The 15 Best Affiliate Platforms of 2024 | Unveiling the Pros and Cons

June 27, 2024
affiliate platforms

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Are you in search of the best affiliate platforms? Are you looking for the top 10 affiliate marketing websites in India? And are you wondering how to monetize your blog site for maximum returns? If finding the right affiliate platform feels like a nightmare, fear not! You’ve come to the right place. In this article, we will explore the best affiliate platforms that can help you achieve your goals.

With over 80% of all brands launching their affiliate platforms in India, the opportunities for budding affiliates are immense. But choosing the perfect affiliate marketing platform that suits your needs is crucial. We will guide you through the top affiliate marketing networks currently trending, ensuring you make an informed decision.

Before diving into the article, let’s consider a crucial factor: finding the best platform for affiliate marketing. Whether you’re looking for an affiliate network, networking opportunities, or specific affiliate platforms like ShareASale India, we’ve got you covered. Our comprehensive list includes the best affiliate marketing platforms that can maximize your monthly commission and boost your earnings.

So, let’s not wait any longer. Join us as we explore the realm of affiliate marketing platforms and discover the best ones for your success.

How Does Affiliate Marketing Work?

What if we told you that you can make money at anytime from anywhere, even when you sleep? Being your own boss and making money online through affiliate marketing is the perfect alternative for those tired of the hustle culture. It’s time to dive into the world of affiliate marketing platforms and discover how you can maximize your earnings. 

Affiliate marketing, particularly network affiliate marketing, is a fantastic way to drive sales and generate excellent online revenue from the comfort of your home. According to a survey conducted by Rakuten Marketing, affiliate marketing drives an average of 16% of all e-commerce sales.

16% of e-commerce sales are driven by Affiliate Marketing, according to a survey conducted by Rakuten Marketing

This shows the exponential income that you can make on these affiliate platforms. It offers immense benefits for both brands and affiliate members. The best affiliate marketing platforms work by distributing product marketing responsibilities among different parties. Let’s explore the three key parties involved:

  • Seller and Product Creators 
  • Affiliate or Advertiser 
  • Consumer 

Now, let’s answer the question: How does it work?

The process is simple and can be broken down into the following steps: 

  • Firstly, the affiliate adds affiliate links to various online platforms, such as blogs, Instagram posts, YouTube videos, and websites, using the best affiliate platforms. 
  • When customers click on these affiliate links, they are directed to the merchant’s site. 
  • The affiliate tracking system records the purchase if the customer decides to buy from the merchant. 
  • Once the purchase is confirmed as a valid sale, the transaction is completed. 
  • As a result, the affiliate earns a commission and successfully completes their first transaction using the best platforms for affiliate marketing. 

By leveraging the power of affiliate marketing platforms, you can create a reliable stream of passive income and enjoy the flexibility of working on your terms. It’s time to seize the opportunity and embark on a profitable journey with the best affiliate marketing networks. 

Top 15 Affiliate Platforms in India

  1. ShareASale
  2. Awin (Formerly Affiliate Window) 
  3. Amazon Associates
  4. CJ Affiliate
  5. Rakuten Marketing (Formerly LinkShare)
  6. Avangate Affiliate Network
  7. ClickBank
  8. FlexOffers
  9. Walmart Affiliates
  10. eBay Partner Network
  11. MaxBounty
  12. vCommission
  13. Optimise
  14. ClickDealer
  15. Admitad

1. ShareASale

ShareASale is one of the leading affiliate platforms that offers programs for over 4500 merchants, ranging from small businesses to large enterprises. With impressive growth and over 194 million sales generated in 2021, ShareASale provides excellent opportunities for affiliates in India. To join this program, follow these steps: 

  • Create a profile page or dashboard with an engaging bio. 
  • Search for advertisers and select products or services to promote. 
  • Utilize affiliate tools for optimization, including WordPress themes, statistics, and merchant IDs. 
  • Minimum payout ranges from INR 3000 to INR 3952. 
One can find thousands of merchants for both physical and digital products. The dashboard is a bit confusing. However, it has gotten a lot better. 
It has tie-ups with big brands, such as Reebok, Jackbox Games, Top Line, etc.  
In addition, it has a bookmarklet that makes it easy to generate customer affiliate links.  

2. Awin (Formerly Affiliate Window) 

Awin is one of the fast-growing affiliate platforms recognized as one of the best in India. It grants access to over 13,000 merchant websites and achieved the title of mThink’s Best CPS Network in 2022. Awin operates separately from ShareASale, despite its acquisition in 2017.  

Sign up and create a profile link.  Easy to use dashboard and has faster and more consistent payments, which makes it the best affiliate marketing platform. 
Connect with the right advertised brands and promote as per your audience’s requirements. It has more than 13000 merchants, such as Etsy, HP, Under Armour, etc. 
Once the visitor follows the link and makes a purchase, the advertiser pays the influencer commission for the approved sales. The minimum payout ranges between INR 1200 to INR 1500. 
The details of the purchases can be seen on the dashboard. Lastly, it has an excellent support team to resolve any queries. 

