comfortable to work on. For instance I love working during nights. Therefore I try to answer as many questions as I can in the night. In addition Chegg team maintains a good rapport with me and the communication lines are always open. Above all I get seven hours of sleep and I reach my lab at 1 PM.  In addition I sometimes answer questions even while traveling in the bus.

Q. How did Chegg help you in your overall growth?

I majored in genetics. Therefore when I started working on Bio Informatics, I feared losing grip on Genetics. If you don’t use it, you’ll lose it, right?. However Chegg came to my rescue and helped me regain my confidence levels as I answer genetic-related questions. Above all on the Question and Answer board, I receive all levels of questions related to genetics, molecular biology, and botany. In addition trying to answer all the skipped questions strengthened my subject knowledge, writing skills, and teaching ability.

Q. What do you like the most about Chegg?

At Chegg, I get to study new and advanced topics related to genetics, which I never heard of in my college days. I learned to use new statistical software to answer questions after joining Chegg. Chegg is helping me expand my knowledge.

Q. Cite a challenging moment.

A question on Gene Mapping was one of the most fascinating questions I have ever faced. A true genetic student would love to take up such challenging questions. I managed to solve it and got a star rating. I felt I deserve a pat on the back.

Q. How does your lab work help your teaching work at Chegg?

A Genetic teacher with hands-on lab experience is a rare gem. Textbooks at Chegg are practical-oriented and only a teacher with a hands-on lab experience would be the right one to answer questions from such books. At Chegg, I am able to cater to international students and this is something I take pride in.

Q. How did Chegg help you financially?

Of course, I am financially well off now, thanks to Chegg. Recently, we celebrated wedding anniversary of our parents and I gifted them Golden Couple Rings. (Smiles). I live with my parents and take care of them. My father is a retired teacher and my mother is a home-maker.

Q. Cite a memorable moment.

In one night, I solved 38 difficult level questions. In other words that was the month I earned the most.

Q. Have you ever get bored of answering?

Never! Genetics is a very interesting subject and one can never get bored.

I did. I introduced my cousin. She once came home and saw me working on Chegg Q&A board and then she found it interesting and applied for the position of EA.

Q. What are your plans for your future?

I wanted to start an R&D lab and settle in Vizag. In addition, I got opportunities to work for National Institute of Genetics in Japan. However, as I have to look after my parents and so I had to forgo the opportunity. Come what may, I would never discontinue working for Chegg because Chegg helps me remain in touch with my favorite subject. In other words Chegg is always special to me! (Smiles)   

Q. How are you introduced to Chegg?

I am Kondala Rao. I came to know about Chegg from my friend who is working as an Expert Answerer (EA) for Chegg. The Chegg team visited our college and gave a seminar on the role of Expert Answerer. Most of my friends applied and got placed. Later, my friends encouraged me to sign up saying that Chegg is one of the best places to work. At present, I am working on the Chegg Question and Answer (Q&A) Board as an Expert Answerer. In addition I have an Engineering degree in Computer Science and now I am pursuing a Master’s degree. Above all I am one among the toppers in my class. I am very happy with Chegg because it has laid a platform for me to use my subject knowledge for the benefit of the students. My aim is to find a job in a public sector, for which I am preparing for Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE). Though from a computer science background, I had no interest in software jobs. I aspire to work for companies like the Indian Oil Corporation or Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited.  To get a job in such companies, one must be the crème de la crème in the subject. I knew that I am still an expert in the making. However, I’m always in the pursuit of improving my subject. When I signed up with Chegg, I realized that Chegg is a gold mine of intellects and this is where I can truly be shaped.

