APSC Exam 2025: Complete Exam Guide for Success

February 6, 2025

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

The Assam Public Service Commission exam is a state program that hires class “A” and “B” officers for various government jobs in Assam. APSC holds a yearly competitive exam to find qualified candidates who have bachelor’s degrees from good colleges for different positions in state government offices and public sector units. Some of the jobs available for those taking the APSC CCE exam include Assam Police Service, Sub Registrar, Tax Inspector, Labour Inspector, District Transport Officer, Superintendent of Taxes, and Stenographer Grade II.

Latest updates from APSC 2025

  • The Assam Public Service Commission will soon release the official notice for the 2025 Combined Competitive Examination (CCE) on its website, apsc.nic.in.
  • APSC has set specific eligibility criteria for the CCE exams, which candidates must review before applying. These criteria include age limits, nationality, and educational qualifications. Understanding and meeting these prerequisites is essential, as they form the foundation for application approval. Applicants should thoroughly check the eligibility requirements to ensure they qualify before proceeding with their applications.
  • Candidates who succeed in the prelims exam are eligible for the main exam. The CCE mains exam is conducted only in Guwahati.
  • Candidates will have to select the post for which they are appearing APSC CCE exam at the time of filling out an online application over the official site.

Exam Summary

Here’s a summary of the exam for different positions like Assam Civil Service (Junior Grade), Assam Land & Revenue Service (Junior Grade), Assam Police Service (Junior Grade), Superintendent of Taxes, District Transport Officer, and Inspector of Taxes:

OrganizationAssam Public Service Commission  
Post NameThe APSC exam is conducted for various positions such as Assam Civil Service (Jr.Grade), Assam Land & Revenue Service (Jr. Grade), Assam Police Service (Jr. Grade), Superintendent of Taxes, District Transport Officer, Inspector of Taxes, etc.
Exam DateTo be announced
Application ModeOnline
Exam ModeOnline
Recruitment ProcessThe recruitment process includes multiple stages such as the Preliminary Examination, Main Examination, and Interview.
Education QualificationThe eligibility criteria and educational qualifications vary for different posts. Candidates must hold a bachelor’s degree from an accredited university, or the equivalent.
Age LimitThe age limit for Assam Public Service Commission exams generally ranges from 21 to 38 years, with age relaxations provided for reserved categories per government norms.
SalaryThe salary scale for APSC officers varies depending on the post and level of service.
Official websiteAssam Public Service Commission (APSC.nic.in)

The APSC exam for Stenographer Grade II is as follows:

OrganizationAssam Public Service Commission
Post nameStenographer Grade-II
Application ModeOnline
Exam ModeOnline
Recruitment ProcessWritten test and Interview
Education QualificationCandidates must hold a Degree from an accredited university, or the equivalent.
Age LimitThe age limit for APSC exams generally ranges from 21 to 38 years, with age relaxations provided for reserved categories per government norms.
SalaryINR 22000-97000
Official websiteAssam Public Service Commission (APSC.nic.in)

Important Dates

The table below summarizes the important APSC Exam dates 2025.

EventImportant Dates
Release of Official NotificationJanuary 22, 2025
APSC Online Application Starting DateFebruary 5, 2025
Last Date for APSC ApplicationFebruary 1, 2025
Last Date for the Payment of FeeFebruary 3, 2025
APSC Prelims Exam To be announced
APSC Mains Exam To be announced
Declaration of results To be announced

APSC Eligibility

The Assam Public Service Commission eligibility requirements are as follows and must be met by applicants for the APSC CCE 2025.

  • As of January 1st, 2024, candidates must be between the ages of 21 and 38.
  • They must be native Assamese citizens who are also citizens of India.
  • Applicants must be able to communicate in Assamese or another state-recognized official language.
  • Applicants must have a bachelor’s degree from a recognized college/university in India.
  • A degree obtained from a distance mode of education will not be eligible.

Educational Qualification

The required educational background for the APSC in 2025 is listed below.

VacanciesEducation qualification
StenographerMust have a degree from a recognized university
Junior administrative assistantMust have a degree or diploma from a recognized university
Forest ranger  Must have a degree in science or engineering from a well-known university in computer science, agriculture, horticulture, geology, botany, zoology, etc.

