RTET 2025 - Your Ultimate Opportunity Guide

February 10, 2025

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

The Rajasthan Teacher Eligibility Test (RTET), also called REET, is an essential qualification exam for aspiring teachers in Rajasthan. Conducted by the Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education, RTET assesses candidates for teaching primary (Class I-V) and upper primary (Class VI-VIII) levels.

The test is held annually in two stages: Paper I for primary classes and Paper II for upper primary classes. Candidates can appear for either or both papers, depending on their teaching aspirations. Eligibility criteria and cut-off marks are released on the official website, which applicants must meet to qualify.


The Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education has already advertised 48000 openings for third-grade teachers in the state’s government institutions. RTET-qualified individuals will be able to apply for 3rd-grade teacher positions.

Level-1 (primary classes 1–5) and Level-2 REET exams will be conducted offline (upper primary classes 6 to 8). Candidates must completely read the RTET 2025 Announcement PDF to get the subtleties of the REET Test 2025 and how to apply for RTET 2025.

RTET/ REET 2025 Exam Highlights

OrganizationBoard of Secondary Education, Rajasthan (BSER)
Examination NameRajasthan Teacher Eligibility Test (RTET)
Also known as Rajasthan Eligibility Examination for Teachers (REET)
Vacancy To be notified
Exam Date27 February 2025
Level Of ExamState Level
Application ModeOnline
Exam ModeOffline (Pen and Paper)
Recruitment Process2 Papers (Paper I and II)
Exam FrequencyOnce a year OR as per vacancies
Name of PostThird Grade Teacher (TGT)
Age Limit18 – 40
SalaryINR 23,700 – 41,000
Official websitehttps://rajeduboard.rajasthan.gov.in/

RTET/ REET Important Dates

All the important notifications including the instructions, examination schedules, eligibility criteria, vacancies, and application forms are published on the official website. All the notifications are released in the Hindi language, in PDF format which can be easily downloaded from the official site. Candidates are advised to keep an eye on the official site to write Paper 1 and Paper 2 of RTET 2025.

Important eventsTentative Dates for Papers 1 and 2
RTET Exam 2025 NotificationBy November 25, 2024
Registration StartNovember 2025
Registration EndsDecember 2025
RTET 2025 Admit Card releaseDecember 2025
RTET 2025 Exam DateFebruary 2025
RTET 2025 ResultTo be notified
RTET 2025 Answer KeyTo be notified

RTET/ REET Vacancies

The board publishes the available teaching positions each year in a PDF file. The officials have not yet made the Rajasthan Eligibility Examination for Teachers 2025 official. In 2025, there will likely be 33,000 or so open positions for teachers in the lower and higher elementary grades. Candidates can consult the following table, which displays the vacancy quota from the previous year, to have an insight into the availability of openings.

Examination yearTotal vacancies (For both level 1 and level 2 teacher posts)
REET Examination 2024To be notified
REET Examination 202348,000
RTET Examination 202262,000
REET Examination 202132,000

RTET/ REET Eligibility 2025

It’s crucial to read over the precise requirements for qualifying before taking any examinations. Continue reading to learn more about the different REET qualifying requirements for instructors, such as the minimum age requirement and the minimum level of education.

For both Primary Teachers and Upper Primary Teachers in RTET, there are different eligibility requirements. Age, documentation, reservation options, and other factors are common to both. According to government regulations, reservations are extended.

Age Limit18 – 40
Educational QualificationDifferent for Level I & Level II
ExperienceNot required
Negative MarkingNo negative marking
Mode of ExamOMR-based offline exam
Official Websitehttps://rajeduboard.rajasthan.gov.in/

RTET/ RTET Age Qualifications

To be eligible for the RTET 2025 exam, a candidate must be at least 18 years old. Applicants who meet the other qualifying requirements may be of any age group.

  • REET’s minimum age requirement is 18 years old.
  • REET’s maximum age limit criteria are shown below, according to the category.