Q. What is your daily routine?

I stay in a shared rented apartment in Vizag. I begin my day at 4 AM and start working on the Chegg Q&A board. After that I attend college from 9 AM to 3 PM. After hanging out with friends for some time, I get back to the Chegg Q&A board and answer as many questions as I can. I learned to balance my college studies and the Chegg Q&A Board. During weekends, I go home. I hail from Ongole, which is approximately an eight-hour drive from Vizag. My love for Cricket and Kabaddi makes me spare some time for the game. We have a huge playground in our college and we play cricket or kabaddi every day for two hours. Three of my roommates also work for Chegg. After our dinner, we open our laptops and take our positions to answer on the Chegg Q&A board.  We compete among ourselves and encourage one another to answer as many questions as we can. Whenever we get stuck with answering, we discuss and help one another. In addition we never compromise on the quality of the answers and always ensure that the provided answers are student-friendly. Above all we do not budge out of our places until we finish our daily targets. We believe in the concept – work hard and party hard. In other words we savor the best delicacies in Vizag and we often party with our hard-earned money. We covered almost all the famous restaurants in Vizag – Spicy, yummy Hyderabadi Biryani, being our favorite food. We also celebrate our birthdays. Vizag has a beautiful coastline. I love spending time on the beach and enjoy nature. I also go to the cinema. Being the earning member in my fraternity, I take the privilege of being the financier.  

Q. Cite a challenging moment.

Once I received a difficult question about counters in digital electronics. The challenge was not just solving it, but explaining it to the student. I managed to solve it to some extent but got stuck in the middle. I had no inkling of how to go about it. Thanks to my friends, who pitched in and helped me simplify the intricacy. The satisfaction that results from the outcome of sincere hard work is matchless. The student responded with thumbs-up and commented saying, “Good Explanation! Thank you very much.” We partied after solving the question (smiles).

Q. How did Chegg help you in your overall growth?

Answering questions on Chegg boosts my confidence to such an extent that I needn’t revise for my competitive exam. Financially also I am much more stable. I do not have to depend on anyone for my basic needs, study material, hostel fee etc. Working for Chegg is very comfortable for me as it provides me a platform to apply whatever I have learned in my college. As a Computer Science expert, I need to constantly upgrade my know-how with the latest software. I cannot survive in the market with the basic knowledge I have in C language, CPP, and JAVA. On the Chegg Q&A board, I receive questions related to languages like Python, Assembly Language, etc.  The logic is the same but the functions and the presentation of the new languages differ. Over the years, I have learned a lot of new technical stuff just by answering on the Chegg Q&A board. I receive a wide variety of questions on the Chegg Q&A board – theory type and also program type. However, one should be a subject expert to solve such questions. I sometimes receive questions related to error detection in code, testing, or addition of new functions to the existing code. Encountering such challenging questions is definitely carving me into the good programmer. These days, not just software jobs but every job is vulnerable. The only way we can survive during the testing times is by aiming to be the best in our realm.

Q. Cite a memorable moment

During an offer season initiated by Chegg, I made the best use of the offer and earned a sizable amount. Those were testing times for my family owing to huge debts and an immediate need of finance. I took the onus and cleared all the debts of the family. It was quite memorable that I could do it with my hard earned money. I also cherish the time when I received my first paycheck. Usually, students do not get to earn as they have to concentrate on studies.  I am thankful that Chegg has given me this great opportunity of working from home, which enables me to balance my academics and simultaneously earn. I also get some stipend from college and I transfer the entire sum to my parents’ bank account. In addition I paid a fee for a poor friend of mine and also bought him books when he was preparing for Indian Engineering Service exams. Now, I am glad to see that he is in a good position. Earning also gave me confidence that I can make my dreams come true. It’s not good to depend on others for financial needs for one’s own improvement in life, isn’t it?

Q. Have you ever got a poor rating and how did you respond?

Initially, once I got a poor rating because my presentation wasn’t up to the mark. The Chegg In-House team gave constructive feedback on my errors. When I saw my mistakes from the prism of the precedent answering, I pulled up my socks and delivered more presentable answers.

Q. Who inspired you in life?

In school, my teacher Mr. Balasubrahmanyam was an inspiration to me. I aspired to become a subject teacher because of him. He had the true heart of a teacher. He was attached to us and we enjoyed a sense of belongingness with him. When he taught, he would doubly check with us to ensure that we understood the point clearly. I gained a lot of teaching skills from him.  Even when I answer questions on the Chegg Q&A board, I also ensure that the student clearly understands the point I convey. I owe my interest in teaching to him. My friends like to listen to me while I teach the subject. Whenever they have doubts related to computer networks or operating systems, they approach me for clarification. I also worked as a teaching faculty in a renowned teaching institute based in Hyderabad.  However earning-wise, I am earning more by teaching online at Chegg, than by the traditional classroom teaching. At Chegg, I get exposed to a lot of computer related subjects which is not possible at a teaching institute where we get to teach only one or two subjects. So, I preferred teaching online at Chegg.

