Which is the National game of India? - Cricket, Hockey or Kabaddi?

June 27, 2024

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The national game of any nation is very symbolic. Every country has a national game that holds a lot of respect and pride both within the country and worldwide. It is often said that India was the place where cricket was first played. It has often been a topic of debate whether India is better at hockey or Kabaddi. But the matter of fact is that the national game of India does not exist, i.e., India does not have an official national sport.

National Game of India: Overview

India does not have an official national sport. No matter how good India plays in sports like cricket, hockey or kabaddi, it would be completely unfair to state that any of the sports is India’s national game.

  • India is the only country to win all three formats of the ICC World Cup (60-over, ODI and T20)
  • Eight Olympic medals have been won by India in the game of hockey
  • India has won the Kabaddi World Cup six times

The most common answer for the national game of India is hockey after the center prompted that it was the national sport of the country. However, it was later cleared that India, to date, does not have a national game.

Is Hockey the national game of India?

If we look into the history of Indian sports, the hockey team of India has been the most successful side ever in the Olympic forum and hosts the world’s most prestigious global sporting competition. In the first half of the 20th century, players like Dhyan Chand and Dhanraj Pillai ruled over the sport. Yet, the government of India never announced any sport as its national game, but hockey is the most common answer to the question.

India has other aspects of establishing the country’s identity, legacy and heritage. For example:

Importance of a National Game

An outdoor sport is a great deal to do some physical activity, which keeps the players fit and helps them get stronger, faster, and sharper in life. One does not have to be a professional in a sport to gain its benefits. Another benefit of playing a sport is improved mental health as this is a form of recreation. A few points of importance of a national game are-

  • Symbolic in nature.
  • More participation from the citizens means better health and productivity.
  • More emotional connection with the sport.
  • They foster national pride and patriotism among citizens, attracting international attention and generating soft power.
  • Popular national games contribute to the tourism industry and economic growth, attracting visitors and generating revenue.
  • They promote physical fitness, teamwork, discipline, and healthy competition, contributing to the growth of the younger generation.
  • They foster social cohesion and integration, transcending religious, caste, and ethnic boundaries.
  • They preserve traditional sports and pass them down to future generations, ensuring cultural legacy.

Why does India not have a national sport?

Apart from the number of India’s achievements globally in various sports, India does not have an official national game. Some RTI (Right to Information) have been filed to get answers to the question. Either asking what the national game of India is or making hockey the national sport. However, it has always been dismissed by the concerned court. This is because, till the time the government does not come out in public and announces hockey or any sport to be its national sport, the country has no official national game.

There was an instance when a lawyer filed a PIL (Public Interest Litigation) that asked the Supreme Court to command the government to announce hockey as the national sport of India. However, the request was completely dismissed by the apex court.

India does not have an officially declared national sport, unlike many other countries who have chosen specific sports as national games. There are several reasons why India has not declared a national sport.

  • Diversity of Sports: India is a big country with distinct cultures and traditions, and many sports originated and are popular in different locations. It becomes difficult to designate a particular sport as the national game without inciting regional or cultural conflicts.
  • Lack of consensus: There has been a continuing dispute and lack of agreement among numerous stakeholders, including sports authorities, governments, and the general public, about which sport should be designated as the national game. Popular sports like as cricket, hockey, kabaddi, and chess each have their own fan base.
  • Regional preferences: While cricket is popular throughout the country, some regions have traditionally preferred other sports such as hockey (in Punjab, Odisha, and West Bengal) or kabaddi. Declaring one as the national sport may attract opposition from regions with divergent interests.
  • Political and bureaucratic challenges: The process of officially declaring a national sport requires agreement from several ministries, sports organizations, and political parties at the federal and state levels. This bureaucratic process has proved difficult, and there have been arguments about the criteria and selection procedure.
  • Historical context: Sports such as cricket and hockey gained popularity during the British colonial era, but no national sport was officially declared. Following independence, the focus switched to other matters, and the idea of establishing a national sport fell to the wayside.

The official reply of the Union Ministry of Youth on the National Sport of India is “The government has not declared any sport as the National Game of the country, as the objective of the government is to encourage and promote all popular sports.”


India doesn’t have a national sport because the government doesn’t want to elevate any particular sport above others. Although there are benefits and drawbacks to this logic, for the time being, India does not have any national game.

The three most popular options for India’s national game are hockey, cricket, and kabaddi. If the government decides to name a national sport or game in the future, it’s likely to be one of these three.

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What is the national game of India?

India does not have an official national sport. India has been a global champion over the past few years in sports like cricket, kabaddi and hockey. However, the government has not officially declared a national sport.

Is Kabaddi the national game of India?

No, Kabaddi is not the national game of India. The government of India has not yet designated Kabaddi or any sport to be its national game. National sports are a symbol of a country’s heritage and prestige. However, India promotes its pride in heritage and culture via other means, like having the lotus as its national flower and the peacock as its national bird.

Is hockey the national game of India?

Hockey is not the national game of India. Hockey is the most widely answered question of what India’s national sport is. However, this is not true. India was the most dominant side ever in Hockey in the early 20th century. Players like Dhyan Chand and Dhanraj Pillai ruled over the game globally. This is why hockey is mostly misunderstood as India’s national game.