CGPSC 2025: Unlock Top Career Opportunities in Chhattisgarh

February 3, 2025

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

The Chhattisgarh Public Service Commission (CGPSC) has announced the much-anticipated CGPSC Notification 2025, offering candidates a valuable opportunity to pursue a career in public service. As the governing body responsible for conducting competitive exams, CGPSC selects qualified individuals for key administrative roles in the state. The exam aims to identify dedicated and knowledgeable candidates committed to serving the people of Chhattisgarh. Those who meet the eligibility criteria and wish to contribute to the state’s development are encouraged to apply.

The CGPSC Exam 2025 follows a structured selection process comprising three stages: the Preliminary Exam, the Main Exam, and the Personal Interview. These stages evaluate candidates’ aptitude, knowledge, and personality to ensure they meet the necessary qualifications. The syllabus covers subjects such as General Studies, General Knowledge, Language Proficiency, and specialized topics related to the chosen field. This rigorous process ensures that only the most capable candidates secure administrative positions. Successful candidates have the opportunity to contribute to policymaking, public welfare initiatives, and the overall development of the state, making a meaningful impact on society.


Latest Updates:

  • CGPSC Mains exam registration is open and can apply from the official website.
  • A total of 242 vacancies were released for CGPSC 2025.
  • The CGPSC released Answer keys for the exam conducted on the 11th of February 2024. The Prelims exam results are to be released soon on their official website.

CGPSC 2025: Overview

Below are the essential highlights of CGPSC 2025.

Full-Form of the ExamChhattisgarh Public Service Commission Exam
Mode of ApplicationOnline
Exam ModeOffline
Exam DurationPrelims- 2 hours for each paper
Mains- 3 hours for each paper
LanguageEnglish and Hindi
Job locationChhattisgarh
Stages of selectionPrelims, Mains and Interview
Official Website

CGPSC Notification 2025

The notification for the CGPSC 2025 exam is released on the official website. The application procedure started immediately after the notification.


Exam Dates 2025

The examination dates for CGPSC 2025 have been provided below as announced:

CGPSC Notification 2025 Release DateNovember 27, 2024
Beginning of ApplicationsDecember 01, 2024
End of applicationsDecember 31, 2024
CGPSC Admit CardJanuary 2025
CGPSC Prelims Exam DatesFebruary 09, 2025
CGPSC Prelims ResultsTo Be Announced
CGPSC Mains Exam DateTo Be Announced
CGPSC Mains ResultsTo Be Announced

Eligibility Criteria 2025

Candidates planning to appear for the Chhattisgarh PSC Exam must meet the eligibility criteria set by the commission. The requirements include factors such as nationality, age limit, educational qualifications, and the necessary degree. Applicants who do not meet these criteria will not be allowed to take the exam. Therefore, it is essential for candidates to review the eligibility conditions carefully before applying.


To be eligible for CGPSC 2025, the candidate must be a citizen of India.

Age Limit

Age Criteria: The minimum age requirement for all candidates is 21 years.

Candidates who are not permanent residents of ChhattisgarhThe maximum age limit for candidates is 30 years.
Candidates who are residents of ChhattisgarhThe age limit for Chhattisgarh domiciles/residents has been extended by five years, allowing candidates up to age 35 to apply.

Age Relaxation Criteria

Multiple age relaxation criteria are applicable for CGPSC 2025.

No. of Relaxation YearsCondition
Up to max 5 years A candidate will be considered eligible if they are a domicile/bonafide Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, or Other Backward Class (OBC) as officially recognized by the Government of Chhattisgarh.
Up to max 3 yearsA candidate who is or was a sportsperson and has been awarded the Shaheed Rajiv Pandey Award, Gundhahur Samman, Maharaj Bhanjdev Samman, or similar honors, is eligible.
Up to max 8 yearsIf a candidate falls under the aforementioned (ii) category and also belongs to a Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, or OBC as recorded by the Government of Chhattisgarh, they will be eligible.
Up to max 5 yearsA candidate who is a widow/widower applying for their first appointment is eligible.
Up to max 2 yearsA candidate who possesses a Green Card under a family welfare program is eligible.
Up to max 5 years.A candidate who is one of the partners in an inter-caste marriage under the inter-caste marriage scheme of the Inter-Caste Marriage Department for Harijan, Tribal, and Backward Class Welfare, as per GAD Memo no. C-1085 dated 3-9-1985, is eligible for up to 5 years.
Up to max 5 yearsA candidate who is or was a sportsperson and has been awarded the Shaheed Rajiv Pandey Award, Gundhahur Samman, Maharaj Bhanjdev Samman, or similar honours, is eligible.
Up to 5 max yearsApplicants must have served in military service for at least 5 years.
Up to max 8 yearsA candidate who is filing under a specific category specified by the authorities is eligible.
Up to max 10 yearsA physically handicapped candidate is eligible, provided they submit the necessary certificates.

