Leave Extension Letter: Format, Samples & Tips to Apply

July 17, 2024
leave extension letter
Quick Summary

Quick Summary

  • A leave extension letter is a formal request where an employee asks their manager for additional time off from work. 
  • The leave extension application includes the subject line, the reason for leave, the total timeline of leave, and the signature.
  • Mention of any medical certificates or supporting documents provided.

Table of Contents

Unforeseen circumstances may come up at any time requiring you to request for an extension of leave. This is for cases when you’re already on a declared leave or vacation leave letter. Writing a leave extension letter is easy. You just need to follow the correct format and use professional language in your leave extension letter. A well-written leave extension letter can help you get that needed break and also make you look sincere and responsible in the eyes of your employer or manager.

When drafting a leave extension letter, it’s crucial to be concise yet comprehensive. Start by addressing your manager formally and clearly stating the reason for your extension request. Detail the original leave period and specify the new dates you require, ensuring you provide a realistic timeline for your return. Including any relevant documentation, such as a doctor’s note for medical reasons, can strengthen your request. Additionally, communicate any arrangements you’ve made to cover your responsibilities in your absence, demonstrating your proactive approach and commitment to minimizing any impact on your team. By adhering to these guidelines, you can present a professional and convincing case for your leave extension.

Generally, 70-75% of annual leaves in Indian companies go unused, as per a recent report. If you’re someone who is very careful with taking breaks from work and only takes breaks in the case of absolute necessity, then your unused leaves might act as your savior. The leave extension granted to you might be paid or unpaid, depending on your organization’s leave policy. This article provides detailed information about how to write a leave extension request mail or leave extension letter to your manager, how to frame a leave extension letter, format a leave letter, sick leave extension mail, and a letter for an extension of maternity leave.

How to Frame a Leave Extension Letter? 

The following are some of the points to consider when framing a leave extension letter in order to make the best out of your leave extension request. 

  • Mention the honest reason for the leave extension in your leave extension letter.
  • Take into consideration the leave policies of your organization before writing the letter.
  • Make a proper list of the certificates required along with the letter for extension of leave.
  • If there are any workload contractual obligations, assure your boss of fulfilling those. 
  • Mention the exact time and dates for when you will need an extension of leave in your leave extension letter. 
  • Specify how you can be reached during your extended leave for urgent matters, demonstrating your commitment to staying connected and responsive despite your absence.
  • Before submitting your letter, consult with your HR department to ensure you are following the correct procedures and including all necessary details and documentation.
  • If possible, offer a compromise, such as part-time work or remote work options, to show your flexibility and dedication to meeting the company’s needs while addressing your personal situation.

Leave Extension Letter Format

Leave extension letter format

You might have already sent a leave application requesting an extension in your leave. Even then, you should send a new letter to request a leave extension after following all the above-mentioned points.

This would ensure that your new leave extension letter is well-structured and well-formatted and takes into account all the necessary details needed to express your concern in the best possible way, hence increasing the chances of your leave extension letter getting approved by your employer or your manager.

Below are some leave extension letter templates. You can refer to them as per your reason for a leave extension in order to write a well-structured leave extension letter or mail and to make sure that you get that well-needed leave extension without the hassle and handle the situation efficiently.

Related Article: How to Apply for Paternity Leave

Sick Leave Extension Mail to Manager

Sometimes, it takes time for us to recover from a long period of illness or we may need to write the leave extension request letter for further medical treatment. In such cases, it’s crucial to emphasize the necessity of additional recovery time or ongoing medical treatment in your leave extension request. Clearly communicate the nature of your condition and why the extension is essential for your health and well-being. This email will help you in case you want to extend your sick leave for one more day. You may also procure a digital copy of the doctor’s certificate for medical leave application for the office and send it to the manager along with your leave extension request.