Age Limit

The required APSC age limit is :

Eligibility CriteriaStenographerJunior Administrative AssistantForest Ranger
Age limit21 to 38 years21 to 40 years21 to 38 years

APSC Application

Application Fee

The following information pertains to the APSC Recruitment 2025 application fee:

CategoryApplication Fees
For General/EWSINR 285.40
For BPL/PWBD/WomenINR 35.40

Application Steps

The steps for filling out the application form from the official website are listed below.

Step 1: Go to APSC’s official website, Assam Public Service Commission

Step 2: Select the “Online Recruitment Portal” link on the home page.

Step 3: To start the registration process, scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Register Here.”

Step 4: Enter your name, and contact information (phone, email, and password), and then click “Generate OTP.”

Step 5: Fill out the captcha, input the OTP you received on the entered mobile number, and click the register button.

Step 6: Use your registered email address, phone number, and password to log in to the portal after successful registration.

Step 7: After logging in, locate the link to the APSC application form and select “Apply Now.”

Step 8: Complete the essential fields and upload the needed files.

Step 9: Pay the application fees and submit your application after providing all the necessary information.

APSC Admit Card

Candidates are required to bring the Assam Public Service Commission admission card with them to the testing location. The admit card is often made available a few weeks before the exam. By doing following, candidates can obtain it from the APSC website:

  • Visit the APSC’s official website.
  • Find the link to the admission card download for the relevant test.
  • Enter the necessary information, including your registration number and password.
  • Once the information is submitted, a screen will show the admit card.
  • Please print out the admissions card after downloading it.
  • Ensure all the information on the admit card is accurate and readable.

Admit Card Details

The APSC admit card is released by Assam Public Service Commission itself and candidates can download the hall ticket by visiting the official website of APSC. Admit card is a crucial document that a candidate must have with them when they visit the exam hall. Here are some of the details typically mentioned on the APSC admit card:

Candidate’s Information:

  • Name of the candidate
  • Roll number or registration number
  • Photograph and signature of the candidate
  • Date of birth
  • Gender
  • Category (General, OBC, SC, ST, etc.)

APSC Exam Pattern

The Stenographer proficiency test and objective written test are some of the components of the Assam Public Service Commission exam for Stenographer Grade II. Here is a general description of the test format:

Candidates to appear in Stenographer proficiency test at 100 wpm in English and 90 wpm in Assamese, Bengali, and Hindi languages.

Name of the postStenography speedTime for dictation of trial passage Time for dictation of test passage Time for revision of test passage by candidate Time for transcription
Stenographer Grade-II (English)100 wpm2 min5 min10 min60 min
Stenographer Grade-II (Language) 90 wpm2 min5 min10 minStenography speed

The objective written test for stenographer Grader- II shall be 100 marks and of 2 hours in duration

S.noSubject Marks
2.Knowledge and ability to operate a computer20
3.General knowledge 30
(Out of which 10 marks shall be on Assam History)

The Preliminary Examination, Main Examination, and Interview are some of the components of the Assam Public Service Commission exam. Here is a general description of the test format:

Prelims Exam Pattern

  • The preliminary exam is an objective-type (multiple-choice) exam.
  • The exam consists of two papers: General Studies-I and General Studies-II (Aptitude Test).
  • The duration of each paper is 2 hours.
  • The marks obtained in the preliminary exam are not counted for the final selection but are considered for shortlisting candidates for the Main Examination.

The Assam Public Service Commission Preliminary exam pattern is given below:

General Studies Paper -1      200 Marks2 Hours
General Studies Paper-2       200 Marks2 Hours
Total400 Marks4 Hours

Mains Exam Pattern

  • The Main Examination is a descriptive-type exam.
  • It consists of written papers and is conducted in conventional (pen and paper) mode.
  • The exam consists of the following compulsory papers:
  • Essay
  • General Studies-I
  • General Studies-II
  • Optional Subject (Paper 1)
  • Optional Subject (Paper 2)
  • The duration for each paper is3 hours.
  • The marks obtained in the Mains Examination and in the Interview, are considered for the final selection.

