Nabard Grade B

NABARD GRADE B 2025: Latest Updates, Eligibility, Salary, and Vacancies

January 22, 2025

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

NABARD Grade B (National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development) 2025 exam is a highly competitive examination for those wishing to pursue a career in the banking and finance sector. The exam tests the knowledge and aptitude of candidates in areas such as finance, economics, management, and rural development. The exam consists of three stages: Preliminary, Main, and Interview. Successful candidates are awarded the NABARD Grade B Officer post, a highly coveted position in the banking sector.

Nabard Grade B

NABARD is a government agency responsible for providing financial assistance to the rural economy of India. It also plays a crucial role in monitoring, supervising, and regulating the activities of rural banks and credit institutions. To fulfill its mandate, NABARD recruits officers in Grade B to work in its various departments.

NABARD is inviting applications for the Post of Manager in Grade B in the RDBS (Rural Developing Banking Service). However, Applications for the NABARD Grade B recruitment 2025 are yet to be opened.

NABARD Grade B 2025: Overview

Conducting AuthorityNational Bank for Agriculture & Rural Development (NABARD)
Name of the PostGrade B – Manager (RDBS)
Exam ModeOnline
Application ModeOnline
Phases of ExamPrelims
Personal Interview
Number of VacanciesTo be notified
Application DatesTo be notified
Prelims Exam DateTo be notified
Mains Exam DateTo be Notified
Mark Distribution of Each PhasePrelims:
200 Marks (2 Hours); Descriptive

Paper 1 – 100 Marks, Duration: 1 Hour 30 Minutes
Paper 2 – 100 Marks, Duration: 2 Hours (Objective + Descriptive) 
Paper 3 – 100 Marks, Duration: 2 Hours (Objective + Descriptive) 

Interview – 75 Marks
Office Website
ResultTo be Notified
NABARD 2025: Overview

NABARD Grade B Notification 2025

NABARD Grade B notification is often one of the most avidly expected announcements for all applicants who want to pursue a career in agriculture. The notification for the examination of NABARD for the post of Grade B Manager is yet to be released on the official website. However, Candidates can refer to the previous year’s notification for reference.


NABARD Grade B 2025 Important Dates

EventTentative Dates
Application Starting DateTo be notified
Application Closing DateTo be notified
Prelims Exam DateTo be notified
Download Admit Card for PrelimsTo be notified
Main Exam DateTo be notified
Download Admit Card for MainsTo be notified
Date of InterviewTo be notified
NABARD 2025: Important Dates

Aspirants are suggested to complete the application before the last date of application.

NABARD Grade B Application Form 2025

How to apply for NABARD Grade B?

  • Visit the official website of NABARD and look for the notification regarding Grade B Recruitment 2025.
  • Read the details carefully and check the eligibility criteria for the post.
  • Click the ‘Apply Online button and register with a valid email ID and contact number.
  • Fill in the required information such as personal details, academic qualifications, work experience, etc.
  • Upload the necessary documents, such as scanned photographs and signatures.
  • Pay the requisite application fee online.
  • Submit the online application form and take a printout for future reference.

Application Fees

The Application is accepted in online mode. For online submission of the NABARD Grade ‘B’ application fee, apply with the correct details before proceeding.

CategoryApplication FeeChargesTotal Fee (excluding GST)
General (Others)750/-150/-900/-
Application Fees

NABARD Grade B Eligibility Criteria

Any applicant must read all the instructions carefully to ensure all the eligibility criteria are fulfilled to apply for the post. Any false/incorrect information and if the candidate does not fit under specific eligibility criteria will be canceled at the interview/joining stage.

Age Limit 

NABARD Grade B set forth an age limitation. Age relaxation will be given into specific categories:

CategoryAge Relaxation
SC/ST (PWBD)15 Years
OBC (PWBD)13 Years
General (PWBD)10 Years
SC5 Years
OBC3 Years
Age Limit

Educational Qualifications 

Post Graduate degree in any subject from any recognized University with a minimum of 60% marks (SC/PWBD applicants 55%) in aggregate. Candidates should have a minimum of 60% or equivalent in 10th, 12th, Graduation, and Post Graduation at all levels.

