Understanding Fixed Cost: What It Means for Your Business

June 28, 2024
what is fixed cost
Quick Summary

Quick Summary

  • Fixed costs are expenses that remain constant regardless of production or sales levels, such as rent and salaries.
  • Include rent payments, salaries, insurance premiums, and property taxes.
  • They provide stability to business operations but require effective management to optimize cost efficiency and profitability.

Table of Contents

Businesses deal with fixed costs and variable costs, both essential for maintaining profitability. Now, you must be wondering what these financial terms mean in business.

It refers to an expense that remains constant regardless of changes in production or sales volume. This company expenditure is time-dependent and stays constant throughout the course of a fiscal quarter. These expenses are established for a specified period of time and may have an influence on profitability, if not handled properly.

Yes, salaries are considered fixed costs. This article will explain them further, with examples and insights to help you manage your business effectively.

What is Fixed Cost?

Fixed costs refers to business expense that does not fluctuate, regardless of whether the number of products or services produced or sold increases or decreases. The total fixed cost may alter over time, but not during the contract term.
Fixed expenses are dependable. Accountants differentiate them from variable costs and identify them owing to their dependability. Insurance and utility bills are examples.

1. Rent or Mortgage Payments 

Practically all firms must pay rent or mortgage payments for real estate. This sum is not contingent on the company’s success. Nevertheless, the rent may climb over time depending on the terms of the arrangement.

2. Salaries

Employee salaries represent fixed compensation levels provided to workers regardless of their working hours.

3. Costs of Advertising and Marketing

Including social media campaigns and website hosting. For example, when you register your website domain, you must pay a tiny monthly fee that stays constant regardless of how well your company performs on that website.

4. Property Tax

A tax levied by the local government on a firm based on the value of its assets.

5. Contracts or Leases

For example, a one-year lease on equipment required to complete a project qualifies as a fixed cost.


  • Fixed cost are easy to account for since they do not alter with changes in the number of products and services produced.
  • For a relevant level of production, production volume and costs usually remain constant.
  • Fixed expenses reduce the company’s financial performance for a certain accounting period, resulting in a lower tax burden and, eventually, an increase in capital savings.
  • Fixed expenses reduce the company’s financial performance for a certain accounting period, resulting in a lower tax burden and, eventually, an increase in capital savings.

A company’s fixed costs impact its gross profit. Thus, the organization must understand and manage them effectively. Doing so optimizes the corporate financial structure, enabling informed decisions on pricing, business finances, and product volume.

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How to Calculate Fixed Cost

Here are two straightforward methods for calculating fixed expenses. Use this simple formula:

Fixed costs = Total cost of production – (Variable cost per unit x Number of units produced)

First, sum up all production costs. Differentiate between constant and variable expenses. Subtract the variable cost per unit multiplied by the number of units produced from your total production costs to find your fixed costs.

Fixed Vs Variable Costs 

Here are some key distinctions between fixed and variable costs:

Fixed CostVariable Cost
Remain constant regardless of how much a business producesVary according to how much a company produces and sells.
Rent, property tax, insurance and depreciation are some fixed costs.Labor, utility bills, commissions, and raw materials are some of the most prevalent categories
Time-dependent and alters once a specific amount of time has passed.Volume-dependent and varies according to the volume generated.
Increased output leads to lower expenses and more profitability.The level of output has no effect on profit.

Types of Fixed Costs

1. Separable Fixed Cost

The separable fixed cost is the expense that we split from one branch or department to the next.

For example, in a sales department, one part sells décor and another sells lighting accessories. There’s a $1000 fixed cost in the décor division and $1500 in the lighting division. These are separate fixed costs. If we stop selling décor, we don’t have to pay $1000 anymore. Closing a department means ending its specific fixed costs.

2. Discretionary Fixed Cost

A discretionary fixed cost is an expense that a company can adjust up or down after a certain period of time. It does not alter owing to growth or reduction in the number of sales or manufacturing, but it is related to time.

