National tree of India: The Indian Banyan Tree

June 27, 2024

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The Moraceae family – often called the Mulberry family’s Banyan tree is the national tree of India. The union government of India adopted this Magnoliopsida class tree as a symbol of their national identity in 1950, the same year India adopted its constitution. The Indian National Tree i.e. Banyan tree scientific name is Ficus benghalensis and it is native to the Indian subcontinent.

India adopted the Banyan tree as their national tree because it is a significant part of their cultural history. It is native to India and is mentioned in sacred Hindu texts i.e. Bhagwat Geeta. Also, it’s huge and widespread, and shelters various species of birds and other animals signifying the diversity of India. Therefore, it is the national importance.

National Tree of India: Overview

Scientific Name of Banyan TreeFicus benghalensis
Commonly Known asThe Indian Banyan Tree
Adopted as India’s National Treein 1950
Conservation StatusNot-threatened
FoundAll over the Indian subcontinent

What is the importance of the National Tree of India

The Indian banyan is the national tree of India. It is a straight fact. But there is nothing straight when a country chooses something as its national identity. There are a lot of reasons and cultural and historical significance that are represented through a particular thing. That thing is valuable enough for the people of a country to associate their emotions and faith with. The same applies to the Indian banyan tree. It holds value and importance to the Indian people.

  • The National Indian tree’s name is the Banyan – also known as the Indian banyan because it is native to the country. It is found all over the Indian subcontinent, thus representing the whole country.
  • Its deep-rooted foundation and widespread branches signify profound Indian history and its vastness. The tree gives shelter to numerous species of animals. It signifies India’s cultural diversity.
  • The banyan tree is considered sacred in Hindu mythology. It is called Ashwath Vriksha in Bhagwat Geeta which means ‘the tree of wisdom.’ Also, Gautam Buddha got enlightenment while meditating under the same tree. This is also a reason for this tree to be sacred in the Indian subcontinent.
  • Our national tree name, the banyan tree has some medical benefits and is associated with longevity, so it is called Kalpa Vriksha which means ‘the tree of wish fulfillment.’
  • For ages, and even today, the Banyan tree is a part of India’s village life. The Indian village life seems to be in its purest form when people sit and conduct their ‘Panchayat’ (Village level gathering to resolve or discuss an issue) under its shade.

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Ficus bengalensis, the scientific name of banyan, is the national tree for India. Belonging to the fig family, the banyan grows across a large region, takes root, and endures for thousands of years before dying and regrowing. The term “banyan” is commonly used to refer to Ficus benghalensis, also known as the “Indian banyan,” which is the Indian national tree.  It has also been used to refer to all figs that have a similar life cycle and, in a methodical manner, to refer to the subgenus Urostigma in taxonomy.

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What is the scientific name of the India’s national tree?

The scientific name of India’s national tree is Ficus benghalensis.

Why Banyan is National Tree of India?

There are multiple reasons why the Banyan is the national tree of India: The Banyan is native to the Indian subcontinent. Its features seemingly symbolize Indian history, cultural diversity, and vastness. It is considered to be sacred in Hinduism and Buddhism. It is a part of the daily lives of people living in the villages of India.