Latest UPSC CMS 2025 Updates & Exciting Notification

January 24, 2025

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) conducts the Combined Medical Services Examination (CMS) to recruit medical professionals for Central Government organizations and services. The recruitment process has two steps: first, an objective-style written exam in English, followed by an in-person interview or personality assessment. This process is carried out annually, with the UPSC issuing a formal announcement every April that includes all the necessary details about the exam. Candidates should keep an eye out for this announcement to get information on application procedures, exam dates, and other important details for the CMS recruitment.

Latest Updates from UPSC CMS 2025

Here are the most recent updates regarding the UPSC CMS 2025:

  • Notification Announcement: The notification for UPSC CMS 2025 will be published on February 19, 2025.
  • Registration Timeline: The registration window will open on February 19, 2025, and close on March 11, 2025.
  • Examination Date: The UPSC CMS 2025 examination is set to take place on July 20, 2025.
  • Admit Card Release: Candidates can expect the admit card to be available in the second week of July 2025.
  • Eligibility Criteria: Applicants must possess an MBBS degree from an accredited institution.

For further details, please check the official UPSC website.


The announcement for the UPSC CMS 2025 is set to take place on February 19, 2025. Interested candidates can submit their applications online from February 19 until March 11, 2025, with the examination scheduled for July 20, 2025. To qualify, applicants must possess an MBBS degree from an accredited institution, and final-year MBBS students are also eligible to apply. The examination will include a computer-based test followed by a personality assessment, focusing on various medical topics and general knowledge pertinent to the medical profession. Details regarding specific age limits and any applicable relaxations will be provided in the official notification.

Candidates are encouraged to visit the official UPSC website to verify their eligibility and fill out the online application form with precise information. It is essential to upload the required documents and pay the application fee to complete the process. Once the full notification is released, reviewing it thoroughly will be vital to grasp all the necessary requirements and guidelines for the application procedure.

UPSC CMS Highlights

UPSC CMS 2025 Exam Summary
OrganizationUnion Public Service Commission (UPSC)
Post NameMedical Officer
Exam Date20th July 2025
Exam LevelNational 
Exam FrequencyAnnual
Application ModeOnline
Exam ModeOnline
Recruitment ProcessWritten Examination- Paper 1 and Paper 2 Personal Interview  
Education Qualification MBBS from a recognized university or institute
Age Limit18 – 32 years
SalaryApproximately 56100 INR
Number of attemptsNo limit
Official website

UPSC CMS Notification 2025


UPSC CMS Important Dates

Candidates are encouraged to bookmark this page as it will be updated with the latest and most important information about the UPSC CMS 2025 Recruitment. This page will provide all necessary updates, including changes and key details related to the recruitment process. It is important to regularly check this page to stay informed about any new developments. Additionally, make sure to pay attention to the Important Dates listed for the recruitment process. Following these dates closely will help you stay on track and ensure you meet all deadlines and requirements.

Important eventsDate
UPSC CMS Notification 202419th February 2025
Registration Start19th February 2025
Registration Ends11th March 2025
Last date of modification of OTRTo be notified
UPSC CMS Admit Card releaseTo be notified
UPSC CMS Exam Date20th July 2025
UPSC CMS ResultTo be notified
UPSC CMS Score Card if applicableTo be notified

UPSC CMS Vacancies

For the UPSC CMS 2025, there are a total of 1129 vacancies, out of which 979 are for UPSC CSE 2025 and the remaining 150 for Indian Foreign Service. These numbers reflect the latest available information and may be updated in the official notification.