The applicants’ categories determine how much of an age restriction they receive. Check the age restriction by category in the table below:

CategoryAge limit
General40 years
SC/ST/OBCRelaxation of 10 years
Male EWSRelaxation of 5 years

Educational Qualifications

For Primary Teacher( Class 1 to 5)-

  • Candidates must have completed their Senior Secondary(or its equivalent) with at least a 50% overall grade point  and passed or be enrolled in the final year of a 2-year elementary education diploma (also known as a D. El. Ed.) under any name, OR
  • Candidates must have completed their Senior Secondary(or it is equivalent) with at least a 45% overall grade point  and passed or be enrolled in the final year of a 2-year elementary education diploma, i.e (D. EI.Ed), as per 2002 rules and regulations, OR
  • Candidate must have passed or appeared in the final year of 4-year of Bachelor of Elementary Education (B. El. Ed.) and must have completed their Senior Secondary with a minimum of 45% aggregate, OR
  • Candidate must have passed their Intermediate with a minimum of 50% aggregate marks and has passed or in the final year of a 2-year diploma in Special Education, OR

NOTE: Candidates who qualify 1, 2, and 3 will be appointed for General Posts, while 4 will be appointed as Teachers for Special Education.

For Upper Primary Teacher( Class 6 to 8)-

  • The candidate must have completed or be enrolled in the last year of the 2-year  Diploma in Elementary Education (D. El. Ed.), OR
  • Applicant must have finished their graduation with at least 50% aggregate marks and 1 year B. Ed. passed, or be in the last year of a Bachelor of Education (B. Ed.). OR
  • Candidate must have graduated with at least 45% aggregate marks and 1 year B. Ed. passed, or be in the last year of a 2-year B. Ed., as per National Council for Teacher Education (Recognition Norms and Process) Regulations published from time to time in this matter. OR
  • Candidate must have passed or be in the last year of a four-year Bachelor of Elementary Education (B. El. Ed.) or have finished Intermediate (or Equivalent) with at least 50% aggregate marks, OR
  • Candidate must have passed Senior Secondary (or Equivalent) with at least 50% marks and must have passed or be in their final year of a 4-year degree in any of these courses BA B. Ed. / B.Sc. Ed. or BA / B.Sc. Ed., OR
  • Candidate must have graduated with at least 50% aggregate marks and have passed or be enrolled in a 1-year B. Ed. program (Special Education).

NOTE: 1, 2, 3,4, and 5 will be selected for General Posts, while the candidate who meets 6 criteria will be selected as a Teacher for Special Education.


The nationality requirement is one of the RTET 2025 qualifying requirements in addition to the age restriction and academic requirement. Candidates must be Indian to be eligible for this exam. Candidates from abroad or those who are citizens of other nations are ineligible for REET recruiting.

Eligibility: Document Requirement

  • Original documents that meet the specifications
  • Matching the Date of Birth with the given data on the Class 10th Mark Sheet
  • Proof of Identification (Aadhaar Card, PAN Card, Voter ID, Driving License, Passport, and other government issued Card)
  • Rajasthan is the state’s official residence (for Candidates of Rajasthan)
  • The email address that is the valid and active Phone number that is valid and active

RTET Application Process

RTET Application fees

In addition to completing the application form, candidates must pay an application fee to sit for the examination. Payment is made online with a debit card, credit card, net banking, or e-challan. Applicants can opt to take papers 1 and 2 or both. The table below lists the application costs for various categories.

CategoryApplication fee for a single paper( either paper 1 or paper 2)Application fee for both papers( paper 1 and paper 2)

Application Steps

Candidates must fill out an online application form to sit for the tests. Before filling out the application form, candidates must first register on the official website with a valid email address and phone number. After completing the registration procedure, applicants must record their credentials, log-in information, and registration ID. With these data, the candidate can access the website and complete the application form once it is available. Aspirants must thoroughly check their details before submitting them to avoid mistakes. If any of the information on the submitted form is incorrect, the applicants must fix it within the time frame indicated.

