IAS Exam 2025: Latest News, Dates, Eligibility, Syllabus & Application

January 29, 2025

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) organizes the Indian Administrative Service (IAS) Exam, which is considered one of India’s most prestigious civil service exams. Each year, aspirants from all over the country take this fiercely competitive exam intending to secure a position in the Indian civil services. The IAS Exam is divided into three stages: the Prelims (or Preliminary stage), the Mains stage, and the Personality Test (or Interview stage).

IAS Exam

The Prelims or the Preliminary Examination consists of two objective-type papers, commonly referred to as Paper I and Paper II. Paper I evaluates the aspirants’ general knowledge and aptitude skills, while Paper II tests their English language comprehension and decision-making ability. The Main Examination, on the other hand, consists of nine papers, including an essay paper, four General Studies papers, two optional papers, and two language papers. The Personality Test is the final stage, wherein the candidates’ personality, communication skills, and overall suitability for civil services are assessed. Cracking the UPSC IAS Exam requires a comprehensive understanding of the syllabus, rigorous preparation, and unwavering dedication toward achieving one’s goal.

The calendar for the UPSC IAS Exam 2025 has been released, prompting aspiring candidates to begin their exam preparation without delay. According to the UPSC 2025 calendar, the Civil Services Preliminary examination is scheduled to take place on 25th May 2025. Additional details regarding the UPSC 2025 exam schedule, syllabus, exam pattern, and Civil Services exam preparation are provided in the following sections.

Latest Updates from the UPSC IAS Exam

  • 25th May 2025 – Preliminary Exam Date for IAS Exam
  • 11th Feb 2025 – Application date ending for UPSC IAS Exam

UPSC IAS Exam Notification 2025

The IAS Exam notification 2025 notification has been released.

UPSC IAS Highlights 2025

Below are the essential highlights of the UPSC IAS Exam 2025:

OrganizationUnion Public Service Commission (UPSC)
Purpose of ExamTo recruit the candidates for All India and Central Civil Services
Level of ExamNational
No of VacanciesTo be notified
LanguageEnglish and Hindi
Number of Services24 (Includes IAS, IPS, IFS)
Number of Attempts6
Duration of ExamPrelims (2)- 2 hours for each paper (GS & CSAT)
Mains (9) – 3 hours for each paper (Essay, Language, GS-I, II, III, IV, Optional) Personality Test – not fixed
Exam ModeOffline – pen and paper mode
Application ModeOnline
Eligibility CriteriaIndian, Age – 21 to 32, Education – Bachelor’s Degree
Fees of Application (prelims)INR 100/- for GEN category
Exam PatternPrelims (Qualifying Only) – 400 Marks
(CSAT -200 Marks only Qualify)
Mains (written) – 1750 Marks
Mains (Personality Test) – 275 Marks
Official websitehttps://www.upsc.gov.in/
Helpline011-23098543 / 23385271 / 23381125 / 23098591

Exam Dates For UPSC IAS 2025

The examination months for UPSC IAS Exam 2025 have been provided below since the exact dates have not yet been announced:

IAS Exam 2025 EventsIAS 2025 Exam Date
Notification Releases22nd January 2025
Application Form Opens22nd January 2025
Application Form Closes11th February 2025
Prelims Exam Admit Card ReleasesTo be notified
Prelims Exam Date Starts25th May 2025
Result Declaration of Prelims ExamTo be notified
Mains Admit Card issuedTo be notified
Mains Exam starts22nd August 2025
Final Result Declaration of UPSC IAS Exam 2025To be notified

Eligibility Criteria for UPSC IAS

To be eligible to apply for the IAS exam, candidates must meet certain eligibility criteria, which are outlined in the UPSC IAS exam notification. These criteria include educational qualifications, age limit, nationality, physical standards, and the number of attempts. Details regarding the eligibility criteria can be found in the notification, but in summary, candidates must meet all of the aforementioned requirements to be considered eligible for the exam.