Q. Cite something from your personal life?

My parents are farmers. We have some farming land where we cultivate crops like tobacco, sweet potatoes, groundnuts etc. Even I used to help them in my childhood. We have water scarcity in our area, so cultivation is not easy.  However, my parents are glad that I am working. We also have five buffaloes and are into milk business too.  I have two siblings. My brother is preparing for bank jobs and my sister is pursuing her degree. I am the eldest one. My uncle is a software engineer and he is my mentor.

He guided me in my education pursuits so far. With the money earned by working for Chegg, I am able to buy branded stuff for myself and my family members. That gives me immense satisfaction. Being the eldest in the family, I have learned to be more responsible. The expectation from the eldest one in the family is obviously more. I have more dependents and am the breadwinner of the family.  In addition I love to do social service and I visit orphanages, old age homes and the under-privileged to extend a helping hand and provide them some basics amenities. Once my friend’s house was washed away by floods and his family was in deep trouble. I mobilized all my friends and collected a generous amount to help the family.

My friends got inspired by me and signed up with Chegg. They used to observe me sincerely working for Chegg and the way it improved my life. Now, they are also working as expert answerers for Chegg. I can’t sum up in one sentence how impactful Chegg has been in my life. In addition I would never discontinue working as an EA@Chegg, no matter where life takes me. Above all I shall continue to inspire others to join Chegg, as the intrinsic happiness gained from working here, is immeasurable.

Q. How were you introduced to Chegg?

I am Chandana. I heard about Chegg from my colleague. When I surfed the net to know more about Chegg, I was captivated by the role of an Expert Answerer – a work from home option even for freshers, work available 24/7, answering questions posted by students. I have an M. Pharmacy Degree from Andhra University, Vizag. I was amongst the top performers at my college.

Now, I am working as an Expert Answerer in Biology, answering questions on the Chegg Question and Answer (Q&A) Board. I am privileged to be a Chegg Expert Answerer (EA). Importantly I had no prior exposure to online teaching. Therefore, I was very curious about this new online teaching role. I only knew that it was an innovative approach of imparting knowledge to students and so I joined. Chegg gives me a platform to showcase my subject skill and help international students when they get stuck with the subject.

Q. Have you worked anywhere else before joining Chegg?

I worked as a chemist in a pharmacy company for one and a half years in Vizag. I used to document a lot of processes and procedures. Above all I was dissatisfied with the nature of work as it was mostly irrelevant to my expertise and there was a meager scope of applying my knowledge. In other words I was planning to leave the job and move on in life. My situation was quite desperate. I could not imagine sitting idle at home, wasting my knowledge, after completing these academic milestones. If I did not use my knowledge, I would lose it. So, I was looking for a job where I could use my subject knowledge. It was during that time Chegg knocked on my door.

Q. Share something about your family.

I hail from Eluru but now am living in Vizag. I am married and have a three year old son. My husband works as an Assistant Manager for a pharmaceutical company. He is very supportive and very happy that I am working for Chegg. He is also an academician and always seeks to brush up his subject skill. His job is very demanding so he doesn’t find time to work for Chegg. Otherwise, he could have joined Chegg as an expert answerer like me. In the weekends, we usually take out a few moments for some family time. Chegg has become an integral part of my life as it keeps me working on the Q&A board even on the weekends.

Q. How do you balance your personal and professional life?

Before joining Chegg, the mundane routine was boredom for me. All day, I used to manage my household chores and then take care of my son. I  wasted most of the time without doing anything productive.On the contrary, life became more vibrant and meaningful after joining Chegg. I am dedicating all my free time to answering questions on the Chegg Q&A board. I quickly finish off my household activities and log on to the Chegg Q&A board. Answering keeps me on my toes always because of the passion I have towards the subject. On an average, I answer 20 questions a day. I keep my son busy with some activity so that he won’t disturb me.

