How to Answer "Why Do You Want to Leave Your Current Job?" (5+ Sample Answers)

July 16, 2024
why do you want to leave your current job
Quick Summary

Quick Summary

  • According to a study by LinkedIn, the top reason for professionals to switch jobs is a desire for higher compensation.
  • Being honest, talking about career goals, discussing new challenges, avoiding negative reasons and keeping answer concise should be kept in mind while answering this question.

Table of Contents

When preparing for a job interview, it’s important to anticipate the questions you might be asked and think about how you will answer them. One of the most challenging questions is “Why do you want to leave your current job?” This question can be tricky to answer because you don’t want to sound negative about your previous employer, but at the same time, you need to be honest about your reasons for wanting to leave. 

It’s important to remember that the question “Why do you want to leave your current job?” is not meant to trap you or put you on the spot. Recruiters ask this job interview question to understand your career goals, motivations, and values.  

Your answer can reveal a lot about your work style, your level of ambition, and your attitude toward challenges. So, preparing your answer in advance and practising delivering it confidently and concisely is essential.  

According to a study by LinkedIn, the top reason for professionals to switch jobs is a desire for higher compensation, with 57% of respondents citing it as a primary factor. Other reasons include dissatisfaction with management (10%) and the lack of career advancement opportunities (37%). 

With the right approach, you can turn this question into an opportunity to showcase your strengths and stand out as a strong candidate for the job. 

What do Recruiters Want to Hear? 

Before we dive into how to answer this question, let’s first consider why hiring managers ask it in the first place. There are several reasons why a recruiter might ask why you want to leave your current job: 

  1. To assess your motivation: Recruiters want to know that you’re genuinely interested in the job and aren’t just applying because you’re unhappy in your current role. 
  1. To see if you’re a good fit: If you have good reasons for leaving, like career progression, work-life balance, or company culture, the recruiter will want to know if the new role aligns with your values and goals. 
  1. To understand your strengths and weaknesses: If your reasons for leaving are related to poor management, a toxic work environment, or limited learning opportunities, the recruiter will want to see how you handle difficult situations and whether you have a growth mindset. 

How to Answer “Why Do You Want to Leave your Current Job” in an Interview 

Now that we’ve covered why recruiters ask this question, let’s dive into the article and find answer to “Why do you want to leave your current job”.

why do you want to leave your current job

1. The Answer should be Honest but Diplomatic. 

When answering this question, being honest is essential, but avoid speaking negatively about your current employer. Instead, frame your reasons for leaving in a positive light and focus on what you hope to gain from a new position.  

For example, you could say: 

“I’ve enjoyed my time at my current company, but I’m ready for a new challenge and an opportunity to grow in my career. By making this change, I believe I can bring my skills and experience to a new team and make a valuable contribution to the company.” 

2. Talk about Career Goals

Explain how the new job aligns with your career goals and how it will help you achieve them. Focus on the opportunities for growth, learning, and development the new position offers.  

For example, you could say: 

“I’m excited about this new role because it will allow me to take on more responsibility and develop my leadership skills, which I’m passionate about.” 

It’s important to align your career goals with the goals of the company you’re interviewing with. Research the company’s mission statement, values, and culture to understand whether their goals match yours. This will show the interviewer that you’re not just interested in any job, but that you’re interested in the specific position and company. 

3. Discuss New Challenges 

Talk about the new challenges the new job presents and how you’re excited to take them on. This shows that you’re motivated and willing to take on new responsibilities. 

For example, you could say: 

“I’m looking for a role that will challenge me to think creatively and come up with innovative solutions to complex problems. I believe this new position will provide that opportunity.” 

It’s important to show that you’re willing to take on new challenges and step out of your comfort zone. Give an example of a time when you took on a new challenge in your current or previous job and how you succeeded. This will demonstrate to the interviewer that you’re adaptable, resilient, and proactive. 

4. Avoid Negative Reasons while Answering 

Avoid mentioning negative reasons for leaving, such as conflicts with management, lack of advancement opportunities, or dissatisfaction with the current employer.  

For example, you could say: 

“I’m looking for a company that can offer more flexibility in terms of work-life balance. While I’ve enjoyed working with my current team, finding a position that allows for a better balance between my personal and professional life would lead to increased job satisfaction and productivity.” 

