DSSSB 2025: Ultimate Success Guide

February 7, 2025

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

The Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board (DSSSB) was established to recruit qualified, skilled, and competent individuals through written exams, professional tests, and interviews, as required. The Board is committed to creating hiring and selection processes that align with international standards, ensuring the selection of the most capable candidates for various departments.

Latest Updates from DSSSB

  •  DSSSB TGT 2025 Recruitment will be announced soon along with the application dates.
  •  The DSSSB TGT Exam for TGT Punjabi & TGT Urdu was held on 13th October 2024 for the previous cycle.
  • The selection of the DSSSB TGT is based on the CBT Test which will be held for 200 marks.

DSSSB Exam 2025: Highlights

OrganizationDelhi Subordinate Services Selection Board
Post NamePersonal Assistant, Junior Assistant, Clerk, MTS, TGT, PGT, and Others
Exam DateTo be announced
Application ModeOnline
Exam ModeOnline
Recruitment ProcessOne Tier examination
Education QualificationVaries with posts
Age LimitVaries with posts
SalaryVaries with posts
Exam Helpdesk No.22370229
Official websiteWebsite Link

DSSSB Notification 2025

For the DSSSB Exam 2025, the DSSSB has released a notification. Take a look at the following details about these updates.

Post CodesPostsDSSSB Notification
802/2023Junior Assistant, Stenographer Grade-II, Lower Division Clerk, Typist/Lower Division Clerk, Jr. Stenographer, Stenographer & Asstt. Grade I, Junior Stenographer (Hindi/English).Click to download
803/2023Horticulture Section Officer Click to download
801/24 & 802/24; 803/24 to 812/24 and 01/24 to 08/24JJA, TGT, MTS, PA and PharmacistsClick to download

DSSSB Important Dates 2025

Aspirants who want to apply for the job should be aware of the exam dates to prepare for the examination easily.

Important eventsDate
DSSSB Notification 2025January 16, 2025
Registration StartJanuary 16, 2025
Registration EndsFebruary 14, 2025
DSSSB Admit Card releaseOne week before the exam
DSSSB Exam DateTo be announced
DSSSB release of Answer keyTo be announced
DSSSB ResultTo be announced
DSSSB Score Card if applicableTo be announced

DSSSB Vacancies

A total of 432 vacancies are released under DSSSB Vacancy 2025 for various roles, including clerk, MTS, JJA, TGT, and PGT.

Post DSSSB Vacancy 2025
Pharmacists and Others
Non Teaching
Assistant Teacher (Nursery)
Total 439

DSSSB Eligibility Criteria 2025

According to the Department’s recruitment rules, the applicant must meet the requirements for the position to which he or she is applying in terms of age, education, experience, and other factors.

The criteria specified in the advertisement regarding nationality, age, experience, educational and technical qualification, etc. will be used as of 07th April 2024.


Aspirants must adhere to the age limit criteria as discussed below.

Post NameAge limit
Instructor MillwrightNot exceeding 30 years
Technical Assistant (Junior)Not exceeding 30 years
Maintenance MechanicNot exceeding 30 years
Craft InstructorNot exceeding 30 years
Employability Skills InstructorNot exceeding 30 years
Workshop Calculation and Science InstructorNot exceeding 30 years
Workshop Attendant18- 27 years
PA/JJA18-32 years
TGT18-32 years
MTS18-32 years
Pharmacists and Others18-32 years
Non Teaching18-32 years
PGT18-32 years
Assistant Teacher (Nursery)18-32 years
Section Office (Agriculture)18-32 years

Here are some Age relaxations given to candidates in the reserved category. Get the detailed information from the table below, the category corresponding to the Age limit.

CategoriesGroupUpper limit Age relaxation
SC/STGroup B & C5 years
OBCGroup B & C3 years
PwDGroup B & C10 years
PwD + SC/STGroup B & C15 years
PwD + OBCGroup B & C13 years
 Departmental candidatesGroup BUp to 5 years
Group CUp to 40 years of age (43 years for OBC & 45 years for SC/ST)
Ex-servicemenGroup B (Non-Gazetted) & CMilitary service + 3 years
Meritorious Sports PersonsGroup CUp to 05 years (08 years for OBC & 10 years for SC/ST)
Disabled Defence services personnelGroup C45 years (48 years for OBC & 50years for SC/ST)
Widows/ divorced women/ women judicially separated and who are not remarried nowGroup CUp to 35 years (Up to 38 years for OBC & 40 years for SC/ST)

Educational Qualification

The aspirants need to fulfil some educational and technical qualifications to be a perfect fit for the applied position. The academic qualifications that candidates have to adhere to are given here in correspondence with the post name. Candidates can check the detailed Technical qualifications in the official notification released by DSSSB.

