Arthashastra - Ancient Indian Treatise on Statecraft and Economics

May 7, 2024

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The philosopher and prime minister Kautilya, also known as Chanakya and Vishnugupta (c. 350–275 BCE), is credited with writing the Indian treatise The Arthashastra. This treatise covers certain basic political, economic, and social welfare guidelines. The term “Arthashastra” can be translated as “political science,” or “economic science,” It is due to the co-existence of many possible meanings of the Sanskrit word “Artha.”

  • The Arthashastra examines social welfare issues and the societal values that bind a society.
  • Advising the king to launch public projects around strategic holdings and towns
  • Constructing irrigation waterways in famine regions caused by epidemics and other natural disasters.

Let us know more about what is Arthashastra, its legacy, and its influence.

Who Created Arthshastra?

Kautilya, also called Chanakya or Vishnugupta, is titled the “Father of Arthashastra” or “Who created Arthshastra.” Kautilya was born into a Brahman family in the ancient Indian subcontinent in roughly the 4th century BCE. He was a polymath who was gifted in several subjects, including politics, economics, and military strategy. He received his education at the esteemed Takshashila University, an intellectual center that drew students from all over the world.

  • Being the principal advisor to the founder of the Mauryan Empire, Chandragupta Maurya, was Kautilya’s most important historical contribution.
  • Chandragupta successfully overthrew the Nanda Dynasty under his leadership, establishing an empire that eventually spanned the Indian subcontinent.
  • The establishment and administration of the Mauryan Empire benefited greatly from Kautilya’s counsel and tactics, which were enshrined in the foundational work known as the Arthashastra.
  • Serving as a comprehensive manual for kings and administrators, the Arthashastra provides specific instructions on how to run a kingdom effectively. In addition, the book explores the subtleties of taxation, law enforcement, and international relations, demonstrating Kautilya’s extensive knowledge of economics and governance.

Kautilya’s legacy as the Father of Arthashastra has been cemented by the timeless wisdom contained in the classic text Arthashastra, which has left an indelible mark on Indian history and socio-political thought.

Its Impact On Politics And Economics In Ancient India

Kautilya wrote about the structure of the state’s economy, the selection of ministers, and the arrangement and distribution of taxation. The significance of a network of runners, informers, and spies is emphasized.

This network served as the ruler’s surveillance cops without a police force and a ministry of public information. It results in paying particular attention to any external threats and internal dissent. The Arthashastra’s economic system is based primarily on agriculture. It is important to note that Kautilya expressed serious concern for the koa or treasury. He believed that the king’s endeavors were determined by his wealth, which determines the state’s welfare.

What is Arthashastra?

Arthashastra is an Artha treatise attributed to Kautilya. It was written about 2,300 years ago. It has 15 Adhikaran or books; most were prose, and 380 shlokas after the various chapters. The first sutra states that it was created by compiling all earlier author’s treatises. As a result, it is a compilation.

  • The Arthashastra is frequently cited as a source for comprehending Mauryan times. It is cited along with the Indika and the Ashoka Inscriptions.
  • The treatise’s divisions are one hundred fifty chapters, 180 topics, and 15 adhikaranas. 
  • It was thought to be written by Kautilya as a manual to teach Chandragupta how to rule an empire.
  • The entire treatise was founded on social welfare. Its psychology has been applied to
    • Economic principles
    • Laws governing war
    • Government punishment
    • Market structure
    • Interpersonal relationships
    • Medical treatments

Overview Of The Practical Guidelines For Rulers

The Arthashastra, written by Kautilya, is a practical guide instead of theoretical practice. An instruction manual for resource management, statecraft, and efficient administration. The treatise contains the characteristics a king requires to rule his subjects effectively. According to Kautilya, the king is the one who; According to Kautilya, the king is the one who possesses self-control after overcoming the unfriendly temptations of the senses.

  • By talking to senior citizens, they cultivate intelligence.
  • Keeps his eyes open and stays current with the help of spies.
  • Is constantly engaged in advocating for the welfare and protection of the population.
  • Guaranteeing the discussion of their Dharma’s themes through leadership and personal example. 
  • Enhances his knowledge in all areas of knowledge, helping him become more disciplined.
  • Enriching his subjects to win their favor.

Kautilya Arthashastra

Hindu statesman and philosopher Chanakya, also known as Kautilya or Vishnugupta. He lived in the third century BCE. He is best known for writing the Artha-shastra, a well-known work on politics. Kautilya’s written material on policy and military strategy serves as the epitome of political diplomacy.

  • Kautilya taught at Taxila University. Thereby holding the position of Prime Minister in the Mauryan Empire. 
  • Due to his clever and astute approaches to politics, diplomacy, and warfare, he is known as the Indian Machiavelli.
  • In his treatise, he advocated for unethical ethics. These ethics include tolerating torture, fraud, deception, and espionage as legitimate methods.
  • It was done to acquire territory, wealth, and power, and advised that no measure was out of a ruler’s reach to do so.

Kautilya’s Background And Role In Ancient Indian History

Kautilya was raised in Taxila, a Brahman family, and was born into that family. He was well-versed in astrology and medicine. Also, he was familiar with aspects of the Greek and Persian cultures that the Zoroastrians had brought to India.

Kautilya’s role in ancient Indian history is as follows:

  • Chanakya was appointed Chandragupta’s counselor and advisor (reigned c. 321-c. 297), but he lived alone.
  • He was the creator of the Mauryan empire in northern India.
  • He played a significant role in Chandragupta’s success in toppling the mighty Nanda dynasty in the Magadha region.  
  • Chandragupta used Chanakya’s book “Arthashastra” as a reference.
  • The government’s 15 phases are covered in each of its 15 sections. Chanakya sums up these as “the science of punishment.”
  • He encourages political and covert assassination. He openly counsels, creating a complex spy network that penetrates all spheres of society.
  • The book had been misplaced for centuries before it was found in 1905.

