BPSC Exam 2025: Your Ultimate Opportunity Guide

February 13, 2025

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

The Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) holds annual exams to hire candidates for various government positions in Bihar. These exams are organized by BPSC to fill different roles within the state government. Each year, BPSC conducts tests to ensure that qualified individuals are selected for these important positions. If you are interested in working for the state government, you will need to take and pass the BPSC exam to be considered for available jobs. The process is designed to help the state government find the right people for the job openings that arise throughout the year.

BPSC Latest News:

  • BPSC Head Master recruitment to conduct written exam 2024 on June 14, 2024. It aims to fill a total of 6061 vacancies of Head Master in Bihar. The online application process began on 11th March and ended on 2nd April 2024.
  • BPSC Teacher TRE 3.0 Admit Card 2024 was released on their official website on 11th March 2024.
  • The BPSC Annual exam calendar is released on its website. Candidates can also check the exam calendar in this article.
  • BPSC TRE 3.0 examinations are scheduled from 15th March to 16th March 2024, at various exam centres across the state. 

The test is held to hire qualified individuals for various positions in the Bihar government’s departments and ministries, such as:

  • Preferential Sub-Committee and equivalent officers of General Administration/ General Administration Department of Bihar Civil Services (Subdivision Officer)
  • Assistant Planning Officer
  • Inferior Electoral Officer
  • Revenue Officer
  • Assistant Director
  • Tax Assistant Commissioner
  • Labor superintendent
  • Supply Inspector
  • Block Panchayat Raj Officer
  • Deputy Superintendent of Police Home Department, and other posts.

BPSC Exam Calendar 2024


BPSC Exam 2024: Overview

OrganizationBihar Public Service Commission
Post NameRevenue Inspector, Electoral Officer, Food and Supply Inspector, Tax Assistant Commissioner, Labour Superintendent, etc.
VacancyTo be notified
Exam DatePreliminary Examination – 30th September 2024
Mains Examination – 3rd -7th January 2025
Application ModeOnline
Exam ModeOnline
Recruitment ProcessPreliminary Examination
Mains Examination
Education QualificationGraduate from a recognized College/ University
Age Limit37 – 42 years
SalaryINR 30000 – INR 72000
Official websitewww.bpsc.bih.nic.in

BPSC Notification 2024

The Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) has not yet released the official notice for the BPSC CCE Recruitment Exam 2024 on its website. This notice will be the primary source for all important details, including instructions, guidelines, and rules related to the exam. Candidates should refer to the previous year’s notification for a general idea of what to expect, but they should stay updated for the new notice to get the most current information. Keep an eye on the BPSC website for the latest updates and ensure you are prepared by reviewing past notices.


BPSC Exam Date 2024

The 70th BPSC calendar is now available on the official website. Candidates can check the important dates for the examination listed below.

Important eventsDate
Notification 202427th June 2024
Registration Start15th July 2024
Registration Ends9th August 2024
Admit Card release15th September 2024
Prelims Exam Date30th September 2024
ResultTo be notified
Mains Exam Date3rd -7th January 2025
ResultTo be notified

BPSC Head Master Post – Important dates

Important eventsDate
Head Master Notification 202411th March 2024
Registration Start11th March 2024
Registration Ends2nd April 2024
Admit Card releaseTo be notified
Exam Date11th June 2024
ResultTo be notified

Each year, the Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) releases a calendar that highlights the exam dates and key events for the year. This calendar is an essential resource for candidates to stay informed about the upcoming exams and important deadlines. By referring to the calendar, candidates can easily track all relevant exam schedules and updates, ensuring they don’t miss any vital information. It’s an invaluable tool for staying organized and up-to-date with the BPSC’s announcements. Be sure to check the calendar regularly for the latest details and plan your preparations around the Bihar BPSC exam date.

BPSC Vacancies

As per the 69th BPSC exam 2023, BPSC will choose qualified applicants to fill 442 job openings. Out of the 281 openings, 77 positions are allocated for female applicants, and the remaining 204 are open to male applicants. There were 726 positions open overall in the previous year. Check the table below for the number of openings by post.