For example, we have spent on brand advertising over the last five years. When our brand becomes popular, we can reduce the cost of advertising after 5 years, or we can decide to increase advertising in other countries where we want to sell products.
For example, we have spent on brand advertising over the last five years. When our brand becomes popular, we can reduce the cost of advertising after 5 years, or we can decide to increase advertising in other countries where we want to sell products.

3. Committed Fixed Cost

Committed fixed costs do not change or split across different departments or branches within a company. Whether we work in other departments or branches or not, we must pay a set cost. Examples of committed fixed expenditures include investments in assets like buildings and equipment, real estate taxes, insurance expenses, and certain top-level management salaries.

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Importance of Fixed Costs in Business

We briefly saw the benefits and importance. Let’s take a deeper look at them:

1. Analysis of break-even points

Knowing the profitable pricing level for your goods and services is critical. Only then can your company be viable while meeting its goals and objectives. Determining this viable pricing level requires conducting a break-even study.

2. Ensures business stability

Once identified, fixed expenses will stay constant for particular schedules or agreements. This allows firms to make sound financial choices and offer stability to corporate operations.

3. Assists with the accounting process

Analyzing a company’s fixed costs assists accountants in preparing financial reports and in presenting them to business stakeholders. It also allows them to perform calculations and evaluate the financial viability of the company.

How to Manage Fixed Costs

It is essential to know how to manage business fixed costs for the effective running of a company. So, read on to know some tips on fixed cost management.
Reducing any company expense can help owners boost their profits. Here are some ideas on how businesses might reduce fixed expenses while increasing profit margins:

  • Subletting commercial warehouse space can help you save money.
  • Do your homework and choose insurance plans with reduced prices.
  • Consider debt refinancing to reduce interest rates.
  • Negotiate reduced rent payments with leasing companies or landlords.

Another way to manage fixed costs is outsourcing. The most significant benefits of outsourcing are time and cost savings.
To reduce manufacturing costs, a personal computer maker may purchase internal components for its devices from other businesses. A legal business may use a cloud-computing service provider to store and back up its information, instead of having to pay enormous sums of money to own the technology for backup.

Challenges with Fixed Cost

One significant downside is that the per-unit expense increases if your organization fails to meet a specific minimum production rate. As a result, if your company has large fixed expenses, a fall in production or sales volume will reduce your profit margins.
There is also the challenge of reducing it while maintaining the quality of the company’s functioning.
It also limits the business’s flexibility to a certain extent. If your company has several goods, it will be difficult to identify a clear link between the product and the fixed expenses spent. In such a case, cost allocation or apportionment is based on the profitability of each division. Yet, this may lead to inaccurate financial productivity metrics.

Run your Business with Fixed Costs Management

It enable the calculation of a company’s breakeven point and operational leverage. Another cost-structure statistic in cost-structure management is operating leverage. The proportion of fixed to variable expenses influences a company’s operating leverage. Greater fixed expenses increase operational leverage. Fixed expenses may also help to improve economies of scale by decreasing per unit when bigger volumes are produced.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How does fixed cost differ from variable cost?

Variable expenses vary according to the number of products generated. c and raw materials are examples of variable expenses. Whereas, It remains the same regardless of industrial output.

Do salaries come under fixed cost?

Companies consider salaries a fixed cost. Employees receive the same pay regardless of the company’s performance.

What makes up the total fixed cost?

Total fixed costs are the total of a company’s continuous, non-variable expenditures. Assume a corporation pays $10,000 per month for office space, $5,000 per month for machines and $1,000 per month for utilities. In this example, the total fixed expenses for the firm would be $16,000.

What do business fixed costs include?

Fixed costs remain constant regardless of changes in production volume. These expenses are time-dependent rather than dependent on the quantity of goods or services produced or sold by your company. Examples include rent, leasing charges, salaries, insurance premiums, and loan repayments.

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