Post NameAcademic Qualification
Instructor Millwright,  (i) A three-year Mechanical Engineering diploma from a reputable university, board, or institution AND (ii) Two years of teaching or working experience in a related business or organization after getting the necessary training.
Technical Assistant (Junior)  (i) A three-year Mechanical Engineering diploma from a reputable university, board, or institution AND (ii) Two years of teaching or working experience in a related business or organization after getting the necessary training.
Maintenance Mechanic(i) A three-year Mechanical Engineering diploma from a reputable university, board, or institution AND (ii) Two years of teaching or working experience in a related business or organization after getting the necessary training.
Craft Instructor10th grade with science and math under the 10+2 system from an accredited school or board.
Employability Skills Instructor(i) Studied English up to the 12th grade or higher and completed at least a year of basic computer training from a recognized institution AND (1) A Master of Business Administration from an accredited institution or university. OR (2) Hold a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from a reputable institution or university and have two years of training, industry, or teaching experience in a school, college, university, or industrial organization. OR (3) A Bachelor’s degree in Sociology, Social Welfare, or Economics from a reputable university or institution, together with two years of experience in training or teaching at a school, college, university, or business. OR (4) You must have graduated from a reputable university or institute and have two years of experience working in education, training, or industry in a facility, school, college, university, or business. You must also have received training in employability skills from DGET-approved institutions.
Workshop Calculation and Science Instructor(i) A mechanical engineering degree from an accredited university. (ii) After receiving the necessary training, one year of experience teaching or working in a reputable industry. OR (i) A three-year Mechanical Engineering diploma from a board or institution that is respected. (ii) After receiving the necessary training, two years of experience teaching or working in a reputable industry.
Workshop Attendant(i) Completion of the 10th grade with a science and math grade from an accredited school, board or university. (ii) State or national trade certification from an accredited institution. OR A nationally recognized institution’s National Apprenticeship Certificate.
Pharmacists and Others
Assistant Teacher (Nursery)
Section Office (Agriculture)
Must at least have a graduation degree relevant to the post applied
Non Teaching12th pass or equivalent qualification from a recognized board

Nationality / Citizenship

The candidate must be a citizen of India to be eligible for the recruitment process of DSSSB 2025.

DSSSB Application

The applications were only accepted online. No other way of submitting the application forms was accepted. Candidates must submit their online applications well before the closing date rather than waiting until the last minute to avoid a last-minute rush. For any reason(s) stated to be out of the candidates’ control, the DSSSB shall not be held liable if they cannot submit their applications within the allotted time frame.

Application fees

After completing the application form, candidates must pay the application fee online. The following are the application fees for various categories:

CategoryApplication Fee
OBC/GeneralINR 100


  • Ex-Servicemen who have previously obtained regular employment with the Central Government, the Government of the National Capital Territory of Delhi, or its autonomous or local bodies after utilizing the benefits of the reservation provided to Ex-Servicemen for their re-employment are NOT qualified for a fee exemption. 
  • Candidates can pay the DSSSB application fee through SBI e-pay. Other forms of payment are not accepted, and the authority will cancel such candidates’ applications.
  • Under no circumstances are the fees deposited refundable.

Application Steps

Eligible aspirants have to apply online at the official website. When completing the online application form, candidates must carefully read the instructions for applying online for the particular position. No request for a change, correction, modification, or change of category will ever be accepted once the online application form has been submitted. No correspondence will be made in this regard, and requests received in this regard in any manner—by mail, fax, email, or hand—will not be entertained.