Some Universities/Institutes do not award Classes or percentages of marks and allot Aggregate Grade Points (e.g., CGPA/OGPA/CPI, etc.). If the University/Institute defines criteria for conversion of Aggregate Grade Points into Class and/or percentage of marks, the same will be accepted. However, where the University/Institute does not define criteria for conversion of Aggregate Grade Points into Class and/or
percentage of marks, the undefined parameter(s) would be worked out as under:

CGPA/CPI/OGPA / any Grade in 10 Point ScaleAggregate percentageClass
Educational Qualifications


Minimum 03 years experience (SC/PWBD – 02 years) in related sectors viz., Banking, Finance, Agriculture & Allied, and Rural Development is essential. Experience will be reckoned post minimum educational qualification (i.e., PG).

NABARD Grade B Selection Process

The complete selection process of NABARD recruitment is explained below:

  • Preliminary Exam
  • Main Exam
  • Interview

NABARD Grade B Salary

NABARD Grade B officers are responsible for developing rural areas and agricultural and allied activities by providing credit and other agriculture and rural development facilities. They are also responsible for the formulation of policies and the promotion of agricultural and rural development. The salary details for NABARD Grade B officers are as follows: The Basic Pay is Rs. 35,150/- per month. The Gross Salary of NABARD Grade B officers is around Rs. 78,000/- per month. The salary of NABARD Grade B officers increases with their years of experience and performance.

Pay-scale35150-1750(9)–50900–EB-1750(2)-54400-2000(4)-62400 (16 years)
Basic PayRs.35150/-
Additional AllowancesDearness Allowance; Local Compensatory Allowance; House Rent Allowance; Grade Allowance
Gross Emoluments (Approx)Rs. 78000/- (present rate of dearness allowance)
Initial Monthly In-hand SalaryRs. 73,000/- (approx)
NABARD: Salary

One of the reasons why candidates select a career at NABARD is that it provides excellent growth opportunities, and one can earn well.

Other Benefits: 

  • NABARD Grade B officers are eligible for car maintenance, newspaper, internet, telephone charges, and book grants.  And also, allowance for residential furnishing, according to eligibility.
  • Employees can also get hospital treatment, a festival allowance, a leave travel concession, and low-interest loans.

NABARD Grade B Admit Card

NABARD Grade B admit cards for prelims, mains, and interviews will be released individually on the official website. Candidates can get their admit card by logging in with the registration number or roll number and date of birth or password. Candidates cannot enter the exam center without their NABARD admit card.

How to download the Admit Card/Call Letter

  • Visit the official website of NABARD.
  • Go to the ‘Careers’ tab and search for the NABARD Grade B Recruitment 2025.
  • Click on the link for the recruitment and then click on the ‘Admit Card/Call Letter’ link.
  • Enter your details, such as registration number, date of birth, etc., to log in to your account.
  • Once logged in, you can view and download your NABARD Grade B Recruitment 2025 Admit Card/Call Letter.
  • Take a printout of the same and keep it safe for future use.
  • Carry the admit card to the exam center as it will be needed to enter the exam hall.
Get Paid for Your Knowledge

NABARD Grade B Exam Pattern

NABARD Grade B is a prestigious examination. This exam is conducted in three phases – Preliminary, Mains, and Interview – and is designed to assess the knowledge and aptitude of the candidates. The selection process consists of three stages – Preliminary Examination, Main Examination, and Interview. The Preliminary Examination is an objective type of examination that tests the candidate’s knowledge in the areas of English Language, Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude, and General Awareness. The Main Examination is a descriptive type examination that tests the candidate’s knowledge in the areas of Economics & Social Issues, Agriculture & Rural Development, and English Writing Skills