Physical Eligibility Criteria

a. All candidates must undergo a comprehensive medical examination to assess their physical and mental well-being.

b. Candidates who do not meet the specified physical fitness requirements will not be considered for appointment to the relevant service.

c. Additionally, candidates’ mental health must be evaluated and deemed satisfactory.

d. Specific criteria for height and chest measurements are also applicable.

S.No.Name of the PostHeightChestExpansion
ManWithout ExpansionWith Expansion
1.Dy. Superintendent of Police168 c.m84 c.m89 c.m.5 c.m.
2.District Excise Officer5’4”31”33”
3.Transport Sub-Inspector165 c.m.81.50 c.m.
4.Excise Sub-Inspector165 c.m.81 c.m.85 c.m.
5.Assistant Jailor1.65 m.0.80 m.

Education Eligibility

To be eligible for CGPSC 2025, candidates must meet specific educational requirements. To meet the minimum educational qualification, one must possess a degree from a university in India that is recognized and established under an Act of the state or Central Legislature. Additionally, degrees obtained from other educational institutions established under an act of parliament or deemed universities are also considered valid.

Candidates awaiting their examination results but meeting the required educational qualifications are eligible to apply. Additionally, individuals with government-recognized technical or professional qualifications equivalent to a degree can also participate in the exam.

CGPSC Application Form 2025

How to apply for CGPSC?

Candidates intending to take the CGPSC 2025 exam must complete the online application form, accessible on the official website. The following instructions outline the application process:

Step 1: Go to the official CGPSC website –

Step 2: Click on “Online Applications.”

Step 3: From the menu, select “State Service Examination – 2025.”

Step 4: Click on “View Advertisement of State Service Examination-2025” to gather important details about the exam.

Step 5: Click on “Online Application of State Service Examination.”

Step 6: the next window opens, click on “Register” and provide the candidate’s name, email address, and mobile number. Generate and enter an OTP to register successfully.

Step 7: Log in using your credentials, click on “Apply Now,” complete your application form, and proceed with document upload.

Step 8: Upload all the required documents, such as previous year mark sheets, Aadhar card, caste certificate, etc., in good quality and submit them.

Step 9: Proceed with the process of payment of the application fee and pay the specified application fees online using any of the provided options.

Step 10: After the successful fee payment process is complete, for future reference, it is recommended that the candidate download and print a hard copy of the application form for CGPSC 2025, and the receipt of your fee payment.

Required Documents for CGPSC Application Form:

Before filling out the CGPSC application form, candidates must have the following documents ready:

  • High School, Intermediate, and Graduation mark sheets
  • A scanned copy of a passport-sized photograph
  • A scanned copy of your signature
  • Certificate of caste, disability, widowhood, etc.
  • A signature is to be uploaded in both Hindi and English.

CGPSC Application Fees 2025:

To complete the application process, candidates must pay the required exam fee, which varies depending on the post. The fee for the Prelims exam must be paid online, along with an additional portal charge of Rs. 30/-. Payment can be made using credit or debit cards or through net banking.

Candidate CategoryFees
GeneralRs. 400

CGPSC Admit Card

The CGPSC (Chhattisgarh Public Service Commission) Admit Card for the upcoming CGPSC Exam 2025 will be available on the official website before the examination. Candidates who have applied for the CGPSC Exam should download the admit card using their login credentials. Here are the steps to obtain the CGPSC Admit Card:

Step 1: Go to the official CGPSC website at

Step 2: Locate and click on the notification box providing the link for the CGPSC 2025 admit card.

Step 3: Enter your birthdate and CGPSC Application number.

Step 4: Click on the Login link.

Step 5: The CGPSC Exam Admit Card 2025 will be displayed on the screen.