Chegg offered me an opportunity to work from home, which was a blessing in disguise. I could strike the perfect work-life balance as my personal activities did not get disturbed. I could spend quality time with my relatives and friends too. In the case of emergencies, I could take a break and immediately attend to it.

Q. Narrate your journey so far with Chegg.

 I work on the Chegg Q&A board in the morning and in the afternoon. After that I also work in the night once everybody has went to bed, as this is the time when I can concentrate more on answering questions. In addition I do not like to procrastinate at work.  Importantly I first finish my targets and only then I attend to my personal work. Therefore I got adapted to the nature of work very soon and I gained confidence in answering questions on the Chegg Q&A board. In addition I answer questions from the cozy corner of my home without any mental stress. I felt very happy that I got appreciation from the students during my initial days.

Moreover, Chegg has a teaching environment. It is not enough to be knowledgeable. One should have the ability to teach online too. Online teaching is an art. It is important to understand the mind of the student and put notes for all the confusing points in the answer. I used to give seminars in the college and I know how to clearly convey the point to the students. I keep students in mind and develop the answers.

Q. Cite a memorable moment.

Receiving my first ever report from the Chegg In-House team on the answers posted by me, was very memorable. The Chegg In-House team is very efficient in evaluating my answers. I got a full rating and that was very memorable and encouraging. It also boosted my confidence increased my passion for answering.

Q. How did Chegg help you in your overall growth?

Apart from improving my subject and teaching skills, I have gained financially. Previously, my husband was the sole breadwinner for the family. Now that I am earning, my family is much more stable.

Q. Suppose Chegg gives you a full-time opportunity, would you avail?

Chegg is a place where I can truly unleash my full potential and showcase my talent, which was lacking elsewhere. Here, when I give my knowledge, I gain exponential knowledge in return along with a good pay. I would never let go of such a good opportunity. Moreover, interacting with international students is another great opportunity for me to improve my knowledge. Chegg has already paved the right path for my growth.  

I was captivated by the role of an Expert Answerer – a work from home option, work available 24/7, answering questions posted by students – what better opportunity could I ask for… The Chegg In-House team gave me constructive feedback that helped me learn to develop student-friendly answers… I always look to grab more number of questions from my cozy corner…

Q. How were you introduced to Chegg?

I am grateful to my classmate from Pharmacy College who introduced me to Chegg. She is also an active Expert Answerer on the Chegg Question and Answer (Q&A) board. When I surfed the net to know more about Chegg, I was captivated by the role of an Expert Answerer – a work from home option, work available 24/7, answering questions posted by students – what better opportunity could I ask for? Prior to working for Chegg, I worked as a teaching assistant and I taught Biology for students. My students used to recommend me to their friends for subject-related help and so I became famous among the student fraternity. Teaching is a very respectable job. I am very happy that I am working on the Chegg Q&A board.

Q. What are your educational qualifications?

Well I studied in a residential college that gives admission to students only on merit basis. I graduated in Pharmacy with a distinction. After that I qualified the Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE), Graduate Pharmacy Aptitude Test (GPAT), and the National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education & Research Test (NIPERT).I pursued Master of Research (MRes) Degree equivalent to MPhil in the University of Leicester, Britain. My research was published in the years 2015, 2016 in prestigious neuroscience journals. I got my own research profile with significant stat score in www.researchgate.com. I have experience working as freelancer for Academic Knowledge Company, Nottingham, UK. Now, I am back to India and currently working for Chegg as Expert Answerer. Chegg is the only source of my income. 

