Easy To Understand Report Writing Format and More

June 27, 2024
report writing format

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Report writing is a vital communication skill. Be it in school, college or the office, this skill is useful everywhere. Firms and government offices use report writing format daily. Students also need to submit reports as part of their assignments.

The value of writing a report is as follows.

  • It is a precise copy of a specific subject.
  • It has factual and reliable data.
  • It presents information in a logical flow.
  • It helps make crucial decisions.

Here is everything one needs to know about report writing.

What is Report Writing?

Report writing is the process of systematically organizing and presenting information on a particular topic or subject matter in a structured format. It involves gathering data, analyzing findings, and communicating the results effectively to a specific audience.

Throughout the writing process, clarity, conciseness, and relevance are essential. Reports should be tailored to the specific needs and expectations of the intended audience, whether they are students seeking to demonstrate their understanding of a subject, journalists informing the public about current events, or office workers providing insights and recommendations to stakeholders.

Types of Reports

There are various types of reports one can write. One can pick the type based on the report writing topics or goals.

1. Formal and Informal Reports

A formal report is analytical. The objective of this report is to explain a problem and find its solution. A formal report is common in business and government firms. It is a long-format report with a fair and neutral tone. It takes a lot of research to prepare this report.

A formal report writing example is ‘Treatment of COVID-19 on Diabetic Patients

An informal report is not analytical. The objective of this report is to give information on routine and internal office issues. It looks like a letter or memo. So, it is a short format report. It usually has a casual tone. This report doesn’t require any research.

Example: ‘COVID-19 Guidelines for Onsite Employees’

2. Short and Long Reports

A short report is around 2–10 pages. It is useful for temporary or short-term projects. The format of report writing is brief. It has a summary, introduction, results, and suggestions.

Example: ‘Minutes of the Meeting’

Long reports can run 50–100 pages or more. It presents information on difficult or research-based problems. The format has many sections. It has a title page, table of contents, introduction, research method, findings, conclusion, suggestions, references, and appendix.

Example: ‘Effects of Screen Time on Children

3. Informational and Analytical Reports

An informational report only presents information. It does not analyse or interpret information. The length of this report is short.

Example: ‘Customer Care Policy Guidelines’

The analytical report shares facts and data after complete analysis. It has great importance in decision-making in business and the economy. The length of this report is long.

Example: ‘Market Analysis of Retail Industry

4. Proposal Reports

A proposal report is a document that allows one to propose an idea. This type of report writing aims to give a solution to a problem. Some proposals also aim to request funds. A person can submit a proposal to customers, the government, investors, the board of directors, or sponsors.

For example, the Government of India often invites proposal reports from startups. The purpose is to encourage startups to find modern solutions to challenges in cities.

5. Internal or External Reports

An internal report is shared within a team or office. There is a limited distribution to people. The purpose is to update everyone about the status or progress of some internal work. It helps management to make decisions for the business.

Example: ‘Monthly Report of Sales Department

The external report is shared outside the firm. It is openly available for public viewing. The purpose is to show transparency in business. It raises awareness and trust for the firm in the public.

Example: ‘Annual Report of ABC Company’

6. Periodic Reports

A periodic report follows a specific schedule. Its frequency can be weekly, fortnightly, monthly, quarterly, six-monthly, or yearly. At times, it can be of a longer duration. The aim is to give regular updates on a project, business operations, or other issues.

Example: ‘Income Statement for 2021–2022’

Detailed Read: project report format

7. Functional Reports

A functional report gives information on a particular function or department of the firm. This type of report writing is suitable for firms with several divisions. A functional report can be about sales, marketing, accounting, finance, etc.

Example: ‘Performance Analysis of Marketing Division in 2022’

Format of Report Writing

By following a structured approach to report writing, individuals can effectively convey information, analyze complex issues, and propose informed solutions across various domains and professions. The report format depends on the type of report and the requirements of the assignment. While reports can use their unique format, most follow this basic template:

1. Title

2. Summary

3. Introduction

4. Body

5. Conclusion

Understanding the Format of Report Writing with an Example

Example – Impact of Short-Form Video Content on Attention Span in the Younger Generation

1. Title

The title of the report should clearly indicate what the report is about. In this case, it’s “Impact of Short-Form Video Content on Attention Span in the Younger Generation.” This title informs readers that the report will discuss how short-form videos affect the attention span of young people.

