How to Write a Resume for Internship with Resume Examples

July 2, 2024
resume for internship
Quick Summary

Quick Summary

  • Your resume for internship is the gateway to securing valuable professional opportunities.
  • When crafting a resume for internship, it’s essential to comprehend its definition and purpose
  • To optimize your internship resume, consider utilizing internship resume examples and templates. 

Table of Contents

Your resume for internship is the gateway to securing valuable professional opportunities. To make a lasting impression on employers, it’s crucial to create a well-crafted resume.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll provide you with essential tips, internship resume examples, and effective resume formats and templates. Whether you’re a fresher starting your career journey or seeking to enhance your resume, we’ll cover all the bases. Discover how to highlight your skills, leverage internship resume keywords, and tailor your resume to stand out.

Get ready to write a compelling resume that paves the way for internship success. Let’s dive in!

Understanding the Basics of Resume for Internships

Did you know, LinkedIn reports that candidates with a complete profile are 40 times more likely to receive job opportunities through the platform. This highlights the importance of having a comprehensive and up-to-date LinkedIn profile.

When crafting a resume for internship, it’s essential to comprehend its definition and purpose. A resume for internship serves as a vital tool for showcasing your qualifications, skills, and experiences to prospective employers. It acts as a snapshot of your capabilities and demonstrates your suitability for the specific internship opportunity.

Key Components of a Resume

Contact Information

Begin with your full name, professional email address, phone number, and relevant social media profiles.

Resume Objective or Summary

Create a concise statement that highlights your career goals, relevant skills, and what you can offer as an intern.


Mention your educational background, including the name of the institution, degree pursued, major, graduation date (or expected graduation date), and any academic honors or achievements.

Relevant Coursework

Showcase courses or projects that align with the internship position, emphasizing your knowledge and expertise.

Work Experience

Include previous work experience, internships, or part-time jobs relevant to the internship role. Highlight responsibilities, achievements, and transferable skills gained.


List key skills, both technical and soft skills, relevant to the internship position. This can include software proficiency, communication abilities, and problem-solving skills.

Extracurricular activities

Highlight involvement in clubs, organizations, volunteer work, or leadership roles that demonstrate teamwork, communication, and leadership abilities.

Projects and research

Incorporate relevant projects, research work, or academic initiatives showcasing your abilities and commitment in your field of interest.

To optimize your internship resume, consider utilizing internship resume examples and templates. These resources provide inspiration and effective resume structures tailored to internships. Moreover, strategically incorporate internship resume keywords throughout your resume to enhance its visibility to applicant tracking systems (ATS) and capture employers’ attention.

By following these internship resume tips, you’ll be well-prepared to create a compelling resume that incorporates the provided keywords, effectively highlights your strengths, and increases your chances of securing the desired internship opportunity.

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Resume Format for Internship

When it comes to creating a resume for internship, choosing the right format is crucial. The format you select will determine how your information is organized and presented to potential employers. In this section, we will explore different resume formats for internships and help you understand their pros and cons. By considering these factors and aligning them with your specific circumstances, you can make an informed decision about the best format for your resume for internship.

1. Chronological Format:

The chronological format is the most common and straightforward format for resumes. It emphasizes your work experience, listing your most recent position first, followed by previous roles in reverse chronological order.

This format is ideal if you have relevant internship experiences or previous employment history that aligns with the internship you are applying for. It allows employers to see your career progression and easily identify your past responsibilities.


  • Highlights your work history and progression.
  • Demonstrates a strong track record of experience.
  • Shows your growth and development in your field.


  • May draw attention to gaps in employment or lack of relevant experience.
  • Not ideal for freshers or those with limited work experience.

2. Functional Format:

The functional format focuses on your skills and abilities rather than your chronological work history. It allows you to highlight relevant skills, coursework, projects, and extracurricular activities that demonstrate your qualifications for the internship. This format is beneficial if you are a fresher or transitioning into a new field, as it emphasizes your capabilities rather than your work experience.


  • Highlights your skills and abilities relevant to the internship.
  • Downplays gaps in employment or limited work experience.
  • Emphasizes transferrable skills and achievements.


  • May raise questions about your work history or specific job titles.
  • Employers may want to see a clear work timeline.

3. Combination Format:

The combination format, as the name suggests, combines elements of both the chronological and functional formats. It allows you to showcase your skills and accomplishments while providing a structured work history section. This format is suitable if you want to highlight both your relevant skills and your work experience.


  • Provides a comprehensive overview of your skills and work experience.
  • Allows you to emphasize specific achievements and qualifications.
  • Suitable for showcasing transferrable skills and internship experiences.


  • Can make your resume longer and potentially overwhelming if not organized properly.
  • Requires careful attention to ensure a seamless integration of both sections.

Choosing the right format for your resume for internship depends on various factors, including your work experience, skills, and the specific requirements of the internship position. Consider using Internship resume examples or Internship resume templates as references to see how different formats are applied effectively.