Q. Narrate your experience with Chegg?

My beginnings were quite bumpy. I received a lot of critiques from the Chegg In-House team. It took time for me to get into the groove. Once I received questions on Osteoporosis and Genetic Polymorphism. I gave a scholarly answer for a high-school level question, and it wasn’t helpful to the student. Average level students, who really struggle to understand the subject approach Chegg for help and answers should be written for their understanding. The Chegg In-House team gave me constructive feedback that helped me learn to develop student-friendly answers. I am quite competent with genetics and brain physiology and I enjoy answering questions related to those subjects. Therefore I can answer all the students’ questions related to other areas of biology like marine biology, fish biology, aquatic biology, population genetics, neurobiology, cardio-biology, plant biology, evolutionary biology, ecology, environmental science, and earth sciences. Above all, I am also getting good ratings from the students on the answers that I provide. 

Q. What’s your routine and how much time do you spend on the Chegg Q&A Board?

I live in a small rented flat with an air cooler installed. After that I have a small work set up with two laptops and a good internet connection. I work on the Chegg Q&A board from 6PM to 5AM. I spend at least 12 hours a day on the Chegg Q&A board and answer more than 1000 questions a month. Though the nights are very cold and invite sleep, I cannot suppress my zeal for answering as many questions as possible. Therefore I follow a certain regime to keep myself awake in the night despite the tranquil settings. As the day dawns, I refresh myself.  I have my toast and hot coffee. After that I sleep until afternoon. Moreover I take a light meal in the afternoon – a lot of fruit, and rice, probably once in a day. At 3PM, I go out for a walk to rejuvenate myself and then get back to answering questions on the Chegg Q&A board. Working for Chegg is never boring and I work at peace. Above all I always look to grab more number of questions from my cozy corner. In addition I go to pubs on the weekends. These days I am trying to work even during the weekends to earn some extra bucks. 

Q. Share something about your family.

I hail from a village near Vizag. My father earns a meager pay as a tailor and my mother is a home-maker. I support my parents. We live in a rented house. I bought a laptop for my parents so that they can have a live chat with me and feel happy to see me even when I am miles away from them. My family is well-off after I joined Chegg. I am penny-pinching in order to complete my degree. 

Q. Cite a memorable moment.

The day I received my first pay check from Chegg was truly memorable. In those days, my health condition wasn’t very good as I suffered from a chronic disease. I also went through a surgery. Doctors had advised me to avoid working outside. Chegg gave me an opportunity to work from home and it was a ray of hope for me. Getting my first pay check during those desperate times was truly memorable.

Q. Have you ever introduced anyone to Chegg?

I did introduce my friends to Chegg, and they are working actively on the Chegg Q&A board.

Q. What are your plans for your future?

I want to become a scientist in the department of Neuroscience. Nowadays, most of the people are suffering from neurological disorders like – Dementia, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, Psychosis etc. None of them have a complete cure, however we can minimize the potential effects. Every 10 out of 100 Indians suffer from Neurological diseases. Thirty percent of Indian patients suffer from Cardio Vascular diseases, which is due to the intake of improper diet. My goal is to implement a department of neuroscience in every Indian University. To achieve such a dream, I need to be well equipped and that’s why I went to England. Whatever goals I may have, when it comes to Chegg, I will never discontinue.  Professionally, we retire but when coming to helping students we can continue doing it all our life. I am so attached to Chegg and I will work for Chegg till death do us part! (Smiles)

Q. How were you introduced to Chegg?

I am Vamsi. I have an M. Tech in Electrical Engineering from Andhra University. My friends who are working as Expert Answerers for Chegg introduced me. I have seen them working on the Chegg Question & Answer Board many times and found it very interesting. I also browsed the web to understand the nature of work at Chegg. My friends guided me with the joining procedure.

I am a super whiz in Math. My friends call me a human calculator. I can do complex calculations within seconds without the aid of a calculator. Currently, I am an active Expert Answerer solving questions on the Chegg Q&A Board. I am comparatively solving more number of questions than my friends. This is my first job and I am very satisfied.

