Email Templates & Tips To Send Your Resume To HR

July 16, 2024
send resume to HR
Quick Summary

Quick Summary

  • The email should include a compelling subject, a concise body introducing yourself and accomplishments, closing words and a signature.
  • When emailing a resume, do include a concise subject, short body content and emphasize your skills and experience.
  • The email should not contain generic attachment names and excessive follow-up when sending the resume to HR.

Table of Contents

To apply for a job, must you send your resume to HR?

If so, you can become perplexed regarding the appropriate course of action. Is it better to submit your resume and cover letter as attachments or as text within the email?

People frequently put a great deal of thought and work into crafting their resumes to send resume to HR. On average, recruiters spend about 6-8 seconds reviewing your resume.

When applying for a job online, the email to which you attach your CV is as crucial as the document itself. Therefore, you must ensure your email is concise, visually appealing and effectively communicates your intentions. Now let’s dive into the steps of crafting a perfect mail for sending the resume to HR.

How do I Send a Resume via Email?

What should I include in an email while creating a resume for recruiters? It’s something you might be thinking. Sending a resume to recruiters on your own initiative is more successful than using an anonymous web form. It creates a personal bond between you and the recruiter and grows your chances of getting shortlisted for the interview round of the job. In this article on emailing a resume, we demonstrate how to do that.

So, here is complete guidance on how to send a resume to HR to seek employment, including preparing and editing plain text resumes as well as attaching PDF files in your professional email.

elements of email cover letter

Email Format to Send Resume to HR

As hiring managers and CEOs are busy individuals, you should write a concise email. You should also provide the correct contact details so they can contact you easily. Your messages will be simpler and easier to write if you keep them simple, allowing you to spend more time looking for work. Following a clear email format to send HR helps your chances of getting the job so let’s take a closer look at the essential aspects of emailing the resume:

1. Use a Professional Email Address

Before you send your resume to HR, make sure you have a professional email address. About 70% of resumes are rejected due to unprofessional email addresses. Research shows that a formal email ID can increase your chances of being shortlisted. Hiring managers usually notice the email ID the email is coming from. An email address like ‘” is considered unprofessional and can be a pitfall in your selection process.

Make sure to use a professional email ID with your full name. You can also use your initials in the email address.

Example:” or “

2. Create a Compelling Subject Line

It will be the first thing they see. Yes, the subject line is a very small portion of the entire email. But the recruiter will notice it right away as well. You should be extremely precise with the subject line of your CV email when you send your resume to HR.

First, look over the job description for any submission guidelines. The company could have a preferred style. If such is the case, you must adhere to it. You should indicate in the subject line if someone has referred you for the position. If you’d like, you can add your position or credentials, but keep the subject line accomplishment in mind.

Resume: Job Title: Your Name
Resume: Your Name for Job Title
Your Name Resume: Job Title

3. Body of an Email

To send a resume to HR, a formal introduction is crucial. So, introduce yourself formally and use the hiring manager’s name. Make it professional and clean.

You should introduce yourself, explain why you are writing this email, and describe what is within the first brief paragraph.

Provide a succinct but impactful introduction of your greatest accomplishments in the next section. Naturally, only highlight accomplishments that are pertinent to the position. Finish this sentence by outlining the value you would provide to the organization and the talents you would employ to achieve this. You need to end your email by expressing your eagerness to meet with them in person and hear from them.

You may include a compelling call to action but take care to avoid sounding unpleasant or overly eager.

Write yours genuinely or faithfully. Finally, a formal signature is required! Don’t forget to provide your contact information when you send your resume to HR.

First Name and Last Name
Email address
Contact Details

Keep in mind that the email’s body should be brief and to the point when you send a resume to HR. Avoid giving the recruiting manager too much information, or else you risk losing your chances of getting a job.

Always remember that, due to space restrictions, you cannot go into detail about every success and employment history. The email must be clear and informative.

4. Add CV and Cover Letter as Attachments

Be sure to include your CV in the email as well!

Examine whether including your cover letter is necessary. Submitting your cover letter and resume when you apply for a job with a larger company may be advantageous. But be careful not to overuse repetitions in both your cover letter and email content.

A generic or unstructured name for the attachments is not acceptable when you send a resume to HR. These documents may be difficult for the recruiting manager to locate later if they have names like ggjhj.pdf or resume.pdf.


Your cover letter and resume for recruiters should be sent in PDF or Word format. Given that PDF is a widely used file format, it is simple to open and preserves the layout of your papers.

5. Proofread and Send a Test Email

Check your resume, cover letter, and email carefully for any spelling, punctuation, or formatting errors before you send your resume to HR. Sending yourself a test email can help you spot any mistakes properly. Before you send your resume to HR, download the attachment from your test email and check that it is the correct document. Also, checking if the attachments are the proper documents is very necessary. Many people get confused between a CV and a resume therefore it is your responsibility to make sure your resume is delivered to HR.