Step 6: Download the admit card and make sure to print it.

Step 7: Read the instructions on the admit card carefully.

Details Mentioned:

The CGPSC Admit Card for 2025 may include the following information about the candidates:

  • Category
  • Registration number
  • Father’s Name
  • Address
  • Gender
  • Age
  • Address of the Examination Center
  • Date and Time of Examination
  • Reporting Time
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CGPSC Exam Pattern

The examination consists of two stages: Prelims and Mains. Candidates must clear both to qualify for the final selection. The Prelims includes 150 questions, each worth one mark, with a duration of 2 hours. The Mains is a written, subjective-type exam. The detailed exam pattern is provided in the table below.

CGPSC Prelims Exam Pattern

The table below presents the exam pattern for the CGPSC 2025 Prelims:

Mode of ExamOffline (OMR Based)
Type of QuestionsObjective Type Questions (MCQs)
No. of paperFirst Paper- General Studies
Second Paper- Aptitude test
No. of QuestionsFirst Question Paper -100
Second Question Paper- 100
Maximum Marks400 Marks
Marking Scheme2 marks each awarded for the correct answer
1/3 mark deducted for every incorrect answer
Duration of Exam2 hours each paper

CGPSC Mains Exam Pattern

The table below presents the exam pattern for the CGPSC 2025 Mains:

PaperName of Question PaperMarks
Paper ILanguage200
Paper IIIHistory, Constitution and Public Administration200
Paper IVScience, Technology, and Environment200
Paper VEconomics and Geography200
Paper VIMathematics and Logical Ability200
Paper VIIPhilosophy and Sociology200
Total Marks1400
Interview / Personality Test150
Grand Total Marks1550

CGPSC Interview

Candidates who pass the preliminary and main exams proceed to the personal interview stage. During this phase, candidates are evaluated based on various factors such as their mental agility, ability to articulate thoughts clearly and logically, critical thinking skills, leadership qualities, intellectual prowess, moral integrity, and more. The personality test carries a weightage of 150 marks. The final selection of candidates recommended for the CGPSC Civil Services examination is determined by the combined scores achieved in the Mains examination and the personal interview.

Only candidates who successfully pass all three stages will be deemed eligible for the available positions.

The scores obtained in paper 2 of the preliminary examination will not be considered during the final selection process.

CGPSC Syllabus

A clear understanding of the syllabus is essential for effective exam preparation, helping candidates focus their efforts efficiently. Those appearing for the CGPSC 2025 exam should familiarize themselves with the detailed syllabus for both stages. The latest syllabus can be found in the table below.


Paper 1Part-1
History of India and Indian National Movement.
Constitution of India & Polity
Physical, Social & Economic Geography of India.
Indian Economy.
Current Affairs & Sports.
General Science & Technology.
Indian Philosophy, Art, Literature & Culture.

History of Chhattisgarh, & Contribution of Chhattisgarh in Freedom Movement, Geography, Climate, Physical status, Census, Archaeological and Tourist Centres of Chhattisgarh. Literature, Music, Dance, Art, and Culture,
Idioms and Proverbs, Puzzle/riddle, Singing of Chhattisgarh.
Industry in Chhattisgarh, Energy, Water and Mineral Resource of Chhattisgarh. Tribes, Special Traditions, Teej, and Festivals of Chhattisgarh. Economy, Forest, and Agriculture of Chhattisgarh.
Administrative Structure, Local Government, and Panchayati Raj of Chhattisgarh Current Affairs of Chhattisgarh.  
Paper 2Interpersonal skills including communication skills
Logical reasoning and analytical ability
General mental ability
Decision-making and problem-solving
Basic Numeracy (Class 10 level), Data Interpretation (Charts, graphs, tables, data sufficiency, etc.)
Knowledge of Hindi Language
Knowledge of Chhattisgarhi language.  


Paper-I Language PaperPaper-VII Welfare and Development, Sports
Paper- II EssayPart- 1 International and National Level Issues Part- 2 Chhattisgarh State Level Issues
Paper- III History, Constitution, and Public AdministrationPart-1 Welfare, Development Programme, and Laws Indian Society, Human Rights Protection Legislation 1993, Protection is granted to Females (CRPC) under the Indian Constitution & Criminal Law (Penal Code). Protection Act 2005 to Females from Domestic Violation, Scheduled Tribes and Scheduled Castes Atrocity Protection Law 1989, etc.