Additionally, it’s important to avoid discussing personal issues or family commitments that may influence your decision to leave. These reasons may be understandable, but they are generally irrelevant to the employer, and discussing them may give the impression that you are not fully committed to your career. 

5. Keep Answer Concise 

When answering the question, “Why do you want to leave your current job?”, it’s important to keep your response concise and to the point. Avoid rambling or going off-topic. Stick to your key points and emphasize how the new job aligns with your career goals. 

For example, you could say: 

“I’m looking for a new challenge and an opportunity to continue growing in my career.” 


“I’m seeking a company that aligns with my values and provides opportunities for professional development.” 

Remember, the interviewer is likely to have a lot of questions, and you don’t want to take up too much of their time with a long-winded response. A concise, well-thought-out answer will leave a positive impression and demonstrate your confidence and professionalism. 

Also Read: Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years? – 5 Perfect Answers

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Why Do You Want to Leave Your Current Job Sample Answer  

To help you prepare for your interview, here are 5 sample answers to the question, “Why are you leaving your current job?”  

Each answer highlights a different reason for leaving and demonstrates how to frame your response in a positive light. 

Sample 1: 

“I am looking for new challenges and opportunities for growth that I haven’t found in my current position. While I’ve gained valuable experience at my current job, I feel I’ve reached the limits of what I can achieve here. I’m excited about the prospect of taking on new responsibilities and learning new skills at this company.” 

Sample 2: 

“I’m looking for a company that is a better cultural fit for me. While I’ve enjoyed my time at my current job, I feel that the company culture doesn’t align with my values and work style. I believe that this company’s culture is a better match for me, and I’m excited about the possibility of joining a team that shares my values.” 

Sample 3:

“I’m looking for a company that offers more opportunities for career progression. While I’ve enjoyed my time at my current job, I feel that my career has plateaued here. I’m looking for a company that values professional development and provides clear paths for advancement. From my research, it seems that this company offers the kind of opportunities for growth and learning that I’m looking for.” 

Sample 4:

“I’m looking for a company that aligns more closely with my long-term career goals. While I appreciate the experience and skills I’ve gained at my current job, I don’t see a clear path for advancement or opportunities to pursue my passions in the future. I want to work for a company where I can see a future for myself and feel like I’m making progress towards my ultimate goals.” 

Sample 5:

“I’m seeking a work environment that suits my work style and preferences better. While I’ve enjoyed working with my current team, the pace and structure of the work here do not suit me as well as they could. I’m looking for a company that values innovation, creativity, and a flexible approach to work. From what I’ve learned about this company, it seems like the place where I can thrive and make a real contribution.” 

Relatable Read: 30+ HR Interview Questions for Freshers (with Answers)

Explaining the Right Reasons for Leaving Your Job 

In conclusion, “Why do you want to leave your current job?” is common in job interviews, and it’s important to be prepared to answer it confidently and professionally. Remember to be honest but diplomatic when crafting your response, focus on your career goals, and avoid negative reasons for leaving. With these tips and some practice, you’ll be ready to impress your interviewer and land your dream job. 

Ace your job interviews with tailored tips for a great first impression! Explore more Interview Tips with us.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is it important to have a reason for leaving a job?  

Having a clear and concise reason for leaving a job demonstrates that you have thought carefully about your decision and are serious about your career. It also provides potential employers with insight into your professional goals and what motivates you. 

Why do you want to change your job?

When explaining your reasons for changing a job in an interview, it is important to be honest but diplomatic. Focus on your career goals and the opportunities that the new position presents. Avoid mentioning negative reasons for leaving, such as conflicts with management or dissatisfaction with the company culture. 

Why did you leave your last job best answer?

To frame your reasons for leaving in a positive light, focus on the opportunities that the new position presents. Highlight how the new job aligns with your career goals and provides opportunities for growth and development. Additionally, avoid speaking negatively about your current employer or work environment. 

Why do you want to leave your current job answer?

“I am looking for new challenges and opportunities for growth that I haven’t found in my current position. While I’ve gained valuable experience at my current job, I feel I’ve reached the limits of what I can achieve here. I’m excited about learning new skills at this company.”

How can I determine if it’s time to leave my current job?  

Some signs that it may be time to leave your current job include feeling unchallenged or unfulfilled, experiencing a toxic work culture, or feeling undervalued or underpaid. If you find yourself consistently unhappy or unmotivated at work, it may be time to consider a change. 

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