69th CCE (Prelims) Exam 2023
Dept/ Post NameTotal
District Coordinator01
State Tax Assistant Commissioner03
Department Under Election Officer04
Reed Officer02
Bihar Education Service (Administration Sub Cadre)02
Superintendent Liquor Prohibition02
District Planning Officer06
Block Panchayat Raj Officer29
Revenue Officer and Equivalent168
Block Schedule Caste and Schedule Tribal Welfare Officer18
Child Development Project Officer10
Financial Administrative Officer and Equivalent fin Dept100
Deputy Superintendent of Police1

BPSC Eligibility Criteria

To apply for the 69th CCE Exam conducted by the Bihar Public Service Commission, candidates must meet specific eligibility requirements. These criteria are essential to ensure that only qualified individuals can apply. Aspirants should carefully review the eligibility criteria to ensure they meet all the necessary qualifications. Failing to do so may lead to issues with their application. It’s important to understand these requirements thoroughly before applying to avoid any complications. Make sure to check the official guidelines and confirm that you fulfill all the eligibility conditions before submitting your application.

BPSC Age Limit

The age restriction for the BPSC 70th exam in 2024 is specified for several categories. The General Male category has a 20-year minimum age requirement, and the following categories’ maximum ages are listed below.

CategoryGenderUpper Age Limit
GeneralMale37 years
GeneralFemale40 years
BC/OBCMale & Female40 years
SC/STMale & Female42 years

Educational Qualification

To be eligible for the BPSC 2024 exam, candidates must have completed a graduation degree or an equivalent qualification from a recognized college or university. This requirement ensures that all applicants have a standard level of education before taking the exam. Graduates from various fields are welcome to apply, as long as their degree is from an institution that is officially recognized. Meeting this educational criterion is essential for participation in the BPSC exam, which is a crucial step for those aiming for a career in public services through the Bihar Public Service Commission. Make sure to verify that your degree meets the necessary standards before applying.

Nationality / Citizenship

To apply for the post, the applicant must be an Indian citizen. This requirement ensures that only individuals who are legally recognized as citizens of India can apply for the position. It is a basic criterion for eligibility, so make sure to confirm your citizenship status before submitting your application. This condition is set to ensure that all candidates are legally eligible to hold the post in question.

BPSC Application Form 2024

Applicants who have registered correctly within the allotted time schedule were eligible to take the exam. After completing the Prelims exam and clearing the same, applicants must register for the Mains exam.

Application fees

The application cost for candidates in the General and other unreserved categories is Rs 600. The registration cost for female candidates from Bihar and SC/ST communities is Rs 150.

Woman/ SC/ ST/ Handicapped/ Permanent residents of Bihar (All Category)INR 150
Other StatesINR 600

Applicants can pay the fee online through a Debit Card, Credit Card, UPI, Net Banking, etc. Applicants should pay the application fee before the deadline to avoid the rejection of the application.

Application Steps

To apply for the BPSC Exam 2024, candidates should follow the instructions given below:

1. Go to the official website.

2. Click on “BPSC Online Application.”

3.  Click “Apply Now” for the 69th Combined Competitive Exam.

4. Fill up the needed information and verify using the OTP sent to your phone and e-mail address.

5.  You will receive your login ID and password. Go to the login page and log in with your login ID and password.

6. The cost is Rs. 150 for applicants from Bihar and Rs. 600 for those from other states. Pay the same online.

7. After paying the costs, the Online Application form will appear in the candidate’s dashboard. To continue, click on the link present there.

8. Fill in the blanks and click the next button.

9. Completely fill in the academic information, and upload the scanned copy of a passport-size photo, and a signature in Hindi and English.

10. In the end click, “Submit Application.”

11. Return to the Portal and download a copy of your completed Application for your records.

Candidates are urged to review the qualifications listed for the position and submit an application only if they meet them to prevent their application from being rejected. Candidates must follow the instructions listed above to finish the online application process for the BPSC 2024 exam.

BPSC Admit Card

The 69th BPSC Prelims exam date is yet to be announced. Candidates can download their admit card from the official website after the declaration of Prelims results. Candidates can also download the Mains Admit Card from the official website.

The Admit card is released separately for each stage on the conducting body’s official website online. Download the BPSC 2024 admit card from the official website at onlinebpsc.bihar.gov.in. It is suggested to all applicants who are taking the exam not to write anything on their admit cards.