Medical Officers Grade in General Duty Medical Officers Sub-cadre of Central Health Service584
Assistant Divisional Medical Officer in the Railways.450
General Duty Medical Officer in New Delhi Municipal Council14
General duty Medical Officer Gr-II in Municipal Corporation of Delhi200

UPSC CMS Eligibility Criteria


  • A candidate must be a person born no earlier than August 02, 1989, and must not have reached the age of 32 as of August 01, 2024.
  • The maximum age for Junior Time Scale positions with Central Health Services cannot be greater than 35 (thirty-five years) on the specified deadline.
  • The maximum age can be lowered in the following ways.
CategoryAge Relaxation
Unreserved CategoryNil
Scheduled Caste (SC)Up to 5 years
Scheduled Tribe (ST)Up to 5 years
Other Backward Classes (OBC)Up to 3 years
Domicile of Jammu & KashmirUp to 5 years
Ex-servicemen (including Commissioned Officers and ECOs/SSCOs who have rendered at least five years of Military Service)Up to 5 years
Defence Services Personnel ( disabled in operations during hostilities with any foreign country or in a disturbed area and released as a consequence thereof)Up to 3 years
Military Service Persons (in the case of ECOs/SSCOs who have completed an initial period of assignment of 5 years of Military Service)Up to 5 Years
General Candidates with Physical DisabilityUp to 10 years


MBBS students who have passed both the written and practical parts of their final examination are eligible to apply. Additionally, candidates who have either taken or are yet to take their final MBBS examination can also apply. This means that you can apply for the position if you have completed your MBBS studies and passed the required exams, or if you are in the process of finishing your final exams. Ensure you meet this requirement before applying to avoid any issues with your eligibility.


Final year candidates will be admitted to the UPSC CMS 2025 examination if they meet all other requirements. However, if they cannot provide documentation proving they passed the written and practical portions of the final M.B.B.S. Examination along with the complete application, their admission will be deemed provisional and subject to cancellation. This documentation must be submitted to the Commission by the candidates who qualify based on the results of the computer-based examination. The evidence of passing the necessary test should be dated before the due date (close date) of the complete Application Form for the Combined Medical Services Examination, 2025.

Although a candidate who has not yet finished the required rotating internship is academically qualified to sit for the exam, they will not be hired until they have finished the required rotating internship.

Nationality / Citizenship

A candidate must fit one of the following categories:

  1. An Indian citizen
  2. A subject of Nepal
  3. A subject of Bhutan
  4. An Indian citizen who migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, the East African nations of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia, and Vietnam.
  5.   A Tibetan refugee who crossed the border of India before January 1, 1962.

Candidates who fall under categories (2), (3), (4), and (5) above must possess a certificate of eligibility from the Indian government, which must be shown during document verification to avoid having their application denied.

A Part-time Job that Pays like Full-time

UPSC CMS Application Process

Application fees

Candidates may use any of the following methods to pay the UPSC registration fee:

  • Candidates must create a challan and deposit cash at any SBI branch to pay offline.
  • Candidates can pay for their applications online using SBI Net Banking, Visa, Mastercard, RuPay credit/debit cards, or SBI Internet Banking.
  • The application fees vary depending on the category:
CategoryApplication fee
GeneralINR 200/-
OBCINR 200/-

It should be noted that candidates paying with cash must print the “Pay-in slip” the system generates during Part-II registration and deposit the amount at the SBI bank the next working day.

Application Steps

To apply for the UPSC Combined Medical Services Examination (CMS) 2025, candidates must complete the online application process. The UPSC CMS 2025 announcement will include a link to the application form. Candidates need to first register with UPSC CMS in two steps: the One Time Registration (OTR) and the application form submission. This registration process is necessary before you can complete and submit the application form. Make sure to follow all instructions carefully and complete both steps of registration to ensure your application is processed correctly. Check the official announcement for detailed information and important dates related to the application process.

To apply for the UPSC CMS online test, candidates need to take the processes outlined below:

  • Step 1: Go to, the official website.
  • Step 2: Select the announcement labeled “Online application for various UPSC examinations.”
  • Step 3: Choose “Part-I Registration”.