2. Summary

The summary is a concise summary of the entire report. It should include the main purpose of the report, the methods used, the key findings, and any recommendations. For example, it might state that the report investigates how short-form videos like those on TikTok and Instagram affect the attention spans of young people, based on surveys and interviews. It could summarize key findings, such as a correlation between frequent short-form video consumption and decreased attention span, and recommend strategies for mitigating this impact.

3. Introduction

The introduction sets the stage for the report by providing context and explaining why the topic is important. It should introduce the topic of short-form video content and its prevalence among young people, as well as the concern about its impact on attention span. The introduction should also outline the objectives of the report and briefly describe what will be covered in subsequent sections.

4. Body

The body of the report is where the main content and analysis are presented. It will include:

– A literature review summarizing existing research on attention span and media consumption habits among young people.

– Details of the methodology used for data collection and analysis.

– The majority of the body contains the data analysis findings, highlighting any correlations or trends observed between short-form video consumption and attention span in the younger generation.

5. Conclusion

The conclusion summarizes the main findings of the report and emphasizes their significance. It should restate the key points made in the body of the report and highlight any implications for policy, practice, or further research.

By covering these key aspects in the body of the report, readers gain a thorough understanding of the topic and the evidence supporting the conclusions and recommendations presented in the report.

Tips on Writing the Perfect Report

Whether it is a report format class 12 or a business report, it should be impressive. Here are tips for writing a good report.

1. Understand the Report’s Aim

Find out the purpose of the report. It will form a strong foundation for proper research. It will help to know what readers expect from the report. For example, the goal can be to raise Rs 5 lakh for the education of the poor. 

2. Research the Report Writing Topics

Spend time understanding the report writing topics. This will help give the right direction to research. Then, research all sources of information available. Sort all the notes date-wise or topic-wise in manual or laptop folders. Use MS Word, Excel, or Google Drive to store the notes.

3. Write an Outline

The format of report writing should include an outline. An outline will give the report a proper structure. Divide the outline into sections. The outline will also help present the report logically. A general outline looks like this:

  • Title page.
  • Summary.
  • Table of Contents.
  • Introduction.
  • Methodology.
  • Results or findings.
  • Discussion.
  • Recommendations.
  • Conclusion.
  • References.
  • Appendices.

4. Write Simple Language

The report should have clear language. The readers should find it easy to read and understand the content. It shouldn’t have any jargon unless it is a scientific or technical report. If there is any jargon, explain it in the notes at the bottom of the page.

5. Make Visually Attractive

Visual information makes up 90% of the data that a human brain receives. Visuals are more powerful than words. The report writing format will look attractive with charts, graphs, diagrams, images, etc. It will help readers understand the report more quickly.

6. Use a Clear Layout

A clear layout is necessary so that readers don’t feel overwhelmed looking at it. They should be able to skim through it conveniently. The elements of a good layout are:

  • Headings and subheadings
  • Short paragraphs
  • Short sentences
  • Readable font size
  • Numbers and bullet points
  • Adequate spacing and margins
  • Active voice

7. State Correct Facts

Readers want factual information from a report. Hence, focus on giving the correct facts. The source or proof facts should also be part of the report. The facts also show that the report writer has thoroughly researched the topic.

8. Pay Attention to Grammar

 A report with poor grammar can create a bad impression on readers. They might also find it hard to understand the context of the report. Sometimes, wrong grammar may also change the meaning of the content.

A few common grammar mistakes to avoid in report writing are:

  • Spelling errors.
  • Missing or wrong punctuation.
  • Weak sentence structure.
  • Wrong usage of pronouns.
  • Misplacing apostrophes.
  • Unnecessary words.

9. Edit and Proofread

After the first draft, edit and proofread the report. It will help detect factual and grammar mistakes. A few ways of editing and proofreading are as follows.