Nationality Eligibility Criteria

The UPSC IAS exam notification outlines the eligibility criteria for the IAS exam, which includes nationality requirements. Candidates must meet one of the following criteria:

  • Be a citizen of India.
  • Be a subject of Nepal.
  • Be a subject of Bhutan.
  • To be eligible, you must have arrived in India before January 1, 1962, as a Tibetan refugee to settle in India permanently.
  • Be a person of Indian origin (PIO) who migrated from Pakistan, Sri Lanka, East African countries of Kenya, Uganda,  Burma, the United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Ethiopia, Zaire, or Vietnam intending to permanently settle in India.

Age Limit for the IAS Exam

The UPSC sets the age limit for the IAS exam. Applicants need to review the age criteria before applying for the IAS 2025 exam. Candidates who are 21 years old or older and under 32 years old as of August 2025 are eligible for the UPSC IAS exam. The age limits for different categories are outlined in the table below.

CategoryMinimum Age LimitMaximum Age Limit

Educational Qualifications for IAS Exam

The educational qualifications required for the IAS exam are stated in the UPSC 2025 notification, which specifies that any individual who holds a graduate degree from a government-recognized university or possesses a degree of equivalent value is eligible to apply for the IAS 2025 exam. The candidates who wish to apply for the IAS Exam must meet the educational qualifications as stipulated by the authorities. The educational requirements for the IAS Exam 2025 are as follows:

  • To be eligible to take the IAS (UPSC CSE) exam, candidates must hold a degree from a university recognized by the government or possess a qualification equivalent to it.
  • Candidates who are waiting for their final year results or in their final year of study are also permitted to take the UPSC IAS Prelims Exam.
  • Individuals possessing technical and professional qualifications recognized by the government as being equivalent to professional and technical degrees are also eligible to apply for the exam.

Number of Attempts for UPSC Exam

When applying for the IAS Exam, the eligibility of candidates is determined based on several factors, including the number of attempts. Below is a table that lists the number of attempts allowed for each category of candidate:

CategoryNumber of Attempts
SC/STUnlimited (Upto Age Limit)

Admit Card FOR UPSC IAS 2025

The UPSC is yet to release the admit card for the IAS exam 2025. It will be available for download on the official website a few days before the exam. Candidates must enter their login credentials, which comprise their Application or Registration Number and Password/Date of Birth, to download the admit card. Candidates must possess the admit card on the day of the examination, as entry to the exam hall will be prohibited without it.


The UPSC admit card 2025 will contain all the essential details needed for the exam day. After the release of the IAS exam admit card, it is recommended that candidates verify the information provided on it. The following details should be checked on the IAS 2025 admit card:

  • Candidate’s name
  • Father’s name
  • Mother’s name
  • Date of birth
  • Captcha code as displayed on the screen
  • Exam center


During the registration for the IAS exam, the UPSC provides a list of exam centers. Since the UPSC exam is conducted at a national level, candidates are given the option to select their preferred exam center. During registration, candidates must provide a list of their preferred exam centers. The table below displays the available exam centers for the UPSC exam.

IAS (UPSC CSE) Exam Centres
CuttackKozhikode (Calicut)Thiruvananthapuram
GayaNavi MumbaiVisakhapatnam
GhaziabadGautam Buddh NagarWarangal
A Part-time Job that Pays like Full-time

UPSC IAS Exam Pattern

The UPSC designs the IAS exam format such that candidates must participate in three separate stages, namely:

  • Prelims – Stage 1
  • Mains – Stage 2
  • Interview – Stage 3

To be selected for any of the available positions, the candidate must successfully pass all three stages and achieve the final cutoff as determined by the UPSC after the interview round. If there are any modifications to the UPSC IAS exam pattern in 2025, the UPSC will provide all relevant information in the official notification for UPSC IAS Exam 2025.

UPSC IAS Prelims Exam Pattern

The first stage of the IAS Exam is the UPSC Prelims, which consists of two papers: General Studies I and CSAT (General Studies Paper II). Your performance in the General Studies paper determines your selection to the UPSC Mains. Therefore, your performance in the General Studies Paper will be considered for the Prelims cutoff.