UPSC CMS Part 1 registration

  • Click ‘Yes’ after reading the instructions completely.
  • Type the following information in:
  • Name as it appears on your high school diploma or secondary school diploma.
  • Gender Category
  • DOB
  • Names of the Mother and Father
  • Nationality
  • Family Status
  • With ID Number and Photo
  • educational background
  • Address, Email, and Telephone
  • ‘Save & Continue’ should be clicked.
  • ‘Payment’ should be made.
  • Select “Exam Centre” and then click “Continue.”
  • Click “Submit” after adding the scanned copies of your “Photo,” “Signature,” and “Photo ID Card.”
  • An ID for your registration will be created. The candidate’s email ID will also receive an email.

UPSC CMS Part 2 registration

  • Type the following information in:
  • Registration Number
  • Birthdate
  • Captcha code derived from the on-screen picture
  • Now choose “Submit.”
  • After reading every detail you provided, click “Confirm.”

Required documents for registration

Before filling out the registration form for the Combined Medical Services Examination, make sure you have the necessary documents and information ready. This includes your personal details, educational qualifications, and identification documents. Having all the required papers and information on hand will help you complete the registration process smoothly and accurately. Ensure you have scanned copies of important documents if needed, and double-check that you meet all eligibility requirements. Being well-prepared will help you avoid delays and issues during the registration process. Review the official guidelines to confirm what documents and information are required before starting your application. The needed paperwork and information are listed below:

  • scanned copies of the photo and the signature
  • Identity card with photos in PDF format
  • for an online transaction, bank information
  • Class 10 and 12 report cards and admission cards

The photo’s dimensions are listed below, along with the signature:

Scanned ImageFile Size
Photo3 KB – 40 KB
Signature1 KB – 40 KB

Required ID Proof for Registration

The candidates must provide a scan of one of the picture identification cards listed below:

  • Voter ID card
  • Pan card
  • Passport
  • Driving license
  • Aadhar card

UPSC CMS Admit Card

To download the UPSC CMS admit card, applicants need to enter their login information and registration number. It is crucial to have the admit card with you on the exam day to be allowed to take the test. Make sure to download and print your UPSC CMS hall ticket before the exam and keep it safe. Without the admit card, you will not be permitted to enter the examination hall. Check the official website for details on how to download your admit card and any additional instructions. Ensure you bring the printed admit card with you to the exam to avoid any issues.

Candidates may download their UPSC CMS admit card by following the steps indicated below.

  • Step 1: Go to, the UPSC’s official website.
  • Step 2: Choose the Admit Card link on the website’s Home page.
  • Step 3: Click “Yes” after reading the instructions on the website.
  • Step 4: If “By Roll Number” is chosen, enter the roll number and the date of birth, or if “By Registration ID” is chosen, enter the registration ID and the date of birth.
  • Step 5: click the submit button.
  • Step 6: Obtain your UPSC CMS admission card.

Admit Card Details

The UPSC CMS admission card contains the following details:

  • Name
  • Roll No.
  • Photo ID Card
  • Centre 
  • Father’s Name 
  • Mother’s Name
  • Location of Exam

Exam Centre Details

The UPSC CMS 2025 examination will be conducted in the following cities:

ChandigarhNagpurChennaiPanaji (Goa)
CuttackPatnaDehradunPort Blair
DelhiPrayagraj (Allahabad)DharwadRaipur

UPSC CMS Exam Pattern

The UPSC CMS 2025 exam consists of two rounds: a written examination and a personality test. The written exam includes two papers: Paper I and Paper II. Each paper is worth 250 marks and lasts two hours. The test is conducted with multiple-choice questions, and the question booklet is in English. Candidates who perform well in the written papers will qualify for the personality test, which is worth 100 marks. To increase your chances of advancing to the next stage of the selection process, make sure to prepare thoroughly for both Paper I and Paper II.

