IBPS Clerk Mains Exam Analysis 2024: Check Difficulty levels

January 23, 2025
ibps clerk mains exam analysis

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Table of Contents

The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) consists of two stages, Prelims and Mains. After clearing the mains exam i.e., the second stage, the applicant gets a step closer to the recruiting process for Clerk positions in participating banks. The exam is given online and is divided into four sections: General/Financial Awareness, General English, Reasoning Ability and Computer Aptitude, and Quantitative Aptitude. We’ll do a detailed IBPS Clerk Mains Exam Analysis in this article. The exam lasts 160 minutes (2 hours 40 minutes), has 190 questions, and a maximum score of 200.

During the year 2021-2022, a total of 92 Lakh students registered for the IBPS examination for various posts. As the competition is on the rise, IBPS clerk exam analysis is a crucial tool that can help candidates prepare a good strategy for the IBPS clerk mains exam 2024.

IBPS clerk exam analysis for 2024 is essential because

  • It helps in understanding the difficulty level of the questions, the frequently asked topics, and the areas that need more attention.
  • It aids in identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the candidate, which in turn helps in prioritizing the topics that need more practice.
  • It provides insight into the marking scheme, time management techniques, and exam pattern, which can help candidates develop an effective strategy for attempting the exam.
  • It reveals the particular section that is more time-consuming, so the candidates can allocate more time to that section during the exam. Similarly, if a topic is frequently asked, candidates can focus more on that topic during their preparation

Overall, IBPS clerk mains exam analysis can help candidates develop a well-informed and structured approach to the exam, increasing their chances of qualifying for the exam and securing their desired position in the participating banks.

ibps clerk mains exam analysis

IBPS Clerk Mains Exam Analysis 2024

According to the IBPS Clerk Mains Exam Analysis the exam was moderately difficult, with most sections having a mix of easy, moderate, and difficult questions.

The reasoning ability section was determined to be the most difficult, followed by numeric aptitude and general awareness. The English language and Computer Aptitude components were deemed to be easier.

IBPS Clerk Mains Exam Analysis – Good Attempts

As per the IBPS Clerk Mains Exam Analysis the exam was from easy to moderate level. The section-wise and overall goods attempts are mentioned below:

SectionDifficulty LevelGood Attempts
Reasoning Ability and Computer EfficiencyModerate19-23
English LanguageModerate22-36
Quantitative AptitudeModerate23-27
General Awareness/ Financial knowledgeModerate-Difficult24-28
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IBPS Clerk Mains Exam Analysis – Section-Wise Review

The following tables show the difficulty level of each section after a thorough IBPS clerk mains exam analysis:

SectionDifficulty Level
Reasoning Ability and Computer EfficiencyModerate
English LanguageModerate
Quantitative AptitudeModerate
General Awareness/ Financial knowledgeModerate-Difficult

Reasoning Ability & Computer Efficiency

This section tests the candidate’s ability to reason and solve problems. The important topics of Reasoning Ability & Computer Efficiency to focus on are:

  • Puzzles.
  • Seating Arrangement.
  • Logical Reasoning.

The question asked in the Reasoning Ability & Computer Efficiency as per the IBPS Clerk Mains Exam Analysis are:

TopicsNumber of QuestionsDifficulty Level
Seating Arrangement4-5Moderate-Difficult
Blood relation2Moderate
Logical Reasoning6-10Moderate
Machine Input Output3-4Moderate

IBPS Clerk Exam Analysis: Quantitative Aptitude

This section tests the candidate’s mathematical and analytical skills. The important topics of Quantitative Aptitude to focus on are:

  • Data Interpretation.
  • Quadratic equations.
  • Word problems.

The question asked in the Quantitative Aptitude as per the IBPS Clerk Mains Exam Analysis are:

TopicsNumber of QuestionsDifficulty Level
Data Interpretation20Moderate
Quadratic Equation4Moderate
Missing Number Series2-4Easy-Moderate
Data Sufficiency2-3Moderate
Word Problems15-18Moderate

IBPS Clerk Exam Analysis: General English

This section tests the candidate’s proficiency in the English language. The important topics of General English to focus on are:

  • Reading Comprehension.
  • Jumbled sentences.
  • Error spotting.
  • Jumbled Sentence.

The question asked in General English as per the IBPS Clerk Mains Exam Analysis are:

English Language TopicsNumber of QuestionsDifficult Level
Reading Comprehension10-12Moderate-Difficult
Match the column4-5Moderate
Sentence rearrangement3-4Moderate
Jumbled sentence6-7Moderate
Error spotting4-5Moderate
Cloze Test3-4Moderate

IBPS Clerk Exam Analysis: General/Financial Awareness

This section tests the candidate’s knowledge of Current Events, Banking Awareness, and Financial Awareness. You can also visit IBPS Clerk Syllabus | Subject Wise Prelims and Mains Exam Pattern for more information.

The essential topics in General or Financial Awareness are:

  • Banking Awareness.
  • GK Updates.
  • Currencies.
  • Important Places.
  • Books and Authors.
  • Awards.
  • Headquarters.
  • Prime Minister Schemes.
  • Important Days.

The question asked in the General/Financial Awareness as per the IBPS Clerk Mains Exam Analysis are:

  • PCA framework.
  • Blue Flag Certification.
  • Solar Charkha Mission.
  • INS Vela- 4th Submarine.
  • IPO Amount of Paytm.
  • CRAR- Public Sector Bank.
  • Highest pollution Density State as per 2011 Jan Ganna.
  • Location of Khudabaksh Library.
  • Name of New Development Bank.
  • All India Financial Institutions in India.
  • Highest Ever Profit.
  • QR Code.
  • India Post Payment Bank (Bank Insurance Agreement).
  • National Family Health Survey.
  • Gareeb Kalyan Yojna Extension Period.
  • PLI Scheme for Solar Cell.
  • RBI Retail Direct.
  • World Bank & SBI’s role in Electric vehicle.
  • Wild Life Institute of India.
  • INS VishakaPattanam.
  • Paytm Payment Bank-related act.

For more information, read IBPS Clerk Exam 2024: Exam Dates Out, Notification, & Vacancy


The IBPS Clerk Mains Exam Analysis provides a comprehensive review of the difficulty level and type of questions asked in the exam. The review includes a section-wise analysis of the reasoning ability, quantitative aptitude, general awareness, computer aptitude, and English Language sections.

To better understand the exam, aspirants are advised to go through the good attempts and sectional review to know the difficulty level of each section through IBPS clerk exam analysis and strategize accordingly. Aspirants must focus on strengthening weaker areas and practicing time management to maximize scores.

Recommended reading:

IBPS PO Exam 2024: Notification, Salary, Eligibility, Admit Card & Result

IBPS RRB PO 2024: Notification, Eligibility, vacancies, Exam Dates Out for Clerk, Officer Scale 2 & 3

Frequently Answered Questions (FAQs)

1. Is IBPS clerk mains exam tough?

No, the IBPS clerk mains exam is of moderate level.

2. What are the overall good attempts for IBPS Clerk 2024?

The overall good attempts for the IBPS clerk 2024 are 92-105.

3. What is the difficulty level of IBPS clerk mains?

The exam was moderately difficult as per the IBPS clerk mains exam analysis.

4. Is there Normalization in IBPS Clerk mains 2024?

Yes, there is normalization in IBPS Clerk mains 2024. The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) will declare the IBPS Clerk mains final cut-off 2024 soon. The cutoff will be disclosed following the normalisation of the mains marks out of 100.