Remember, regardless of the format you choose, follow these internship resume tips:

  • Tailor your resume to the internship position by highlighting relevant skills and experiences.
  • Use concise language and bullet points to make your resume easy to read.
  • Include internship resume keywords that align with the internship description and industry.
  • Proofread your resume carefully to eliminate errors and ensure consistency.

By carefully selecting the most appropriate resume format and incorporating these tips, you’ll be well on your way to creating an impressive resume that captures the attention of potential employers in your quest for an internship.

Crafting an Impressive Resume for Internship

When crafting a resume for internship, freshers often face the challenge of limited professional experience. However, with the right strategies, you can still create a compelling resume that showcases your potential. Here are some key tips to address the lack of professional experience and highlight your qualifications effectively:

1. Addressing the Lack of Professional Experience:

While you may not have extensive work experience, focus on highlighting your relevant skills and achievements. Emphasize any internships, volunteer work, or part-time jobs that demonstrate transferable skills and a strong work ethic.

2. Highlighting Relevant Coursework, Projects, and Academic Achievements:

Showcase your academic excellence by including relevant coursework, projects, research papers, and academic achievements. Highlight any practical experiences, group projects, or presentations that demonstrate your skills in action.

3. Showcasing Transferable Skills and Extracurricular Activities:

Transferable skills are valuable assets, even without direct work experience. Highlight skills such as communication, teamwork, leadership, problem-solving, and critical thinking. Additionally, include any involvement in clubs, organizations, or community service activities that demonstrate your well-roundedness.

By incorporating these strategies, you can create a strong resume for internship, even as a fresher. Remember to tailor your resume for each opportunity and make it visually appealing and easy to read.

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Resume Samples

Example 1: An internship resume for a fresher highlighting relevant coursework, academic achievements, and transferable skills:


Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, XYZ University (Graduation: May 2023)

Relevant Coursework: Database Management, Web Development, Data Structures


1. Proficient in programming languages such as Java, Python, and HTML/CSS

2. Strong problem-solving and analytical skills developed through coursework and projects

3. Effective communication and collaboration abilities demonstrated through group projects

Academic Achievements:

Dean’s List, XYZ University (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

Presented research paper on “Data Visualization Techniques” at the XYZ University Symposium (2022)

Example 2: An internship resume showcasing extracurricular activities, leadership roles, and achievements outside of formal work experience:


Bachelor of Business Administration, XYZ University (Expected Graduation: May 2023.

Leadership Experience:

President, Business Club (2021-2022): Organized workshops and networking events for 100+ members

Team Lead, Community Service Project (2020): Coordinated a fundraising initiative that raised $5,000 for a local charity

Extracurricular Activities:

Volunteer Tutor, ABC Education Center (2019-2021): Assisted students with homework and academic support

Public Speaking Club, Member (2020-Present): Developed communication and presentation skills through regular practice sessions and competitions

Example 3: An internship resume emphasizing projects, research, and problem-solving abilities


Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering, XYZ University (Expected Graduation: May 2023)


1. Designed and fabricated a mini wind turbine prototype as part of a team project, demonstrating technical skills and problem-solving abilities

2. Developed a mobile app for tracking energy consumption in residential buildings, showcasing programming and data analysis skills

Research Experience:

Research Assistant, Department of Mechanical Engineering, XYZ University (2022-Present): Conducted experiments, collected data, and analyzed results for a study on improving energy efficiency in HVAC systems

Problem-Solving Skills:

Strong analytical and critical thinking abilities developed through coursework and project-based assignments

Proven ability to troubleshoot and resolve technical challenges through hands-on projects

Utilize these examples as inspiration to showcase your unique qualifications effectively.

Remember to follow the appropriate resume format for internships, such as the chronological, functional, or combination format, depending on your circumstances. You can find internship resume templates online to help you structure your resume effectively.

Lastly, ensure that your resume for internship includes relevant keywords. Research industry-specific terms and incorporate them naturally throughout your resume. This can help your resume stand out to both human recruiters and applicant tracking systems (ATS) used by employers.

By implementing these tips, utilizing internship resume examples, following the appropriate format, and incorporating relevant keywords, you’ll be well on your way to crafting an impressive internship resume that catches the attention of potential employers.

Utilizing Internship Resume Templates

Internship resume templates can be invaluable tools for streamlining the resume creation process. These pre-designed templates provide a structured layout and formatting, making it easier for you to organize your information effectively.

By utilizing internship resume templates, you can save time and ensure consistency in your resume design. Look for templates specifically tailored for internship resumes, as they often include sections and headings relevant to internships, such as coursework, academic achievements, and extracurricular activities.

However, it’s important to remember that templates should be customized to fit your personal brand and the desired industry.

Note: Remember, while templates can be helpful starting points, it’s essential to review and revise the content to accurately showcase your skills, experiences, and qualifications. Make sure the final resume is error-free, visually appealing, and tailored to make a lasting impression on potential employers.

