Chegg Top Performers
July 8, 2024

Tell us about yourself.

I am Prashant Prajapati, and my subject is economics. I am working as a personal banker at HDFC Bank.

How long have you been associated with Chegg?

I have been answering questions on the Chegg Q&A Board since October 2019. It’s been almost 4.5 years. It has been highly fulfilling, being able to help students while also working at the bank.

What does Chegg mean to you?

Chegg has provided me with a platform that complements my role at HDFC Bank. I can share real-world insights with students globally through Chegg. Apart from this, Chegg has been a significant financial boon. It offers good pay to supplement my income while doing what I love; teaching and making complex economic concepts accessible to students.

How do you manage to maintain your performance and quality?

Maintaining a high standard of performance and quality necessitates striking a balance between commitment, lifelong learning, and flexibility. Time management is essential since it requires discipline to balance my job responsibilities with my love of teaching students on the Chegg Q&A Board. Chegg’s financial reward encourages me to continue teaching by maintaining a high standard. It also motivates me to keep learning new things.

Tell us about yourself.

I am Ankit Kumari, and my subject is biology. I received my master’s degree in zoology and a doctorate in Biotechnology.

How long have you been associated with Chegg?

I have been answering questions on the Chegg Q&A Board since April 2023, which is less than a year.

What does Chegg mean to you?

Thanks to Chegg, I was able to work on my favorite subject. It restored some regularity to my life, and now I feel inspired and satisfied. I derive great satisfaction from solving queries and assisting students.

How do you manage to maintain your performance and quality?

As a Biotechnology Research Scholar, my job necessitates long hours in laboratories. Despite my heavy work hours, I still take pleasure in answering students’ queries accurately and comprehensively. Every time I spot a challenging question on the Chegg Q&A board, I take note of it, to research the topic. This prepares me to take up the question with confidence later. I learn something new every day while helping students on the platform. I’m happy to receive positive feedback from the students. I look forward to continuing this fruitful association in the upcoming years.

Tell us about yourself.

I am Shaynu Sharma, and my subject is physics. I did my M.Sc Physics, and B.Ed from Punjab University, Chandigarh. I qualified for CTET in 2015.

How long have you been associated with Chegg?

I have been working with Chegg since January 2019. So, it has been five years of answering questions on the Chegg Question and Answer Board.

What does Chegg mean to you?

Chegg has played a major role in my life. Through this platform, I have had the opportunity to help students across the globe. The vast range of questions available on this platform enhances my subject knowledge due to which I was able to qualify for NET without any coaching. For me, Chegg is the best gift given by God. I enjoy working with Chegg a lot.

How do you manage to maintain your performance and quality?

Maintaining quality in my work is my top priority. I only attempt those questions which I am sure about. Also, I double-check the solution before submitting it. I stay updated with the latest academic trends and resources relevant to my subject matter expertise. Moreover, I adhere strictly to Chegg’s guidelines and standards, ensuring accuracy, clarity, and originality in all my solutions. Through these practices, I managed to maintain performance and quality standards on the Chegg platform.

Tell us about yourself.

I am Jasdeep Singh, and I am an expert in physics. I completed my B.Tech in Aerospace Engineering from Anna University, Chennai.

How long have you been associated with Chegg?

I have been associated with Chegg since Feb 2017.

What does Chegg mean to you?

Initially, I was apprehensive about working online. I wasn’t aware of Chegg’s potential or authenticity. When I got paid for the first time after a month of employment at Chegg, all my worries vanished. That turned out to be the best choice I had ever made. Chegg has been a friend in need for me. When I left my full-time job in Bangalore, I had about 7,000 in my account. However, with Chegg’s help, I could make about 10 lakhs in income. I want to work at Chegg as an expert for as long as I can. I wish Chegg all the success.

How do you manage to maintain your performance and quality?

For me, quality is of utmost importance. In school, I was an average student. I used to struggle with Math and Physics. I did not have good teachers. Later, I was able to master Physics through systematic learning.

As I start solving questions on the Chegg Q&A Board, I make sure that the concepts involved in the respective questions are clear to the students. My goal is to make students understand and fall in love with physics. I always prefer quality over quantity.

Tell us about yourself.

I am Pullati Vamsi, and I am an expert in advanced mathematics.

How long have you been associated with Chegg?

I have been associated with Chegg for the past seven years.

What does Chegg mean to you?

Chegg is like a daily mental workout, where I tackle challenging problems in advanced math. It sharpens my skills and keeps my mind engaged. Not only does it provide a means to earn, but it also gives me immense satisfaction knowing that my solutions help students. It is a win-win situation for me and the students. I get to utilize my skills while positively impacting others’ academic journeys.

How do you manage to maintain your performance and quality?

I prioritize high performance and quality whenever dealing with a new question. Before attempting to solve it, I take a moment to assess whether I can provide a perfect solution. I only post solutions to questions I am confident about because I believe in delivering accurate solutions to students.

In order to be successful on the Chegg platform, experts must practice often and update their knowledge through the use of a variety of resources, including books and online articles. Ultimately, what matters most to me is offering genuine solutions of the highest quality, rather than focusing solely on quantity.