To: [email address]

Subject: Extension of Sick Leave

Dear Sir/Ma’am,

I, [your name] ([employee ID]), would like to request you extend my leave. I have been on leave from [start date of the leave] to [end date of the leave]. However, I have not yet recovered from [the illness] due to unforeseen medical reasons.

My doctor has advised me to rest for three days more. I will not be able to return to work on [the end date of the leave]. I am coordinating with [colleague], who has agreed to handle my work until I return.
I’m requesting you grant me this extension for three days, until [extended date]. I have also attached the doctor’s certificate for your reference and I apologize for any inconvenience caused. Kindly consider my request.

Thank you

[Your name]
[Your position]
[Employee ID]

Related Read: Writing a Sick Leave Application Professionally

Letter for Extension of Leave due to Family Emergencies/ Personal Reasons 

Family emergencies or personal reasons may arise unexpectedly, requiring immediate attention and potentially impacting work or daily routines. In any case, you must inform your boss immediately through leave extension mail for a leave extension request. This example shows that family emergencies can mean sudden deterioration of health or an accident of a spouse, child, or close relative. It could also include instances of natural disasters where a relative is stuck. Sometimes you have to send a leave extension application due to family problems to your school or college. This example provides you with simple format samples.

Below is a sample of a leave extension mail for personal reasons sample sent to your boss-

[Name of your boss/ manager],
[Office address].

Subject: Extension of leave due to family emergency

Dear Sir/Ma’am,
I, [your name] ([employee ID]), have been on leave from [start date of the leave] to [original end date of leave]. However, due to certain unforeseen circumstances, I find myself dealing with a family emergency. I will not be able to return to the office on [the original end date of leave].

I request you grant me two additional days of leave, until [extended date requested]. I’m coordinating with [name of colleague], who has taken up my work. I will be available for calls and emails if there are any questions.

Hence, I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused and hope you understand. Kindly consider my request.

Thank you.

[your signature]

Also, Read- Craft the Perfect Application for Leave

Sample Request Letter for Extension of Maternity Leave 

Maternity leave is essential for the health and well-being of both mother and child, providing crucial time for recovery and bonding. It supports a smooth transition into parenthood and fosters a balanced work-life environment. Ensuring adequate maternity leave is necessary. It empowers women to return to work feeling rested and confident, boosting their productivity and job satisfaction. Maternity leave can be extended according to the specific policies of each company. Refer to the company leave policies regarding leave extensions in this case. Below is the sample letter for the extension of the maternity leave application (email application format). 

To: k.verma@company.com

Subject: Extension of maternity leave

Dear sir,

I, Amrita (employee ID: 12345), have been on maternity leave since February 15. My leave expires on March 12. However, I find myself unable to rejoin the office just yet. I haven’t yet completely healed from my pregnancy. Also, my child still requires my complete attention and care.

I request you extend my leave for another two weeks; until March 26. In this time, I will have healed well and will be ready for work. I have contacted my colleague, Miss. M. Kamala, who has graciously stepped in. She will handle my work until I return.

Kindly grant my request. I apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Thank you.

