World Environment Day on 5th June and Why It Is Celebrated Across the Globe

July 17, 2024
world environment day

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June 5th is known as World Environment Day, a day dedicated to raising awareness about preserving and protecting our environment. The origins of this day can be traced back to 1972 when Stockholm, Sweden hosted the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment. This conference led to the formation of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) on June 15th. The UN General Assembly designated June 5th as World Environment Day to celebrate this important occasion.

The first Environment Day slogan was “Only One Earth” when the day was first celebrated on 5th June 1973. This global platform grows yearly and involves millions of people contributing to save our planet. 2023 marks the 50-year completion of WED (World Environment Day). The theme was ‘BeatPlasticPollution’ to promote a safer and greener environment.

World Environment Day, 1973

Significance of Celebrating Environment Day

The significance of celebrating an environment day is manifold. Let’s admit the world is not the place now that it used to be when you were born. The rapid deforestation for the sake of ‘advancement’ and ‘improvement’ has deteriorated the condition of the Earth. The day is there to educate people about the environment and what they should do to protect it against all harm. In a way, some basic significant reasons behind celebrating this day are –

  • Environmental issues like global warming, rising sea levels, wildfires, glacier melting, etc., have increased rapidly in recent years. These are the longstanding reactions of how people have been treating nature. To mend the condition of nature, people need to know what they have been doing. Only by educating them through celebrating World Environmental Day can one raise awareness.
  • One can promote sustainable living and lifestyles by raising awareness through environment-related activities. These methods can help protect the Earth and the people in it. They can lead healthy and productive life.
  • Celebrating such a day unfurls the responsibilities of every human being towards the environment. It is one of the ways people can be more dutiful towards our planet.

Inspiring Environment Day Speeches

When it is about environment day speech, you can’t get over some of the powerful speeches delivered by influential people across the globe. These speeches help others learn facts and myths regarding the continuously oppressed condition of the environment, climate, and this world.

Speech 1: “To anyone who continues to deny the reality that is climate change, I dare you to get off your ivory tower and away from the comfort of your armchair.”

This is a truly refreshing speech about the environment delivered by Lionardo DiCaprio at the UN Climate Summit 2014. He is a brilliant actor and environmental activist, among many other things. In his speech, he pointed out how the Republic of the Philippines suffered gruesomely at the fate of super typhoon Haiyan because of the rapid climate change. The pressing matters of rising water levels, glacial floods, melting glaciers, etc., were part of his passionate speech.

Speech 2: “Value in technology meets conservation and sustainability.”

Inaki Escudero is a future activist who believes in creating a proactive and innovative approach to business models. This way, businesses and individuals can address environmental concerns and contribute to sustainability and conservation.

Understanding the Environment: Facts and Importance

We must understand our environment from the basics to save our planet from impending doom.

Environmental science basics

In this first phase, you must understand what an ecosystem is. It denotes a geographic area where plants, animals, and other organisms work closely to form an enclosed life system. This close system also involves landscape, which contributes to how others live. In this great structure, when life forms such as animals, plants, fungi, bacteria, etc. evolve, they learn to live together. Before you write down your impassioned Environment Day slogans, you should pay attention to this biodiversity and the once-abundant natural resources.

Human impact on the environment

Human beings look at nature and find an opportunity to grow wealth. Earlier, they didn’t have much environmental education and acted for their benefit only. Nowadays, people still act out of greed to cause significant damage to the environment. These damages are in the form of overpopulation, pollution, burning fossil fuels, deforestation, etc.

Importance of a balanced and healthy environment for all life forms

If the environment receives care, you will find positive impacts on all forms of life. The more attention you pay to creating a sustainable environment, the more fruitful the Earth becomes. Due to severe climate change, many varieties of organisms ceased to exist in the past decade. People who live at the fringes of large water bodies like seas and oceans will have no reason to worry about sea levels rising.

To survive, the environment must come to the rescue. Therefore, its protection is of absolute importance.

When and Why World Environment Day is Celebrated

World Environment Day is celebrated on 5th June every year across the globe since 1973. The date was chosen after discussing the grave matter of the environment at the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment on the first day. This global platform has become a way to reach millions of people worldwide and influence them to take part in saving the environment. Since the beginning, the slogans on this day have changed to accommodate the pressing concerns of the time. For example, the first conference on Environment Day was ‘Only One Earth’. The themes also keep changing over the years. ‘Solutions to plastic pollution’ was the 2023 World Environment Day theme.