You can use free tools like Grammarly to remove grammatical and spelling mistakes. Double-check all the essential information, like your name, company name, the position you are applying for, etc.

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Sample Emails to Send Resume to HR

If you are wondering how to craft the perfect email when you send a resume to HR, here are some email formats for sending a resume that will increase your chances of getting a job.

Sample 1

Hello (Name of Recipient),

I am (name) and I’m interested in the post of (job name). To this email, I’ve attached my resume.

After going through the job posting, I believe I possess all the necessary abilities and credentials. Details about my current employment and previous roles are also available.

My expected pay for the position is (insert details).

You can reach me at (insert details). I’m interested in your response regarding how to proceed further with my application.

Thanks, and Regards

Your name

Sample 2

Dear Sir/ Ma’am,

I am interested in applying for the job position of Project Manager at ABC company.

I am confident that I will be a strong fit for this position. As of now, I possess 6 years of experience in software development projects and experience in embedded and application software development, along with 3 years of project management experience.

In my past experiences, I have managed complex projects on time and within budget. I would appreciate it if given a chance to prove my value addition for this job role. Please find my attached resume and cover letter.

Thank you so much for your time. I look forward to hearing from you about the next steps.


(Your name)

Sample 3

Dear Hiring Manager,

As a [mention your major achievement], with a proven record of [experience], I aim to leverage my skills and knowledge to help ABC company succeed.

I look forward to meeting you in person to share my insights on [how you’re going to help the prospective employer with their goals] and discuss the various prospects of the role.

Please let me know if any additional information is required. You can check my portfolio and sample article here (attach the link).

Please find attached my resume and a cover letter for your reference.


(Your email signature)

Sample 4

Subject: Application for Marketing

Dear Hiring Manager,

I would like to apply for the role of marketing assistant. Please find my CV and cover letter in the email attachment.

I have overseen the development of marketing strategies for several firms for the last five years and carried out marketing strategies on my own and given clients marketing guidance.

I value the time you spent reading through my cover letter and CV. Looking forward to your response.


(Your name)

Sample 5

Subject: Application for Content Writer

Dear Mr. Shikhawat,

My name is Tina and I have done my graduation from IP University. I have recently worked for an exciting company named ABC. I am enthusiastic to use the abilities and knowledge I have gained from my internship to support this wonderful company.

My resume and portfolio have been attached here for reference.

I appreciate you looking over my application. I look forward to learning about any actions or processes.


(Your name)

Guidelines to Send Resume to HR



Add a digital signature at the end of your email.

Do not send a resume to HR directly without writing an email.

Use a professional email address.

Don’t send emails without proofreading.

Highlight your skills and experience.

Don’t name your attachment (resume) as Resume 1 or Resume 2

Keep your email to the point.

Avoid using emojis and creative fonts.

Write a brief and informative subject line.

Avoid sending follow-up questions repeatedly.

How to Write a Mail to HR – Key Takeaways

The article describes in detail how you can write a professional job application email to the HR department of a company.

Learning what to write in each section of the email and how to style it is crucial to getting your application examined when delivering your resume to recruiters by email.

When you send a resume to HR via email, it requires proper email formatting. The best course of action is to submit your resume in any format requested by recruiters. When you send a resume to HR through email, adhere to standard business letter formatting guidelines if none are specified. Most importantly, do not forget to add your contact details so that they can revert back once they have their decision.

While not being as extensive as a cover letter, the email you send to HR with your application form should showcase your qualities and abilities and include an attachment of your professionally written resume. This way it will increase your chances of getting shortlisted for the interview and getting the job.

When sending your resume by email, format it as professionally as you can, including the email address, the subject line, the signature and also your contact details.

Be distinctive in your job application. Read resume tips and advice that can help you make a positive impression on hiring managers.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I write when emailing a CV to HR?

When you send a resume to HR, make sure you follow all the guidelines given by the hiring manager. If you do not follow the instructions, then your application may be rejected. Keep emails short and simple. It should not be long and contain only relevant information. You can mention your name and the job position you are applying for. Briefly mention your experience and skills and your interest in joining the company.

How do you send a resume to a recruiter?

To send a resume to HR, make sure to add a proper email, addressing the recruiter or hiring manager. Do not send a resume to HR without a professional email. Make sure your email highlights your skills, experience, and interest in joining the company.

How do I send my resume to the recruiter in Gmail?

Make sure you include a proper subject line, as it’s the first thing they’ll notice. If required, include a professionally written cover letter explaining why you are interested in the job. Keep the body of the email short and to the point. Not only this, but the file format in which you send your resume to HR also matters. Your resume for recruiters should be in docx. or pdf format when you send it to HR.

How to send an email with resume to HR?

Always remember these points while emailing a resume:

1. Use a clear subject line.
2. Maintain Simplicity.
3. Attachments.
4. Choose a file format for a resume.
5. Your attachment’s name
6. Add your signature.
7. Edit and proofread your documents thoroughly.

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