3. Amazon Associates 

Amazon Associates is a highly popular and sought-after affiliate program worldwide. As one of the best affiliate platforms in India, it enables content creators, publishers, and bloggers to monetize their traffic effectively. With the ability to promote a wide range of products, associates can earn up to 10% in advertising fees. 

Pros Cons 
One can promote any products available on Amazon (including those from third-party vendors). Video games have a low commission of 1%. 
The average commission rate ranges from 1 to 10%, depending on the category. The universal cookie lasts for only 24 hours. 
The cookie duration lasts for 24 hours. However, if a person is directly adding the product to their cart, the associates get a 90-day cookie, but only for a specific item in their carts. Associates need to register separately for each country. 
Lastly, the minimum payout is INR 797 for an amazon gift card or direct deposit. Also, Amazon is known to slash commissions often. 

Related Article: Top Proven Methods To Make Money On Amazon In 2023

4. CJ Affiliate (Formerly Commission Junction and Clickbank alternative in India)  

CJ Affiliate, also known as Commission Junction, is a renowned affiliate marketing network offering opportunities for publishers, advertisers, and bloggers. With 2926 associated merchants, including popular brands like Priceline, GoPro, and Grammarly, CJ Affiliate is a prominent choice for digital products. 

Pros Cons 
It is one of the best affiliate programs for digital products. Beginners can find the dashboard bit complicated. 
The average commission rate and cookie duration depend on the specific merchant you sign up with.  
It has a deep link generator bookmarklet that is easy to use and generates customized links.  
Lastly, the minimum payout is INR 3958 (approx.) for direct deposit or INR 7971 for the check.  

5. Rakuten Marketing (Formerly LinkShare) 

Rakuten Marketing boasts over 25 years of experience in affiliate platforms and performance marketing. With access to 5,000+ affiliate programs, including big merchants like Papa John’s and Walmart, Rakuten Marketing offers the following features: 

Pros Cons 
It gives access to big merchants, such as Walmart and Best Buy. The list of options is less compared to other affiliate marketing platforms. 
The average commission rate and cookie longevity depend on the merchant you sign-up with. The back-end dashboard is quite out-of-place. 
The minimum commission rate is INR 3958 (approx.).  

6. Avangate Affiliate Network 

The Avangate Affiliate Network is a global affiliate network that specializes in digital and software products. It is one of the best affiliate programs for digital products, such as Kaspersky, Bitdefender, Awario, etc. In addition, the platform focuses on building strong relationships with publishers and educating them on the products and services offered. Hence, the Avangate Affiliate Network gives access to 22000+ software programs and services. Key features include: 

Pros Cons 
Associates can browse the complete merchant marketplace without signing up. It is one of the best affiliate platforms in India. The minimum payout is INR 7921, higher than most other affiliate networks.  
In addition, it has a higher commission rate than you can find in any other affiliate marketplace.  
The cookie duration lasts between 30 to 180 days, depending on the merchant you sign up with.  

7. ClickBank

ClickBank is another globally-trusted affiliate marketplace for digital goods. It has more than 100000 sellers and marketers that reach millions of customers worldwide. Where ShareASale and Awin collab with big merchants, ClickBank is known for its smaller end of merchants, thus making it one of the best affiliate platforms in India. One can find a lot of merchants selling e-books, membership sites, and online courses. In short, the products and services aren’t that high-quality. Therefore, one must be careful while choosing the items to promote. 

Pros Cons 
A lot of smaller niche offers are available on the platform. ClickBank has a generous refund policy, which can lead to the loss of commission rates. 
It has a transparent product marketplace with reliable payment options. It has a wide range of low-quality products. Therefore, associates must check the merchant list carefully. 
High commission rates from most of the merchants.  

8. FlexOffers

FlexOffers is a powerful affiliate marketing platform that offers comprehensive solutions to advertisers and publishers. With access to over 12,000 merchants and 10,000+ affiliate programs, FlexOffers offers the following features: 

Pros Cons 
It has over 12000 merchants covering all niches’ physical and digital products. If an associate is not from the USA, then the only payment option available is PayPal. However, if the payment exceeds INR 398562 (approx.), one can opt for wireless transfer. 
The dashboard is easy and flexible to use, thus making it one of the best affiliate platforms in India.  
The average commission rate and cookie duration depend on the merchant you sign up with.  
The minimum payout is INR 7921 (outside the USA).  
Flexoffers assigns every publisher a dedicated account manager to improve affiliate marketing.  

9. Walmart Affiliates 

Walmart Affiliates, a part of Rakuten Marketing, allows affiliates to earn commissions by placing ads or text links on their websites.  