The following  is the UPSC CMS written exam pattern:

RoundNo. of QuestionsDurationMarks
Written examinationPaper IGeneral Medicine962 hours250
Paper IISurgery (ENT, Ophthalmology, Traumatology, and Orthopedics)402 hours250
Gynecology & Obstetrics40
Preventive & Social Medicine40
Complete total2404 hours500
Personality/Interview (Eligible upon clearing the written test)100
Total marks600
  • A 0.33 mark is subtracted per each incorrect response.
  • If a student selects more than one answer for an MCQ, points are taken away.
  • If no response is chosen, no points are deducted.

UPSC CMS Syllabus

The following is the UPSC CMS examination syllabus:

Paper I
General MedicinePediatrics
PaediatricsSocial and Community Medicine
Concept of Health, Disease, and Preventive Medicine
Health Administration and Planning
General Epidemiology
Demography and Health Statistics
Communicable Diseases
Environmental Health
Nutrition and Health
Non-communicable diseases
Occupational Health
Genetics and Health
International Health
Medical Sociology and Health Education
Maternal and Child Health
National Programmes
Management of common health problems
Ability to monitor national health programs
Knowledge of maternal and child wellness
Ability to recognize, investigate, report, plan and manage
community health problems including malnutrition and emergencies.
Paper II
Surgery (ENT, Ophthalmology, Traumatology, and OrthopedicsOBSTETRICS
Ante-natal conditions
Intra-natal conditions
Postnatal conditions
Management of normal labor or complicated labour
Questions on applied anatomy
Questions on applied physiology of menstruation and fertilization
Questions on infections in the genital tract
Questions on neoplasms in the genital tract
Questions on the displacement of the uterus
Normal delivery and safe delivery practices
High-risk pregnancy and management
Intrauterine growth retardation
Medicolegal examination of the body and Gynae including Rape.
Conventional contraceptives
U.D. and oral pills
The operative procedure, sterilization and organization of programs in
the urban and rural surroundings
Medical Termination of Pregnancy
Gynecology & ObstetricsOBSTETRICS
Ante-natal conditions
Intra-natal conditions
Postnatal conditions
Management of normal labor or complicated labor
Questions on applied anatomy
Questions on applied physiology of menstruation and fertilization
Questions on infections in the genital tract
Questions on neoplasms in the genital tract
Questions on the displacement of the uterus
Normal delivery and safe delivery practices
High-risk pregnancy and management
Intrauterine growth retardation
Medicolegal examination of the body and Gynae including Rape.
Conventional contraceptives
U.D. and oral pills
The operative procedure, sterilization and organization of programs in
the urban and rural surroundings
Medical Termination of Pregnancy
Preventive & Social MedicineOBSTETRICS
Ante-natal conditions
Intra-natal conditions
Postnatal conditions
Management of normal labor or complicated labor
Questions on applied anatomy
Questions on applied physiology of menstruation and fertilization
Questions on infections in the genital tract
Questions on neoplasms in the genital tract
Questions on the displacement of the uterus
Normal delivery and safe delivery practices
High-risk pregnancy and management
Intrauterine growth retardation
Medicolegal examination of the body and Gynae including Rape.
Conventional contraceptives
U.D. and oral pills
The operative procedure, sterilization, and organization of programs in
the urban and rural surroundings
Medical Termination of Pregnancy

UPSC CMS Result and Cutoffs

UPSC CMS Results

Through an online process, the conducting organization announces the results of the Combined Medical Services Examination on 30th July 2024

1. Candidates must only use the official website to view the results. To check the UPSC CMS 2025 result, follow the instructions below:

  1. Visit the UPSC official website.
  2. Navigate to the “Written Result” section on the homepage.
  3. Locate and click on the “UPSC CMS Result 2025” link.
  4. When the PDF file opens, use Ctrl+F to find your roll number and see if it is present.
  5. For future reference, download the UPSC CMS result in PDF format.