It is important to note that incorrect answers will result in negative markings, with 1/3rd of the total marks allotted for each question being deducted as a penalty. However, there will be no penalty for leaving a question unanswered.

  • The IAS Prelims Exam consists of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) which are of the Objective Type.
  • Negative marking is applicable for incorrect answers in the Prelims stage, with 1/3rd (0.66) of the marks allotted for that question being deducted.
  • In the IAS exam, the GS Paper II (CSAT) is qualifying, and candidates need to score a minimum of 33% in this paper to proceed to the next stage, i.e., the Mains.
  • In the IAS Exam (Prelims), candidates with visual impairment are provided an additional 20 minutes for each paper. To qualify for the next stage, candidates must appear in both papers of the civil services prelims exam. The marks obtained by candidates in the preliminary examination are not considered for the final score; it only serves as a screening test where those failing to secure the cut-off marks are eliminated.

The IAS 2025 Prelims Exam Pattern is provided in the table below.

ParticularsPaper I General StudiesPaper II CSAT
No of Questions10080
Marks Allotted200200
Time Allotted2 Hours2 Hours
SubjectsThe score will be considered for the CutoffComprehension, Interpersonal Skills, Logical reasoning, Decision, General Basic numeracy, Mental Ability, Data interpretation.
Nature of ExamComprehension, Interpersonal Skills, Logical reasoning, Decision, General Basic numeracy, Mental Ability, and Data interpretation.To Qualify Candidates will have to score 33% to qualify CSAT.

UPSC IAS Mains Exam Pattern

In Stage II of the UPSC exam, known as the IAS Exam, candidates will have to appear for the UPSC Mains. The IAS Mains consists of two categories of papers: Paper A (qualifying) and Paper B (merit ranking). The Language paper and the English paper make up Paper A and Paper B, respectively, and they are qualifying papers.

  • UPSC Civil Services IAS Mains Exam, candidates have the option to choose Hindi, English or any other language listed in the 8th Schedule of the Indian Constitution as their medium of writing.
  • The Indian Languages allowed in the IAS exam are those included in the 8th Schedule of the Indian Constitution.
  • If a candidate scores above the cut-off marks specified for the IAS Mains exam, they will receive a summons for the Personality Test, which is the last stage of the IAS exam.
  • The final ranking of candidates will be based on their scores in both the Main Examination and the Personality Test/Interview round of the IAS exam.

The marks scored in these papers will not be taken into account while determining the candidate’s rank. However, the remaining papers will be evaluated for merit purposes. The IAS 2024 Mains Exam Pattern has been outlined in the table below for your reference.

PaperSubjectTotal Marks/DurationNature of Paper
Paper AIndian Language300/3 HoursQualifying
Paper BEnglish Language300/3 HoursQualifying
Paper IEssay (Can be written in the medium of the candidate’s choice)250/3 HoursMerit
Paper IIGeneral Studies – 1 (Indian Heritage & Culture, History & Geography of the World & Society)250/3 HoursMerit
Paper IIIGeneral Studies – 2 (Governance, Constitution, Polity, Social Justice & International Relations)250/3 HoursMerit
Paper IVGeneral Studies – 3 (Technology, Economic Development, Biodiversity, Security & Disaster Management)250/3 HoursMerit
Paper VGeneral Studies – 4 (Ethics, Integrity & Aptitude)250/3 HoursMerit
Paper VIOptional Subject – Paper 1250/3 HoursMerit
Paper VIIOptional Subject – Paper 2250/3 HoursMerit

Interview Stage for UPSC IAS Exam

The third and final stage of the selection process for the IAS Exam is the UPSC Interview/Personality Test. This phase carries a weightage of 275 marks, contributing to a maximum total of 2025 marks. During the interview, candidates are evaluated by the board on various attributes such as their:

  • Mental sharpness
  • Capacity for critical thinking
  • Aptitude for analysis
  • Proficiency in assessing risks
  • Ability to handle crises
  • Potential for leadership
  • Intellectual and ethical integrity

UPSC IAS Exam Application Process

To apply for the IAS exam in 2025, candidates must complete the online application process on the UPSC website (upsc.gov.in). The application has been released on January 22, 2025 (tentative), and candidates must apply before the last date. General category candidates are required to pay the application fee.