Candidates must ensure that he or she is enrolled on the DSSSB’s website before submitting an online application. To begin, candidates must register as new users on the exam’s official website. Candidates must follow the steps outlined below:

  • Browse the official DSSB website for more information.
  • Choose ‘Click for New Entry/Registration’
  • Provide the details – Date of birth, class 10th roll number, and class 10th passing year.
  • Click the Submit button.
  • Enter candidates’ names, parents ‘/spouses’ names, gender, nationality, phone number, email address, and password for registration.
  • Read the agreement and mark the box at the bottom of the page if you agree.
  • Click the Submit button.
  • Keep a record of your DSSSB registration number and password.
  • Finally, Press the Proceed button to continue.

Candidates can then follow the below-mentioned steps to fill out the form easily.

  • Candidates who meet the requirements must go to www.dsssbonline.nic.in to apply online.
  • Log in using the user ID and password that was generated at the time of registration.
  • Click on the Apply Online link to apply for the exam.
  • Fill in the necessary details asked while filling out the exam form.
  • Then, upload the asked documents – photo, signature, or any other document.
  • Make the payment as per your category.
  • Download the form and keep it safe for future reference.

According to the officials, any errors in the application form’s data and the application money the candidate paid are his/her responsibility. So, candidates must double-check their online application before submitting it to make sure all the fields have been filled out correctly.

DSSSB Admit Card

DSSSB Exam Admit Card for 2025 is yet to be released. Candidates will be able to download the hall ticket easily. On the day of the exam, candidates must bring their DSSSB Admit Card to the exam centre.

The aspirants can now use the below steps to download the Admit Card for the DSSSB examination. Carry out the steps carefully.

1. Go to the official Website of DSSSB.

2. On the home screen, click the Download Admit Card for DSSSB 2025.

3. The Admit Card tab will open.

4. Fill in the following information:

  • Number of the application
  • Year of birth
  • Fill the captcha
  • Now, click login to sign in.

5. The DSSSB hall ticket will now appear on the screen.

6. Then, candidates can print the Admit card by pressing the download option.

Admit Card Details

The following information about the Exam and Exam Centre will be on the DSSSB 2025 hall ticket:

  • Applicants’ First and Last Names
  • Registration Number
  • Candidate’s Father’s name
  • Address
  • Date of the exam
  • Address of Exam Centre
  • Time to report
  • Important instructions related to the exam
  • Subject and Code for the Subject
Work Anywhere, Anytime Hassle-free Earning

DSSSB Exam Centres

The examination centre for the DSSSB 2025 exam is yet to be announced by the officials. The Board also reserves the right to cancel or set up a new examination centre and divert the candidates from a particular examination centre to another examination centre, if required. The Board also reserves the right to shift candidates from any one centre to some other centre to take the Exam. No request for a change in date, time, or centre of the exam will be accepted under any circumstances.

  • Candidates who applied for the position in the recruitment campaign will be given the exam location.
  • Given that the test is a State-only exam, candidates may not be requested to select their exam location.
  • Because all the centres will only be assigned in the Delhi NCT, candidates won’t have any say in which centre they choose.
  • The candidates are recommended to be at the testing location on time.
  • On a countdown basis, the exam centre will be chosen. To secure their preferred exam site, candidates should register as soon as feasible.
East DelhiTo be announced
South DelhiTo be announced
North DelhiTo be announced
West DelhiTo be announced
Central DelhiTo be announced

DSSSB Exam Pattern

Candidates should have a thorough understanding of the DSSSB exam pattern. To prepare for the DSSSB 2025 recruitment exam must have an overall understanding. The DSSSB 2025 is a Tier Examination. The questions will be Objective type – MCQ based. From here, get all the vital DSSSB Exam Patterns for the year 2025.

TierSectionNo. of questionsTotal MarksPost CodeDuration
One TierSection A: 1. General Awareness 2. General Intelligence & Reasoning ability 3. Arithmetical & Numerical Ability 4. Test of Hindi Language & Comprehension 5. Test of English Language & Comprehension   Section B: Subjects as per the post-chosen20020001/23 – 31/232 hours


  • Each incorrect MCQ answer will result in a 0.25 mark penalty under the use of negative marking.
  • Candidates will have to appear for a mock test, the instructions for which are mentioned on the official website.
  • The final merit list will be compiled using the combined aggregate scores from Sections A and B.
  • For Section A, there are no required minimum scores.
  • The domain subject-specific r/o Section-B of the Tier I Examinations will be the only section for applicants of all postcodes where the minimum required qualifying marks will apply.