Arthashastra in English

It is believed that Kautilya wrote the treatise as a guide for Chandragupta, teaching him how to rule a kingdom and urging him to take unreserved, direct action in resolving political issues. Arthashastra in English indicates:

  • The words Artha (“aim” or “goal”) and Shastra (“treatise” or “book”) are derived from Sanskrit.
  • The book aims to give readers a thorough understanding of statecraft that will help a monarch rule effectively. 
  • Because of this, the English translations of the treatise include
    • The Science of Politics
    • The Science of Political Economy
    • The Science of Material Gain
  • The latter, Artha, is regarded in Hinduism as one of the central purposes of humans in pursuing wealth and social status.
  • Wealth is one of the many meanings associated with the word artha.

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Legacy and Influence of the Arthashastra

Personnel Administration

During personnel administration, job recruitment and descriptions were done systematically. For ministers and other government employees, salaries were predetermined and made clear. According to Kautilya, personal work should occasionally be transferred to prevent corruption.

Mughal Administration

Caste was a factor in hiring back then, but talent and merit were also considered. Agriculture and land taxes were the main revenue generators. The king was in charge above all others. He had several ministers working for him to assist him as he carried out his duties.

Welfare State

Kautilya’s Arthashastra is the main reason for India’s most generous social welfare system. This emphasized both human and animal welfare. Kautilya favoured

  • The uplift of the socially vulnerable
  • The welfare of consumers and prisoners
  • The preservation of livelihood

The King’s primary Dharma at the time was to protect his people fairly and reasonably. Kautilya emphasized wealth among the virtues, wealth, and enjoyment of life.

Good Governance

Governance refers to the nation’s economic policies and regulatory structure. Good Governance in a country is the coexistence of elements that make up peace and harmony in society. Taxation, administration, diplomacy, trade, and other aspects of governance were important factors. The importance of justice was also emphasized, and its key components are

  • Dharma (truth)
  • Evidence (witness)
  • Custom (long-accepted tradition)
  • Royalty law as it has been promulgated

Foreign Trade

Foreign trade was the primary source of wealth. Thus, it is the primary component of the economic system. Tax exemptions and other incentives must be offered to promote foreign trade. Kautilya gave imports a lot of attention. He increased the supply of products that weren’t sold domestically. The treatise supported international trade.


According to Kautilya, the main source of public revenue is the economic standing of a state. Indirect taxes like excise and customs duties, as well as direct taxes like income tax, were encouraged by Kautilya. Additionally, he stressed the importance of land revenue fines and penalties. He claimed that tax receipts were primarily divided into three categories:

  • Income from taxes on goods produced in the capital
  • Income from taxes on import-export
  • Income from taxes on goods produced within the nation

Influence Of Arthashastra On Ancient And Modern Political Thoughts

  • A foundation for economic science and its components, including international trade, taxation, public spending, agriculture, and industry, were provided by Kautilya.
  • Kautilya asserts that a society is stable. It is when the leaders are receptive, responsible, replaceable, and recallable.
  • This is even more crucial in the corrupt world of today.
  • Due to the general public’s unwillingness to pay a significant amount in taxes and the emergence of inventive ways to evade taxes, Kautilya also advocated against applying taxation too strictly.
  • Thus, Kautilya’s perspectives on various facets of administration will continue to be a landmark for succeeding generations.


An ancient Indian compendium of political knowledge, theory, and statecraft called the Arthashastra by Kautilya provides illumination. It is a masterpiece of political and strategic writing. It is replete with timeless ideas. Such techniques and concepts may be useful given the environment of today. Kautilya, India’s most renowned political thinker, lived long ago, but his ideas are still relevant today.

Kautilya’s treatise advises a wise king on advancing the state’s national interests. These are primarily focused on worries about security, wealth, and reputation. Kautilya Arthashastra established the importance of governance, politics, quality, and progress as directly connected to a society’s capacity to provide for its members. Even though some of the older terms used in the treatise have evolved, its core nature and aim have not. It is still applicable to the circumstances of today.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Who is the Father of Economics?

The ancient Indian political treatise known as the Arthashastra, written by Chanakya (also called Kautilya or Vishnugupta), is a foundational work in political science and economics. As a result, Chanakya is frequently called the Father of Economics.

What is Arthashastra?

The ancient Indian treatise known as the Arthashastra contains an extensive manual on economics, military strategy, and statecraft. It was meant to serve as a guide for rulers, arming them with the information and tactics required for efficient leadership.

What does Kautilya define as Arthashastra?

Arthashastra is defined as an Indian style of political diplomacy. It is the writings of Kautilya on position, policy, and military strategy.

What purpose does the treatise of Kautilya serve?

The treatise contained a set of guidelines for managing a sizable empire. It also covers internal management, military strategy, diplomacy, and economics.

What was the central theme of Arthashastra?

The basic theme of the treatise enumerated by Kautilya was political beliefs. These are the fundamental principles of government.

Who was the discoverer of the Kautilya Arthashastra?

Among the mountains of palm-leaf manuscripts in the institute, Rudrapatna Shamasastry, a Sanskrit expert and librarian, found the original Arthashastra in 1905.

What was Kautilya’s overarching plan?

In Kautilya’s view, war is a manifestation of a state’s foreign policy. He advises a king on using elements of national authority for an advantageous situation that lasts forever.

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