Part- 2 International and National Events, Sports, and Organization, United Nations and its Associated Organizations. SAARC, BRICS, International Monetary Fund, National and International Sports and competitions, World Trade Organization, World Trade Organization’s impact on India, etc.

Part- 3 Internal and National Institute and their Role in Human Development Availability of Skilled Human ResourcesIssues related to Girls’ Education, Employability and Productivity of Human Resources, National Educational Research and Training Council, All India Technical Education CouncilIssues related to Disabled People, etc.
Paper-IV Science, Technology, and EnvironmentPart-1 General Science Physics (Class10 level), Biology (Class10 level), Chemistry (Class10 level)

Part-2 Aptitude Test, Logical Reasoning, Mental Ability Rational Numbers, Banking Mathematics, Ratio Proportion, Factorization, Vedic Mathematics, etc

Part-3 Applied and Behavioural Science Role of IT in Rural India, Energy Resources, Computer Knowledge, Agricultural Sciences, Bio-diversity, etc.
Paper-V Economics & GeographyPart-1 Economics of India and Chhattisgarh Indian Economy, RBI, Rural Development, Child Labour Problem, State Finance and Budgetary Policy, etc.    

Part- 2 Geography of India Physical Features Population Drainage System Agriculture Minerals and Mining Sources of Energy, etc.    

Part- 3 Geography of Chhattisgarh Physical Features of Chhattisgarh, Vegetation, Locations, Wildlife, Agriculture, Minerals, Sources of Energy, etc.
Paper- VI Mathematics & Logical AbilityPart -1 Philosophy Nature of Philosophy, Gandhiji- Ahinsa, Satyagraha Its relationship between religion and culture, Dharma theory, etc

Part-2 Sociology Importance of Sociology Caste and Class Social Group Indian Social Problems, etc.

Part-3 Social Aspects of Chhattisgarh Tribal Social Organization, Marriage, Family, Clan Tribal Development, Folk arts of Chhattisgarh, Fairs and Festivals of Chhattisgarh, Tourism in Chhattisgarh, etc,
Paper-VII Welfare and development, SportsPaper-VII Welfare and Development, Sports


The results will be announced shortly after the examination, including candidates’ scores and the minimum qualifying marks for different categories. Once released, candidates can check their results on the official website. Follow these steps to access the results:

  • Visit the CGPSC website: Click here
  • Select the ‘Result’ option for the Prelims/Main exam.
  • A PDF file of selected candidates will appear.
  • Use the CTRL + F shortcut to open the search dialogue window and type your CGPSC roll number.
  • If your roll number is on the list, it means you have been selected. You may also choose to download and save the result for future reference.


Candidates appearing for the CGPSC exam should familiarize themselves with the various types of cut-offs required to qualify for the exam.

Qualifying Cut-Off – The qualifying cut-off marks mentioned in the CGPSC notification pertains to the minimum marks required for CGPSC aspirants to pass. General category students must score a minimum score of 33%, while reserved category students must secure at least 23% in both the Prelims and Mains CGPSC exams.

CGPSC 2022 Qualifying Marks for Prelims

CategoryThe qualifying cut off %Qualifying marks out of 200

CGPSC 2022 Qualifying Marks for Mains

CategoryThe qualifying cut off %Qualifying marks out of 1400

Final Cut-off: To progress to the next stage of the selection process, aspirants need to achieve the minimum required marks known as the final cut-off. The overall cut-off for each round is determined based on the total score. The final cut-off can vary in each stage and is influenced by various factors.

Factors Affecting the Cut-off:

When determining the cut-off for each stage of the CGPSC exam, several factors are taken into account. The following factors are considered in formulating the cut-off:

a. Difficulty level of each stage of the exam.

b. Total number of vacancies announced by the Commission.

c. Number of candidates who appeared for the exam.