  • Go to the official website.
  • Look for the link “Instructions for Downloading e-Admit Card” on the webpage under “Subject.”
  • A PDF will be displayed on the screen. Read all of the instructions on the page.
  • Then you must enter your “Username” and “Password.”
  • Select “Download 69th Combined Mains/Prelims Admit Card”.
  • The Admit Card will appear on the screen; download it as a PDF.
  • Get a printed copy of the same and keep it safe.

Candidates must carry one verified identity card and the Admit Card. One photo ID proof can include any of the following:

  1. PAN Card
  2. Passport
  3. Voter ID
  4. Aadhar Card
  5. College ID
  6. Driving License
  7. Employee ID

Admit Card Details

Admit card is considered an important document when appearing for the BPSC Competitive exam 2024. Candidates must carry a hard copy of the admit card when appearing for the exam. Entry without an admit card will not be allowed to the applicants. The Admit Card contains various vital details that need to be crosschecked by the applicants. The essential details are:

  • Name of the applicant
  • Photo of the candidate
  • Date of birth of the applicant
  • Enrolment number of the applicant
  • Father’s Name
  • Candidate’s Signature
  • Invigilator Signature
  • Exam center Address
  • Exam timings
  • Instructions related to the exam

Candidates must crosscheck all this information to see if they are present correctly or not. They should contact the officials immediately in case of any discrepancy.

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BPSC Exam Centres

The BPSC exam is being administered this year in 38 districts and 1153 testing locations in Bihar. However, seven exam centers have seen minor alterations.

Code FromCode ToDistrict Name
00010031West Champaran (Betiah)
00320077East Champaran (Motihari)
02490292Saran (Chapra)

Samastipur, Supoul, Munger, Purnia, Nalanda, and Patna are among the seven exam centers that have changed, according to the official BPSC notice detailing the changes in the exam center. The BPSC exam center codes have been made public for each of Bihar’s districts. The table that is provided above has a list of exam locations for candidates to review. Additionally, such applicants must make sure that they download new admission cards from the BPSC website that include the updated exam center list.

BPSC Exam Pattern

The Bihar Public Service Commission sets the Syllabus. The Combined Competitive Exam is held in three phases. The phases are Prelims, Mains, and Interviews.


The exam pattern is presented below:

SubjectNo. of questionsTotal marksDuration
General Studies1501502 hours


  • The General Studies section of the 69th Prelims test will carry 150 marks, and the Prelims exam will last two hours.
  • One mark will be awarded for each correct answer, and 0.25 marks will be deducted for every wrong answer.
  • The 69th Prelims exam is just for qualifying purposes.
  • The paper can be attempted in English and Hindi language.
  • General Science, Politics, Economics, History, and the National Movement are all covered in General Studies paper.


SubjectTotal marksDuration
General Hindi1003 hours
General Studies Paper 13003 hours
General Studies paper 23003 hours
Optional Paper3003 hours


  • There will be subjective and objective type questions.
  • The following are the detailed marks distributions for General Hindi – 30 marks for an essay, 30 points for grammar, 25 Marks for Syntax, and 15 points for the summary.
  • Four subjects make up the 69th Mains Exam: General Hindi, General Studies Papers 1 & 2, and an optional paper.
  • Each paper in the 69th Mains Exam lasts three hours.
  • One mark will be awarded for each correct answer and 0.25 marks will be deducted for every wrong answer.
  • The paper can be attempted in English and Hindi language.
  • General Hindi paper is qualifying in nature.
  • Optional paper varies as per the specialization chosen by the candidates.

Interview Round

Prelims, Mains, and Interviews are the three stages of the BPSC test.  Therefore, candidates who pass the required cutoff in each exam will be invited to the next round. In conclusion, all candidates are required to take the Prelims exam first. The Interview will have a total of 120 points. Therefore, the final merit list will be based on the combined mains (1000 points) and interview test scores (120 marks). Only the marks earned in the Mains exam and the interview will be used to create the final merit list.

BPSC Syllabus

The Bihar Public Service Commission decides the Exam Syllabus. However, there has been no big change in the exam from the last year. Therefore, candidates are advised to check the official website for the syllabus and exam pattern before preparing. The BPSC 69th Mains 2022-23 is ongoing. Therefore, Candidates who are going to take the test can look at the previous year’s question papers and better understand the exam paper.

BPSC Syllabus: Prelims

General Studies
Geography (Geography of Bihar)
Events of national and international importance
History of Bihar and Indian History
Indian National Movement and the Role of Bihar
Indian Polity and Economy
Changes in the economy of Bihar post-independence
General Mental Ability.