The APSC Mains exam pattern is given below:

PapersPaper NameTotal marks   Time Limit
Paper 1Essay250180 minutes
Paper 2-6General Studies250 (each paper)180 minutes (each paper)
Paper 7Optional subject, Paper 1250180 minutes
Paper 8          Optional Subject, Paper 2250180 minutes
Interview Test Verbal275


The interview assesses candidates’ personalities, communication skills, and suitability for the desired posts. The interview carries a certain weight in the final selection process.

APSC Syllabus

A wide range of topics are covered in the APSC syllabus to gauge student’s knowledge and ability. The Preliminary Examination and Main Examination have different syllabi. Here are a few of the main subjects discussed:

Prelims Syllabus

The following is a detailed syllabus for the Assam Public Service Commission Prelims exam:

General Studies Paper-1General Studies Paper-2
●      Current affairs
●      India’s history
●      Indian national movement
●      Geography of India and the world
●      Social and economic development
●      Inclusion, social sector initiatives, poverty
●      General Science
●      Logical reasoning
●      English comprehension
●      Communication and interpersonal skills
●      Decision making
●      General mental ability
●      Problem-solving
●      Analytical ability
●      Data interpretation
●      Basic numeracy

Mains Syllabus

 The following is the APSC Mains exam syllabus:

EssayApplicants must write an essay on the assigned subject in the same language they choose to fill out the application form, using a descriptive style.  
General Studies Paper 2: Social Justice and International Relations, Indian Governance, Indian ConstitutionGeneral Studies Paper 1: Indian Heritage, History, Society, and Culture, Geography of India and the World
●      History culture, literature, tradition & heritage of Assam
●      Dynasties
●      Administrative and revenue system
●      Dances
●      Festivals
●      Religious movement
●      Leading personalities, arts, painting, freedom movement
●      Political awakening and integration
●      Leading personalities
●      Assam’s geography- natural resources, physical features, major physiographic divisions, climate, forests, mines, natural vegetation, population, etc.
●      Political and administration of Assam- chief minister, governor, high court, state information commission, state human rights, election commission, public policy.
●      The economy of Assam- economy, service sector issues, development planning, major agriculture, government welfare schemes, infrastructure, and resources.
●      Biodiversity, security, environment, and disaster management, related to Assam.
●      Indian economy
●      Government budgeting, irrigation, and farming methods
●      Major crop cropping patterns
●      Land reforms in India
●      Food processing in India
●      Liberalization effect on the economy
●      Investment models
●      Infrastructure: roads, railways, airports, ports, etc., science and technological adaptation
●      Environmental issues, awareness of IT field, and space
●      Disaster management
●      Computer
●      Biotechnology
●      Security forces and agencies
General Studies Paper 4: Ethics, Aptitude, and Integrity     ●      Indian culture (literature, art forms, and architecture)
●      History of modern India
●      Post-independence reorganization and consolidation of India
●      The role of women’s issues related to population
●      Features of the world and India’s geography
●      Freedom struggle of India
●      Globalization
●      Urbanization
●      Developmental issues
●      Social empowerment poverty and natural resources
General Studies for Paper 5: History, Culture, Geography, Heritage, Politics, Social Justice, Biodiversity, Environment, Security, International Remedies, Security, Disaster Management of Assam.  ●      History culture, literature, tradition & heritage of Assam
●      Dynasties
●      Administrative and revenue system
●      Dances
●      Festivals
●      Religious movement
●      Leading personalities, arts, painting, freedom movement
●      Political awakening and integration
●      Leading personalities
●      Assam’s geography- natural resources, physical features, major physiographic divisions, climate, forests, mines, natural vegetation, population, etc.
●      Political and administration of Assam- chief minister, governor, high court, state information commission, state human rights, election commission, public policy.
●      The economy of Assam- economy, service sector issues, development planning, major agriculture, government welfare schemes, infrastructure, and resources.
●      Biodiversity, security, environment, and disaster management, related to Assam.
●      Indian economy
●      Government budgeting, irrigation, and farming methods
●      Major crop cropping patterns
●      Land reforms in India
●      Food processing in India
●      Liberalization effect on the economy
●      Investment models
●      Infrastructure: roads, railways, airports, ports, etc., science and technological adaptation
●      Environmental issues, awareness of the IT field, and space
●      Disaster management
●      Computer
●      Biotechnology
●      Security forces and agencies
●      History culture, literature, tradition & heritage of Assam
●      Dynasties
●      Administrative and revenue system
●      Dances
●      Festivals
●      Religious movement
●      Leading personalities, arts, painting, freedom movement
●      Political awakening and integration
●      Leading personalities
●      Assam’s geography- natural resources, physical features, major physiographic divisions, climate, forests, mines, natural vegetation, population, etc.
●      Political and administration of Assam- chief minister, governor, high court, state information commission, state human rights, election commission, public policy.
●      The economy of Assam- economy, service sector issues, development planning, major agriculture, government welfare schemes, infrastructure, and resources.
●      Biodiversity, security, environment, disaster management, related to Assam.
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APSC Result and Cutoffs