  • Run the report through online grammar tools.
  • Read the report word by word to find mistakes using the human eye.
  • Cross-check the facts with references.
  • Ask someone else to edit and proofread.

10. Use Digital Templates

These days, digital templates of a report writing format are easily available online. Such templates give a professional look to reports. They also save time on report creation and improve productivity. The templates also have a great visual appeal. They are useful when you submit digital reports. However, you can also print the reports.

Report Writing Sample for School

The report writing format of class 12 and Class 10 are almost similar. Yet, the report topics are more difficult in Class 12 than in Class 10.

The format is short and as follows.

  1. Headline
  2. Byline
  3. Introduction
  4. Main body
  5. Conclusion

School Report Writing Sample 1

Topic: Write a report about this year’s Class 10 annual celebration in your school.

Fun-Filled Annual Function Celebration of Class 10

—Meena Pillai

The annual function of Class 10 of NSS School for 2021-22 was held on 14th March 2022. Both students and academic staff enjoyed the celebrations.

The school invited Mr Namit Gupta, mayor of Pune city, as the guest of honour. School principal Mrs Devika Shah started the event with an inspiring speech. Then, students gave excellent singing, dance, and acting performances on the stage. The event ended with prize distribution to students.

The annual function was a special event for everyone. We wish luck to Class 10 students for the board exams. We also thank our teachers for organising the annual function.

School Report Writing Sample 2

Topic: Write a report on the first aid training programme held for Class 12 students.

First Aid Training Programme by Red Cross Society for Class 12 Students

— Vijay Sharma

International Red Cross Society held a first aid training programme for Class 12 students in Patna. The event took place on 5th May 2022 at City Council Hall. Students from private and government schools came to the event.

The period of workshop was three days. The first day had a lecture on the importance of knowledge of first aid. The second day had a lesson about different types of first aid treatments. The students learnt about the treatment of various emergencies. They learned first aid for fractures, heart attacks, electric shocks, and fire burns. On the third day, students had a practical demo of the first aid treatment.

This programme was very educational. First aid is an important life skill that every student must know.

Report Writing Format for College

College students often need to write reports on their course subjects. The format is as follows.

  • Overview
  • Background
  • Discussion
  • Conclusion

The format may also include other elements of the outline mentioned above in writing tips.

Check out the sample of report writing for college.

Sample 1

This is an extract from a sample research report of Victoria University.

  • Title: The Change in the Australian Workforce Since the End of World War II
  • Summary: This report discusses the changes that have occurred in the Australian workforce.
  • Introduction: This report examines new influences that affect the workforce. It focuses on women’s participation, migrant workers, etc.
  • Findings: Married women’s participation increased rapidly after 1971.
  • Conclusion: Many changes are positive. However, machines and technologies have replaced many areas. So, there is high demand for a skilled workforce.
  • Recommendation: Greater access to primary data would enable a more thorough analysis of this topic.

Sample 2

This is an extract from an example of report writing from Wright State University.

  • Title: The Effects of Stress on Business Employees and Programmes Offered by Employers to Manage Employee Stress
  • Introduction: Today, many firms and employees are experiencing the effects of stress on work performance.
  • Findings: Stress affected the satisfaction and creativity of employees.
  • Conclusion: It is vital to manage workplace stress for employees’ better performance.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the use of report writing?

A report is a written document in the academic and professional world. Report writing has many uses, which include the following.
Gives information in an organised way.
Finds the root cause of a problem and gives the solution.
Presents analysis and findings of a problem.
Helps make informed decisions.

What is the format of report writing?

The format can vary as per the type of report. However, most reports follow a basic structure:

1. Title
2. Executive Summary
3. Table of Contents
4. Introduction
5. Body
6. Conclusion
7. References
8. Appendix

How do you write a report in English format?

The format for report writing in English follows a similar style as other reports. However, writing, editing, and proofreading reports in English are easy. This is because many online tools can check for mistakes and plagiarism.

How do you write a school report format?

It is common for schools to give report writing to higher-class students. The report writing format for class 10 and class 12 is as follows:

1. Headline
2. Byline
3. Introduction
4. Main Body
5. Conclusion

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