Here are the steps to follow for completing the IAS 2025 application form:

  • Go to the UPSC website – upsc.gov.in
  • Click on the UPSC IAS Exam Application Form on the Home Page.
  • Enter your login details to access the application form.
  • Register by filling in the required fields. 
  • Once you have registered, a registration ID and password will be sent to the candidate’s email ID and phone number
  • Use the registration ID and password to log in.
  • Fill out the application form with all the necessary details.
  • Upload the required scanned documents.
  • Make the payment for the application form.
  • Review all the details to ensure accuracy, and then submit the application form.

UPSC IAS Exam Documents required


Candidates are recommended to gather all necessary documents and details before filling out the IAS exam application form. A list of the required documents and details that should be prepared in advance is given below:

  • A valid email address and phone number.
  • Scanned copies of the candidate’s photograph and signature.
  • Details of a valid photo ID card.
  • Certificates such as caste certificates (if applicable) and others.
  • Personal and academic details.
  • Details of fee payment, including debit/credit card information.

Application Fees For UPSC IAS 2025

Candidates have the option to pay the IAS exam Application fee either online or offline. Online payment can be made using a credit card, debit card, Rupay card, or Internet Banking Services. For offline payment, candidates can download the e-challan and pay the fee in cash at SBI bank branches the next day. The payable amount for all candidates is specified as follows:

CategoryApplication Fees
General and OBCINR 100/-
SC/ST/PWD and FemaleExempted

UPSC IAS Exam Syllabus 2025

UPSC Prelims Syllabus

The Prelims GS(General Studies) Paper I Syllabus as given by the UPSC is:

Understand the Indian political system and governance, including the Constitution, Panchayati Raj, Public Policy, and Rights Issues.
Acquire knowledge on the past of India and the Indian National Movement.
Stay informed about national and global current affairs that have significance and impact.
Gain knowledge of the physical, social, and economic geography of India and the world.
Gain knowledge and comprehension regarding economic and social development areas, including sustainable development, poverty, inclusion, demographics, and social sector projects.
Be aware of general issues related to environmental ecology, biodiversity, and climate change, even without specialized knowledge.
Gain knowledge of general science topics.
GS Paper I (Objective Type) evaluates candidates’ general awareness across a wide range of subjects.
Cover Indian Polity, Geography, History, Indian Economy, Science and Technology, Environment and Ecology, International Relations, and related UPSC Current Affairs in your preparation.

The Prelims GS Paper II (CSAT) Syllabus as given by the UPSC is:

Interpersonal abilities, including effective communication.
Understanding and interpretation of information.                      
Logical reasoning and analytical thinking.
Ability to make decisions and solve problems.
General cognitive ability.
Interpretation and analysis of data, including charts, graphs, tables, and data sufficiency, at the level of Class X.
Fundamental numeracy skills (such as numbers, their relations, and orders of magnitude, at the level of Class X).

UPSC IAS Mains Exam Syllabus

IAS Syllabus for UPSC Mains GS-I

General Studies-I comprises three subjects: Indian Heritage and Culture, Society, History, and Geography of the World, which are collectively worth 250 marks

The scope of Indian culture encompasses Art Forms, Literature, and Architecture, spanning from ancient times to the present era.
The history of the world from the 18th century, including events such as the Industrial Revolution, world wars, colonization, decolonization, and political philosophies like communism, capitalism, socialism, etc. and their societal impact, constitutes an essential subject matter.
The role of women and women’s organizations, population issues, poverty, developmental concerns, urbanization, and their associated challenges and solutions are significant topics.
The critical features of the world’s physical geography comprise a fundamental subject matter.
The distribution of primary natural resources across the world, including South Asia and the Indian sub-continent, and the factors responsible for the location of primary, secondary, and tertiary sector industries in various parts of the world, including India, are important areas of study.
The period of modern Indian history, commencing from the mid-eighteenth century to the current times highlights significant events, personalities, and issues.
The period of modern Indian history, commencing from the mid-eighteenth century to the current times, highlights significant events, personalities, and issues.
The effects of globalization on Indian society, including social empowerment, communalism, regionalism, and secularism, constitute a vital area of study.
The Freedom Struggle, characterized by distinct stages and noteworthy contributors from diverse parts of the country, forms a crucial aspect of the curriculum.
The salient features of Indian society, including its diversity, form a crucial part of the curriculum.
The process of consolidation and reorganization within the country after gaining independence is an integral part of the syllabus.