The BPSC Mains Syllabus

General Hindi
Basics of Hindi language
General Studies 1
Indian Culture
Modern History of India
Contemporary events of national and international importance
Statistical Analysis, diagrams and graphs
General Studies 2
Indian and Bihar Polity
Indian and Bihar Economy
Indian and Bihar Geography
Role and impact of Science and Technology in the development of India (and Bihar)
Optional Subjects
English Language and Literature
Urdu Language and Literature
Hindi Language and Literature
Persian Language and Literature
Arabic Language and Literature
Pali Language and Literature
Maithili Language and Literature
Bengali Language and Literature
Sanskrit Language and Literature
Civil Engineering
Commerce and Accountancy
Electrical Engineering
Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science
Political Science and International Relations
Public Administration
Labour and Social Welfare
Mechanical Engineering

BPSC Selection Process

The Bihar Public Service Commission selection process typically involves the following stages:

  • Preliminary Examination
  • Main Examination
  • Interview/Personality Test
  • Document Verification
  • Medical Examination
  • Final Merit List

BPSC Interview Tips

Candidates who pass the BPSC examination will be invited to an Interview Test for the post they have applied for. After that, the Commission appoints a panel to interview candidates. In addition to understanding each candidate, an interview is important.

1. A board will interview the candidate. Therefore, candidates need to prepare well for the interview.

2. In addition to educational knowledge, the purpose of the interview is to observe the candidate’s fitness.

3. The interview is more of a focused discussion, mental qualities, and analytical abilities. However, candidates need to clear their main exam to qualify to be eligible for the interview.

BPSC Results

BPSC Civil Services released the preliminary exam results of the 69th BPSC Exam. Mains Results and Interview Results are yet to be declared. The prelims test is only used to narrow down the pool of candidates for the main exam. The BPSC 69th Interview will be held for the candidates who advanced to the BPSC 69th Mains. Only the marks earned in the BPSC 69th Mains & Interview will be used to determine the final merit list.

BPSC Results 2024

The commission announced the 69th BPSC Prelims Results on 11th November 2024. The BPSC Prelims Result is available on the official website for candidates. For the convenience of the students, we have also included a direct link to the BPSC 69th Prelims Result in this section. Visit the link provided below to view the BPSC 69th Prelims results.

Steps to Check BPSC Exam Result 2024 are:

  • Visit the BPSC’s official website.
  • Click the result link on the homepage.
  • After that, download the BPSC 69th Mains Result.
  • However, candidates are advised to check the BPSC official website to get updates regularly.

BPSC Cutoffs 2024

As per the exam, BPSC will announce the category-specific cut-off scores for the BPSC 2024 exam. Until then, candidates can review the BPSC 69th Cut-Off Marks from the previous year to get a sense of the exam’s difficulty level and get a sense of what to expect from the current exam. Check out the Prelims cut-off for the 69th Competitive exam:

CategoriesQualifying Cut-off %Qualifying Cut off marks
General or UR40%60
SC, ST, Women, and PwD32%48
Economically Backward Class34%51

The BPSC Cut-Off is published on the BPSC’s official website. Steps to check the BPSC Cut Off marks are:

  • Go to the official BPSC website.
  • There are many links on the homepage after that, look for the link to the CCE Result.
  • A new window will open, displaying the BPSC CCE Result and it will similarly show Cut Off for BPSC.
  • Open the PDF containing the cut-off, after that, search for your specific cut-off based on your category.
  • If necessary, download the PDF with the cut-off for future reference.

Candidates should check out the expected cut-off of the 69th BPSC competitive exam 2024 in the table below.

CategoryGrandchildren of Ex-Freedom Fighters
Backward Class (Female)85-90
Backward Class (Male)90-95
Backward Class Ladies80-85
Economically Backward Classes (Female)83-88
Economically Backward Classes (Male)90-95
Economically Backward Classes (Male)85-90
Economically Weaker Section (Female)85-90
Economically Weaker Section (Male)90-93
General (Female)90-97
General (Male)95-99
A person with Disabilities -OH84-90
Person with Disabilities -DD80-85
Person with Disabilities -MD50-55
Person with Disabilities -OH83-90
Person with Disabilities -VI80-83
Scheduled Castes (Female)76-80
Scheduled Castes (Male)86-90
Scheduled Tribes (Female)84-90
Scheduled Tribes (Male)85-90

The cut-off for BPSC recruitment is determined using several variables. The following list includes the main criteria used to determine the BPSC Cut-off:

  • Scores from both Exams
  • Number of openings
  • The degree of difficulty of previous years’ exam cutoffs
  • Performance of candidates overall

Every year, there are two cutoffs, one of which is for the preliminary exams. The scores from the main exams and the interviews are used to determine the Final Cut-off, the second cut-off.