APSC Results 2025:

Candidates who took the exam to be considered for Assam Public Service Commission recruitment in 2025 can view the APSC results on the organization’s website.

  •  Go to the APSC website.
  • Select the ‘result’ option at this point.
  • Enter the candidate’s roll number in this third step.
  • The fourth step is to submit.
  • Candidates may download the results and store them.

APSC Cutoffs 2025:

The Assam Public Service Commission recruitment exam cut-off list for 2025 has not yet been released. Numerous elements affect the APSC cut-off list like the following:

  • A total number of open positions.
  • There were several candidates in total.
  • The test’s level of difficulty.
  • Exam marking criteria

APSC Salary Structure

The pay scales for candidates chosen for the various positions in the APSC recruitment 2025 vary. The APSC salary schemes are listed below.

Stenographer Grade-IIRs. 22,000 to Rs. 97,000
Junior administrative assistanceRs. 14,000 to Rs. 60,500
Forest rangerRs. 22,000 to Rs. 97,000 GP- Rs. 10,300

APSC Preparation Tips

  • Recognize the Exam Syllabus and Pattern: Start by carefully comprehending the exam structure and syllabus for each APSC exam phase. Knowing the exam syllabus will enable you to concentrate on the pertinent subjects and successfully plan your preparation.
  • Make a study schedule: Create a schedule that systematically covers all the subjects and topics. Give each subject enough time, and review frequently to help retain what you have learned.
  • Refer to Reliable Study Materials: Compile trustworthy study materials that conform with the Assam Public Service Commission syllabus, such as textbooks, reference books, and online resources. To ensure accuracy and relevance, use resources from reliable sources.
  • Practice Question Papers from the Previous Year: To become familiar with the exam format, time constraints, and question categories, solve the prior year’s test problems.
  • Take practice exams: Practice exams are a great way to determine how prepared you are and to sharpen your time management abilities. Take regular practice exams to improve your performance while simulating the exam environment.

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Frequently Asked Questions: (FAQs)

Q1. Will APSC be held in 2025?

Ans. The Assam Public Service Commission will release the notification for APSC CCE exam session 2025 soon at apsc.nic.in.

Q2. Is APSC tougher than UPSC?

Ans. The level of competition in the UPSC exam is much higher than in the APSC exam

Q3. How many attempts are allowed for taking the APSC exam?

Ans. There is no limit to the number of attempts. The candidate can go for the exam till they reach their maximum age limit which is 38 for the general category,41 years for OBC, 43 for SC/ST, and 48 for PwD.

Q4. Can I give APSC without Assamese?

Ans. Candidates who are applying for the APSC exam must have proficiency in the Assamese language.

Q5. What are the jobs after qualifying APSC exam?

Ans. Jr. Grade officer in Assam Civil Service, Assam Police, Superintendent of Taxes, District Transport officer, Assistant manager of Industries, Asst. Employment officer, Labour inspector, Inspector of Taxes, Inspector of Excise, and sub-registrar are some of the posts candidates can apply for after qualifying APSC CCE exam.