IAS Syllabus for UPSC Mains GS-II

General Studies-II: Governance, Constitution, Polity, Social Justice and International Relations (250 Marks)

India and its Neighborhood: Relations with Neighboring Countries.
Effect of Policies and Politics of Developed and Developing Countries on India’s Interests: A Critical Analysis and Assessment of Impact on the Indian Diaspora.
Bilateral, Regional, and Global Groupings and Agreements: An Examination of those Involving India and/or Affecting India’s Interests.
The Role of Civil Services in Democracy: An Overview of their Functioning and Responsibilities.
Poverty and Hunger: An Overview of Related Issues.
Development Processes and the Development Industry: The Role of NGOs, SHGs, Various Groups and Associations, Donors, Charities, Institutional, and Other Stakeholders.
International Institutions, Agencies, and Fora: An Overview of Their Structure, Mandate, and Relevance.
Governance, Transparency, and Accountability: An Analysis of Important Aspects, including E-governance Applications, Models, Successes, Limitations, and Potential, Citizens’ Charters, Transparency and Accountability Measures, and Institutional Measures.
Statutory, Regulatory, and Quasi-judicial Bodies: An Overview of their Roles and Functions.
Constitutional Posts and Bodies: The Appointment Process, Powers, Functions, and Responsibilities of Various Constitutional Bodies.
Welfare Schemes for Vulnerable Sections: An Examination of Centre and State Schemes, Mechanisms, Laws, Institutions, and Bodies for their Protection and Betterment.
Social Sector/Services: Development and Management Issues related to Health, Education, and Human Resources.
The Indian Constitution: Its historical roots, evolution, features, amendments, significant provisions, and fundamental structure.
Comparison of the Indian Constitutional Scheme: A Comparative Study of Parliament and State Legislatures, their Structure, Functioning, Conduct of Business, Powers, and Privileges.
International Institutions, Agencies, and Fora: An Overview of their Structure, Mandate, and Relevance.
Separation of Powers and Dispute Redressal Mechanisms: An Overview of the Organs and Institutions Involved.
The Executive and the Judiciary: An Analysis of their Structure, Organization, and Functioning, including Ministries and Departments of the Government, Pressure Groups, and Formal/Informal Associations.
Union and State Functions and Responsibilities: Challenges in the Federal Structure, Devolution of Powers and Finances up to Local Levels, and Related Challenges.
The Representation of People’s Act: A Study of its Salient Features.

IAS Syllabus for UPSC Mains GS-III

General Studies-III: Technology, Economic Development, Bio-diversity, Environment, Security and Disaster Management (250 Marks)