The REET application procedure 2025 is outlined here:

  1. Check out the official website.
  2. Look for the REET 2025 Application link.
  3. Fill out the signup form in the blogs given, or log in with your credentials.
  4. After enrolling, the applicant must fill out the form with his or her information and submit scanned copies of his or her signature and photograph.
  5. Input the information and make a note of the username and password you got through email.

Applicants should print a copy of the application form, as well as their login and password, for future reference. It should be noted that candidates’ data should be filled out per their 10th-grade memo.

Stop hustling from 9 to 5. Work at your Own Pace.

RTET/ REET Admit Card

To hire third-grade teachers in Rajasthani schools, the RTET mains test is administered. REET Level 1 Main Exam and REET Level 2 Main Exam were the two levels for which the RTET mains exam was taken. The following instructions are provided for applicants on how to download the REET main exam:

  • Go to the official website.
  • On the “Download admission card” link, click.
  • Enter the login information.
  • On the screen, an RTET admission card is displayed.
  • Examine the information on the admissions card and download it.
  • Print off your REET entrance ticket.

Admit Card Details

Admit Card Details

Paper 1 and Paper 2 admit cards are published independently and include the following information:

  • Candidate’s name and roll number
  • Candidate portrait
  • The candidate’s father’s name and gender
  • Subcategory and Category
  • Sign of the candidate Date of Birth
  • Date and hour of the test Languages of the exam pattern
  • Name and location of the examination center
  • Guidelines for exams and more

Exam Center Details

All of the center’s information is shown in the table below:

DausaSwai Madhopur

Documents to be carried out to the REET exam center:

Applicants must bring their admit cards and one of the following forms of photo ID to the RTET 2025  test site:

  • Ration card
  • PAN card
  • Aadhar card
  • Voter ID
  • Driving license
  • Birth certificate

RTET/ REET Exam Pattern

Cover the exam pattern for all exams like prelims, mains, interviews, etc. in a table along with duration and negative marking if any.

The RTET exam pattern 2025 is necessary for students to prepare themselves with the marking scheme, number of questions, method of test, question paper structure, and other features. Look at the details of the test pattern for Level 1 and Level 2 below:

ParticularsLevel 1 PatternLevel 2 Pattern
Exam modeOfflineOffline
Number of subjects54
Name of subjectsChild Development and PedagogyLanguage-I (Hindi)Language II (English/Urdu/Sanskrit)MathematicsEnvironmental StudiesChild Development and PedagogyLanguage-I (Hindi)Language II (English/Urdu/Sanskrit)Mathematics and Science or Social Studies
Duration of exam2 hours 30 minutes2 hours 30 minutes
Total Questions150150
Type of questionsMultiple-Choice Questions (MCQs)MCQs
Total marks150150
Marking scheme+1 for the correct answer and 0 for an incorrect answer+1 for the correct answer 0 for an incorrect answer

The detailed Exam pattern is shown below:

Level 1 (Class 1 to 5)

PartSubjectNo. of QuestionsTotal MarksDuration
Part IChild Development & Pedagogy30302 Hours 30 Mins
Part IIThe language I (English, Urdu, Hindi, Sindhi, Sanskrit, Punjabi & Gujarati)3030
Part IIILanguage II (Sindhi, Urdu, English, Hindi, Sanskrit, Punjabi & Gujarati)3030
Part IVMathematics3030
Part VEnvironmental Studies3030

Level 2 (Class 6 to 8)

PartSubjectNo. of QuestionsTotal MarksDuration
Part IChild Development & Pedagogy30302 Hours 30 Minutes
Part IIThe language I (Hindi, Sindhi, English, Sanskrit, Urdu, Punjabi & Gujarati)3030
Part IIILanguage II (Sindhi, Urdu, English, Hindi, Sanskrit, Punjabi & Gujarati)3030
Part IVMathematics & Science (for Maths & Science Teachers)Social Science for Social Science Teachers6060

RTET Exam Syllabus

The RTET syllabus for Level 1 includes Child Development and Pedagogy, Language – I, Language – II, Mathematics, and Environmental Studies. For Level 2, the RTET syllabus covers four subjects: Child Development and Education, Language – I, Language – II, Mathematics, and Science (for Science and Maths Teachers), or Sociology (for Social Science Teachers). To achieve a good result, candidates should thoroughly review the REET curriculum for Level 2 Science.