NABARD Grade B Prelims Exam Pattern (Phase 1)

SectionsTotal Marks(No. of questions)Category
Test of Reasoning20Qualifying Section
English Language30Qualifying Section
Computer Knowledge20Qualifying Section
Quantitative Aptitude20Qualifying Section
Decision Making10Qualifying Section
General Awareness20Merit Section
Eco & Soc. Issues (with a focus on Rural India)40Merit Section
Agriculture & Rural Development (with emphasis on Rural India)40Merit Section
NABARD: Prelims Exam Pattern

Total Time to complete the exam will be 120 minutes. Shortlisting of candidates for the Main exam will be based on marks scored in the Merit section only.

NABARD Grade B Mains Exam Pattern (Phase 2)

PaperGrade AType of paperNo. of QsMarksDurationRemarks
Paper IGeneral EnglishOnline Descriptive310090 minutesDescriptive Answers are to be typed using a keyboard
Paper IIEconomic and Social IssuesObjective

Descriptive Type

6 Questions will be given a choice to attempt either the 2 questions for 15 marks or the 2 questions for 10 marks.  

30 minutes

90 minutes
Descriptive Answers are to be typed using a keyboard
Total   100120 minutes 
Paper IIIDevelopment Economics, Statistics, Finance, and ManagementObjective

Descriptive Type

6 questions will be asked, and candidates must attempt four. Two questions will be worth 15 marks each, with a difficulty level, and two will be worth 10 marks each.

30 minutes

90 minutes
Answers that are detailed can be entered using either the English or Hindi
Total   100120 minutes 
NABARD: Mains Exam Pattern (Phase 2)

For every wrong answer marked, 1/4th of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as a penalty in Phase I and Phase II. Cut-offs in Phase I and Phase II may be applied in two stages : (i) On scores in individual tests, (ii) On Total Score.

NABARD Grade B Interview

NABARD Grade B Recruitment 2025 Interview is a selection process for the post of Grade B Officers in the NABARD. The Interview is the final stage of the selection process, which tests the candidate’s overall suitability for the post. The Interview tests the candidate’s knowledge, communication skills, presence of mind, analytical skills, and leadership qualities.

NABARD Grade B Syllabus

Before preparing for any exam, getting familiarized with the syllabus is essential. Candidates should review the NABARD Grade B syllabus to create a study plan. The Exam has 3 phases – Prelims, Mains, and Interviews. Given are the topics of the Examination.

NABARD Grade B Syllabus for Prelims Exam

NABARD Garde B recruitment’s first phase is the Preliminary exam. This will be an eight-section online exam with an objective format. Below is a detailed NABARD Grade B syllabus for each section.