Science and Technology in India: Developments, Applications, and Effects on Everyday Life.
Inclusive Growth and Related Issues in India.
Government Budgeting and Its Implications in India.
Inclusive Growth and Related Issues in India.
Awareness in Emerging Technologies and Issues Related to Intellectual Property Rights in India.
Conservation, Environmental Pollution, and Degradation: Impact and Assessment in India.
Disaster Management in India: Challenges, Strategies, and Best Practices.
Agriculture in India: Crops, Irrigation, Storage, Transport, Marketing, and Technology.
Investment Models and Opportunities in India.
Security Challenges and Their Management in Border Areas in India: Organized Crime, Terrorism, and Related Issues.
Land Reforms in India: Issues, Challenges, and Progress.
Planning, Resource Mobilization, Growth, Development, and Employment in the Indian Economy.
Food Processing and Related Industries in India: Scope, Significance, Requirements, and Supply Chain Management.
Farm Subsidies, Minimum Support Prices, Public Distribution System, Food Security, and Animal Rearing in India.
Liberalization, Industrial Policy, and Industrial Growth in India: Effects and Implications.
Government Budgeting and Its Implications in India.
Infrastructure Development in India: Energy, Ports, Roads, Airports, Railways, and More.
Challenges to Internal Security in India: Communication Networks, Media, Social Networking Sites, Cyber Security, and Money-Laundering.
Security Forces and Agencies in India: Mandate, Roles, and Challenges.
Development and Extremism: Linkages, Causes, and Remedies in India.
External and Internal Actors in Creating Challenges to Internal Security in India: State and Non-State Perspectives.
Conservation, Environmental Pollution, and Degradation: Impact and Assessment in India.

Syllabus for UPSC Mains GS-IV

General Studies-IV: Ethics, Integrity, and Aptitude(250 Marks)

Probity in Governance: This section will discuss the concept of public service, the philosophical basis of governance and probity, right to information, information sharing and transparency in government, codes of conduct, codes of ethics,  citizen’s charters, work culture, quality of service delivery, utilization of public funds, and challenges of corruption.
Aptitude and Foundational Values for Civil Service: This section will focus on the foundational values required for civil service, including integrity, impartiality, non-partisanship, objectivity, dedication to public service, empathy, tolerance, and compassion towards weaker sections.  
Public/Civil Service Values and Ethics in Public Administration: This section will address the status and problems of public/civil service values and ethics in public administration, as well as ethical concerns and dilemmas in government and private institutions. Additionally, it will explore laws, rules, regulations, and conscience as sources of ethical guidance, accountability and ethical governance, the strengthening of ethical and moral values in governance, ethical issues in international relations and funding, and corporate governance
Probity in Governance: This section will discuss the concept of public service, the philosophical basis of governance and probity,right to information, information sharing and transparency in government, codes of conduct, codes of ethics,  citizen’s charters, work culture, quality of service delivery, utilization of public funds, and challenges of corruption.
Ethics and Human Interface: This section will explore the essence, determinants, and consequences of ethics in human actions, as well as the various dimensions of ethics. Additionally, it will examine ethics in private and public relationships, lessons learned from the lives and teachings of great leaders, reformers, and administrators, and the role of family, society, and educational institutions in inculcating values.
Emotional Intelligence: This section will discuss the concepts of emotional intelligence, their utilities, and their applications in administration and governance.
Contributions of Moral Thinkers and Philosophers: This section will examine the contributions of moral thinkers and philosophers from India and around the world.
Case Studies: The paper will conclude with case studies on the above issues to provide practical examples of the topics covered.


  • Although the UPSC does not provide a defined syllabus for the essay paper, candidates must address the topics listed below.
  • The essay paper is divided into two sections: Section A and Section B, with each section containing four topics.
  • Candidates must choose one essay topic from each section, requiring them to write a total of two essays.
  • Each essay is worth 125 marks, with a total of 250 marks available.

Important Topics for Essays from Previous Year Questions

  • Ethics and Moral Values
  • Women’s Rights and Empowerment
  • Indian Society: Challenges, Values, and Progress
  • Technology: Advancements and Ethical Implications
  • Democracy: Indian Administration and Governance
  • Economy: Growth, Development, Globalization, and Issues
  • Education: Policies, Challenges, and Reforms
  • Philosophical Essays: Notable Thinkers, Ideas, and Quotations.