CGPSC Selection Process

The Chhattisgarh Public Service Commission selection procedure for 2025 employs a multi-stage strategy for various positions, particularly the State Services Examination (SSE) and other comparable exams. The normal selection procedure consists of the following stages:

  • Preliminary Examination
  • Main Examination
  • Interview (Personality Test)
  • Final Merit List

CGPSC Salary

Chhattisgarh Public Service Commission (Chhattisgarh PSC) recruits’ eligible candidates for class A and class B services, and the pay scale for each class is different. It has various posts under them, and their salary varies as per the class of positions. The salary of Chhattisgarh PSC employees ranges from Rs. 25,300 to Rs. 56,100, based on the different pay scales. And this salary is decided by the official authorities.

The salaries of CGPSC officers depend upon under which class the employee comes. If an employee comes under a class A officer, then their salary will be relatively higher than a class B officer. Besides a good salary, Chhattisgarh PSC provides multiple facilities to their employees, such as Dearness Allowance (DA), Travel Allowance (TA), HRA, Pension schemes, and medical benefits. They also provide a secure job environment to their employees, and for more details about salary, the candidate should go through the official notification.

CGPSC PostPay Scale
Group A
Deputy District MagistrateRs. 56,100
Deputy Superintendent of PoliceRs. 56,100
Accounting OfficerRs. 56,100
Superintendent district jailRs. 56,100
District fighter, city serviceRs. 56,100
Assistant registrar, cooperative institutionsRs. 56,100
Chhattisgarh subordinate accounting servicesRs. 56,100
Group B
Commercial tax inspectorRs. 36,100
Excise sub-inspectorRs. 28,700
Deputy RegistrarRs. 28,700
Assistant jail superintendentRs. 28,700
Commercial Tax OfficerRs. 25,300

Upon appointment as CGPSC Officers, candidates enjoy the following perks and privileges:

  • Transport allowances
  • Dearness allowance
  • House accommodation
  • Reimbursement of phone bill
  • Provision of a free vehicle for official purposes
  • Free-of-cost conveyance
  • Mediclaim and other medical benefits
  • Accommodation facilities
  • Pension through the National Pension System
  • Insurance coverage
  • Leave concessions

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Stop hustling from 9 to 5. Work at your Own Pace.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. What is the CGPSC exam?

Ans. The Chhattisgarh Public Service Commission Exam is a state-level civil service examination administered by the Chhattisgarh Public Service Commission. Examinations are held for a variety of Group A and Group B positions. The Indian Constitution Act 315 governs the Public Services Commissions. Shankar Nagar Road, Bhagat Singh Square, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, is the company’s headquarters. 
CGPSC accepts applications for state police officers, financial service officers, commercial tax officials, superintendents of district jails, labor officers, and district women and child development registrars, among other positions

Q2. How many attempts can a candidate make for the CGPSC Exam?

Ans. The CGPSC Exam can be taken as many times as you like. Candidates can make as many attempts as they want within the age limit set by the Chhattisgarh Public Service Commission, which is the recruiting board. As long as candidates meet all other eligibility criteria, they can attempt the exam multiple times.

Q3. What are the eligibility requirements for the CGPSC 2025 exam? 

Ans. The eligibility requirements for the CGPSC are shown below. 
1.) Only Indian nationals are eligible to participate. 
2.) The aspirant must not be under the age of 21 and over 28. Furthermore, if the person is from Chhattisgarh, they can obtain a 5-year age exemption. 
3.) A bachelor’s degree, or an undergraduate degree in any subject, is required from an authorized state or central university. 

Q4. What types of positions are offered through the CGPSC post?

Ans. The CGPSC offers various positions, including but not limited to:
State Civil Service (Dy. Collector) 
State Finance Service Officer 
State Police Service (DSP) 
Superintendent, District Jail 
Commercial Tax Officer 
Assistant Registrar, Cooperatives 
District Women & Child Development Officer 
Labour Officer 
Assistant Director 
Child Development Project Officer 
CG Subordinate Account Service Officer 
Assistant Superintendent (Land Records) 
Subordinate Civil Service (Naib Tehsildar) 
Commercial Tax Inspector 
Excise SI 
Deputy Registrar 
Assistant Jail Superintendent 
Cooperative Tax Inspector 

Q5. What is the age limit for CGPSC? 

Ans. The candidate’s age should be between 21 and 29 years old. Candidates in the General Category must be under the age of 29. Candidates from Chhattisgarh, regardless of caste or tribe, can apply for age relaxation of up to 35 years. Age relaxations of eight years are available to OBC/SC/ST candidates. Candidates with parents in the military might anticipate a three-year age reduction.