Test of ReasoningPuzzles; Logical Reasoning; Direction; Seating Arrangement; Order and Ranking; Blood Relations; Coding-Decoding; Machine Input-Output; Syllogisms; Data Sufficiency; Inequalities; Alpha-Numeric symbol series; and also, Number and System Conversions
English LanguagePassages; Reading Comprehension; Idioms & Phrases; Sentence Rearrangement; Error Spotting; as well as Synonyms
Computer KnowledgeBasic Hardware & Software; Computer Languages; Networking; Virus & Hacking; History of Computer; Devices; MS Office; and also, DBMS
Quantitative AptitudeInequalities; SI & CI; Approximation and Simplification; Problems on Age; Profit and Loss; Data Interpretation; Time & Work; HCF & LCM; Distance, Speed and Time; Probability, Mensuration; Permutation & Combination; as well as Ratio & Proportion
General AwarenessScience- Discoveries; National & International Current affairs; Awards & Honours; Sports; Important days; Budget; Countries and its Capitals; Books and the Authors; and also International and National Organizations
Economic and Social IssuesNature of Indian Economy; Structural and Institutional Features; Economic Reforms in India; Economic Underdevelopment; Privatization; Measurement of Poverty; Opening up the Indian Economy; Policy of Population in India; Globalization; Inflation; Agriculture- Characteristics/ Status; Poverty alleviation and employment generation in India; Population Trends; Population Growth & Economic Development; Regional imbalance in India’s industrial development; Non-institutional and institutional agencies in rural credit; Issues in Food Security in India; Technical and Institutional changes in agriculture; Reforms in Banking/Financial sector; Industrial and Labor Policy; Industrial Performance; Agricultural Performance; Multiculturalism; Rural financial and banking institutions in India; WTO; World Bank; Globalization of Economy; Role of International Funding Institution; Social Justice; as well as Regional Economic Cooperation
Agriculture and Rural DevelopmentAgriculture Cropping Systems, Agronomy Factors affecting crop production, Precision Farming, Organic farming, Agro Climatic Zones, Problems of dryland – seed processing & seed village Meteorology – crop-weather advisory; weather parameters Farm and Agri Engineering: Soil and Water Conservation – soil fertility, Major soil types, soil erosion, soil conservation, fertilizers, watershed management Plantation & Horticulture – Definition and its branches. Water Resource – Irrigation Management: sources of irrigation, types of irrigation, crop-water requirement, etc. Agronomic practice and techniques used to produce various planting and horticultural crops. Post-harvest management: value & supply chain management of Plantation and Horticulture crops. Animal Husbandry Fisheries: Forestry – Basic ideas of Forest and Forestry. Principles of silviculture, forest management, and forest economics. Agriculture Extensions: Its value and role, methods of evaluation of extension programs. Ecology and Climate Change: Also, Present Scenario of Indian Agriculture
NABARD: Syllabus for Prelims Exam

NABARD Grade B Syllabus for Mains Exam

Phase 2 consists of 3 papers with 1 descriptive and 2 objectives + Descriptive. The Paper-I will be a Descriptive English in which you will be asked to write an essay, letter, report, comprehension, as well as paragraph. Paper II will be objective + descriptive and will cover Economic and Social Issues, Agriculture, and Rural Development. Paper III will also be both objective and descriptive, with problems from Economics, Statistics, Finance, and Management.

Paper I – EnglishEnglish (Writing Skill); Formal Letter; Informal Letter; Report Writing; Letter Writing; Paragraph Writing; Comprehension; as well as Essay Writing
Paper II (a) – Economic and Social Issues

Paper II (b) – Agriculture and Rural Development

Nature of Indian Economy; Structural and Institutional Features; Economic Reforms in India; Economic Underdevelopment; Privatization; Measurement of Poverty; Opening up the Indian Economy; Policy of Population in India; Globalization; Inflation; Agriculture- Characteristics/ Status; Poverty alleviation and employment generation in India; Population Trends; Population Growth & Economic Development; Regional imbalance in India’s industrial development; Non-institutional and institutional agencies in rural credit; Issues in Food Security in India; Technical and Institutional changes in agriculture; Reforms in Banking/Financial sector; Industrial and Labor Policy; Industrial Performance; Agricultural Performance; Multiculturalism; Rural financial and banking institutions in India; WTO; World Bank; Globalization of Economy; Role of International Funding Institution; Social Justice; as well as Regional Economic Cooperation

Agriculture Agronomy
Water Resource
Farm and Agri Engineering;
Plantation & Horticulture
Animal Husbandry
Agriculture Extension:
Ecology and Climate Change
Present Scenario of Indian Agriculture and Allied activities
Paper IIIDevelopment Economics
a) Human Resource Development:
b) Communication:
NABARD: Syllabus for Mains Exam

NABARD Grade B Result

How to Check Results?

Checking the result from NABARD’s official website is an effortless task. Carry out the following steps to get the NABARD Grade B results:

  • Firstly, go to the official website of NABARD.
  • Then, with a NABARD username and password login to a personal page.
  • Find and click the link of the result if published
  • The result will appear in PDF format on a new page.
  • On the result PDF, look for your roll number and other information.
  • Save the result PDF file to your computer.
  • Print out the file for future reference.