The syllabus for Indian Language & English in the UPSC exam can be summarized as follows:

  • The paper is divided into two sections: English and any one of the Indian languages listed in Schedule 8 of the Indian Constitution.
  • The question paper will be at the 10th-grade level and will be qualifying in nature.
  • Candidates need to score a minimum of 33% marks to pass this paper.
  • Candidates can select any of the Indian languages mentioned in Schedule 8 of the Indian Constitution for this paper.
  • The paper will consist of the following types of questions:
  • a. Essay: 100 marks
  • b. Reading comprehension: 60 marks
  • c. Precis Writing: 60 marks
  • d. Translation:
  • (i) English to the selected language: 20 marks
  • (ii) Selected language to English: 20 marks
  • e. Grammar & basic language usage: 40 marks


The syllabus for UPSC Optional Subjects can be summarized as follows:

  • The UPSC Mains exam includes two optional papers: Paper I and Paper II.
  • Each optional paper is worth 250 marks.
  • UPSC provides a list of optional subjects from which candidates can select their preferred option.
  • The selection of an appropriate optional subject can have a significant impact on a candidate’s final result, hence it is crucial to make a careful and informed choice.

List of Optional Subjects for UPSC 2025 Mains Exam

Mechanical Engineering    
Civil Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Political Science
Commerce & Accountancy
Medical Science

UPSC Literature Optional Subjects

English Literature     


  • The final phase of the selection process for UPSC, commonly known as the Personality Test, is the UPSC interview.
  • This interview carries a total weightage of 275 marks.
  • Notably, the UPSC has not prescribed any specific syllabus for the Personality Test.

The UPSC Mains Exam qualifiers will proceed to the ‘Personality Test/Interview’ stage, where:

  • An appointed UPSC board will conduct the interview.
  • The suitability of the candidate for a career in public service will be assessed by a competent and impartial board of observers.
  • The Personality Test will evaluate the candidate’s mental ability, intellectual aptitude, social characteristics, and interest in current affairs.
  • As per the notification, some of the qualities that the interview will evaluate are mental agility, critical thinking, clear and logical expression, balanced judgement, diverse and profound interests, social cohesion, and leadership skills, as well as intellectual and moral integrity.

Cut Off For UPSC IAS Exam

Soon after the commencement of the IAS exam, the UPSC will release the cutoff marks for 2024 on its website. Various factors contribute to the determination of the UPSC IAS 2024 cutoff marks. Candidates can refer to the previous year’s cutoffs and consider the following factors to estimate this year’s cutoff:

The cutoff for the IAS exam is influenced by the following factors:

  • The complexity of the question paper
  • The number of available vacancies
  • The number of individuals who appeared for the exam.
CategoryIAS Prelims CutoffIAS Mains CutoffIAS Final Cutoff
CategoryIAS Prelims CutoffIAS Mains CutoffIAS Final Cutoff

UPSC IAS Exam Results

The UPSC IAS Exam 2025 results will be announced by the Union Public Service Commission on their official website for both prelims and mains. The results will be available in digital format, displaying the merit list of candidates along with their respective names and roll numbers. In addition, the marks secured by the qualified candidates will also be made available in PDF format. The website will also offer a direct link to download the mark sheet for candidates who have cleared the civil services examination. Finally, after the mark sheets are released, the UPSC IAS Exam 2025 final merit list will be published.

Salary And Benefits For UPSC IAS Exam

The Central Government provides the salary and other allowances for IAS officers, who are regarded as some of the highest-paid employees within the government of India. Under the latest pay structure, individuals who pass the UPSC CSE exam and become an IAS officer or any other civil service member will receive a basic salary of INR 56,100/-. According to the 7th Pay Commission, the starting salary for an IAS officer is around INR 70,000.

Post NamePay ScaleGrade Pay
Sub-Divisional Magistrate (SDM) & SDOINR 50,000 to INR 1,50,000INR 16,500
Sub-Collector (2 years after probation)INR 50,000 to INR 1,50,000INR 16,500
District Magistrate (DM)INR 50,000 to INR 1,50,001INR 20,000
CollectorINR 50,000 to INR 1,50,001INR 20,000
Joint Secretary (Government of India)INR 50,000 to INR 1,50,001INR 20,000
Special SecretaryINR 50,000 to INR 1,50,002INR 23,000
Head of Government DepartmentsINR 50,000 to INR 1,50,002INR 23,000
Secretary (Minister)INR 1,00,000 to INR 2,00,000INR 26,000
Principal SecretaryINR 1,00,000 to INR 2,00,000INR 30,000
Chief Secretary (States)INR 2,25,000
Union Secretary (Ministries of Government)INR 2,25,000
Cabinet Secretary of IndiaINR 2,25,000 

The salary structure for IAS officers comprises several elements, including basic pay, HRA, TA, DA, medical allowances, and additional benefits such as housing, security, transportation, medical coverage, telephone/internet expenses, newspaper subscriptions, and study leave.