Child Development and Pedagogy·       Concept of Development and Growth
·       Action research
·       Right to education
·       Motivation and Implications for Learning
·       Role of Heredity and Environment
Language I and II·       Unseen passage and language comprehension
·       Active and passive voice
·       figures of speech and tenses
·       Phrasal verbs and idioms
·       Phonetic symbols and transcription
·       Language teaching methods and Approaches
·       Language skills development
Mathematics·       Whole numbers and fractions
·       Algebra and ratio proportions
·       Lines, angles, and plane figures
·       Graphs and statistics
·       Currency and geometrical figures
·       Average, profit, loss, and measurement
·       Remedial teaching and evaluation
·       Nature of Mathematics and Teaching Problems
Science·       Microorganisms and their types
·       Living beings and Natural phenomena
·       Laws of force and motion
·       Concepts of light and sound
·       Nature of Science and Technology
·       Chemical substances and structure of matter
·       Innovation, natural science
Environmental Studies·       Nuclear and joint Families and personal relationships
·       Social Abuses and Effects of Addiction
·       Personal hygiene and general information about the human body
·       Culture and civilization (special focus on Rajasthan)
·       Concept, significance, and Scope of EVS
Social Science·       Indian civilization and culture
·       Component of Earth and Development of Resources
·       Geography and historical significance of Rajasthan
·       History and Geography of India
·       The Indian Constitution, political issues, and Government
·       Elements of the Medieval and Modern period

REET 2025 Result and Cutoffs

REET 2025 Results

The Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education (RBSE) will publish RTET results 2025 for Level 1 and Level 2 examinations on its website. The outcome will be posted on the REET website. Level I and Level II tests are for a total of 150 points. Each question is worth one point. There is no penalty for incorrect responses.

How to check REET 2025 results:

  1. Check out the official webpage.
  2. Under the notifications, click on the REET 2025 outcome link.
  3. Enter your registration number and birth date.
  4. Press the submit button.
  5. The screen will indicate the candidate’s name, category, roll number, and total marks obtained.

REET Cutoffs 2022

Applicants must get marks equal to or higher than the cut-off marks to be qualified for teaching positions in government schools. According to the rules, everyone who receives 60% or higher is considered eligible for the exam. Nevertheless, the cutoff point may vary each year depending on the complexity of the paper.

The board has yet to announce the REET cut-off criteria for 2025. The board announces a list of cut-off marks each year, which is further dependent on the applicant count, exam complexity, and other factors. Candidates may refer to the qualifying marks for RTET 2025 to obtain an overview of the cut-off criterion.

CategoryMinimum passing percentage requiredQualifying Marks requiredValidity of the Marks
General / Unreserved Category60609090
Scheduled Tribe (ST)60369054
Scheduled Castes (SC), Other Backward Classes (OBC), Extremely Backward Classes (MBC), and Economically Weaker Sections (EWS)5582.5
All categories of widows, abandoned women, and ex-servicemen5075
All persons who come as per rules in the category of Differently-abled4060
Sahariya tribe36(Sahariya Area)54

REET 2025 Answer Key

The answer key is published by the organization via the official website once the exam for both papers has been completed. Applicants can assess their performance by obtaining the key for both papers 1 and 2. Aspirants can compute the accuracy of their efforts and analyze their marks by using the REET 2025 answer key.

To fill the 48,000 teaching positions for grade three in Rajasthan, a recruitment exam was held. The REET main cut-off will also be made available to the candidates together with the publication of the official answer key.

If there are any inconsistencies, applicants can challenge the answer key with proper proof. Only complaints accompanied by reliable proof are evaluated by the board. The contestant must pay INR 300 for each question that is disputed. A final answer key is given on the website once all objections for Rajasthan Teacher Eligibility Test Recruitment 2025 have been resolved.

