How to Write a Resignation Letter. Understand the Format with Examples.

July 23, 2024
resignation letter format

Table of Contents

Are you considering resigning from your current job? If so, one of the most important things you’ll need to do is write a resignation letter. A resignation letter is a formal document that informs your employer of your intention to leave the company. It’s an essential step in the resignation process that shows your professionalism and respect for your employer and colleagues. In this article, we’ll provide you with a comprehensive guide to writing a resignation letter, including the format, components, and examples of resignation letters to help you get started. Whether you’re leaving your job on good terms or need to make a smooth exit, this guide will help you draft a professional, respectful resignation letter that serves your best interests. However, if you plan to change your mind, we’ve got you covered; you can read our blog on Resignation Withdrawal Letter.

Importance of a Resignation Letter

If you’re thinking about resigning from your job, you may be wondering if writing a resignation letter is necessary. However, a resignation letter is a critical document that shows your professionalism and respect for your employer and colleagues. In this post, we’ll go through the importance of a resignation letter, why it’s necessary, and the benefits it provides.

Shows Professionalism

Writing a resignation letter is a professional way to communicate your decision to leave your job. It’s a formal document that indicates you’re taking your departure seriously and are willing to take the time to compose a proper letter. Your resignation letter demonstrates that you’re handling the situation in a professional manner, and it sets the tone for your departure from the company.

Leaves a Positive Impression

Leaving a job can be an emotional time, but writing a resignation letter helps to leave a positive impression on your employer and colleagues. It shows that you appreciate the opportunity to work for the company and that you’re willing to help with the transition process. By writing a well-crafted letter, you demonstrate that you’re a responsible and considerate person who cares about the impact of your departure.

Smooth Transition Process

Writing a resignation letter can help with the transition process by providing your employer with notice of your departure. This gives your employer time to plan and find a replacement, minimizing any disruption to the business. Additionally, offering to assist with the transition process, such as training your replacement, shows that you’re committed to ensuring a smooth handover of your responsibilities.

Preserves Your Professional Image

Your resignation letter can protect your professional reputation by ensuring that your departure is handled professionally and respectfully. A poorly executed resignation can damage your relationship with your employer and potentially impact future job prospects. By writing a professional resignation letter, you demonstrate that you take your career seriously and value your reputation.

Why Would You Require a Resignation Letter Format?

When an employee wants to resign, a resignation letter format is necessary. The format helps the employee to get an idea of writing a proper resignation letter. Before the departure from the company, an employee gets confused. The employee further gets shaky over the thought of what to write and how a resignation letter can be prepared. So, picking the right format for a resignation letter can surely help an employee.

It helps the employee write a better goodbye note. An employee should carefully select a resignation letter format. As it decides in which tone an employee has to express his/her leave. A letter format gives an overall view of what formalities need to be carried forward. An employee gets an idea of how to write a resignation letter by only analyzing the formats. Therefore, a worker should know how to write a resignation letter.

Also Read: Relieving Letter Format – Uses and Samples

Components in Resignation Letter Format

A resignation letter format must cover some components in it. The job resignation letter format must include major details in it. So that the human resource team can do the different processes of the employee. Those components include

  • Contact Details
  • Greetings
  • Date of Departure
  • Showing Gratefulness
  • Offer to help in further training
  • A Paragraph showing thankfulness for the opportunity
resignation letter format

Contact Details

The top of the letter should contain the employee’s contact details – Name, Job Title, Phone Number, and email address. Below it, one must include the Hiring Manager’s name, Job Title, Company Name, and address. The date of writing the resignation letter is a must thing.


Yes, a resignation letter should contain words like – ‘Dear’or ‘Hello’etc. Following this, the reader’s name is to be written. This refers to a formal yet friendly way of greetings at the beginning. One can add words like Mr, Mrs, or Ms.

Date of Departure

The reason behind leaving the job should be added to the first sentence. Afterwards, the date of departure from the company should be included. The departure date should be kept close to the notice period. This is the most important component of a resignation letter. The exact date of departure should be mentioned.

Offer to help in further training

After clarifying the reason behind leaving the job, one should ensure the company for assistance in further training. The second phase of the format should hold the statement that the employee wants to assist the new employees. The paragraph can further include the date of submission of any pending work assignments.

Showing Gratefulness

In a format, the next sentences can gracefully add the thankfulness of the employee towards the company. The employee expresses a sense of gratitude and the things learned from mentors. A proper resignation format should cover this aspect. A formal resignation letter should contain how the opportunity added growth to the career.

Professional Signature

A job resignation letter should present a professional signature at the end -‘ Yours sincerely’ or’ Yours truly’ with the employee’s name.

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Resignation Letter Format with Sample

Resignation Letter Format

Dear [name of the Reader],

I would like to inform you that I am resigning from my Post as [name of the Post] for [company name], effective [date of leaving].

I appreciate the opportunities for professional growth that you have provided me over time. Also, I have enjoyed my job role at [ company name ]. In particular, I feel honored to have been a part of such a supportive team.

Please let me know if I can add any assistance during this training. I am ready to train my replacement and will ensure all my reports are updated before my last work day.

Thank you again for the opportunity to work at [ company’s name ]. I wish you all the best and look forward to keeping in touch. You can email me at [ employee’s email address ].

Yours Sincerely,
Employee’s Name

Do’s and Don’ts for Resignation Letter

An employee must follow some dos and don’ts before writing a resignation letter to the Manager.

The Do's and the Don'ts when writing a resignation letter.

Understanding the Resignation Letter Format

The employee must understand the resignation letter format. There are various types of formats. The format is selected as per the job role and leaving reasons. All the components of a proper resignation letter must be included. Before selecting an appropriate format, the employee should understand what things to cover and what not.

The resignation format for a Nurse is different from the resignation letter of a Teacher. In contrast, the retirement resignation letter might differ from maternity leave. One must choose an appropriate format as per the position. The resignation letter for personal reasons differs from the letter for career growth.

Know more about day-to-day skills for a fruitful personal and professional life. Explore our guide on Life Skills.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I write a good resignation letter?

A good resignation letter is always direct. The formal letter should hold clarity. It should give a positive message to the readers. In a good resignation letter, the date of departure is a must. The employee should offer help to the new trainees. A good resignation letter should be professional. The grammatical errors must be thoroughly checked.

How do I write a short resignation letter?

An employee only needs to write all important components to write a short resignation letter. The letter should be brief, relevant, and limited to one page. There is no need to add unnecessary words. The employee must cover all vital aspects only.

Do you have to write a resignation letter when leaving a job?

Yes, one needs to write a resignation letter before leaving a job. It indicates that the employee is quitting the job in a formal manner. The resignation letter builds professionalism between the employee and the employer. By sending a resignation mail to the Manager, the employee shows that he /she is strictly chasing a sense of professionalism in the workplace.

How much notice is required when you resign from a job?

There is no such rule made about when an employee can give notice. However, two months is a standard duration for most current job roles. Some of the high-level job roles need a longer notice duration. Companies have set different notice periods as per the job roles.

How do I resign immediately?

If an employee wants to resign immediately, he/she must know some steps. Those steps include
1. An employee should inform their reporting manager.
2. Write a letter of resignation to the hiring Manager.
3. Offer a notice.

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