UPSC CMS Cutoffs

You can estimate the expected cut-off for the UPSC CMS 2025 exam by looking at results from previous years. The cut-off depends on several factors, including the number of available positions, the total number of applications received, and the overall performance of candidates. These elements influence the final cut-off marks. By analyzing past trends and considering these factors, you can get a rough idea of what the cut-off might be for the upcoming exam. However, remember that each year’s cut-off can vary, so it’s important to stay updated with official announcements for the most accurate information.

The cut-off for the exam from the prior year is compared in the following table.

Here’s the updated table with the cut-off marks for the UPSC CMS exam, including the data for 2025:

CategoryCut-Off Marks (Out of 500) For 2019Cut-Off Marks (Out of 500) For 2020Cut-Off Marks (Out of 500) For 2023Cut-Off Marks (Out of 500) For 2024Cut-Off Marks (Out of 500) For 2025

These cut-off marks are based on previous trends and the latest available information. Keep in mind that the actual cut-off marks may vary, so it’s important to stay updated with official announcements for the most accurate information.

UPSC CMS Selection Process

Here’s the UPSC CMS 2025 selection process:

  1. Written Examination:
  • Paper I:
    • Topics: General Medicine and Pediatrics
    • Format: Computer-based test (CBT) featuring multiple-choice questions
  • Paper II:
    • Topics: Surgery, Gynecology & Obstetrics, and Preventive & Social Medicine
    • Format: Computer-based test (CBT) featuring multiple-choice questions

2. Personality Test:

  • Eligibility: Candidates who pass the written examination
  • Evaluation: Conducted by a panel to assess personality traits, communication abilities, and overall suitability for the position.

UPSC CMS Perks & Allowances

The UPSC CMS 2025 comes with a variety of benefits and allowances that enhance the basic salary. Here are some of the notable perks:

  • Non-Practicing Allowance (NPA): This is set at 20% of the basic salary and is granted to medical officers who refrain from private practice, ensuring they are rewarded for their dedicated service to the government.
  • Dearness Allowance (DA): Calculated as a percentage of the combined basic pay and NPA, this allowance is adjusted regularly to counteract inflation, helping to preserve the salary’s purchasing power amid rising costs.
  • House Rent Allowance (HRA): Offered when government housing is unavailable, this allowance assists in covering rental expenses, ensuring that officers have appropriate living conditions.
  • Transport Allowance: This is provided to cover commuting costs between home and the workplace, making daily travel more economical for officers.
  • Medical Benefits: Officers and their dependents receive extensive health coverage, ensuring access to essential medical services without financial strain.
  • Leave Travel Concession (LTC): This benefit allows officers to travel with their families to their hometowns or other destinations within India, promoting a healthy work-life balance by encouraging vacations and family time.

These allowances and benefits significantly enhance the appeal of UPSC CMS positions, offering financial security and additional support for officers in both their professional and personal endeavors.

UPSC CMS Salary Structure

The base pay for the UPSC CMS positions is ₹56,100 INR. However, the salary may vary depending on the specific position within the UPSC Combined Medical Services. After being selected, candidates will undergo a two-year probationary period. During this time, their performance will be evaluated, and successful completion of the probation period is required to confirm their appointment. Make sure to consider the salary details and probationary requirements when applying for these positions. Keep updated with official notifications for any changes in pay scales or additional information regarding the probation period.

IAssistant Divisional Medical Officer in the Railwayslevel 10 of Pay Matrix (Rs. 56100-177500/-) and it carries Non-Practising Allowance
IIMedical Officers Grade in General Duty Medical Officers Sub-cadre of Central Health Service.Level-10 (Rs. 56,100 to Rs.1,77,500/-) of the pay matrix and NPA
Junior Scale Posts in the Central Health Service.Level-10 (Rs. 56,100 to Rs.1,77,500/-) of the pay matrix and NPA
General Duty Medical Officer in the New Delhi Municipal Council:Pay Matrix Level-10 Rs. 56,100-1,77,500/- + restricted Non-practicing allowance (NPA).
General Duty Medical Officer Gr.II in East Delhi Municipal Corporation, North Delhi Municipal Corporation, and South Delhi Municipal Corporation:Salary at the minimum of the first cell of Rs.56,100/- in level 10 of the Pay Matrix under the 7th CPC

Those selected will be qualified to obtain bonuses and benefits in addition to the pay. Pensions and occasional gratuities will be paid to the employees. The candidates will be transferred to higher grades based on their experience.