DSSSB Syllabus

Students should be well-informed about the latest syllabus and exam pattern. As the preparation of the students is based on the syllabus, candidates must be well-versed in the same. Before taking the exam, candidates should review the marking system and curriculum, as this will assist them in better comprehending the exam format.

DSSSB Syllabus: Section A

General AwarenessGeneral Intelligence & Reasoning abilityArithmetical & Numerical AbilityTest of Hindi Language & ComprehensionTest of English Language & Comprehension
HistoryDifferencesDecimalsHindi GrammarReading Comprehension
Scientific ResearchSimilarities and Analogies  L.C.M & H.C.FReading Hindi ComprehensionSynonyms & Antonyms and it’s the correct usage
Everyday ScienceArithmetical reasoningAverage Time & WorkBasics of Hindi GrammarVocabulary
GeographyProblem-solving  Ratio & Proportion Sentence Structure
Art & CultureJudgmentDiscount, Profit & Loss Grammar
 Analysis  Tables & Graphs Fill in the Blanks
 Decision makingTime & Distance  
 Space visualizationSimple & Compound Interest  
 Relationship & ConceptsMensuration  
 Classification of Verbal and figureSimplification  
 Discrimination & ObservationFractions  
  Data Interpretation  

DSSSB Syllabus: Section B

Section B of the examination is according to the specific subject or qualification. The portion is dependent on the position applied. It is a 100-mark multiple-choice and objective exam. The examination is mandatory for candidates who choose of particular position.

DSSSB Result and Cutoffs

The Delhi Subordinate Service Selection Board – DSSSB is a state-level entrance exam that takes place to hire employees for the NCT Government of Delhi. The information for the DSSSB exam will be available on the Delhi government’s official website, www.delhi.gov.in. The DSSSB 2025 for various posts under the Department of Training & Technical Education (DTTE) has several openings. The forthcoming DSSSB 2025 will take place entirely online. The DSSSB 2025 employment vacancies will be released on 24th February 2025.

The scorecard and the DSSSB result 2025 will be available on the official website. The scorecard will display the individual section scores as well as the combined section score.

DSSSB Results 2025

The DSSSB results for 2025 will be released after the successful completion of the exam. Along with the result PDF document, the category-wise cut-off marks will also be out. Here, we will provide all the vital details of the DSSSB Exam Result and Cut-off marks overview. If two or more applicants in the same category scored the same on the Tier 1 exam:

  1. The candidate who receives better marks in the subject-specific Section B is to be given preference;
  2. If the marks indicated in (1) above are also equal, the older candidate is to be given preference.
  3. In cases where the date of birth is also the same, the candidate with the first name that appears first in the alphabet (in English) will be given a higher ranking for merit.

Follow these steps to check the DSSSB exam results:
1: Start by visiting the official website of DSSSB.
2: Now, you will see a result link click on that.
3: Login into your account.
4: Select the appropriate result link.
5: Go to the DSSSB website and download the results.
Shortlisted candidates are also notified separately by phone, email, or SMS by the board.

DSSSB Cutoffs 2025

DSSSB has the right to impose a minimal cutoff score for every position depending on the number of candidates that apply. The cutoff scores are yet to be released by the officials. The same will be updated here as soon as it is announced through the notification PDF.

Note: Depending on the candidates’ marks and the number of openings in the various categories, the cut-off points for selection may increase.

DSSSB Selection Process 2025

The Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board (DSSSB) recruits for several positions in the Government of the National Capital Territory of Delhi. Here’s a summary of the normal selection procedure for DSSSB 2025:

  • Written Examination
  • Skill Test (if applicable)
  • Document Verification
  • Medical Examination
  • Final Merit List

DSSSB Salary Structure

Candidates who apply for several positions provided by DSSSB 2025 will be paid generously by the Delhi government. Every year, the DSSSB Online Exam takes place. The recruitment gives all candidates a chance to join the distinguished Government Organization. Also, Salary varies depending on the position. Let’s have a look at the pay scales for the various openings available through the DSSSB.