UPSC Selection Process

  • Preliminary Examination
  • Main Examination
  • Interview/ Personality Test
  • Final Selection

UPSC Preparation Tips for 2025

IAS exam
  • Understand the syllabus completely: Study the UPSC syllabus in depth. Identify key areas and subjects.
  • Create a systematic study strategy: Prepare a daily and weekly schedule. Set aside time for each subject, based on your skills and shortcomings.
  • Focus on NCERT books: Begin with NCERT books for a solid foundation. Cover NCERT books from 6th to 12th grade for relevant subjects.
  • Read newspapers every day.
  • Focus on editorials to develop analytical abilities. Make notes on major current events.
  • Practice writing your answers: Start early and write regularly. Time yourself to increase speed and precision.
  • Prepare notes: Create brief, well-organized notes for revision. Use mind maps and flowcharts to improve retention.
  • Solve prior year’s question papers. Analyze the pattern and types of questions asked. Practice with time limits.
  • Join an excellent test series that helps in self-evaluation and identifying weak areas. Simulates exam conditions.
  • Focus on the optional subject: Select your optional subject wisely. Set aside enough time to master it.
  • Revise regularly: Schedule time for daily and weekly revision. Use mnemonics and other memory strategies to improve recall.

UPSC CSE Exam Dates, Fees, Eligibility & Notification

IPS Exam Dates, Fees, Eligibility & Notification

IRS Exam Dates, Fees, Eligibility & Notification

CSAT Exam Dates, Fees, Eligibility & Notification

Stop hustling from 9 to 5. Work at your Own Pace.


Q1. What is UPSC IAS?

Ans. The Indian Administrative Service (IAS) exam organized by the Union Public Service Commission or UPSC, is one of the most challenging and esteemed competitive examinations in India. Its purpose is to select candidates for several administrative positions within the Indian Civil Services.

Q2. What are the UPSC IAS eligibility requirements?

Ans. To be eligible for the exam, the candidate must meet the following criteria:
●     Hold Indian citizenship.
●     Have achieved the age of 21 years but not yet reached 32 years as of August 1st in the year of the exam.
●     A bachelor’s degree from a recognized university is required.

Q3. What is the UPSC IAS exam pattern?

Ans. The UPSC IAS exam is conducted in three stages: Preliminary Exam, Main Exam, and Interview. The Preliminary Exam comprises two objective-type papers, while the Main Exam consists of nine descriptive-type papers. The final stage of the exam is the Interview.

Q4. What is the syllabus for UPSC IAS?

Ans. The syllabus for UPSC IAS includes topics from a wide range of subjects such as History, Geography, Polity, Economy, Science and Technology, Environment and Ecology, Ethics, and Aptitude.

Q5. How can I apply for UPSC IAS 2025?

Ans. The application process for UPSC IAS 2025 will be conducted online on the official website of the Union Public Service Commission. The detailed notification for the exam will be released on the official website. Candidates can apply for the exam by filling out the online application form and paying the requisite fee.

Q6. How much is the UPSC IAS 2025 application fee?

Ans. The application fee for UPSC IAS 2025 is expected to be Rs. 100/- for General and OBC candidates. The application fee is waived for SC/ST and female candidates.

Q7. How can I prepare for UPSC IAS 2025?

Ans. UPSC IAS 2025 preparation requires dedication, hard work, and commitment. Candidates should make a study plan and stick to it. They should refer to the best books and study material available for each subject. They should also solve the previous year’s question papers and take mock tests to evaluate their preparation. It is also important to stay updated with current affairs and events happening around the world.