Optimizing Your Internship Resume

Incorporating Internship Resume Keywords

To maximize the chances of your resume getting noticed by employers, it’s crucial to understand the importance of incorporating relevant keywords. Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) are commonly used by companies to filter and rank resumes based on keyword matches. Here are some tips for selecting and incorporating internship resume keywords:

power words for resume

Understanding the Importance of Keywords in Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)

ATS software scans resumes for specific keywords and phrases related to the desired skills, qualifications, and job requirements. Resumes that align closely with these keywords are more likely to pass through the initial screening process and reach the hands of hiring managers. Therefore, optimizing your resume with the right keywords is essential to increase your chances of being considered for an internship.

Selecting Relevant Keywords for Your Target Internship

Research the internship position and industry you’re targeting to identify the most relevant keywords. Review internship job descriptions and company websites to understand the skills and qualifications they value. Additionally, consider industry-specific terminology and keywords that reflect the specific field or role you’re interested in.

For example, if you’re applying for a marketing internship, relevant keywords might include:

  • Social media marketing
  • Digital marketing
  • Market research
  • Campaign management
  • Content creation

Once you have a list of relevant keywords, strategically incorporate them throughout your resume. However, avoid keyword stuffing, which means overusing keywords unnaturally. Instead, focus on integrating them organically into your resume’s content, including in your skills section, job descriptions, and achievements.

Demonstrate how you possess the desired skills and experiences by using the selected keywords in context. For instance:

  • “Executed social media marketing campaigns, resulting in a 20% increase in follower engagement.”
  • “Conducted market research to identify customer preferences and optimize product positioning strategies.”

By thoughtfully integrating relevant keywords, you can increase the visibility of your resume to both ATS software and hiring managers, enhancing your chances of securing an internship opportunity.

Remember to regularly update and adjust your resume’s keywords to match the specific requirements of each internship you apply for. Each company may have unique preferences, so tailoring your resume accordingly can help you stand out among other applicants.

By incorporating internship resume keywords effectively, you’ll improve your resume’s chances of getting noticed by potential employers and increase your chances of landing your desired internship.

Finalizing Your Resume for Internship

Once you have created your initial draft of the resume for internship, it’s essential to go through a finalization process to ensure that your resume is polished and ready to impress potential employers. This stage involves seeking feedback, making revisions, and ensuring proper formatting. Let’s delve into the key steps to finalize your resume for internship effectively.

Seeking Feedback from Mentors, Professors, or Career Advisors:

To gain valuable insights and constructive criticism, reach out to trusted individuals such as mentors, professors, or career advisors. They can provide you with expert guidance and help you identify areas of improvement. Their perspective can be invaluable in enhancing your resume’s overall impact.

Making Necessary Revisions and Improvements:

Based on the feedback you receive, make the necessary revisions to strengthen your resume. Pay attention to the content, organization, and clarity of your resume. Ensure that the information is concise, relevant, and effectively communicates your skills and qualifications. Highlight your achievements and align them with the requirements of the internship you are targeting.

Ensuring Proper Formatting, Font Choice, and Document Structure:

Proper formatting is crucial to create a visually appealing and professional-looking resume. Ensure consistency in font choice, font size, and formatting elements throughout your document. Use headings, subheadings, and bullet points to improve readability and make your resume easy to scan.

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Crafting an impressive resume for internship is essential to make a lasting impression on employers. Seek feedback from mentors, professors, or career advisors to improve your resume. Make revisions, ensure proper formatting, and incorporate internship resume keywords for optimization. Utilize internship resume examples and templates for guidance. Proofread for errors and inconsistencies.

By following these steps, you can create a standout resume that showcases your skills and attracts potential employers. Now, armed with a polished resume, you’re ready to pursue your desired internship and kickstart your professional journey. Good luck in your endeavours!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Does an internship count as work experience?

Yes, an internship is considered valuable work experience. It provides practical knowledge, exposure to a professional environment, and the opportunity to develop relevant skills. Including your internship experience on your resume can demonstrate your dedication and ability to contribute in a professional setting.

Which resume format is best for an internship?

The most common resume formats for internships are the chronological format, functional format, and combination format. The best format depends on your specific circumstances. The chronological format emphasizes your work experience, while the functional format focuses on your skills and qualifications. The combination format combines elements of both. Choose a format that highlights your strengths and aligns with the internship requirements.

Do interns need a resume?

Yes, having a well-crafted resume is essential for interns. A resume allows you to showcase your skills, qualifications, and relevant experiences to potential employers. It serves as a professional introduction and helps employers assess your suitability for the internship position. A resume gives you a competitive edge and increases your chances of securing an internship opportunity.

Should I use a CV or resume for an internship?

In most cases, using a resume is appropriate for internships. A resume is a concise document that highlights your relevant skills, experiences, and qualifications for a specific role. A CV (curriculum vitae) is a more detailed document that typically includes an extensive academic and professional history. While CVs are commonly used in academic and research fields, for internships, a well-crafted resume is usually the preferred choice by employers.

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