BPSC Salary Structure

According to the current pay scale, the BPSC gives a salary between INR 4,30,000 and INR 4,50,000 at the time of employment. Candidates receive a variety of perks and privileges in addition to the BPSC wage while they are employed. The advantages of the employment package are a good working environment, Flexible working hours, travel allowances, and Salary renewal at fixed intervals. A BPSC officer’s basic monthly salary includes TA, DA, and HRA; a secretary’s salary can reach INR 2,00,000. Check out the latest salary structure in the table below:

Post NameSalary
Assistant ProfessorINR 57,700 per month
Civil ServicesINR 4,00,000 per year
LecturerINR 67000 – INR 85000 per month
CDPOINR 7,00,000 – INR 8,00,000 per year

BPSC Preparation Tips

The BPSC notification for the 2024 exam is yet to be released. Aspirants planning to take up the exam must start their preparation now. Candidates must start preparing at least six months before the commencement of the exam. Here are some ideas that will help students in preparing for the BPSC 2024 exam in a more organized manner.

  1. Divide the planned schedule of your day evenly for all subjects. Try to stick to your schedule.
  2. Select standard books for your preparation, do not switch books during the process.
  3. Get a thorough understanding of the maps of Bihar and India. Make notes and revise them regularly.
  4. Make sure you thoroughly study the NCERT books for this. For instance, they can read NCERT books from class 6-12th.
  5. Candidates should use previous question papers and practice papers to learn more about the types of questions asked in the test. They must also take practice exams to see how well they have prepared.

These are some of the solutions crafted, seeing the difficulty that was faced previously. Candidates preparing for the upcoming exams must note these pointers in due course of their preparation.

Candidates are recommended to often check the official website for updates on BPSC 2024. Candidates must review the eligibility requirements and submit their applications as necessary after the notification is made public. Candidates must organize their exam preparation carefully and methodically after applying for the desired position to cover all the topics in the curriculum. Candidates must use practice exams, exams from prior years, and study notes to effectively prepare. They must routinely take practice exams to identify their weaknesses and strengthen them.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

What is the eligibility to apply for BPSC?

Graduate students are eligible for the BPSC Exam. The age limit should be from 18 to 37 years(Male) for the general category, 40 years old age limit for the OBC (female) category, and 42 years old age limit for SC/ST (Female). Candidates should be Indian citizens with verified official documents proving the same.

Is the BPSC Exam very tough?

It is one of the essential exams in Bihar. Therefore, it requires a strict schedule and a clear idea of general knowledge. If you study with proper notes and a schedule, the exam has an easy to moderate difficulty level. However, it is vital to cover essential topics first to understand the arduous topics clearly. You may begin your BPSC Exam preparation by reviewing the syllabus on the website and selecting the appropriate BPSC specialization. BPSC mock tests and test series should be helpful for you in preparing for your BPSC exam.

What is the date for the BPSC 2024 application?

Candidates are advised to regularly check the website for updates. The application process for the BPSC Exam 2024 will start soon. Stay informed to ensure you don’t miss any important information or deadlines. It’s crucial to be prepared and ready to apply as soon as the application opens. Keep an eye on the website for announcements and details regarding the exam schedule and application procedures. Make sure to stay updated for a smooth application experience!

What is the fee for applicants from other states to apply?

Candidates from Bihar are required to pay a fee of Rs. 150, regardless of their category. For candidates from outside Bihar, the fee is Rs. 600. Additionally, all female candidates must pay Rs. 150, no matter where they are from. It’s important for applicants to be aware of these fees when preparing to apply for the exam. Ensure you submit the correct amount to avoid any issues with your application process.

How many times can someone take the BPSC Exam?

You can attempt the exam a maximum of three times. To be eligible, you must be within the designated age range. Make sure you meet the age requirement before applying, and keep in mind that you only have three opportunities to take the exam.