B. Amrita,
Associate Designer, employee ID: 12345

Suggested Read: How to Write a Leave for Requesting Maternity Leave

Tips for Sending Out a Leave Extension

  • Be very professional: The leave extension letter must use professional language. Address your manager/ boss and your colleagues professionally. Use appropriate designations. Clearly state the reason for the leave extension, providing necessary details and supporting documentation if required.
  • Wait for the response: The leave is not guaranteed even if the letter is submitted. Wait for a response before taking the extension. It’s crucial to follow up on your leave request and maintain open communication with your employer throughout the process. Unexpected circumstances might arise, necessitating adjustments to your leave plans, so flexibility and adaptability are key.
  • Show gratitude: Always express your gratitude at the end of the leave extension letter. This leaves a good impression on the reader. It demonstrates your appreciation for their understanding and flexibility, fostering a positive employer-employee relationship. It reinforces your commitment to your role and your intention to return to work refreshed and ready to contribute.
  • Highlight the dates: Clearly mention the original duration of your leave along with the start and end dates. Then mention the expected extended date along with the extended duration. 
  • Attach additional documents: Check for any additional documentation required. For sick leaves, a doctor’s certificate or medical reports are required. Procure them beforehand and attach them to the leave extension letter. Ensure these documents are up-to-date and clearly indicate the nature of your illness and the expected recovery period. Retaining copies of these documents for your records is also advisable.
  • Addressing your boss: Address the correct person. Some firms require that letters be submitted to HR. Others may require the leave extension letter to be submitted to the manager. Confirm beforehand to whom to address the letter. This approach also demonstrates your adherence to company policies and professionalism in managing your leave arrangements.
  • Divide the Workload: Ensure that someone takes up your work. Speak with your colleagues beforehand and arrange for someone to take your place. Mention this in your letter so that everyone is kept in the loop and there is no or minimum loss of work.
  • Be honest: Clearly state the reason for the extension of leave. Explain your situation briefly in your leave extension letter. Do not over-explain. Keep it concise and up to the point.
  • Plan Ahead: Anticipate potential needs for an extension and inform your manager as early as possible. This helps in minimizing disruptions and allows your team to plan accordingly.
  • Follow-up: After submitting your leave extension letter, follow up with your manager or HR to ensure it has been received and to discuss any necessary arrangements. This shows your commitment and ensures clear communication.
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Wrapping Up 

In conclusion, writing a leave extension letter is necessary when unforeseen circumstances arise that require an extension of the initial leave period. It is essential to clearly explain the reason for the extension and provide a realistic timeline for returning to work in order to keep the situation clear and understandable.

By following the appropriate protocol and providing sufficient information, you can increase the chances of having your leave extension application approved by your employer. Remember, open communication and honesty are key when it comes to requesting an extension of your leave. 

Additionally, it is important to adhere to professional etiquette throughout the process. Address your manager and colleagues with the appropriate designations, and ensure that your letter is clear and well-structured. Highlight the dates of your original leave and the proposed extension, and attach any necessary documents, such as medical certificates, to support your request. By being proactive and responsible, such as arranging for a colleague to cover your duties, you demonstrate your commitment to minimizing disruption. This level of professionalism not only facilitates a smoother approval process but also helps maintain a positive relationship with your employer and team.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do I ask for an extension of leave? 

To ask for an extension, politely and clearly explain the reasons why you need more time, what work you have completed, and what remains to be done. Offer a realistic timeline for completion and express gratitude for their consideration. Wait for a response and be prepared to answer any questions. By following these steps, you not only effectively communicate your need for an extension but also maintain a professional approach that fosters trust and collaboration with your colleagues and supervisors.

To whom do I send or address the letter for an extension of leave?  

The recipient of a leave extension letter depends on the policies of your company. Checking your company’s leave policy or consulting with your HR representative beforehand is essential. It helps you determine the correct recipient for your leave extension letter, ensuring that your request is handled promptly and in compliance with organizational protocols. This approach also demonstrates your adherence to company policies and professionalism in managing your leave arrangements.

How to write an application for a leave of absence for fever?

The application for leave of absence due to fever can be written either if it’s sick leave for school or work. When requesting a medical leave application for school leave, mention the duration, total days, and reason for absence. To take time off work, follow these steps and inform your colleague who will handle your tasks also send a copy of an application for leave fever to a teacher or HR team. Elaborate in simple language

Do I require any additional documents for applying for a leave extension? 

Depending on the reason for the leave, you may require certain documents. Usually, we need a doctor’s certificate or a medical report for sick leave. However, for personal or emergency leave, it may not be necessary. It’s crucial to check with your employer or HR department to understand the specific requirements for submitting a leave extension request. This ensures that you provide the necessary documentation and information, thereby facilitating a smoother approval process for your leave extension.

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