Pros Cons 
The average commission rates range from 1 to 8%. Walmart pays monthly sales, which does not cover returns, sales tax, shipping, or handling. 
The tracking cookie lasts for three days. The minimum payout is higher as compared to Amazon. 
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10. eBay Partner Network 

eBay has its affiliate network and is one of the best affiliate platforms in India. One can earn a commission by promoting its listed products. The eBay partner network specializes mostly in physical products. To become a trusted affiliate marketer, one must sign up and create an account to generate sales on the advertisements. The dashboard helps to check all the stats and commissions you have earned throughout the year. The affiliate link can be created using the eBay Partner Network tools (EPN). 

Pros Cons 
It has multiple products. One can earn a commission for selling any product. The cookie lasts for only 24 hours. 
The average commission rate ranges from 50 to 70% of eBay’s revenue, thus making it on the list of the best affiliate platforms in India.  
The minimum payout is INR 797 (approx.)  

11. MaxBounty 

MaxBounty is one of the most well-established affiliate platforms that offers a wide range of high-converting offers and campaigns for affiliates. With a focus on performance marketing, MaxBounty provides an extensive selection of verticals and geos, allowing affiliates to find suitable offers for their audience.  

Pros Cons 
Wide range of high-converting offers Can be challenging for beginners 
Competitive commission rates and payouts Strict approval process 
Robust tracking and reporting tools  

12. vCommission

vCommission is a leading affiliate network in India that connects affiliates with top advertisers and brands. With a vast pool of offers across various verticals, vCommission provides affiliates with ample opportunities to monetize their traffic.  

Pros Cons 
Exclusive and high-converting campaigns Limited focus on the Indian market 
Real-time tracking and reporting Less variety compared to global affiliate networks 

13. Optimise

Optimise is a performance marketing network that operates globally, offering affiliates access to a wide range of advertisers and campaigns. With a focus on delivering optimized performance and maximizing conversions, Optimise provides affiliates with the tools and resources needed to succeed.  

Pros Cons 
Diverse portfolio of advertisers and offers Can have a steep learning curve for beginners 
Advanced tracking and reporting capabilities Limited presence in certain geographic regions 
Performance-based payouts and competitive rates Limited number of verticals compared to some networks 

14. ClickDealer

ClickDealer is a global affiliate network known for its vast selection of high-quality offers in various verticals, including finance, e-commerce, and gaming. With a reputation for delivering excellent results, ClickDealer offers affiliates access to exclusive campaigns and top-tier advertisers.  

Pros Cons 
Extensive range of offers across verticals Some offers may have stricter requirements 
Cutting-edge tracking technology Limited presence in certain niches or industries 
Competitive payouts and performance rewards Requires approval to access exclusive campaigns 

15. Admitad

Admitad is a comprehensive affiliate network that operates internationally, connecting affiliates with a diverse range of advertisers and campaigns. With a user-friendly platform and a wide array of promotional tools, Admitad offers affiliates the means to monetize their traffic effectively.  

Pros Cons 
Access to a vast pool of advertisers and offers Some offers may have lower commission rates 
Intuitive dashboard with detailed analytics Occasional payment delays or issues 
Timely payments and flexible payout options May have a steeper learning curve for beginners 

Take Away from the Article  

Embarking on affiliate platforms can open doors to a lucrative journey. However, it’s crucial to keep in mind that establishing a solid online presence, whether through an impeccable website, engaging blog, or thriving social media following, is essential for building a reputable brand. Patience is key as significant financial transformations may not occur overnight. But once you witness remarkable progress, you’ll discover that affiliate marketing is a highly profitable endeavour. We trust that this comprehensive overview of the top affiliate platforms in India will assist you in selecting the ideal network for your needs.  

Unleash your earning potential with our affiliate marketing guide. Explore Chegg’s Earn Online guide for expert insights and strategies to boost your income through affiliate partnerships.  

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Frequently Asked Questions

Which platform is best for affiliate marketing?  

Choosing the right affiliate platform is crucial for success. Some top platforms for affiliate marketing in India include CJ Affiliate, Amazon Associates, FlexOffers, ClickBank, and eBay Network Partner. 

What is an affiliate network platform?

An affiliate network platform connects publishers (affiliates) and advertisers (merchants) and enables the promotion of products or services through blogs or websites. Affiliates earn commissions for successful transactions made through their referral links. 

How do I start an affiliate platform?

To start an affiliate platform: 

1. Find suitable advertisers in your niche. 
2. Choose the right affiliate software solution. 
3. Ensure network security against ad fraud. 
4. Attract experienced affiliates through webinars and case studies.
5. Create an appealing reward system. 
6. Track performance and explore different networking options.

What are the three types of affiliate marketing?  

The three types of affiliate marketing are: 

1. Unattached Affiliate Marketing: No personal connection to the product or service being promoted. 
2. Related Affiliate Marketing: Promoting products or services related to the affiliate’s niche. 
3. Involved Affiliate Marketing: Establishing a deeper connection through personal experiences and acting as a trusted source.

What is the highest-paid affiliate program?

Some highest-paid affiliate programs in India include SEMRush, SiteGround, Hostinger, HubSpot, Fiverr, Thrive Themes, ClickFunnels, and 3D Cart. These programs offer physical and digital products, and participants earn commissions through unique referral links.

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