How to download the answer key?

The methods that have been provided below for applicants to take to verify the REET mains test answer key are as follows:

  • Visit RSMSSB’s official website.
  • Press the news and notifications button.
  • Choose the link for the REET main answer key.
  • A PDF answer key will show up on the screen.
  • Save the answer key by downloading it and using it later.

REET 2025 Salary Structure

As third-grade teachers, REET-qualified candidates may expect to earn roughly 23,700 INR. Before they have completed their probationary period, allowances are not included. Typically, this time frame is two years. The applicants will begin receiving compensation at the 10th Level in the pay matrix after probation is over and their appointment has been confirmed.

Basic salary structure:

Salary StructureAmount
Gross Salary23, 700
Net Salary21, 330

The teachers will be paid according to the Level 10 pay matrix after the probationary term. The starting salary will be 33,800 INR, plus other allowances.

Salary StructureAmount
Gross salaryINR 42,000 – 45,000/-
DeductionINR 4,000/-
Salary In-HandINR 38,000 – 41,000/-

In addition to considerable pay, teachers in grade three will also earn several benefits. These stipends are paid on top of the instructors’ base pay.

The probationary term will last for two years, and the candidate will only get the basic pay income during this time. After confirmation, instructors will be eligible for several benefits.

Below are the benefits for which every third-grade teacher hired via REET is eligible.

  • Travel Compensation
  • Living Adaptation
  • Bonus
  • Dearness Allowance (DA)
  • Supply Urban Damage
  • HRA

REET 2025 Reservation Criteria

The reservation would be offered to applicants from the Bara District who are SC/ST/non-creamy layer of OBC/non-creamy layer of OBC/PWD, female candidates, widows, divorcees, marriage distortions, and Sharia candidates.

  1. The application cost is Rs. 100 for General / OBC creamy, Rs. 70 for Non-Creamy OBC, and Rs. 60 for SC/ST.
  2. Applicants from Rajasthan who are male SC/ST/OBC or general category candidates will only be given a maximum of 05 years of relaxation.
  3. For female applicants who are SC/ST/OBC category members and are residents of Rajasthan, there is a maximum 10-year relaxation.
  4. Up to 10 years are added to the ex-relaxation servicemen’s period, and 12.5% of open positions are designated for them.
  5. Applicants would have an age relaxation of up to three years if they are currently employed by a Rajasthani Panchayat.
  6. For the 2018 Sports Quota, 2% of positions are set aside. If any applicant possesses a certificate from the Indian Olympic Association or a national sports federation that is an affiliate they have competed in the Indian Olympics, played at the national level, or participated in any other sport.
  7. Any participant on the Indian squad who competes for that nation abroad.
  8. The General candidate will be granted the empty BC/MBC (non-creamy) reserved seat.
  9. If a female candidate’s seat became empty, the male contender would be allowed to fill it.
  10. For women who were married before marriage, caste certificates would not be recognized. A new one would have to be created.
  11. For bereaved women, there is an 8% reserved seat, and for divorced women, there is a 2% reserved seat.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. When and who organizes the RTET exam?

The REET test is administered by the Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education, often recognized as the Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan (BSER). This test is given every year to screen applicants for different teaching positions.

2. Is the RTET test conducted in Hindi?

The test is available in both Hindi and English for candidates to choose the language they are most comfortable with.

3. What is the validity period of the REET certificate?

The REET certification remains valid for up to three years from the time of issuing, according to the regulations. This certificate is only applicable to the state of Rajasthan.

4. Can a candidate take both REET papers?

Upon the start of the tests, the Board in charge of the exam provides a preliminary answer key. If the applicants choose to object, they must provide acceptable evidence for each question.

5. What is the cost of challenging a question in REET 2025’s answer key?

A candidate may challenge the temporary answer sheet by paying an INR 300 fee for each question questioned. In addition, the candidate must produce verifiable evidence or documents indicating the disparity in the response.