Post NameGrade PayGroupPay Scale
Instructor MillwrightINR 4200Group B, Non-Gazetted, Non-MinisterialINR 35400 – INR 112400 (Pay level 6: INR 9300 – INR 34800)
Technical Assistant (Junior)  INR 4200Group B, Non-Gazetted, Non-MinisterialINR 35400 – INR 112400 (Pay level 6: INR 9300 – INR 34800)
Maintenance Mechanic  INR 4200Group B, Non-Gazetted, Non-MinisterialINR 35400 – INR 112400 (Pay level 6: INR 9300 – INR 34800)
Craft InstructorINR 4200Group B, Non-Gazetted, Non-MinisterialINR 35400 – INR 112400 (Pay level 6: INR 9300 – INR 34800)
Employability Skills InstructorINR 4200Group B, Non-Gazetted, Non-MinisterialINR 35400 – INR 112400 (Pay level 6: INR 9300 – INR 34800)
Workshop Calculation and Science InstructorINR 4200Group B, Non-Gazetted, Non-MinisterialINR 35400 – INR 112400 (Pay level 6: INR 9300 – INR 34800)
Workshop AttendantINR 1900Group C, Non-Gazetted, Non-MinisterialINR 19900 – INR 63200

Important Documents to Carry for DSSSB 2025

On the day of the examination, candidates must bring the following documents to the examination centre.

  • Admit card and Self Declaration (Undertaking) downloaded from the official website (a clear printout on A4 paper) and filled out.
  • A passport-sized photograph (the same as the one supplied with the online application form) will be pasted on the attendance sheet in the Examination Room/Hall.
  • Any of the following government-issued identification proofs with original and valid pictures and no expiration date: PAN Card, Driving License, Voter ID, Passport, Aadhar Card, E-Aadhar, Ration Card, or Bank Passbook.
  • If you are claiming the PwBD category relaxation, you must have a PwBD certificate issued by an authorized medical officer.
  • A simple translucent ballpoint pen.
  • Personal hand sanitiser (50 mL).
  • Personal, translucent water bottle.
  • If the individual is diabetic, sugar pills or fruits (such as bananas, apples, and oranges) should be used.

DSSSB Preparation Tips

After getting a good overview of the DSSSB Syllabus & Exam Pattern, candidates can now go through some of the important tips from our side.

  • Candidates might divide their study time according to the importance of the exam.
  • Candidates must complete all previous year’s papers that are relevant to the exam to identify their deficiencies.
  • Try to give more attention and time to important subjects as the overall score will be affected by the individual scores of each subject.
  • Candidates must practice consistently and take online mock examinations to complete all of the questions in a shorter amount of time.
  • Given that you are studying for 7-8 hours each day, you can stick to a daily schedule to finish your preparation well before the DSSSB exam dates in 2025.
  • Candidates who are weak in the GA/GS part should start studying from the NCERT books. Try to read the newspaper regularly to stay up to date on current events.
  • There is also a plethora of great YouTube channels that give excellent educational information on several topics.

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Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

Q1. How many times does the DSSSB Exam take place each year?

Ans. The DSSSB Examination is held once a year for different positions. In 2025, the applications for Instructor Millwright, Technical Assistant, Maintenance Mechanic, Craft Instructor, Employability Skills Instructor, Workshop Calculation and Science Instructor, and Workshop Attendant are released.

Q2. How many vacancies are there in the DSSSB advertisement number 1/2025?

Ans. DSSSB Recruitment 2023 aims to fill 5118 positions. The vacant positions include Trained Graduate Teachers(TGT) and Drawing Teachers.

Q3. Are women eligible to apply for the DSSSB recruitment in 2025?

Ans. Women are eligible to apply for the DSSSB recruitment 2025. Aspirants must review all the details of the applying positions. Women candidates are exempted from payment of application fees.

Q4. Has the DSSSB completed the application process for the 2025 vacancies?

Ans. The application for the posts under DTTE will last be accepted on 08th March 2025.

Q5. Has the DSSSB vacancy 2025 application process begun?

Ans. Yes, the application period for the DSSSB job opening 2025 (Advertisement No 1/2025) has started. The application will start on 08th February 2025 and come to an end on 08th March 2025.