Every theme has a specific purpose that can benefit the environment. Below are some key themes and their vital highlights –

  • 2012 – This year’s theme was specifically based on the Green Economy. The event aimed to initiate a change in the existing lifestyle and reflect how this change could be exceptional in making the Earth a better place.
  • 2013 – ‘Think-Eat-Save’ was 2013’s theme. The theme reflected how global food wastage was beyond imagination.
  • 2018 – ‘Beat Plastic Pollution’ was 2018’s theme. The host country, India, and other participating addressed how this grave condition could decimate the environmental condition if not treated early.
  • 2019 – ‘Beat Air Pollution’ became a significant slogan on Environment Day of 2019. Through this conference, the participating countries addressed the problem of air pollution.

Every theme is a reason why the day gets celebrated around the world. Even though the ultimate aim is to protect and become conscious about the environment, one must deal with its interrelated aspects.

Motivational Environment Day Slogans

The World Environment Day always follows strong and motivational slogans. Let us understand some slogans on Environment Day –

Slogan 1: “Small Acts, Big Impact”

It is a common factor. Everything can’t be achieved over a night. Addressing this significant concern has never been easy. This is why, if we can divide our responsibilities and do our buts from our ends, the world can become a better place. These small acts can be turning off lights, using energy-efficient lights, embracing renewable energy, etc.

Slogan 2: “Nature’s Call: Answer It!”

It is another famous slogan to infuse kindness and compassion to treat nature’s call. Whenever nature is distressed through natural calamities like floods, avalanches, wildfires, earthquakes, etc., we must aid our environment. From building a sustainable home to consuming natural food, everything impacts how the environment operates.

Slogan 3: “Green Today, Thrive Tomorrow”

While you enjoy the natural resources now, you must also think about the next generation that will thrive in the same environment. Our duty should be to conserve nature and promote green for the sake of this Earth and the generations to come. One can start by planting trees, protecting the forests, imbibing renewable energy sources, electric vehicles, installing solar glass at home, using biodegradable plastics, etc. Denmark is at the top of accepting and imbibing this green revolution. The country has adopted a more sustainable approach than any other country.

Also Read :-

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All About The International Youth Day: Date, Themes.

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Engaging Environment Day Activities

Businesses and individuals must include Environment Day activities to promote a green future and make this Earth a better place. When World Environment Day is celebrated, one can look out for these activities.

Community Clean-up Services

This is an excellent way to clean your surroundings, like drains, waterbodies, parks, alleys, etc., and connect with people and nature. In this way, you can significantly impact the community and the environment around you. You can continue this as a regular cleaning process to ensure a healthy living environment.

Community clean-up services on the World Environment Day

Recycling program with benefits

Business establishments can arrange recycling programs at the workspaces on Environment Day. You can encourage them by offering them benefits to participate in such an initiative.

Tree Planting Initiatives

The rapid decline of forest areas can be intimidating. You can contribute to restoring this loss by planting trees. Schools, business organizations, and neighbourhoods can take part in this initiative. You can identify where saplings need to be planted and move forward with your activities.

Reflective Environment Day Thoughts

Learning about how environmental activists contributed to making the environment safe and secure is significant. You can share their journey with the people in your community, school, business place, etc. These exceptional environmental activists include Leonardo DiCaprio, Vandana Shiva, Rachel Carson, John Muir, Winona LaDuke, Wangari Maathai, etc.

Learning about their work to save the Earth and making people aware of climate change can be influential. This way, you can understand what you have done wrong concerning nature and how to contribute to this initiative. You can gather your thoughts on the environment day and advocate your ideas to educate people.

Conclusion: Continuing the Journey Towards a Greener World

By celebrating World Environment Day, you may promote awareness and responsibilities among people. However, your efforts will fail if you don’t educate people about the environment first. This is why you must understand how much people know and understand about nature. It is a collective process that requires consistent support from us.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What are some famous Environment Day quotes?

Some popular Environment Day quotes are – ‘Protect, Preserve and Prosper: Go Green’, ‘Be the Change, Make the World Green’, ‘Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed’ etc. These are some quotes used repeatedly across the globe to influence and drive people to take necessary actions against environmental degradation.

What is the theme of World Environment Day 2023?

The theme of World Environment Day 202 is ‘BeatPlasticPollution’ to promote the need for a plastic-free earth. The reduction in the use of plastic will have a significant effect on the environment and the people in it. The participating countries will explore many avenues to minimize plastic usage.

When is World Environment Day?

World Environment Day is celebrated on 5th June every year worldwide by the people. This day encourages people to take beneficial action to protect the environment and promote a greener world.

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