NABARD Grade B Prelims Sectional Cut-off Marks (Previous Year)

Name of TestSC, OBCGeneral/Unreserved
Test of Reasoning4.757.50
English language16.0020.50
Computer Knowledge6.508.25
Quantitative Aptitude6.509.25
General Awareness2.754.50
Economic and Social Issues6.0010.00
Agriculture & Rural Development5.258.25
NABARD: Prelims Sectional Cut-off Marks (Previous Year)

NABARD Grade B Overall Sectional Cut-off Marks (Previous Year)

CategoryExpected Cut Off
NABARD: Overall Sectional Cut-off Marks (Previous Year)

NABARD Grade B Mains Exam Cut-Off Marks (Previous Year)

To begin with, the main exam for the Manager Post for NABARD consists of three different Papers. Only the candidates who have qualified for the Preliminary Exam can appear in the Mains Exam of NABARD Grade B. For example, check out the expected and the previous year’s cut-off marks of the Mains examination. 

Cateogry Cut off marks
NABARD: Mains Exam Cut-Off Marks (Previous Year)
PaperCut Off Mark for OBC/SC/STCut Off Marks for Unreserved
PAPER I65.0067.25
PAPER II56.2559.50
PAPER III51.2555.25
NABARD: Mains Exam Cut-Off Marks (Previous Year)


In conclusion, preparing for the NABARD Grade B exam requires a thorough understanding of the exam pattern, eligibility criteria, and selection process. Candidates should familiarize themselves with the different stages of the exam and focus on key topics that carry more weight. A well-structured study plan and consistent practice are crucial for success.

Additionally, staying motivated, maintaining a healthy routine, and revising regularly will help candidates perform better. Mock tests can also help identify weak areas and improve time management. By approaching the exam with a focused strategy, candidates can enhance their chances of securing the NABARD Grade B officer position.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the NABARD Grade B recruitment procedure like?

The NABARD Grade B selection process consists of three stages: the Preliminary Exam, the Main Exam, and the Interview. Candidates must clear each stage to move to the next. Success in all stages is required to secure the NABARD Grade B position.

2. How many attempts are there for NABARD Grade B?

NABARD does not impose any limit on the number of attempts for the Grade B exam. However, candidates must fall within the eligible age range of 25 to 32 years to apply. Age relaxation may apply for certain categories as per government rules.

3. How do I pay the fee for the NABARD Grade B Exam?

Candidates can pay their NABARD Grade B examination fees offline by following the Online mode.  With the online use of Credit Cards or Master/Visa/Rupay Debit, Internet Banking, or Internet Banking

4. What is the graduation percentage required for the NABARD Grade B exam?

For the NABARD Grade B exam, 60 percent of graduation marks are necessary (55 percent for SC/PWBD applicants).

5. Does the NABARD Grade B test have any pre-exam training?

Yes, candidates belonging to the SC/ST/OBC/PWBD categories are provided with pre-exam training to help them prepare better for the NABARD Grade B exam. This training aims to enhance their chances of success and offer guidance on the exam pattern and preparation strategies.

6. Is there any experience required to attend the NABARD Grade B Exam?

Yes, the candidate must have at least 3-year experience in the field of finance, banking, or Allied & Rural Development, also, with an education qualification Post Graduation.

7. What is the NABARD Grade B salary?

NABARD Grade B officers receive a monthly salary of around Rs. 67,700. This salary is accompanied by other allowances and benefits as per the organization’s rules, making it a competitive and rewarding position for candidates selected for the role.

8. Which is better, RBI Grade B or NABARD?

The answer to this question depends on your individual career goals and preferences. RBI Grade B offers a banking and financial regulation career, while NABARD offers a career in rural and agricultural development. Both are highly competitive exams, with the selection process for both exams being quite stringent. Ultimately, you should evaluate both options and choose the one that best fits your individual career goals.

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