Q. What made you choose Chegg over other core jobs?

I found my niche in teaching Math and solving subject related problems. I used to help my fellow students to prepare for their exams during my college days. Whenever they got stuck in solving subject related problems, they used to approach me.Moreover, I love Math from my childhood. For instance I used to get full marks right from my school days. In addition I also won some prestigious awards/certificates in Math. I studied in a college where the faculty hardly took classes. We used to get very less help from our professors and so we had to study on our own. The college has a beautiful campus with a lot of trees. It has a good library, where we used to get books and study under the trees. Even on the night before the exam, all our friends used to gather in a room and grapple all night with the books. I used to help them with problematic concepts and they used to help me with theoretical concepts. This nature of study turned out to be a blessing in disguise for me as I mastered the subject. My friends used to approach me to clear all their problem-related doubts and I soon became very famous in my college. Even top rankers in our college used to seek my help.

The motto of Chegg is also to help students whenever they get stuck and so I felt this is where I should be. I have been trying for a faculty job in the government sector but I don’t find any hope. I am not interested in software related jobs and so I ignored all the opportunities that I got. If Chegg gives me a full-time offer, I would definitely avail.

Q. How is your experience with the Chegg Q&A Board?

Daily from 3 AM to 8 AM, I work on the Chegg Q&A Board. I take a break for an hour to freshen up and resume work till 12:30 PM. I receive various types of questions of all levels. Some of them are problematic and few are theory-based. I try to break a tough solution into smaller steps to make it easier for the student to understand. Other questions are of lesser difficulty and take less time to solve.

I have a good quality rating. I also receive feedback on my content from the In-House Chegg team – they provide helpful suggestions that enable me to further improve my answering. Chegg provides an exciting platform where I do what I really like. I go to bed by 10:30 PM so that I can wake up early to grab as many questions as I can.

Q. Cite a challenging moment.

Every time I face a difficult problem, I consider it as an opportunity to grow. Once I faced a question related to a murder incident and it required me to determine the time of the murder considering all the given parameters. I took some to think over and finally managed to solve it. I patted my back for solving it right. The student also commented saying – “Thank you, it is helpful and I really appreciate.” I like taking up challenging questions – especially the skipped ones. I answered about 1000 questions last month. After joining Chegg, I have learned new software to solve questions.

Q. Share some interesting incidents from your personal life?

I also like playing games like Chess and solving puzzles. Therefore I won the first prize in a state level Chess tournament and have also won many intercollege and interuniversity Chess titles. In my past time, I play badminton with friends. My parents always encourage me to do whatever I am interested in. My father is a government employee and works in Sericulture – it is the production of raw silk by raising silkworms and my mother is a homemaker. In addition my brother is a Software Engineer. We all live in Vizag. I have done all my schooling, college, and University from Vizag. Above all I used to be a very active participant in co-curricular activities in College. In addition I used to assist my professors especially during conferences and workshops in our college.

Q. How Chegg helped you in your overall growth?

Answering on the Chegg Q&A board definitely improved my subject skill. I learned some advanced topics related to differential equations and polar coordinates in order to solve problems.I am also more stable now financially. As I am living with my parents, I do not have to financially contribute to the family and so I just save all my earnings in the bank.Moreover, Chegg is the only source of income for me. Working from home is another good opportunity for me to wisely plan my professional and private life. I have ample amount of time to concentrate on other priorities – like preparing for GATE or SSC and making time for recreation, which is very necessary for life.

In addition I get time to read novels online and also watch movies. I like movies where one actor plays multiple roles. Kamal Hassan, Vikram, and Venkatesh are my favorite South Indian actors. My parents are very happy that I am working for Chegg. They also encourage me to try for a full-time job at Chegg.

Q. Have you ever introduced anyone to Chegg?

Yes! My brother is very much interested in working on the Chegg Q&A board. He has recently joined in a software company and he hardly finds time to spend on answering. As the days go by, he will ensure making time for Q&A. I introduced to my friends – they are now EAs for Electrical Subjects.

Q. Have you ever been bored of answering?

During the weekends, when the questions inflow slows down, I get bored. So, I shut down and go out with my friends for a movie. I hang out with my friend who recently secured a rank in Indian Administrative Service and have a profitable time.

Q. If you get a better opportunity would you quit Chegg?

My goal is to settle in a government sector job. Securing a government job happens when pigs fly (laughs). Nevertheless, I am still trying my best. I will never discontinue answering on the Chegg Q&A because it is helping me to be in touch with my subject.