UPSC CMS Preparation Tips

To prepare effectively for the UPSC CMS 2025 exam, follow these tips:

  1. Understand the Exam Pattern: The exam has two parts – a written exam and an interview. The written exam includes objective-type questions on General Medicine, Pediatrics, Surgery, and Obstetrics & Gynecology. Familiarize yourself with the question format and mark distribution for better-focused preparation.
  2. Study the Syllabus: Break down the comprehensive syllabus into manageable sections. Use standard medical textbooks and reference materials, make study notes, and regularly review key concepts.
  3. Practice Past Papers: Solve previous years’ question papers and sample papers to understand the exam’s difficulty and question types. Practice under timed conditions to improve speed and accuracy.
  4. Stay Updated: Keep an eye on the UPSC official website and other reliable sources for important updates, such as exam dates, application procedures, and other announcements, to avoid missing critical deadlines.
  5. Prepare for the Interview: The interview tests your medical knowledge, problem-solving skills, and communication. Practice common medical and general knowledge questions, engage in mock interviews, and work on clear, confident articulation.

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Frequently Aksed Questions (FAQ’s)

Q1 Who is eligible for UPSC CMS?

Ans. To be eligible, a candidate must be an Indian citizen, a citizen of Nepal or Bhutan, or a Tibetan refugee who has been residing in India since before January 1, 1962. The age limit for the open category is set at 32 years, with certain relaxations: 5 years for SC/ST individuals, residents of Jammu and Kashmir, and ex-military personnel; 3 years for those in the OBC category; and 10 years for candidates with physical disabilities.

Q2 What is the work of the UPSC CMS officer?

Ans. A medical officer qualified through the UPSC CMS has a range of responsibilities that encompass regular visits to hospital wards and outpatient clinics, conducting physical examinations, and managing public health initiatives and sanitation efforts. They are also tasked with ensuring staff discipline, inspecting vendors, and providing occupational health services. Additionally, they oversee the maintenance of medical equipment and ensure the safe disposal of biological waste.

Q3 What is UPSC CMS salary?

Ans. The initial salary for a UPSC CMS Medical Officer is approximately INR 56,100, with the potential to rise to INR 1,77,500 monthly, based on the specific position and department. In the Delhi Municipal Corporations, a GDMO Grade-II receives a monthly salary ranging from INR 15,600 to 39,100, along with a grade pay of INR 5,400.

Q4 What are the posts in UPSC CMS?

Ans. A medical officer who qualifies through the UPSC CMS can apply for positions like General Duty Medical Officer in Central Health Services, Assistant Divisional Medical Officer within Indian Railways, and General Duty Medical Officer Grade-II across several Municipal Corporations in Delhi.

Q5 How many times can I take the UPSC CMS Examination?

Ans. The candidate is allowed to take the UPSC CMS examination once a year, provided they are not older than 32 years as of August 1st of the current academic year. For candidates belonging to certain categories, such as SC/ST or ex-servicemen, there is an age relaxation of 5 years, making the upper age limit 37 years. Additionally, individuals with physical disabilities can benefit from a 10-year age relaxation.

Q6 What is the registration date of UPSC CMS 2025?

Ans. The registration for UPSC CMS 2025 starts on February 19, 2025, and ends on March 11, 2025. Make sure to complete the online application within this period. For detailed instructions, refer to the official UPSC notification.